Title: Gethsemane I- With The Truth Is Born A Lie

                 Author: Lauryn Dominique

                 Rating: NC-17 for sex, language, and disturbing images

                 Type/Keywords: Alternate Universe, a little UST, RST, MSR, ANGST, rape,
                 character death

                 Spoilers: All six seasons, probably.  Triangle and SR-819 are
                 prerequisite episodes for this story.

                 Archive: Yes, anywhere, with all this information attached.  E-mail me
                 before posting to sites other than Gossamer and AXTC, if you're so

                 Summary: Mulder and Scully reach a new understanding after the events in
                 "Triangle."  One thing leads to anotherÉ.

                 Disclaimer: Who owns all these characters? (chorus) CHRIS CARTER!!!
                 They may or may not be returned to him, depending on whether or not my
                 car will make it to Mexico without incident.  Don't sue me!

                 Author's Notes: I have an obsession with the word "Gethsemane."  I
                 hadn't seen the episode by that name when the madness was born in my
                 brain, and this story really has nothing to do with the fourth-season
                 finale anyways.  This is only my second story, and my first foray into
                 dark/NC-17 fanfic; bear with me.  SEFAMSRN, Rachel Anton, Leyla
                 Harrison, Lydia Bower, and ACT, thanx so much for your inspiration.  My
                 beta readers: Rover, Rita, Samm, Squeak, Shannon and Cesca- you guys
                 rock!  Caronna helped in her own special way.

                 Feedback: How would you like to be worshipped?  The key to your divinity
                 lies in the act of addressing the mailbox of buffrower@netscape.net

                 IMPORTANT: This little saga takes place right after the events in
                 Triangle, and the only other episode that I allow to happen after that
                 is SR-819.  (Even though Dreamland and Dreamland 2 kicked a$$!)


                 WEBSTER'S DEFINITIONS:
                 * Gethsemane- (geth-sem'-ah-nee)  (1) Garden east of Jerusalem, scene of
                 Jesus' agony and betrayal  (2) A scene or occasion of great sufferingÉ.

                 X X X

                  "ÉI love you."
                  "Oh brotherÉ."

                 X X X

                  I let myself into my apartment and sighed.  Mulder's last words had
                 shaken me more than I wanted to admit.  'He's obviously very out of it,
                 Dana.  If he had any more drugs in him, he'd have sworn to being Wesley
                 Snipes' stunt double in 'Blade.'' I could comfort myself for a while
                 thinking these things, but what it really boiled down to was that I
                 loved him too.

                  A lot.

                  To be totally honest, I couldn't live without him, but I didn't think
                 that those words would be an appropriate response to his declaration,
                 seeing as it was probably another one of his little quips designed to
                 get my attention.

                  If it was, it worked.

                  'Well, there's no time to think about this now, Dana.  You have work in
                 the morning,' my practical side told me.

                 'DaaanaaaÉ.you need to go back there and tell him the truth!' That was
                 my heart speaking.  Of course, after the last five years of excessive
                 workouts with Mulder's theories, my practical side easily beat the crap
                 out of my feelings, and so I went to bed.

                 Little did I know that I would not be getting much sleep that night.

                 X X X

                  "Scully?"  The voice was tentative, but I knew from experience that
                 despite the hesitation in its tone, it would *not* stop bugging me until
                 I acknowledged its presence.

                  "What is it, Mulder?"  I hadn't opened my eyes, figuring that this was
                 probably a voice in a dream, since Mulder was in a drug-induced stupor
                 at the hospital.  All the same, I smiled just thinking about what his
                 face would look like if he really had woken me up only to hear me
                 identify him by name.

                  "I *do* love you."

                  Whoa.  My unconscious needs to deal with these issues *before* I go to
                 sleep.  'This is too weird, DanaÉ' I slowly opened my eyes, to end the
                 dream promptly and then to procure some sleeping pills to *insure* a
                 good night's sleep, only to be confronted by a tall man in a very
                 wrinkled jacket and pair of jeans kneeling beside my bed.

                  "Hey, Scully.  IÉ checked out of the hospital.  I felt better.
                 Anyways, I, uh, needed to come over and tell you, as soon as I was
                 clean," this was punctuated with a crooked smile, "that I still love

                  "MulderÉ" I was at a loss, until I really looked into his eyes.  There
                 was love softly shining in those hazel depths; I had seen it after I
                 woke up from my missing time in the Georgetown medical center, during
                 our conversation in the Allentown-Bethlehem hospital immediately after
                 Penny's death, and at the conclusion of so many X-Files cases.  My heart
                 melted.  How could I deny him now?

                  But I was still scared.  I couldn't open up to him- if we succumbed to
                 our feelings, the combined weight would crush us beneath it.  Every
                 painful memory from our past and the uncertainty of the future would
                 slowly but surely hunt us down, not stopping until we were broken and
                 bleeding, our spirits separated and fleeing in horror from the carnage.
                 Our lives, our work were too important to risk for something that could
                 just be a fleeting fancy of nighttime.

                  And then I saw the fear alongside the love.  The fear of rejection, of
                 being asked to leave my bedroom without an answer to the exposure of his
                 soul.  It was so raw, that look, that I couldn't turn him away.  To do
                 so would be to negate everything we had searched for, usually in vain,
                 over the past five years.  The truth.  Isn't that what we wanted from
                 our lives?  So I told him what he and I both needed to hear; what I knew
                 to be my truth.

                  "I love you too, Mulder."

                 X X X

                  I couldn't believe it.  After all these years, and after that slightly
                 depressing reaction of hers in the hospital, we had at last reached the
                 peak.  The truth.  We held it in our hands, and we had finally given it
                 to each other without pretense or disguise tainting its purity.

                  I'm not sure what happened next- she reached out for me, and I couldn't
                 control myself- my lips found hers in the darkness.  First it was a
                 chaste contact between two souls just discovering their other half:
                 innocent and sweet.

                 Then it deepened- her tongue slipped out to run along my lower lip, and
                 I let her in to explore.  Teeth came down to nip, and tongues followed
                 to soothe the hurts incurred by our playing.  Six years is a long time
                 to wait.

                 X X X

                  Scully ran her hands over Mulder's face, pulling him into the kiss.
                 She was careful to avoid the purplish bruise near his left temple that
                 she had noticed earlier.  She'd have to ask him about that oneÉ.

