Super-Bitch...Or Bust!
From TV Week, 22 February 1986. Written by Prue MacSween.


    Peta's set to become the queen of the TV meanies

    "I think people will be surprised and my mother will have a heart attack !"

    That's how the vivacious Peta Toppano sums up her role as Jilly Stewart in 10's glamorous new series Return To Eden.

    The role, which Peta concedes is the toughest of her career, is putting her reputation as an actress on the line.

    Her fans are used to seeing her play "nice girls" but with Jilly she has joined the ranks of TV's super-bitches and is set to "out-bitch" even Dynasty's Alexis Carrington (Joan Collins) and our own Pat The Rat in Sons And Daughters.

    "Jilly has been stewing and plotting in prison for the past seven years," explained Peta. "She's determined to get back at her friend Stephanie Harper (Rebecca Gilling) because she feels totally victimised for something that wasn't her fault. " In the mini-series, Jilly (then played by Wendy Hughes ) f ell hopelessly in love with Stephanie's husband, tennis ace Greg Marsden ( James Reyne). Together they plotted to kill Stephanie, but their plans went horribly wrong.

    "Jilly loved Greg very much and she operated from the heart, " Peta said. "She was caught up in cir cumstances over which she had no control and she comes back as mad as hell. She operates very innocently to begin with. You think there's something evil about her bu she doesn't show it. But behind that innocent facade is a calculating mind ticking away. She soon shows she has strategically planned everything".

    Apart from giving her an opportunity to show her versatility as an actress, she admits the role has acted as a catharsis for much of her deep-felt anger.

    "I wanted this role more than anything in the world and playing a bitch is a wonderful exorcism. Everything I've ever wanted to say to anyone I've said in the 22 episodes we've filmed. I've purged myself," she said. "It's been tough. There hasn't been a gradual slide from nice-girl roles into playing a full-on bitch. It's been feet first in the deep end. But it's been a gem of a role. Everybody wants to play a baddie".

    Apart from addressing the tough demands of this role, Peta has had the difficulty of stepping into the shoes of another actress.

    "Sure I was worried about it, but I was determined to make the role mine - and I think it's very much mine now," she said. "I think initially people will think that this was Wendy's role, but then they'll dismiss that and concentrate of what I'm doing, which is totally different from what she did. Only the character's name is the same."

    To prepare for the role, Peta thought about every bitch she had ever met in her life and drew on her own Italian temperament.

    "I thought about me-I have my moments," she said with a laugh. "I incorporated my fiery Italian backgroun d into the role. Jilly's so jealous, too ! That little green monster is eating her away and I've felt that too: jealous of every actress who's evr got a role I wanted, jealous of every girl that Barry (Peta's husband, Barry Quin), has ever looked at. I think audiences are going to be a bit shocked by Jilly," she mused.

    So does Jilly have any redeeming qualities?

    "She's great in bed," Peta said, laughing.

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