On this alter you will find the voice of Strife, in all his godliness. His High Cuteness kindly gave me permission to allow me to display his lovely voice in all its glory. You will find snippets of Ares voice as well. Enjoy the ride, people :)

You only have yourself to blame. Now messing with the timeline is nasty business.

AH, that was a bitchin' light show!!

Hey Cousin Morheus, throw Herc a dream. Shake up a wild one. Make him yell and scream!

Well, well..um..ah. It'll be cool.

Want I should rope her? Bring her in. You know the corel in the dungeon should hold her for an eon or two.

It's a slight generational thing. Know what I'm saying?
Ares: "Usually...No!"

That was a joke. Dig!

They can't touch you. You're large and in charge.

Don't shoot the messenger, okay!

Ares: "Why can't you talk like a normal god!"

Ares: "You gota learn how to relax more, Strife.

So was your Star Pupil. Xena, remember!

Ares: "Strife!"

And Uncle Ares said you weren't with it!

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