                  He rose above her, tilting his face to slant over hers, driving his
                 tongue home and eliciting moans from both of them.  His hands, just as
                 active but more daring than hers, slid into her pajamas and traced the
                 silky skin over her collarbone and neck with light fingers.  She moved
                 herself into his touch, needing more, always moreÉand almost fell off
                 the bed.  He chuckled into her mouth, the vibrations trickling over her
                 tongue and causing arousal to flare in her center.

                  "All right.  Get into bed, Mulder.  Doctor's orders."

                  "Don't I have to get undressed first, Dr. Scully?"

                  "MmmmÉ"  With that affirmation, she rose from her bed and quickly shed
                 his jacket for him.  Leaning over to reach her full lips with his, he
                 unfastened the buttons on his jacket.  She groaned in frustration when
                 she revealed a t-shirt after ripping his jacket off.  Roughly, he
                 silenced her disappointment with his mouth as he pulled the last layer
                 of clothing off of his torso.  His shoes, socks, and jeans soon
                 followed, until he was clad only in paisley boxers.  She stepped back
                 from him and eyed him hungrily.

                  "Those are really ugly, Mulder."

                  "I never liked them anyway, ScullyÉwhat do you suggest I do with them?"

                  "Someday your mouth will get you in trouble, Mulder."

                  "I hope that's a promise you intend to keep."  He reached out and
                 pulled her back into an embrace, running his open mouth over her neck
                 and shoulders.

                  She broke away.  "All in good time, Agent Mulder."  In one fluid
                 motion, she deftly shed her pajama top, awaiting his reaction.

                  His eyes skimmed her breasts, the pupils darkening.  "Oh my
                 GodÉSculllyyyÉ" his low groan instantly caused her nipples to harden,
                 and she giggled giddily.  He leaned into her neck, unable to resist the
                 flushed skin there.  "Do you know what you do to me?  I can't believe
                 this is happeningÉ" his whisper tickled her ear.

                  "Just in case this is a dreamÉ" she reached down and squeezed the bulge
                 in his boxers, laughing inwardly at his low sound of need.  "NopeÉthis
                 is real," she murmured huskily.

                  "Ohh- Confucius say that will be returned to you tenfold.  C'mere,
                 Scully...."  He stalked her around the bed, egged on by her teasing
                 laughter, and finally caught her around the waist, yanking her billowy
                 pajama pants down with one hand and then pinching her ass.  "Are you a
                 moaner or a screamer, Scully?" he whispered, closing his teeth on her

                  She whirled around in his arms to face him, catching him off-guard, and
                 lunged for his mouth with hers.  He lifted her to her goal and their
                 mouths mated, tongues dancing furiously.  Scully broke contact first,
                 and Mulder lowered her small body slowly so her feet rested on the
                 floor, sliding her deliberately over his erection.  She continued to
                 slip down his front, suckling, licking and biting his skin.  Her mouth
                 and hands traveled all over his neck, his chest, his erect nipples,
                 until she reached his navel.  Mulder held his breath.  How far was she
                 going to take this?  He couldn't handle her much longer; his cock felt
                 like it would explode if she so much as touched it.

                  On that thought, his eyes slipped shut and a moan broke from his throat
                 as she thrust her tongue into his belly-button, working with the rhythm
                 that his hips had unconsciously started.  She lifted her eyes to his
                 face, and when he opened his, the devious look in those darkened
                 sapphires almost caused him to lose it all over the inside of his
                 shorts.  Somehow, he formed intelligible words.

                  "That'sÉooohÉit, Scully.  Time's up.  Now I get to play."

                  "I guess that's fair- *Mulder*!"  He hadn't hesitated, and she was now
                 dangling from his back, having been slung over his shoulder like a
                 diminutive sack of potatoes.  "Mulder, put me down!"  Her warning was
                 supposed to be serious, but she couldn't stop the small fits of
                 giggles.  He laughed at her attempt to control the situation, and
                 brought her to the foot of the bed.

                  He swiftly unloaded her so that she was sitting on the edge of her bed,
                 then pinned her wrists next to her hips.  As he gently head-butted her
                 stomach, she complied and lay down, writhing in anticipation.  He
                 grinned lazily, contemplating the sight before him, then lowered his
                 head until his mouth was a tongue's length from her wet panties.  When
                 he spoke, his breath against her caused a flood of arousal to surge
                 through her, adding to the moisture soaking her underwear.

                  "Scully?  You're the scientist here.  Would you care to outline the
                 procedure for me?"

                  "Mulder, if you don't do what I think you know I want you to do to me
                 in the next five secondsÉ"

                  "Well, give me some time to figure this out.  I mean, we're usually on
                 the same mental track, soooÉ"

                  "AaaaghÉMulderrrÉ"  Her hips quivered as she reached out with her lower
                 body in search of his mouth.  He gave her a lingering open-mouth kiss on
                 the darkest part of her panties, and started to rim the elastic trim
                 with his tongue, laving her inner thighs.

                  Scully couldn't stand this.  Had he been feeling the same way when she
                 was attending to his navel?  She was truly, truly sorry now, and hummed
                 insistantly to him until he moved his teeth to the waist of her
                 underwear.  He managed to keep a smirk on his face as he drew them over
                 her, brushing her curls with his nose.  Mentally storing that look on
                 his face in her 'payback' files, Scully felt her last remaining article
                 of clothing slip down her legs and over her feet to land on the floor.
                 She was free.

                  Well, almost; Mulder still had her hands pinned.  'Maybe I'll just
                 speed things up a little,' she mused, and wrapped her legs around his
                 neck.  He buried his face in her, and she cried out when she felt his
                 tongue begin long, slow strokes over her, deliberately avoiding that
                 throbbing bundle of nerves achingly close to his nose.

                  "OhÉohÉ"  Mulder heard her breath catch and, driven with the desire to
                 make her really lose it, increased his pace.

