What is the PTCBO?

--------The PTCBO is an organization founded on the premise that conservatives shouldn't rate television shows, mainly because they're idiots. They do not seem to be able to enjoy any type of entertainment does not confirm their misguided beliefs that they are superior to all people they don't like. But, fortunately for those of us who enjoy TV that is funny, entertaining and challenging there is the PTCBO.

Why is the PTCBO necessary?

--------In its infinite wisdom and high-mindedness, the Parents Television Council has decided that their standards for decency and entertainment are the only ones. If a program sends any messages that differ from the PTC's extremist, right-wing view point, they call it evil, or a bad influence for their poor innocent children. And if you dare portray non-Christian religions, or homosexuality as anything but evil tools of the devil, well then you are most certainly on their hit list.
--------And that is why we have made this site, and this organization. Because we believe that entertainment should not only be -gasp- entertaining but also should show more than one narrow-minded view point. We believe that television shows should showcase ideas that may not be mainstream. These may be contrary to the PTC's right-wing, homophobic, sexless, children-should-be-seen-not-heard viewpoint.

How can you join the good fight?

--------If you want to submit ideas or work to the PTCBO you can send it to studenttv@hotmail.com.

--------Also, you can post our banner on you page. Just copy and paste the below html code.

<A HREF="http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/Stage/3275/">
<IMG src="//www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/Stage/3275/ptcbologo.gif" border=0></a>