Welcome to Elamae's Haven.

My little space on the net for all the obsessions I have gathered over the past few years...

Most of this site was constructed a few years back when I was at University never to be updated for eons. The links below to Due South and Voyager will take you to those parts of the site that were done a while back and have not been updated and to be honest probably won't be, but there is still some fiction and odds and ends though that will stay there until I tidy them up into the main site.

Most of this web page will have a **slash** angle, which if you didn't already know, means m/m (male/male) men involved in romantic and more than often sexual relationships with other men. If you don't like this or you are below your respective age in your country then please use your common sense and do not click on anything that is labelled as being a higher rating. Everything will have a rating on it or the link. I use the USA rating of PG-13, R, NC-17 etc. and British rating, U, PG, 12, 15, 18 etc. I don't do graphic stuff for graphic stuff's sake, but I do have certain fics that *are* more graphic in their descriptions. Be warned.

Be smart. Everyone has the option of using the back button.

Completed the new CSI Miami piece. It's called Taped History and is the first part in a 3 part series, which is dealing with Speed's relationship with a original character.

Posted a new story in the fanfic section. It's a CSI Miami piece, my first. Speedle centric, it deals with a hugh load of angst and will eventually be slash with an OC. It's WIP but parts 2 and 3 are in the works.

Uploaded my CSI story Healing into my new general Fanfiction archive. Nothing else there, but its a start. More shall be going in, as soon as I've gathered it all together.

The whole site is under major construction that will take a while. I have access only through public PCs at lunch time. It won't be highly graphic site either, images etc. Only what I can manage on basic knowledge. It will contain mostly my fanfic, episode guides and fandom musings aka somewhere to rant!

Site Contents

Only one story archived so far. Will be updating shortly. For Due South and Voyager fanfic please follow links below.

Film Reviews **Link not Active**
This section will be a bunch of reviews of films I've seen or ones by my fav people (i.e. Rory Cochrane, Johnny Depp, Vince Vaughn). Nothing up yet but I'm working on it!


CSI Miami - Mainly about the character Tim 'Speed' Speedle. **Link not active**
21 Jump Street
CSI - a first class drama show. **Link not active**
Voyager for all things C/P
Due South for Fraser and RayK.

Thank You Kindly :O)

Contact me
If for any reason you wish to contact me please do so on elamae1@yahoo.co.uk