                  "My God- Mulder, pleaseÉ" she lost herself in the all-consuming
                 sensations wracking her body.  She needed him so bad she couldn't keep
                 still- every part of her gravitated toward that mouth doing amazing
                 things to herÉ Her hips began a wanton dance to get his tongue closer,

                  "There- right there- there, oh Jesus yeahÉ"  Mulder was really enjoying
                 himself.  He had finally found a surefire way of making his partner
                 agree with him.  He lapped up all her moisture with his tongue in sure
                 strokes, teasing her clit for just an instant at the end of each swipe.
                 He could feel all the muscles surrounding his face tense up as she
                 approached her peak.  One, two of his fingers left her hand, crept up
                 and entered her, moving in counterpoint to his oral ministrations.  She
                 gasped audibly at this new stimulus, and he concentrated every muscle in
                 his mouth on her clit, moving his fingers savagely in and out, faster
                 and faster until she was rocking rapidly back and forth into his hand
                 and mouth and her breath went in with pants and out on mews and cries.

                  "Ohhh, GodÉMullderrrrr!" She screamed his name as she came hard, her
                 entire body stiffening into a bow as her back arched up to the ceiling.
                 Her freed hand flew to his head, twining in his hair, holding him there,
                 and his tongue slowed over her in response, grinding the bundle of
                 nerves into her pelvic bone.  She sobbed and jerked up again, his name
                 still on her lips.  The second wave crashed over her and washed into
                 every part of her body, lasting longer than the first.

                  "I- that's- I can't, I can't, oh God please, can't, oh bastard youÉ"
                 she was struggling to force those words out to him as he drove into her
                 again, every part of him directed toward her sweet torture.  'Third
                 time's the charmÉ' he thought, and her next series of spasms pulled a
                 long, moaning "MuulllderrrrÉ" from deep in her throat.

                  Her last orgasm shot a flow of energy straight to his rigid cock,
                 making him groan in shared pleasure and agony along with her sounds of
                 release.  He languidly crawled up beside her limp body and pulled her
                 with him up to the head of the bed.  Folding her into his arms, he

                  Scully touched down slowly, coming off her high to the sensation of
                 feathery kisses on her brow.  Mulder was holding her, whispering quiet
                 things to her, and she smiled at him.  Meeting Mulder's glistening lips
                 with her own, she flicked her tongue into his mouth, tasting herself.

                  "Mmm- well, Agent Scully, we have a problem."

                  "What's that, Agent Mulder?"

                  "If I remember correctly, that experiment was designed to determine
                 whether I had on my hands a moaner or a screamer, and- hey!" She had hit
                 him squarely on his bicep, mouth open in shocked amusement.  "Now- the
                 first time it was a scream, but the second and third times were moans,
                 so I'd have to say that the evidence is inconclusive."


                  "Now, what?"

                  "Now your mouth is getting you in trouble."  She rubbed her body up
                 against his like a cat's, making a sound that could pass as feline.  Her
                 thigh brushed against his boxers, and he almost purred back.  "Well,
                 well, well.  Looks like someone's packing heat."  She smiled into his
                 hair, and lowered her voice.  "You want some help with that, Mulder?"

                  'So much for my pride,' he thought, and nodded, eyes squeezed shut in
                 an attempt to hold in his release.  She murmured something else to him,
                 and then he felt her tongue- teasing his chest and stomach with light
                 lapping strokes, making wet circles and kisses in secret designs until
                 she again found his navel, a little star on his abdomen.

                  "We'll just skip this for now," he heard her say.  Oh thank-

                 "Jesus- ah!"  She had eased his boxers over his hips and enveloped him
                 with her mouth.  All of him.  'Oh thank you Jesus, oh my God Scully...'
                 his mind could only focus on one thing right now.  Her mouth was hot and
                 wet and going so slow up and down, tongue swirling around the tip of the
                 shaft before her entire head plunged down on his length again.

                 Even in the throes of the best moment of his life to date, he couldn't
                 resist.  "Scul-huh-ly - I think I have a new theory, and some- Jesus-
                 evidence to- um- back it upÉ"  He could feel her smiling around him at
                 his difficulty in forming any coherent words.  She let him slide through
                 one last, lingering time before she pulled off completely.

                 He shouldn't have said anything.  He almost cried when she let him slip
                 slowly from her mouth, tongue teasing the head of his cock.  He couldn't
                 remember *ever* being this horny.  Taking this opportunity to look at
                 her, his breath caught.  She was his ultimate fantasy laid before him:
                 uninhibited, hair fanning out and tickling his thighs, lush body splayed
                 over his legs.  He watched her gleaming lips as she spoke.

                 "MmmÉwhat's that, Mulder?"

                 "Well," he swallowed to collect his thoughts and continued, "I now have
                 personal experience to back up the widely accepted theory that men think
                 with their dicks."  A raised eyebrow was the reward for his revelation.
                 He smiled affectionately and raised himself to lean over and stare into
                 her deepening eyes.  "For the last minute, my mind has been unable to
                 form a coherent thought because I am so *fucking* hot for you, Scully."
                 He pulled her up to sit astride his hips while he spoke, thrusting his
                 cock up slightly against her ass.  He couldn't stop touching her.  "It's
                 enough to break a guy."

                 She leaned into him and whispered delicately into his ear.  "That's
                 sweet, Mulder."  She looked down at her hands, which had been idly
                 tracing patterns on his stomach, and he thought she was being bashful,
                 but then he caught the glitter in her downturned eyes.

                 "You wanna be inside?"  She rocked into the cradle of his hips.  "'Cause
                 I'm ready for you, Mulder."  Another thrust, and a low moan from both of
                 them.  "When you come I want you inside me- making me come too."  Her
                 eyes suddenly raised up to meet his; they were dark blue with lust, and
                 he was so shocked and awed for a moment that he couldn't move.

                 He found his voice.  "Yes, Scully.  Right now."  Taking the initiative,
                 his hands wrapped around her slender hips and he flipped her under him,
                 running his cock over her clit before gently pushing his way in.  Her
                 eyes never left his as he settled his weight in, and she gave him an
                 achingly beautiful smile.  "Jesus, SculllyyÉyou feel soÉgoodÉ" his
                 breath shortened and she tightened her inner muscles around him.

