4616 M.P.'s Q&A

What was the best season finale?

Fill out the form below to tell me what you think was the best Season Finale to Melrose Place

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Choose a Finale!

Season 1
Amanda buying Melrose Place.
Season 2
Alison running away, and her father folowing. Kimberly running over Michael.
Season 3
Matt being framed by the nasty doctor. Jake and Jessy fall off the building. Kimberly and the explosion!
Season 4
Alison ditching Billy at that restaurant. Amanda finding out Peter is not who he says he is. The hand-coming-out-of-the-ground scene.
Season 5
Alison going to Atlanta. Taylor saying she is pregnant. Sydney getting struck down on her wedding day by Sam.
Season 6
Amanda talking to Peter on the phone. Coop running away to Philly. Taylor disapearing with the baby.

Howcome it was this cilffhanger that kept you on the edge of your seat?

Here's what some of last Questions answers were. The Question: 'Who was the biggest bastard?'

mariahc@internet-zahav.net says...
BASTARD: Martin Abbott
WHY: He took advantage of dozens of people in his cult, including his very own wife, Rikki, and our dearly departed Syd. Die! Bastard

LY402@aol.com says...
BASTARD: Michael Mancini
WHY: He has been nasty to so many people.

melroseboy@hotmail.com says...
BASTARD: Eric Bains
WHY: Bought up everything Amanda owns and forces her to sleep with him? Nobody messes with Amanda!!

staugler@bright.net says...
BASTARD: Richard Hart
WHY: He came back alive after being buried alive, raped Jane, he is awesome

t.dalberg@telia.com says...
BASTARD: Michael Mancini
WHY: 1.Cheated on Jane,Kimberly,Megan
2.Blackmailed the entire cast(well sort of)
3.Have had sex with every women on Melrose Place


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