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Angels Across the Globe

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Here's what you've been waiting for! Malibu Triathlon Pictures 2001! A huge thanks to Karen G.! Awesome, excellent job, Karen.

So, here's the proof ABC was there. . . what is their excuse for NOT airing the interview?

Day late and a dollar short, again!


The next set of pics are from Ingo's Venice Beach sandcastle outing earlier this summer. Sorry about the quality.

Before you ask, that's not Vanessa. She would never have VPL (*W*)

Here's the Recap of Malibu Triathlon last summer.... It was a great day and we actually got to Malibu before they shut down the road! 7:00 a.m. What I don't do for you ladies!
In spite of a huge crowd of competitors and spectators, we found Ingo in record time!

Skill? Luck? Heck no! Instinct, ladies, pure and simple! We'd find that man anywhere, any time!

And so after this shot (of course from the rear - I have a tradition to uphold) we said a quick hello to him and he was off to the water!
We spent a bit too much time chatting with Todd and Anne and missed the swim . . .

Then the crowd for bike portion was a bit overwhelming (OK, I messed up, sorry) BUT, never fear, I wormed my way into the best spot to catch the start of the run!
On your mark, get set, GO!

Ingo took this seriously as you can tell from his face as he timed himself for the run! Here it is at long last! Definitely worth waiting for . . . (VEG)

Then the biggest challenge of all!

Could I really get a picture of Ingo speeding around the corner to the finish line in spite of the sun streaming into my eyes?

Things got really exciting at the finish!
Ingo and the other competitor scrambled for the finish line fighting over their placement like two puppies fighting over a bone!

The rest was easy . . . as Ingo came through the "Water Line".

Coming closer . . .
and closer . . .

Hold onto your hearts, here . . .

And a great close-up from Karen G!

Then there were the interviews . . .

Last but not least, the awards ceremony.

Ingo Wins!

A very happy Ingo!

Our Hero!
(Thanks to Karen for those close-ups)
It WAS a very nice day!

But, in case you have not had quite enough, here are a few pictures from the GH luncheon. Once again, I went all out to bring you the best that a $120.00 camera can provide!

My personal favorite of the day . . .

Angel Hugs to everyone!

CAngel Co Leader Judy

Have a good one!

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