/* Left-Right Stripy Curtain Script- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) For full source code, installation instructions, 100's more free DHTML scripts, and Terms Of Use, visit dynamicdrive.com */ var speed=20 var temp=new Array() var temp2=new Array() if (document.layers){ for (i=1;i<=8;i++){ temp[i]=eval("document.i"+i+".clip") temp2[i]=eval("document.i"+i) temp[i].width=window.innerWidth temp[i].height=window.innerHeight/8 temp2[i].top=(i-1)*temp[i].height } } else if (document.all){ var clipright=document.body.clientWidth,clipleft=0 for (i=1;i<=8;i++){ temp[i]=eval("document.all.i"+i+".style") temp[i].width=document.body.clientWidth temp[i].height=document.body.offsetHeight/8 temp[i].top=(i-1)*parseInt(temp[i].height) } } function openit(){ window.scrollTo(0,0) if (document.layers){ for (i=1;i<=8;i=i+2) temp[i].right-=speed for (i=2;i<=8;i=i+2) temp[i].left+=speed if (temp[2].left>window.innerWidth) clearInterval(stopit) } else if (document.all){ clipright-=speed for (i=1;i<=8;i=i+2){ temp[i].clip="rect(0 "+clipright+" auto 0)" } clipleft+=speed for (i=2;i<=8;i=i+2){ temp[i].clip="rect(0 auto auto "+clipleft+")" } if (clipright<=0) clearInterval(stopit) } } function gogo(){ stopit=setInterval("openit()",100) } gogo()

Tuesday, June 6

R:  mmm
G:  I love how soft your lips are.
R:  I’m not dreaming am I?
G:  No
R:  Good, cause I’ve had many impure thoughts of you in that uniform
G:  Like?
R:  If I told you you wouldn’t be able to volunteer anymore.
R:  Is Scott back?
G:  Un ugh.  Thank goodness he’s still at Marion’s.
R:  Oh good.
G:  You left too soon last night.  I still had a million things I still wanted to tell you.
R:  Like?
G:  I can’t remember now.  All I can think about is this...
(they kiss)

R:  Now I know I must be dreaming.
G:  Then don’t wake up.  So what were you thinking about me in this uniform.
R:  To un-wrap you like a piece of candy.

R:  What are you thinking about?
G:  Happy accidents.
R:  Is that how you see us back together again?
G:  In a way.  If you hadn’t found my journal.
R:  Which Greenlee stole in the first place.
G:  I know, but if you hadn’t found it we never would have known the truth and she had me convinced that you loved her.
R:  You know what?  Do we have to talk about this?  Because it really makes me want to punch something.
G:  Now if you want to get really, really, twisted we could say that Greenlee brought us back together again.
R:  Ahhh I would love to tell her that.
G:  I know but the only truth that matters right now is that you love me.
R:  and I always have.  It’s just when I think about all the time we lost because of her.
G:  Don’t ok?
R:  Ok.  But at least you can admit how whack she is I mean to use your words I mean…did you use words from your journal to create this Cynthia person
G:  No, it’s more then pathetic.  She wanted to make this little documentary on my life.
R:  Awww man I can’t wait to nail this on her.
G:  But you can’t.  Not now.
R:  I’m gonna have a lot of trouble holding this back Gillian.
G:  Ryan if your going to confront her now she’s going to tell people we’re back together and I have to talk to Jake first.
R:  Ok, ok, ok.  I’d rather have you in private then not have you at all.
G:  Soon…soon as I ask Jake for a divorce you can have me for the rest of your life.
R:  Now that is my dream.