                 "Do it, Mulder, do it *now*-  I want to feel you- all of youÉ" she
                 trailed off into a moan as he started thrusting in and out slow and
                 hard, using his elbows on the bed as leverage.  He reached one hand down
                 between their joined bodies, stroking her clit to urge her on.  Her arms
                 wrapped around his back, running erratically up and down his straining
                 muscles.  Their breathing grew shallow in time, keeping pace with their
                 bodies, sweating and moving faster toward the inevitable.  Lust and
                 promise of completion drew them into full-bore fucking; a ruthless pace
                 designed only for pleasure.

                 "C'mon, Scully, c'mon baby, that's it just come with me, come for meÉ"
                 he gave in to his body's demands and went deeper, straining to keep from
                 climaxing so she could be there, just a little more; she was moaning and
                 panting his name and he could tell she just needed a few more secondsÉ
                 every muscle in his body was taut, straining to stave off his orgasm for
                 just a little longer- 'Oh God, pleaseÉ'

                 He moved his knees under her thighs and pushed her legs up, bringing her
                 ass off the bed and her knees up to her breasts.  Her cross winked at
                 him, and his lips darted to suckle her neck wherever the tiny piece of
                 jewelry moved.  The extra penetration and his mouth on her neck and
                 breasts caused her breath to catch for the last time before she emitted
                 a throaty cry and came with him, both of them hoarsely calling out the
                 other's name as the spasms overtook and swept them up and into one
                 another.  Filling her, melting into her, they completed each other.

                 Minutes later, Mulder shuddered.  'That was fucking amazingÉ' He opened
                 his eyes to look into hers, and they smiled at each other.  Wordlessly,
                 he eased himself down beside her and put his arms around her little
                 body.  He felt tears stinging his eyes.

                 "Oh, Mulder."  Her soft fingers wiped them away from his face, and he
                 nuzzled her neck.  "I love you, too."

                 He knew.  He laughed into her neck and started to kiss her all over- her
                 face, her jaw, anywhere on this woman that he could reach.

                 "What's so funny?"

                 "Nothing."  He met her eyes, and acknowledged the question.  "Well-
                 really, I just can't believe that we finally- *did* it."

                 "You have such a mature way of phrasing things, Mulder."  She propped
                 herself up on one elbow, smiling at the way his eyes immediately left
                 hers to rake over her body, flushed with satiety.  Warmth spread like a
                 liquid love in her body; neither of them had ever experienced this
                 feeling of being completely whole.  "Enjoying the view?"

                 "Immensely, Agent Scully."  He moved his mouth down to her hardening
                 nipples, but a small touch on his cheek made him look up.  "Scully?"
                 Her eyes were regarding him solemnly.

                 "Mulder, IÉ."  She suddenly drew herself up to sit facing him.  "I love
                 you, and I know that you love me- so where do we go from here?"  She
                 paused, and held off his reply with two fingers pressed to his lips.
                 "It's hard- for me toÉ say this, but- I want to be with you.  I can't
                 stand being afraid or timid about my feelings any longer- I'm not going
                 to forget this.  I'm not going to show up for work, and pretend that we
                 didn't just screw each other senseless- and enjoy it."  Her fingers
                 traced his lips as hers curled into an enigmatic smile.  "I want us to
                 have a real relationship- fuck Bureau policy."  Her eyes focused on his
                 suddenly, and the smile was suddenly anything but mysterious.  "What are
                 you thinking, Mulder?"

                 "I'm thinking that I love you so much," he smiled at how her face
                 softened, "and I want the exact same things that you do.  About Bureau
                 policy, though- I think I'd rather fuck you than it any day."  He moved
                 over her with a single stealthy motion, pressing his cock, which had
                 grown hard again, toward her stomach and downward.

                 She answered him by sealing his mouth with hers.

                 X X X

                  Outside Scully's apartment building, a dark-haired man sat in a car,
                 listening to the moans and cries from the pair of agents through
                 headphones resting on his ears.  He switched off the equipment
                 connecting his receiver to the tiny audio-transmitter in Scully's
                 bedside table, and sat back, thinking.  His mouth twisted evilly into a
                 satisfied smile.

                 X X X

                 Blinking in the light streaming through the window, Scully rolled over
                 and flexed her muscles.  The warm body beside her stirred and murmured
                 her name, and she smiled at the cause of her soreness.  'I guess I can't
                 say he's always gentle with me anymore,' she mused contentedly.

                  While she was cooking breakfast, Mulder slowly meandered into the
                 kitchen, wearing the comforter off of her bed.  "G'morning, Scully."  He
                 sat down, yawning.

                  "Did I tire you out, Mulder?"  She gave him half of the eggs out of the
                 frying pan, and a piece of toast.

                  "Hah.  That's what you think.  I'm just biding my time."  He grinned
                 wickedly at her, eyes traveling down her body.  She blushed, realizing
                 that his t-shirt she'd pulled on barely covered her ass in back, not to
                 mention what it revealed in the frontÉ.

                  "MulderÉ"  He looked up at her suddenly playful tone.  "Finish those
                 eggs, wouldja?"

                 X X X

                  So Mulder and I stayed together.  Contrary to our fears, the ground did
                 not swallow the city, the seas did not rise up to protest our consensual
                 coital bliss, and nobody at the Bureau knew.  It was our little secret-
                 and the best thing that had ever come about, so to speak.  Mulder
                 eventually moved into my apartment, and we kept our professional lives
                 separate from what we- ahem- shared at home.

                  What neither of us had fully anticipated was how close the new facet of
                 our relationship allowed us to be.  Within each other, we discovered the
                 missing piece of ourself, the perfect fit that blind chance had led us
                 to find.  We had finally bridged the vast emotional chasm that had
                 separated us for six years, and the effect was akin to exhaling after
                 holding one's breath for the same amount of time.  It was no longer
                 necessary to conceal the mutual attraction, sexual desire, or the
                 passion for work or each other; release was too mild a word to describe
                 the relief experienced.  This new synchrony, we knew, would give us an
                 advantage in solving cases.  How could we fail when we were joined mind,
                 heart, body and soul?  The two of us decided to file a formal request
                 with the Bureau's grievance committee as an attempt to get the X-Files
                 back.  We had good timing.  After Skinner recovered from his strange
                 illness, the Bureau was more inclined to be kind in their
                 deliberations.  Our flawless teamwork and investigation had saved the
                 AD's life; no committee could deny that.

