
David Boreanaz

.......... Angel's such a friggen ambiguity. Damn Joss Whedon for creating characters who don't fit neatly into stereotypical packages. Who wants reality in television?
.......... Okay, okay, maybe that's what makes BtVS the best show on television. But it does make it a lot harder to decide where I'm gonna come down when it comes to Angel/Angelus.
.......... The first episode I saw was Angel. It was a really good episode. I liked Angel from that point. I always kinda liked him and Buffy together, all through season two. Especially in When she was Bad and Lie to me. Those were my favorite Angel shows. He was cool in those ones.
.......... Then came the overly mush-fest. Starting in What's my Line, and then especially in Bad Eggs, Buffy and Angel were making out far too much. It wasn't like Xander/Cordy, whose make out scenes were great. The Buffy/Angel mush was costing her her edge.
.......... The best, in fact the only, good scene in Surprise was the Buffy/Angel scene in the end. There was no way they wouldn't sleep together. It was inevitable. No one could have resisted that night. It was only too bad that one night of passion had just dire consequences.
.......... Of course, Innocence changed everything. Angel reverted to Angelus. It was one of the most heartbreaking scenes on Buffy. I really did like Angel's character, despite the fact that I am a straight male. Buffy is obviously too good for any normal boy, only Angel would do for her. And he was gone.
.......... I had no doubt that Angel would come back. After all, he was a major draw, and he couldn't stay psycho Angelus forever, because eventually Buffy kills the bad guys. I figured about the end of the season, he'd revert back, and there'd be some good scenes after that, but they'd have a good laugh over tea. Until then we'd just have to wait. And of course, sit back for the ride of our lives.
.......... The transformation from Angel to Angelus was so complete and utter that I had a hard time believing it was the same character from Lie to Me. Everything about him was different. Angel was just a depressing moper, and Angelus was an absolute riot. I loved his character. The casual way he insulted everyone, especially Spike, was hilarious. He was always so cheerful, he would actually be a lot more fun then Angel if he wasn't a complete psychopath. The time he gave Drusilla a live human heart from a "quaint little shop girl," was so funny.
.......... Then came Passion, and Angelus snapped the neck of one of my favorite characters, Jenny Calender. I wanted Buffy to kill him right then. I wanted to see him staked, or better yet, beheaded. I hated him with a fiery burning passion of a thousand suns.
.......... I was still hoping he'd die in Becoming. But by that time, I, like Buffy, could see the difference between Angel and Angelus. I didn't think I wanted him to get his soul back, but I was so happy for Buffy when he did. Then the unthinkable happened.
.......... I had thought maybe Angelus would die. I never thought that Angel would. I especially never thought Buffy would be able to kill him. Not while he was Angel. I was so upset. I couldn't even believe what had just happened. Angel was gone. Gone forever.
.......... Obviously, he's not really gone forever. I mean, if they're planning another show, (a terrible idea, I think,) he'll be back. But honestly, I don't think he should. The ending of Becoming, part 2 was so heartbreaking, but I don't think it would as powerful if they brought him back. But if he does come back, he and Buffy should definitely get back together. After everything he's gonna go through in hell, I think that will be suitable retribution for Ms. Calender.
.......... I'm afraid, though, that the Angel of Lie to Me is gone for good. I hope not, but I just don't see it working anymore for Buffy and him.

  people either prefer Angelus to Angel or Angel to Angelus. 

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