Soaps in Depth, November 3, 1998

Moved to Tears

There's nothing like a tragic storyline to bring out an actor's best work. Take it from Lisa Cerasoli (V.), whose character was called on to comfort Jax after Brenda's death. Even though Cerasoli is used to playing V. as a somewhat comic character, bringing on the tears turned out to be easy.

"Because I've worked so much with Ingo Rademacher (Jax) over the past year, and his sister, Ann, is one of my best friends, and I know their parents really well, it wasn't that hard for me to be sad for him," she reveals. "If I could think about something tragic happening to Ingo, instead of to the character of Jax, it could get me there."

This particular acting method has worked well for Cerasoli in other situations, too. "When I do love scenes," she tells us, "I think about one particular incident with a former boyfriend." Hmm.

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