                 The court date was set for the hearing to announce the decision of the
                 committee.  Everything hung on the decision of this faceless, nameless
                 group of bureaucrats hidden somewhere in the Hoover building.  We had
                 waited so long for that day- when we would have a chance to reclaim what
                 we had lost from our lives.  All of Mulder's dreams of finding his
                 sister, and all my hopes that the truth about Melissa's death, Emily,
                 and my infertility would be revealed clung to the success of that one
                 hearing in court.

                 X X X

                  It was beyond belief for me- even I, who believed in anything and
                 everything back then, couldn't comprehend that I had finally reached the
                 heart of the one person whom I trusted and loved above all others.
                 Scully and I had defeated our fear of love, and found one another.  I
                 had never believed in God before, but maybe there was some higher
                 force.  For the first time in perhaps years, I allowed myself to be
                 happy.  I had her.

                 The hearing date was set, and we prepared ourselves for the revelation
                 of the path that we would soon venture down together.  Would the lies
                 prevail, as they had so many times in the past?  Could they really
                 refuse us the X-Files, the tool to what would be our future together?
                 Or could the truth show its face; after being concealed in dark prisons
                 and shoved down to be buried in the lies, would we be the ones to exhume

                 Scully and I were on edge those last days before the hearing.  Although
                 she would never admit to being worked up, I can testify that she felt
                 just as jumpy and nervous as I was.  I can't convey how much we depended
                 on this decision- we needed to get back on the X-Files.  The demeaning
                 crap that we drudged through every day was wearing our nerves thin,
                 breaking us slowly.  I wanted to find Sam, to reconcile my past, so that
                 Scully and I could have a real and fulfilling life- together....

                 X X X

                     The small courtroom on the third floor of the J. Edgar Hoover
                 building was almost empty.  Where the defendants usually sat and sulked
                 during their trials, Mulder and Scully were standing, conversing
                 quietly.  A few other agents, including AD Skinner and AD Kersh, wearing
                 a sour look, sat in the benches.  There were no reporters or court
                 officials present- the X-Files had never been a top issue of interest
                 around the F.B.I.  But to Mulder and Scully, the decision made today
                 would make or break their future.

                 The assistant to the committee came in through the judge's chamber's
                 door, carrying a manila envelope in his hand.  He motioned to Mulder and
                 Scully to sit.  The other figures in the room followed suit.  Once
                 everyone was sitting in respectful silence, the courier began to read
                 the typed memo he had extracted from the envelope.

                 "It is the opinion of this committee, after a thorough and careful
                 review of the facts and figures as well as a summary of the occurances
                 of the past week, that Special Agents Mulder and Scully should *not* be
                 be reassigned to head the X-Files division of the F.B.IÉ."

                 Mulder paled.  Beside him, Scully's hands clenched reflexively into

                 "Besides the denial of their request, this memorandum serves to inform
                 Agent Mulder and Agent Scully of their individual reassignments to the
                 Violent Crimes Section and the F.B.I. Academy, Quantico, respectively.
                 These assignments will be, until futher notice, permanent.  Relocation
                 will take place immediatelyÉ"

                 "What the *fuck*?"  Mulder yelled.  "What the FUCK did you just say?"
                 He shot out of his chair and would have attacked the man if Scully
                 hadn't grabbed his arm, her face drained of blood.

                 "Agent Mulder, if you have a problem with this, you may request another
                 hearing to redress the subject in six monthsÉ"

                 "Who ordered this, goddammit?  Is the Smoking Man on your committee?  Is
                 that what you're hiding, you son-of-a-bitch?"

                 The man's reply was dripping with contempt.  "Agent Mulder, if you don't
                 compose yourself immediately, the consequences could be much worse for
                 you.  I suggest you think about that."

                 Mulder was fuming, and his throat was closing up in rage.  Scully spoke
                 for both of them.

                 "This is bullshit, and we *will* fight this." She turned to him with an
                 calm look that concealed her distress.  "Come on Mulder, let's go.  We
                 can't do anything else here."  The subtle tone of supplication in her
                 voice penetrated his rage, and his muslces relaxed under her hand.  When
                 she turned on her heel and walked out of the courtroom, he was at her

                 X X X

                  "So Mulder and Scully are out of the X-Files for good, huh?  How did
                 you manage to separate them?  I must admit, Walter, that I wouldn't have
                 even dreamed up that one- Scully back at Quantico, Mulder back in the
                 loony bin of the VCSÉ"

                  "You can just stop right there, you lying little weasel.  That was not
                 my doing.  I carried out the means for your petty little revenge
                 scheme.  The committee was all too happy to finish the job for you.  But
                 you should know that I refuse to give in to your vile agenda.  The first
                 mistake you make will be your last."

                  "It's all very well for you to threaten me, Walter, but I'm beginning
                 to think that you really don't comprehend that your role in the plan is
                 done.  The only issue left concerning you is your silence.  I'm sure I
                 don't need to tell you twice that if you speak to anyone about your,
                 ahem, *involvement* in the committee's affairs, the scene in the
                 hospital will be repeated; with a different ending, of course.  At least
                 you know you saved yourself.  Right, Walter?"

                  With that, Krycek rose to his feet and headed toward the door.  He
                 turned at the foyer.  "Oh, WalterÉ"

                  "What more do you want, you prick?"

                  Krycek gave the device in his hand a deft tap.  Skinner was almost
                 thrown to the floor by the spasms wracking his body.  He moaned in pain
                 and clutched his stomach, veins pulsing and blackening in his neck and
                 face.  Krycek twisted a knob on the side of the tiny box, and Skinner
                 was able to catch his breath.

                  "Just rememberÉ Big Brother is watching."  His mouth twisted into a
                 cruel smile and he left Skinner's apartment, footsteps echoing down the

                  Skinner lay back on the couch, breathing hard.  Still and silent, he
                 stared at the ceiling.  He would not sleep that night.

