Okie here are the rules for this RPG

1. You may only write, think, and act for your character. This means you can't say anything for another character or do anything for them

2. All speaking done for you character must be put in quotation marks(ie. "Ma!" said Colleen)

If you plan to live with someone already in the RPG you must mail them and ask if it's allright same with jobs.

4. No swear words! this RPG is supossed to be safe for kids

5. You can only have 6 character's at the same time if you want another one you have to drop one(ie. Say you have Dorothy, Loren, Jake, Micheala, Preston, and Brian...and you wish to have Grace you have to get rid of one.)


7. You may advertise your list on my site but ONLY with MY PERMISSION (you can advertise your site on the list)

If you need to quit the RPG please mail the list so we know that, your character(s) are free and then we can fill them up. Also if you need to get rid of a character tell the list youd be amazed on how many people would like that character.

That's all for now if I find anymore I'll post them on this page...

Come back often to see if any of the rules have been changed/deleted/added
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