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The End of a Legend.

Today's story is about a small noisy bird and an angry mob.

Once there was a bird and that bird couldn't sing. However he tried anyway he kept saying,"I think I can, I think I can." and then he'd give it a shot. The problem was that no matter how much he tried he still sucked the place up completely. One day an angry mob got tired of hearing him suck, I mean sing. So they got together and beat him down. The bird was a wee bit discouraged by this whole string of events but he kept at it any way. After a few days the bird was admitted to the hospital. This didn't make him stop though. Soon the nurses got fed up and tried to kill him by smothering him. So after a week or so the bird was released and the tape was removed from his beak. He began his normal routine again and the angry mob soon got pissed off again. So the beat him again and again until the beatings got so severe that the bird just gave up and chucked himself off of a twenty story building and conveniently forgot to flap his wings.

The moral of this story is: Hang gliders are alot of fun. Especially in cities with sky scrapers.


D News

  • Good news everyone! Big D Storytime has risen from the ashes and can now be taken in the form of a suppository. Check it out at it's new home.
  • Big D Storytime has been laid to rest. From now on, it will only sit and remember its glory days. I hope you all enjoyed it while it lasted, I know I did. I only hope I made everyone happier while I could. I end with one of my earliest D's appropriately titled "The End of a Legend". Goodbye Everyone.

  • These songs are genuine Big D, Fat White D is his rapper name, material. Some day they will be put on the mock Christian Rap CD which will be named "13 Plastic Jesus's". Download them and share them with your friends. Please remember, I am not yet a professional. (Note: New material is on it's way.)

    Boom Boom God

    Raise Em Up In Prayer

    Halfway Decent In The Eyes Of God

  • In the summer of 1999 Big D held a little show for his friends in the park. It was known as D in the park. Everyone had fun. I told two mediocre D's and everyone ate their D cakes. The sound files from that day are now in the Past D's section. However, this little file is everyones favorite.

    Eat your D!

  • Let me know what you think of what I did here, the site may be down but i really don't care,
    just have fun clicking here----->__.

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