                 X X X

                 END OF PART I

                 X X X

                 Title: Gethsemane II- Souls Led Astray

                 Author: Lauryn Dominique

                 ALL DISCLAIMERS IN PART I

                 X X X

                  Night fell after the trial and we returned home, defeated.  We were
                 both silent, punishing ourselves with self-inflicted isolation.  I was
                 lost in thoughts, most of them of the past.  I could remember times in
                 our history when the X-Files had been denied us- but never had those
                 shadowy figures gone to such lengths to keep the truth from our hands.
                 And I made a vow.  Not to let this beat us, because we were together,
                 and we had always been strong enough to face down anything as a team.  I
                 knew what losing that request was doing to him- it was like condemning
                 Samantha to an ignominious death in an unknown grave.  Covering the
                 bodies of men, women and children with a stifling blanket of deceit, and
                 spitting on the remains.  My X-File was in with the rest- I realized
                 that that fact alone would probably spur him on to go to the lengths
                 that he eventually did to carry on our work.

                 X X X

                  I was a failure.  The bottom line was that I had failed her again.  And
                 my sister.  My own fucking sister, who had trusted me to save her just
                 like Scully did.  Well, my sister is gone, lost to me forever because
                 I'm a goddamned loser who can't get his shit together.

                  And Scully?  She stayed.  I know she loved me, because my love for her
                 ran deeper than any other feeling in my soul.  She was by my side, and
                 we clung to each other for comfort.  Through the other's love, we
                 managed to survive the night, taking comfort in what we had to offer to
                 each other and what we received.  But our days became numbered that
                 night; and the clock didn't stop ticking once it started the final

                 X X X

                  Every day passed slowly for Mulder and Scully after those few fateful
                 minutes in court.  Scully was ruthlessly uprooted from her desk in the
                 F.B.I. bullpen and thrust into the foreign territory at the Academy.
                 She was back to teaching young hopefuls how to gut people's dead
                 bodies.  With every moment spent away from Mulder, a small part of her
                 withered.  Outwardly, she refused to crack, but her resolve was chipped
                 away little by little.  She had to learn to build up her protective
                 walls anew, to fortify her inner sanctums against the new hurts thrown
                 at her by her supervisors.  It became less easy to leave cracks in those
                 barriers for Mulder- she became accustomed to shutting him out in the
                 cold along with everyone else.

                  Mulder was not faring much better.  The VCS work had scarred his psyche
                 permanently before the X-Files, and this time around he received no
                 reprieve.  It had been so long since he had stared into the face of pure
                 evil that his first few cases left him sick inside with disgust and
                 hatred for the perverted criminals he was assigned to profile.  Despite
                 this, he was almost thankful that the cases were straightforward, with
                 nothing paranormal about them; it gave him time to plan a strategy to
                 investigate the committee and its ties.  He spent all of his free time
                 following the narrow pathways that he hoped would eventually reveal the
                 truth behind the decision to ruin him and Scully.

                  The days may have passed slowly, but the weeks somehow slipped away
                 into months.  On the outside, nothing had really changed at their
                 three-month anniversary- they were both strong people, able to withstand
                 pain and the suffering heaped upon them, but they were only human.
                 Their ideals had been sacrificed at the altar of the truth.  Nothing was
                 sacred any longer, and only a scant amount of time stood between the
                 present and an unforeseeably bleak future.

                 X X X

                  Mulder fought his way out of the bitter easterly wind into the
                 apartment.  Usually when he returned from work, he would make dinner for
                 himself and Scully, but that night he just sat on the couch and stared
                 at the wall, eyes unfocused and bloodshot.  Scully found him forty-five
                 minutes later in the same state when she trudged slowly into the living

                  "Mulder?!  Are you okay?"  She knelt down in front of him, directly in
                 his line of sight.  'Oh shitÉ there's been a bad oneÉ.'  She was
                 becoming increasingly more adept at perceiving when there had been a
                 particularly grisly case.  The pain that blazed in his dark eyes
                 hollowed out her heart, and she reached out her hand to his face, at the
                 same time trying to emotionally reach out to his wounded soul.  His eyes
                 grew wide as her hand suddenly moved into his peripheral vision, and he
                 shied away from her tentative fingers.

                  She removed the offending hand, biting her lip in consternation and
                 growing fear.  Whatever had happened today had not been purely a day's
                 work- there were darker forces at work ravaging something he held close
                 to him.

                  "There- there was a childÉ" his voice rasped against the stillness of
                 the moment, and she looked up, careful not to make any sudden
                 movements.  "She had him by the neck, and the knife- that knife," his
                 voice dropped to a horrified whisper, "was dripping blood into the
                 little b-boy's eyes, and he couldn't cry- ScullyÉ"  His eyes focused
                 into hers, the pupils dark and magnetically haunting, drawing designs
                 into her round blue irises with pinpoints of onyx held deep in their
                 jet-black centers.  She stared back into the abyss and saw the visage of
                 the fear and its source.  "The boy had no ears, no fingers," his voice
                 grew dreamlike but his eyes still chased hers unblinkingly, "they were
                 in his throat- thatÉ psychopath put them there after she cut them
                 offÉhis blood painted all over her body and running out of her mouthÉ"

                  Scully couldn't stand it.  She broke his gaze with a strangled cry and
                 her hand came up to cup her mouth.  Mulder took no notice of her sudden
                 distress, and kept reciting as if he was giving a sermon.

                  "Little corpses all over the room, propped on shelves- boys, all boys,
                 cherubic and smiling, every last one, no fingers and no ears, painted
                 with their own red blood- she was adding to her collection..."  he was
                 interrupted by a guttural noise from Scully.

                  "Stop- stop it, Mulder please-" her throat convulsed and she bit down
                 on her fingers to keep her gorge from rising.  She barely succeeded, and
                 closed her eyes to compose herself, her hands fluttering in front of her
                 face in a parody of self-defense.  One landed on Mulder's face, and
                 instinctively became a soft stroking caress, imploring his silence.

                 He did not flinch this time at her touch, merely moved his cheek almost
                 imperceptibly into her suddenly gentled palm.  The clouds obscuring his
                 eyes scattered at her touch and the sounds of her crying stung his
                 ears.  He began to weep softly, releasing a trickle of his pain in each
                 burning tear.

                  And then his sighing whisper, her name, and she took him in her arms.
                 She rarely saw him this affected by anything, and never had he managed
                 to make her nearly physically sick.  But more and more his daily work
                 reduced him to this; a small child, afraid of the unimaginable cruelty
                 he had found in the real world.  First shutting his mind off from the
                 offenses of the evil in the heart of man, then seeking comfort from the
                 one person he loved and trusted to soothe his pain.  Scully climbed into
                 his lap and held his head protectively against her breast.  In time, he
                 recovered and lifted his head to look her straight in the face.