GL:  Knock Knock   Ryan?  Wake up sleepy head.  The cyber world waits for no one.  (Greenlee yells to Ryan from outside the loft door)
R:  You’ve got to be kidding me. (Ryan says to Gillian)
G:  I have to go anyway, so ummm, I’ll go change in the bathroom and I’ll go out the back.
R:  I hate, this, this sneaking around especially for her.
G:  I know but we don’t have a choice until I talk to Jake.
R:  (sigh) Ok
GL:  Ryan?
R:  HOLD ON!!!
G:  Do you have my journal?
R:  Yeah I put it back in the drawer where she left it…where Greenlee left it.  Don’t worry I won’t mess anything up, ok?
G:  I know.
R:  ok ok (Ryan gets up to put his pants on to go answer the door)
GL:  (still yelling from outside the loft door) What’s going on?  You afraid I’m going to see you naked?
R:  You would love that wouldn’t you? (He said, out loud, to himself as he put on his pants)

Ryan and Greenlee

GL:  (she laughs a little when he opens the door and walks on in holding a newspaper) There’s been a lot of action on the market lately.  Investors are very choosy about picking stocks.
R:  Well, it’s understandable.  No one wants to get taken.
GL:  You seem to be in the mood.
R:  I haven’t had my coffee yet.
GL:  I’ll make you some.  I want you to be totally awake for the surprise you’re about to get.

GL:  Ta da!  We got a gold seal from “Cyber Picks” magazine> They picked us the must see site on the web.
R:  That’s good.
GL:  Good?  It’s great.  When you go public they’ll be throwing money at you.
R:  Rich on paper.
GL:  No, rich is rich.  They print money on paper and baby you are going to make tons of it.
R:  Checking email?
GL:  I wanted to see if Cynthia left you a message.
R:  Look at that Cynthia’s back.
GL:  She wants you to make her dream come true you should write to her.
R:  Yeah, you know I out to put a note on the monitor to remind me.
R:  Oh, whose book is this?
GL:  Mine! I mean it’s something that I borrowed I forgot that it was here.
R:  What’s wrong?
GL:  Nothing.  Why?
R:  You seem a little nervous.  Is it the book?  Is there something inside?
GL:  Aren’t you going to respond to Cynthia?
R:  Yeah.  What’d she say?
GL:  Well it’s for you…you should read it.
R:  Go ahead.
GL:  Ok.  “Dear Ryan, I can’t stop myself from writing to you.  Is it any surprise I feel the way I do?  Ryan Lavery is the man I waited for all my life.
R:  You know what?  THAT’S ENOUGH!!
GL:  Ryan?!?
R:  Greenlee just stop it.  I can’t listen to this anymore.

GL:  What’s wrong?
R:  How can you possibly read that to me?
GL:  I thought what she said was nice.
R:  And pathetic.
GL:  No it’s not.  I thought that you felt something for her?
R:  At first, yeah maybe, but come on Greenlee it’s obvious the woman’s a loser.
GL:  I con’t see her that way.
R:  Do me a favor and respond for me.  Go ahead.  Dear Cynthia, Stop using this web site as a single’s bar.  Your lame attempts to connect with me aren’t working.  Please seek your dream elsewhere.  But do yourself a favor and get a life and DO NOT contact me again.
GL:  It’s harsh.
R:  Well don’t bother to tell her to get a life because evidently she’s a lost cause.
GL:  You should have given her on last chance. (Greenlee looks up to find Ryan gone)  Ryan?

(Ryan sneaks up on Gillian kissing her on the cheek)
R:  Hi Princess.
G:  Hey.
R:  Good news.   Greenlee is not going to be using your journal anymore.  I trashed Cynthia’s last email.
G:  And she didn’t suspect anything?
R:  No.
G:  Wow.
R:  What do you got there?
G:  Ohhh it’s a letter from Jake.
R:  What does he say?
G:  “Being in a war zone puts so many thing into perspective.  I’m very grateful to be alive and to have you in my life.  I want everything to be right between us.  Whatever happens in the end I’m ready for what our next step should be.”
R:  He sounds stronger.  What if maybe he’s ready to except the divorce?
G:  Yeah?
R:  I don’t wanna push, but maybe nows a..uh..good time to write and ask for one?
G:  I can’t write him a dear Jake letter to ask him for a divorce.  It has to be in person.
R:  Does he say when he’s coming home?
G:  No, not certain, but when he does I can end this gently.
R:  It’s your call.
G:  I just don’t want to feel anymore guilt.
R:  I understand. 
R:  It’s Joe (he says in a whispered surprise as they hear his voice in the hall…Ryan leaves)