Season 3


The season premeire of the show begins with Buffy living under another name in a different city. She is working in a restaurant under her middle name, Anne. While working there she meets a couple. The girl was one of the vampire-worshippers form the last season. She is now going by the name Lily. Her boyfriend's name is Ricky. They having matching tattoos. When Ricky disappears, Lily needs Buffy's help. Buffy finds Ricky, but he is old and dead. Meanwhile, a man pretending to help the homeless takes Lily to a house and Buffy follows them. Inside is a vortex leading a world where time moves faster. The man takes human there and makes them serve him and makes the mistake of taking Buffy too. She, of course, kills all the demons and saves Lily. Buffy then decides to go home. The show ends with Buffy and her mother hugging.

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Dead Man's Party

Now that Buffy is home again things begin to return to normal. However the friendships seem strained. Everyone feels Buffy had abandoned them. Meanwhile, Buffy's mother has gotten in a shipment at the museum of native artifact. She hangs a mask in her room. Of course, this being Sunnydale and all, the mask has special powers. It turns dead people into zombies. The zombies attack during Buffy's welcome home party. Buffy once again saves the day by destroy the head zombie.

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Faith, Hope and Trick

Now that they are seniors, the gang can leave the Sunnydale High campus for lunch, which they do. Lunch is a picnic with Buffy, who is longing to get back to her normal life - shopping, hanging out, going to school, and saving the world. Maybe even dating, as Willow points out a boy named Scott Hope, who's liked Buffy since last year. Buffy seems reluctant. That night, there are some new arrivals in Sunnydale: a limo pulls up to the local Happy Burger. In the back is a black vampire named Mr. Trick, who is positively salivating over the prospects that Sunnydale presents, and his cloven-hoofed master who has but one thing on his mind: killing the Slayer. Buffy has another disturbing dream about Angel and how she killed him to save the world. That morning Principal Snyder is forced to readmit her to school on the condition that she takes makeup tests and gets a psychologist to see to her violent tendencies, and Buffy and her mother leave his office in triumph just as the Mayor calls. Later, Willow and Buffy go to the library, where Giles tells Buffy that he's casting a binding spell to make sure that Acathla, the demon Buffy killed Angel to stop, is truly bound, and he needs some details about how she stopped the demon. Buffy provides them, briefly, then runs off to a test as Willow accidentally reveals her dabbling in witchcraft to Giles. That night at the Bronze, Buffy is happy about having her life back, but is again hesitant when Scott Hope shows up and asks her to dance. Then Cordelia points out that the date of a striking girl on the dance floor is a throwback to the 70's. As the girl and her date leave, Buffy gets a feeling he's a vampire and follows them. They find the girl kicking the snot out of her date who, as Buffy thought, is a vampire. "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there's a new Slayer in town," says Oz. There is a new Slayer, called upon the death of Kendra. Her name is Faith, and she quickly charms Buffy's friends with her wild Slaying stories. She even wins over Giles, who tells the two Slayers about missing people on Sunset Ridge. Buffy says she and Faith will patrol (after reluctantly inviting Faith to dinner with her mom), and then her friends run off with Faith. Buffy is not happy about the whole