V: "Friday, June 6, 4:58 p.m. Subject entered into Buxbaum's pharmacy and appropriated a carry basket. 5:02 p.m. - Subject selected deodorant, brand unspecified. 5:03 p.m. - Subject received a cellular phone call from party identified as Jerry. Subject entered into intense conversation apparently associated with business, including numerous references to kidnapping and at least one mention of explosives."

V: (to Jax) I'm highly trained and motivated, and very stubborn, which I know you noticed on your own. Helping you crack this case could get me a promotion. Come on, let me in on the search. You'll never make a smarter move.

V: You, Mr. Jacks, are the most manipulative, deceitful, underhanded individual that I have ever had the misfortune of meeting!

V: Well just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. I believe the universe is full of hidden blessings.

V: Silence is golden Mr. Jacks, but if you must know, I'm a little uncomfortable with people who fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.

V: Plug your brain power into this, Mr. Jacks. Lightning melts radios.

V: I was raised by a typical cop Mr. Jacks. He taught me a lot of things, like an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and they all turned out to be true. Typical or not, I admire him more than any man I've ever met.

V: Yeah, pretty much. I used to drive my Parents nuts drawing a different mural in my room every year. Let's see, one year I drew a map of the world, another year it was a horse galloping across the field, and one year it was a wedding with flowers everywhere, and people smiling, and the bride and groom in one of those kisses that just goes on for days.

V: (in Tiger Key bar) People get diseases from places like this.

V: Did anyone ever tell you that you have a very interesting skull?

V: Ok, I will. Well, to be perfectly honest with you, we're just trying to score some weed.

V: You don't want to know. I was on the phone all afternoon setting up interviews. See the first guy wanted to know if I was gay, because what else would a female cop be. The second guy wanted to know if I could help him get a gun permit, and the third guy just wanted to see me with my clothes off. I mean these are the people that I risk my life to protect.

Jax: Look, I can't keep calling you Ardanowski. We've gotten past that.

V: Fine, call me dude.

V: I'm still no Goddess Jax, by any name.

Jax: Why are you so hard on yourself? I mean, you are a beautiful, spirited, totally desirable woman. You are warm, kind funny, though you do have a tendency to hide all that beneath that armor that you wear. Besides, love goddesses are a dime a dozen. Sometimes, I think what a person really needs is a good friend. So if it makes any difference, As far as I'm concerned, Venus has absolutely nothing on you.

V: (pauses in the doorway) Looking for a shooter?

Jax: Well, you never know.

V: Think we'll ever see one together?

Jax: Yes.

V: Even if we don't I still feel like we're friends for life. See you in the morning.

V: Oh. You know, I'm compelled to, um, make a confession, Jax.

Jax: Well, I'm fascinated! Please!

V: I, um, absolutely... adore...

Jax: Yes?

V: Champagne!

V: Can I ask you something?

Jax: Sure.

V: Did you want to kiss me just now?

Jax: What difference does it make?

V: I want to know.

Jax: Ok, yeah, the thought may have momentarily crossed my mind. Turns out we didn't. No harm done. What about you?

V: Whether I want to kiss you is a very different question from whether I want to be what gets you through your ex-wife's wedding day.

V: Oh. I regard electric appliances as hostile to mankind. I think that they create some electromagnetic field that actually interferes with our thought waves. Well, mind you, I'm not talking about microwave ovens. I mean, a dog might be man's best friend, but a microwave is definitely a woman's.

V: Well, sometimes a friend is just, you know, waiting. They're biding time. They're in love with you, and they're waiting for you to come back to them.

Jax: And sometimes things are what they seem.

V: I got to tell you, I'm not shocked. I mean, when a man changes his buttoning philosophy, there's no telling what he might be capable of.

V: Oh, what if he suggests s-e-x? And I am not referring to scrabble.

Jax: (To V after she used a champagne bottle to knock out Simon) I didn't send the champagne to be used as a weapon. I admire your ingenuity.

V: Thank you. I'll be booked on charges of creative homicide.

V: (to Jax) Yet another difference between us. You get calls at 35,000 feet. I get sinus headaches.

Jax: I don't want "someone." You know who I want. I want you.

V: Well, then I have one word for you -- that's just too darn bad.

V: This is no joke.

Jax: You're right I'm sorry. I've shaken your faith in me.

V: No. You've shaken my faith in everything else.

V: I'm not naive, but I value the truth.

Jax: I already told you Countess, doubt is out enemy. Now once again, I bewitch.

V: Is this really necessary?

Jax: Yes.

V: I bewitch.

Jax: I think that you can give me a little more Countess. I charm.

V: I charm.

Jax: And if I want it, I'll buy it.

V: And if I want it, I'll buy it.

V: I am well worth the wait, Caro, and you know it. Sorry I had took so long. I had to remove the diamonds I smuggled through customs in my unmentionables.

Jax: You're dancing like a South American contessa. Now let's try a dip, shall we?

V: Oh no, sorry. I cannot do the dip.

Jax: Come on V. You said you couldn't dance either.

V: Look, a dip means that I have to trust a man to keep me from falling, and that's something I've never been able to do.

V: I have learned Chemin de Fer, the basics of wine, how to walk and talk like somebody I'm not. I've changed the way I eat, what I eat, and how I dress. Now you're telling me that that isn't enough?

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