                  "This is going to stop, Scully.  We're going to get the X-Files back."
                 He gathered her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, his kisses
                 beginning softly but becoming increasingly fervent and almost desperate
                 in their intensity.  Clothes were shed as bodies sought the warmth of a
                 companion in pain and misery.  She took everything he offered- his
                 frustration, his suffering, all the love he was ashamed to have for her-
                 and shattered all his doubts with her reception.  They cried out to each
                 other at the height of their revelation, coming together to slam the
                 door on their despised reality.

                  Scully stroked his hair afterwards while he slept, and listened to his
                 deep, even breathing.  'God, give me the strength to see this throughÉ'
                 Tears stung her eyes, and she hugged Mulder fiercely.  In his sleep, he
                 murmured her name and pulled her closer into a protective embrace.

                 X X X

                  The sharp memory of that last horrible case carried the two of them
                 through their first real month of intense investigation into the
                 committee and its ties to the men without names.  Mulder and Scully may
                 have been miles apart physically in their jobs, but mentally they were a
                 team again, hunting the fleeting form of truth as it ran amuck in the
                 shadows created by unknown and untouchable figures.

                  Mulder was able to find informants and glean data from computer files
                 much more readily than Scully.  Her teaching schedule and staff meetings
                 left her exhausted, but against her good sense she kept up the fight
                 faithfully.  She refused to break the unspoken vow between her and
                 Mulder.  The pursuit of the X-Files belonged to both of them.

                 Finally, her supervisor caught her in the midst of gathering information
                 on a man in the committee.  He told her, in no uncertain terms, that she
                 was at the Academy only as an alternate option to being out of the
                 Bureau.  Her insubordination to administrative orders, if reported,
                 would mean the termination of her job.  He, as a generous person, would
                 let her off with a warning.  She understood that the next time she was
                 reprimanded would be the last, and signal also the death-knell of hope
                 for revival of the X-Files.

                 X X X

                  I returned home that night with my soul bruised and bleeding.  Our
                 window of opportunity had just been narrowed by more precious inches.
                 My fight was over.  I had played my last card, and they had cornered
                 me.  As usual, Mulder was waiting for me when I came in; our newest
                 custom was to share any new leads before we ate.  I had to tell him.

                 X X X

                  "Mulder.  Director Endelman caught me hacking for information on Them

                  "What did he say, Scully?"

                  "I- I'm out, Mulder.  I can't do this anymore.  I stand to lose my
                 position at the Academy- no, more than that.  He said I'd be out of the
                 Bureau.  That can't happen, Mulder.  There's no possibility that we
                 could get the X-Files back if I was disgraced in that way.  I- I have to
                 stick to my work now, Mulder.  What we do for the X-Files- that stays
                 out of the workplace for me from now on.  Mulder?  Aren't you going to
                 say anything?"  Mulder had begun to pace, his face closed off by drawn

                  "Yeah, Scully.  Yeah- I am."  His jaw clenched reflexively.  "How can
                 you give up?  Just roll over and take it?  We've both worked our asses
                 off for months now and there's so much out there that we haven't seen,
                 haven't uncovered- am I to understand that this is my quest now?  Just
                 mine?"  During his speech Scully had watched him angrily stalk the
                 length of the room, her face a mixture of disbelief and hurt.  He
                 refused to acknowledge either feeling as he faced her and continued.
                 "Scully- you stand to gain as much as I do from the X-Files- how can you
                 do this to us?"

                  Her reply was a gasp of incredulity.  "*Excuse* me?  I'm going to lose
                 my job for the sake of evidence that would later- *if* the odds were
                 beaten- be of service in providing only those of us still *in* the
                 Bureau with *possible* means of getting the X-Files back?  Where's the
                 logic in your argument, Mulder?"  She walked forward until she was
                 invading his space, her cobalt eyes narrowed.  "You're not going to push
                 me away for this, Mulder.  I know you're angry at these- men, but I will
                 not be made an object for absorbing your displaced anger."  He snorted.
                 "No, you listen to me.  We both do what we can, and right now, what you
                 can do is more than what I can do.  That's not going to stop me from
                 being there for you, Mulder.  For every step, I've got your back.  I
                 will not let you down- my hands may be tied, but I can still wiggle my
                 fingers."  He shot her a weird look.  "...Or something."

                  That did it.  A low chuckle in his throat built into a husky laugh, and
                 he smiled at her, shaking his head.  Mulder pulled her into a hug,
                 planting a kiss in her hair.  "That's my Scully.  Always fighting- and
                 finding new ways to mangle the English language."  She kissed him
                 soundly on the mouth, biting his lip for the jibe.  They went into the
                 kitchen to make dinner.  The tension that remained in the living room
                 curled into a ball and made itself comfortable under the couch, biding
                 its time patiently.

                 X X X

                  Three weeks after the mutual renewal of their vow to find the truth,
                 Scully trudged into the bedroom, exhausted from a hellish day at work.
                 She could not expect any relief at home- Mulder hadn't been feeling well
                 lately.  Another horrific case had landed in his lap, and he'd been
                 slaving over the profile and pursuit of the psychopath for well over a
                 week.  According to the terse message he'd left for her earlier that
                 afternoon, the killer had been caught in the process of committing one
                 of his typical murders.  The man had been arrested, and he himself would
                 come home as soon as he could.

                 What Mulder didn't tell her was that the man had been meticulously
                 carving up a girl whom he had just kidnapped and raped, preparing to
                 hang her mutilated body in her own front yard.  After stumbling upon the
                 man and his prey in a gruesome laboratory, he'd gone numb.  The girl had
                 been pretty, with long brown hair, strong features, and breathtaking
                 blue eyes that gazed intensely at the viewer in death.  To him, the
                 lovely young corpse looked exactly like his sister- except for her
                 eyes.  Those were Scully's.

                 The horror of his failure hit him like a truck- why did he always lose?
                 The girl's lifeless eyes stared him down in reproach, accusing him of
                 murder, carelessness, and the worse crime of all- incompetence.  'What
                 are you good for?!' they screamed.  'The ones you love are all in
                 danger, and you are helpless to prevent it!'  His mind wrapped around
                 itself in painful tangles of self-hate and guilt laced with his own
                 brand of agony.  It was true.  Scully- where was Scully?  He had to get
                 out of there.