thing, and again gives short answers when Giles requests details about her experience with Angel and Acathla so he can cast the binding spell. Faith comments to Willow and Xander about Buffy's down attitude, and then Buffy arrives to see Faith flirting with Scott Hope. Meanwhile, Mr. Trick just loves Sunnydale for its high-tech possibilities, but his master is still only interested in killing the Slayer. When Trick points out that Sunnydale already has a Slayer, it becomes clear that they came in pursuit of Faith. The cloven-hoofed master points to his destroyed right eye, saying, "She's going to pay for what she did to me." That night, even Joyce is completely taken with Faith. When Joyce suggests that Buffy could just let Faith take over as Slayer, Buffy exasperatedly lets slip that a new Slayer can only be called when the old one dies. Joyce is devastated to find that Buffy died, even for a moment, but Buffy comforts her. Later, Buffy and Faith argue while on patrol when Faith nonchalantly mentions Angel. They're about to fight each other when a group of vampires shows up. Faith is just hitting one repeatedly and not staking him. Buffy yells at her to help, but then gets pinned by a vampire who says, "For Kakistos we live, for Kakistos you die." Buffy manages to kill her vamps, and the one that Faith was hitting too, but when she confronts Faith about her behavior, Faith lightly blows it off. Buffy complains about the incident to Giles the next day, and he promises to call England and ask her Watcher. Then Buffy mentions Kakistos, and Giles is disturbed. Kakistos is a very old vampire, and Buffy guesses he followed Faith to Sunnydale. As she goes to ask Faith about it, she runs into Scott Hope, who invites her to a Buster Keaton film festival. Buffy brightens and accepts his offer, but then he gives her a claddagh ring and memories of Angel come flooding back. She drops the ring and nearly bursts into tears, scaring Scott off. Then Giles shows up with more bad news: Faith's Watcher is dead. That night Buffy goes to Faith's motel room and confronts her about Kakistos and her Watcher, and Faith angrily says she can deal and prepares to leave again. A knock on the door appears to be the motel manager, but when Faith opens the door, the manager's dead... and there stand Kakistos, Trick, and a whole bunch of vampires. The two Slayers run, but the vampires herd them into their hideout. Faith reveals that she saw what Kakistos did to her Watcher and she ran, but Buffy reassures her she did the right thing, just as the vamps show up and a fight ensues. Buffy takes on several vampires, but Faith freezes before Kakistos, who has her at his mercy. Buffy intervenes, and seems to be beating Kakistos. Mr. Trick, citing "the big picture," takes the other vampires and leaves. When Buffy's normal-sized stake isn't enough to finish Kakistos off, Faith comes to and shoves a massive wooden pole through the ancient vampire, finishing him for good. The Watcher's Council agrees to have Faith stay in Sunnydale indefinitely under Giles' care until a new Watcher is assigned. Buffy, inspired by how Faith dealt with her issues, reveals to Willow and Giles what really happened the night she killed Angel - how he was Angel again before she kissed him and killed him. Feeling better she walks off (as Giles tells Willow the "binding spell" was just a ruse) and takes Scott Hope up on his date offer once and for all. That night she goes to the mansion where she killed Angel and, placing the claddagh ring Angel gave her on the ground, quietly says, "Goodbye." After she leaves, though, a bright shaft of light illuminates the ring, and a naked Angel falls out of the light to lay on the floor, sweaty and trembling.

