This is The Rock, get a good look because hes the

most ELECTRIFYING MAN in sports entertainment

today. This is a pic of The Rock about to the the

Peoples Elbow right into the center of X-Pacs

chest. With a scoop slam The Rock monsterously

lifts X-Pac and slams him down with great force.

The Rock looks into the camera raises the peoples

eyebrow, pulls his arm accross his body and pulls

off his arm pad. With a signal of his arms flailing

back and forth he hops accross the ring not once,

but twice. With a clap of his hands he drives the

point of his elbow right into X-Pacs chest. The

Rock is the best AND I MEAN THE BEST DAMN

WRESTLER OF ALL TIME. Rocky Miavia, remember

it as your own name.



The Rock Places

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The Rock Smackin' it down