Meet Cornelius

Name: Cornelius (mainly because Dan likes Planet of the Apes)

Born: April 1999?.

Adopted: July 1999.

History: At the time we had recently moved into our house and adopted a stray named Cleo. We wanted to get her a playmate, so I went to a pet shop downtown. They had two kittens--nearly identical white males with tan spots on the tops of their heads. I picked Cornelius at random, and the store owner had to put a mark on his ear so I would get the right one when I returned to pick him up after work.

Sadly, Cleo got very sick and died a few weeks later. We had to nurse Cornie through a persistent cold during his first couple of months with us, and we kept worrying that the same thing would happen to him. He's extremely healthy now, though!

Distinguishing features: The spot on his head, of course. A nature that's extremely affectionate but only on his own terms. Stocky build and lumbering stride. Innocent face. Bizarre fascination with water. And he has appeared on TV--really! (He was on a local news health report about pet allergies.)

Hobbies: Chasing Claudette around the house and being chased by her. Playing in bags and boxes. Demanding petting in the middle of the night. Spilling his water dish all over the laundry room floor. Jumping on the table and kitchen counters when nobody's looking. Sitting in the bathtub after someone has showered. Looking out the window.