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Beauty and the Beasts

It's that time of month again, and Willow turns the job of watching Oz (who is in full werewolf form and locked up in the library's book return cage) over to volunteer Xander... who promptly lays down and goes to sleep. On patrol, Faith shares with Buffy her conviction that all men, no matter how sensitive they may act, are beasts deep down inside. And, unobserved by the two Slayers, a young man named Jeff Walken runs through the thick foliage, but falls, screaming as his unseen pursuer overtakes him. The next day at school, Buffy runs into Scott Hope, and all seems well as they hang with Scott's friends Debbie and Pete, a couple. They discuss Mr. Platt, the school counselor, with whom Buffy has an appointment and who Debbie has to see because she's failing senior biology. Oz offers his notes from that class as Buffy goes to keep her appointment, kissing Scott goodbye. Oz and Willow go to the library to see Giles extremely agitated. Walken, a friend of Oz's, was found mauled to death in the woods, and Giles has to entertain the unappealing possibility that it was Oz. Xander protests that it couldn't have been, since he was there all night and he only "rested his eyes" a few times. Everyone knows the truth, even Xander, as he tries to joke away Giles' anger. And to make matters worse, the window in the book cage is open. Both Willow and Oz are quite upset. Buffy keeps her appointment with Mr. Platt, who kindly but firmly asks about why Buffy ran away. Buffy glosses over the details of her relationship with Angel, and Mr. Platt tells her that one can't stay lost in love forever, or else "love becomes your master... and you're just its dog." A troubled Buffy returns to the library to find everyone moping over the possibility that Oz killed someone, but she rallies the troops to action. When they suggest that Faith watch Oz that night, Oz gets upset and tries to leave, but it's too close to sundown, so he unhappily slouches into the book return cage. That night on patrol, Buffy sees something running through the trees. She gives chase and it knocks her down, but when she gets up she sees her assailant and her eyes go wide - it's Angel! They fight, and Buffy manages to knock Angel out. At the morgue, Xander and Cordelia freak out at the sight of Jeff Walken's hideously mauled body, but Willow cold-bloodedly collects the necessary evidence... and then faints. Buffy takes Angel back to the mansion and chains him up. He's feral and animalistic, nothing like the Angel she knew. And there's a burned-in impression of his body on the floor where he came back. Buffy heads back to the library and relieves Faith on Oz-watching duty, and as soon as the other Slayer leaves she starts in on the card catalog. Giles arrives in the morning to find both Oz and Buffy asleep. Buffy has been reading up on some pretty heavy stuff, and after he pries a little she tells him she dreamt that Angel returned. She asks him if it's possible for someone to return from the demon dimension, and what Angel would be like if it was. Giles' answers are not encouraging to her. Willow arrives with doughnuts, but is cagey about what she found at the morgue. Buffy's too-intense questioning of Willow makes it clear: Buffy thinks Angel could be the killer. The prospect bums her out all day, and lunch with Scott, Debbie and Pete is a somewhat morose affair despite Scott's sweet attempts to joke her out of it. She runs off and heads back to the mansion where she asks Angel if he can understand her. He doesn't respond, and lashes out like an abused dog when she tries to touch him. Even more upset than before, Buffy heads back to school. She barges into Mr. Platt's office and starts to tearfully spill about Angel when she notices Mr. Platt's cigarette burned all the way down to the filter in his hand. He's dead, mauled terribly. Pete talks Debbie into a storage closet for some make-out time, but gets upset when he notices an almost-empty jar of some green liquid. Debbie protests that she was just trying to get rid of the stuff because of what it does to Pete, but he only gets angrier, saying it's not the green liquid that does it, it's her. With that, he changes into a monstrous verson of himself and starts hitting Debbie, telling her that Mr. Platt won't listen to her whining any more. Suddenly, he seems to come to his senses, and his face returns to normal. He rushes to Debbie, hugging her and telling her he's sorry. She tells him it's okay. At the library, everyone's a little happier because the coroner's conclusion that Mr. Platt was killed during the day lets Oz off the hook. However, it's almost sundown and Oz isn't there. He's meeting with Debbie to give her his senior biology notes, and he notices she's sporting a new black eye. Debbie dismisses his concern as Pete watches from afar. Oz returns to the library and, upon hearing the evidence, realizes that the link between the two victims is Debbie. They conclude that Pete could be the killer, and everyone goes off to find Pete and Debbie while Oz locks himself in the cage. At the mansion, Angel breaks free of his chains and runs off. Buffy and Willow find Debbie in the bathroom trying to cover up her black eye, and they confront her. She lets slip that Pete is the culprit, but blames herself, saying she's what makes him angry. Buffy angrily confronts her, saying two people are dead. "Who's gonna be next?" she asks. It would appear to be Oz, who is locked in the cage as Pete shows up. He accuses Oz of putting moves on Debbie, and Oz's warnings about what's gonna happen when the sun goes down are cut off when Pete's monstrous alter ego comes out. Pete rips the door off the cage and starts to brutalize Oz, but then the sun sets, and Oz changes into a werewolf. Suddenly the fight is more even, and Oz bites Pete, whose scream brings everyone to the library. Buffy grabs the tranquilizer rifle and is about to fire, but Debbie shoves her so the dart goes into Giles, who collapses. Oz escapes, pursued by Faith and Willow, while Buffy chases Pete off. Pete escapes and meets Debbie in the storage closet. Debbie tells him to leave Sunnydale because Buffy knows, but Pete is enraged and accuses Debbie of telling. Meanwhile, Faith and Willow manage to shoot Oz with the tranquilizer rifle. Buffy tracks Pete to the storage closet, where she finds Debbie dead. Then Pete attacks, but their fight is interrupted by the arrival of Angel. In full vampire face, Angel attacks Pete, and kills him. As Buffy watches, Angel's face reverts to normal. "Buffy?" he asks shakily, hugging her as Buffy starts to weep. The next day stories of what happened are all over school, but Willow knows the truth: Pete originally made the formula to be more macho for Debbie, but eventually didn't need the formula to change. Buffy comforts Scott, who is shaken by the deaths of his lifelong friends. "It's just that you never really know what's going on inside somebody, do you?" he asks. Buffy contemplates that later as she watches a trembling Angel sleep.

