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Thursday, June 8

Ryan and Edmund enter the Wild Wind living room.  Edmund had asked Ryan to come there to talk to Derrick about Guy’s body disappearance.  As Ryan and Edmund were talking Gillian, Alex, and Eugenia entered the room.  As soon as Ryan saw them he couldn’t help but stare at Gillian and she him.  No one noticed because they were all talking.

Derrick arrived and they discussed the missing body dilemma.

Later Ryan, Gillian, and Eugenia were sitting on the couch still in the discussion with Derrick.  Ryan and Gillian continued to send little glances back and forth to each other.

Derrick left and Alex and Edmund left the room leaving Eugenia, Ryan, and Gillian.

E:  Um, I’m going to bed.  I don’t want to see anything or hear anything I shouldn’t.
G:  Thank you, Grandmama.
E:  Good night.  Be careful.

G:  Ryan, we can’t.  There are little eyes and ears everywhere.

R:  You mean Matty and Sammie?

G:  Ugh huh, yep.

R:  It’s tough enough for me to stay away from you, but to be this close and not touch you, Gillian.  We need a place.

G:  Ryan, not yet.

R:  No no I mean a place just…just for you and me.  A secret place.  When…when I drove in hear I saw that tower on the far end of the property.  It looked like no bodies been there in years.

G:  Nobody had been there in years.  I heard that, um, Hugo used to use it for trysts.

R:  Hm, well, don’t you think that Hugo maybe had a good thing going?

G: [little laugh] You mean for us?

R:  Why don’t you meet me there in 30 minutes?  I’ll be waiting.

G:  Okay

R:  Give me a head start, ok?  So nobody expects anything.

G:  Yeah

R:  Oh when we can tell the world [kiss]  how much I love you I’m going to shout it from the top of this tower.  But for now...

…we have this place to be alone.


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