EPISODE 2 of 22
Episode written by David Phillips & Christine McCourt. 'Based on a mini series created by Michael Laurence'.

1. Stephanie is out riding one of her beloved horses, and is unexpectantly joined by Jake Sanders. They race, but Jake is no match.

2. Jilly overhears Dennis maligning her to Steph, and announces that she is leaving Eden.

3. Jilly goes to see Jake, and they plot over a massage.

4. Jake visits Steph at Harper Mining and they size each other up. Steph can't help but look forward to the prospect of a corporate fight with him.

5. Phillip goes to see Jilly in her tatty hotel room and they end up in bed.

6. At Jilly's request, Phillip arranges for Olive, a woman Jilly befriended in prison, to be released on parole.

7. Sarah tells Steph that she wants to give up the piano and work in fashion. Steph agrees she can work at Tara's.

8. Steph tells Dennis that she knows about his gambling debts.

9. Bill McMaster's son Tom is back from New York. Steph offers him a job at Harper Mining.

10. Jake and Jilly hire a woman to seduce Dennis and arrange for him to be caught in a compromising position...

11. ...it works, and Dennis is photographed dancing half-naked in a bar.

12. Jake goes to see Jilly, and tells her he is going after not only Harper Mining, but Steph as well. Jilly is infuriated.

13. Steph is having nightmares about being attacked by the crocodile.

14. Jilly meets Olive in a bar, where she hands her a gun to kill Steph.

15. Olive shoots the horse Steph is riding, and she is thrown to the ground, surely dead....

This summary was written by Curtis Helmle. THANK YOU!

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