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The Homecoming Dance is fast approaching, and Cordelia's only concern is whether or not she should ride a limo to the dance after being elected Homecoming Queen. Buffy is a little less into the Dance concept, even though Scott (belatedly) asks her to go to it. Excusing herself, she goes to the mansion, bringing a recovering Angel a container of blood for dinner. She tells him about her life and about Scott, saying that he's what she needs-someone she can count on. As if on cue, Scott breaks up with her the next day, saying she seems distracted all the time. As Buffy stands there, disconsolate, she is watched from afar by two men in a van, who send her image via modem to an aging man in a wheelchair. "Is that her?" he asks. "In the nubile flesh," confirms Mr. Trick. "That's the target." At City Hall, the deputy mayor brings the two men in the van, a pair of German terrorists, to the attention of the mayor. However, despite ordering the Germans to be watched, the mayor seems more interested in the deputy's hygiene. He asks the rattled deputy to keep an eye out for any more "colorful characters" in Sunnydale. After getting their yearbook pictures taken, Willow and Xander come upon Cordelia, at her most catty as she checks out the Homecoming Queen competition. Willow worries about Buffy missing the yearbook picture session, but Cordelia promises to tell her. Buffy is in the library, training with Faith, who approves of the edge Buffy's breakup-fueled feelings have given her fighting. Faith suggests that they go to the dance together and have a good time, and Buffy accepts. Cordelia, about to enter the library, is instead distracted by a couple of potential Homecoming Queen votes. Later, at lunch, Buffy is upset over not being remembered by her favorite teacher, and she only gets more upset when Xander tells her she missed the yearbook picture-taking session. She angrily confronts Cordelia, who dismisses her complaints. "I'm under a lot of pressure here," Cordy says. "I'd like to see you win the crown." She is then surprised when Buffy accepts her challenge, promising to run for Homecoming Queen, and to win. Winning is also on the minds of a group that has been brought together by Mr. Trick, which includes the Germans, as well as Lyle Gorch and his new wife Candy, and a spiny-headed demon named Kulak. Trick tells them about their targets, Buffy and Faith, and welcomes them to "SlayerFest '98." Willow and Xander try on their outfits for the Homecoming Dance and chat like old friends. But after Willow helps Xander with his bowtie and Xander shows Willow how to dance, something more is in the air. Before they know it, Willow and Xander are kissing each other passionately. Then they break apart, freaking out big time. Later, as Buffy plans her Homecoming Queen campaign and tries to enlist their aid, Xander and Willow and Oz look miserable-because they're already helping out Cordelia. Buffy tries to make light of the competition, but it's clear that she's upset. Buffy later guilts Willow into helping her out a little, and (overheard by the Germans) tells Willow that she's worked out a plan with the limo drivers. As Buffy and Cordy nearly get into a screaming match in the hallway, Willow and Xander are feeling real guilt, because their helping Cordelia out of guilt over their kiss is wrecking their friendships. And they don't know what to do about their growing feelings for each other, either. That night, Buffy gets into the limo to find, instead of the expected Faith, Cordelia sitting in the back. Their friends apparently set this up as a way to get them talking, and even gave them corsages. The two girls are icily civil, but when the limo stops they find they're in the middle of nowhere. They find a TV set and VCR, on which Mr. Trick tells them to run for they're lives, 'cause they're the prey. At the Homecoming Dance, Willow and Xander are unbelievably mopey, but Giles doesn't notice and goes back to the library. Buffy and Cordelia barely escape a bullet from a human hunter's gun, but then the hunter gets caught in a bear trap and Buffy gets his gun and information about the other hunters. The two girls make it into a cabin, where they manage to phone Giles and leave a message on the library answering machine before the Germans' boss cuts them off. Then, while they wait to escape, Buffy explains her desire to be Homecoming Queen to Cordy-all she wants is something to prove that she's more than just a Slayer. Then Kulak, the demon, bursts through the window. Buffy barely manages to hold him off, but then the Germans launch a grenade through the window. Buffy and Cordy manage to get out through a window, but Kulak is trapped and goes up with the cabin when the grenade explodes. The girls high-tail it back to the library, where Lyle and Candy Gorch are in the weapons as Giles lays unconscious. The Germans' boss tracks the girls' getaway, and Trick voices grudging approval as someone knocks on the door. It's the police, who take Trick away. Buffy and Cordelia return to the school, but as soon as they enter the library they're attacked by the Gorches. Buffy gets knocked out by Candy, but not before staking her with a spatula that Cordy picked up in the cabin. Candy disintegrates, and Lyle is enraged. But before he can attack Buffy, Cordelia steps in and claims that Buffy is just the runner up. "I'm the Queen," Cordy says. "What do you think I'm gonna do to you?" Lyle, rattled, beats a hasty retreat, and Giles comes to. They all realize that the corsages weren't from their friends, and conceal tracking devices the Germans have been using. Then the Germans arrive. Buffy runs, drawing their pursuit, and uses wet toilet paper to stick the tracking devices to one of the Germans. The two Germans take each other out. At City Hall, the mayor meets with Mr. Trick, telling him that children are important to him, but that the "rebellious element" must be controlled. He congratulates Trick on SlayerFest and says that they're going to get along just fine. A ragged Cordy and Buffy finally make it to the Homecoming Dance just as the Queen is announced. It's a tie-between the other two candidates. Disgusted, Buffy and Cordy walk out together.

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Band Candy

Buffy is forced to grow up even faster when Mr. renders the town defenseless by causing Sunnydale's adult population to inexplicably behave as irresponsible adolescents. Meanwhile, Buffy struggles to keep Angel's a secret while her mom and Giles conspire to schedule her 24 hours a day. Buffy figures out what's happening, and stops Trick just in time to save the world.

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