                 Unconscious instinct alone guided him through the case procedures.  When
                 the killer was safely disposed of, his mindless body found its way back
                 to Scully's empty apartment and into the bed.  Shivering in terror,
                 Mulder had curled up into a ball, making himself as small as possible.
                 His clothes had been soaked with sweat, and he had rapidly tore at them,
                 desperate to get rid of the clinging cotton.  Naked and trembling, he
                 had slid through his agony into a fitful sleep.

                  Scully swayed back and forth as she wove her way to the bed, too tired
                 to turn on the light.  A moan materialized out of the darkness and her
                 breath caught.  She realized who it was and hesitated, unsure whether to
                 leave him or stay.  She wanted to comfort him, but still there was a
                 fear; not of him, but of his violent reactions, bred into animal
                 strength by his gruesome casework.  Stealthily she crept to his side,
                 and felt his forehead.  He was feverish, and the streetlamps outside
                 threw stripes of light over the bed, revealing his nude, quivering
                 body.  At the frightening sight of him, bared to the emotional core
                 without protection, she climbed into bed beside him and coiled her body
                 around his, trying to reach every part of him with her calming
                 presence.  He embraced her in sleep, his head burrowing into her neck
                 and his arms wrapping like snakes around her small body.  His breathing
                 became even and matched hers.  They fell asleep in each other's arms.

                 X X X

                  I awoke an hour later.  A huge weight was crushing my throat, and I was
                 crying out to I knew not what force to stop, please, I was choking! My
                 eyes opened in a panic and saw Mulder. "M-Muulderr!"  The word was
                 barely intelligible.  His eyes stared into mine with no recognition and
                 his breath was quick and angry.  His body pinned mine to the mattress,
                 and his hands had a death hold on my throat.  Curses left his throat in
                 gasps, hitting me like blows to the face.  Confessions, prayers to God,
                 pleas to Samantha for forgiveness, apologies for loving me- every word
                 ripped itself out of his throat with supernatural violence.  His dreams
                 were punishing him.  Every muscle strained with unimaginable agony,
                 desperately doing penance to the demons that were eating him alive.

                 "P-Please, Mulder, let me-"  I managed another small sob, pleading for
                 my life- and my arm freed itself.  Before I could think my fist had met
                 his temple, and he groaned and crumpled.  I hadn't hurt him- merely
                 woken him up.  I sat up, struggling to take my first full breaths- and
                 realized I couldn't see him.  He'd fallen off the bed.  I leaned over to
                 find him, but he rolled away, refusing to look at me.  My heart thudded
                 irregularly with fear even after the threat had passed; I ached to reach
                 out, to quell the guilt that would surely drown him.  Could he possibly
                 endure this?  "Mulder?"

                 "Oh- GodÉ leave me alone!  Don't come near me."  The closest he came to
                 letting his eyes meet mine was to cast a shameful glance toward the
                 angry bruises forming on my neck before slithering under the bed.  Tears
                 began to fall from my eyes, but I was barely conscious of them as I
                 whispered to him from where I crouched on the floor.

                 "Mulder, please.  I'm scared- please- justÉ come back.  Tell me what
                 happened, and we can fix it together-"

                 A bitter noise rasped from under me, and I realized it was a laugh.
                 "There's nothing left to fix.  It's all gone- you, Sam- everything is
                 dead.  I did it- it's dead because of me.  I just tried to kill you, and
                 I'm not going to risk that again, ever.  Save yourself and leave me

                 I slipped off the bed and crouched close to the floor.  I could just
                 make out his uneven form under the bed, motionless in the dark.
                 "MulderÉ Mulder!  Please, I love you- don't shut me out, pleaseÉ"  He
                 refused to answer.  I gave up trying to assure him of his innocence in
                 hurting me, and crawled into the bed, my heart aching for the man
                 drowning below me.  Sleep enveloped me in a soothing cloud, but not
                 before the sounds of his crying scarred my ears.

                 X X X

                  I had a dream that night.  I was crouching on a sharp precipice, icy
                 winds beating against my naked and shivering body.  Below me, the gusts
                 of wind whistled through the black oblivion, crooning to me with the
                 temptation of death- an end to pain.  Mulder saw me.  He too was laid
                 bare to the winds, standing on a cliff across the chasm.  His mouth was
                 moving- I could hear the whisper of lips over teeth as if his head was
                 inches from my ear.  That was all, though- no words came to me, no
                 comfort, no revelations to block out the calling of death at my feet.

                 I tried to speak to him, to drive the sounds of destruction out of my
                 mind and wrest my sanity from the evil lurking below; my throat was dry
                 and I couldn't form any words.  Mulder's heart was breaking- his eyes
                 began to shine with tears and his hand reached out as if it would
                 stretch across the space separating us.  I jumped.  My eyes closed when
                 the black clouds caught me- the vision of his horrified face etched onto
                 the surface of my heart.

                 X X X

                 There were times when I wanted to die.  In my mind, I had the gun ready
                 at my head to gently soothe that agony that burrowed through my soul
                 like a living poison.  Scully appeared, though, her small hands taking
                 away the weapon and replacing it with her lips to heal my pain.  I loved
                 her so much, but I couldn't show it.  That kind of love- mine- would
                 just carry on its back endless pain for her.

                 My despair wasn't just rooted in the loss of the X-Files.  The thorn in
                 my soul was the slow fading of my sister's memory, the new and
                 increasingly harsh and cold distance between Scully and myself, and my
                 futility to save anyone I loved from being hurt by the consequences of
                 my selfish ambitions.  For every day spent away from my search for
                 Samantha, small threads of my sanity unwound and dropped into an
                 ever-growing tangle, driving me further inside myself and farther from
                 Scully.  I was helpless to halt this debilitating downward spiral.

                  I could rationalize my next move in terms of how I felt at that point-
                 destitute from the decaying of her love for me and unable to reconcile
                 my past mistakes.  I started with just small doses; just enough to
                 really get me going in the morning.  More to numb my mind against the
                 horrendous crimes against humanity perpetrated by fellow humans whose
                 minds and motives I had to fathom day in and day out.  Then a little
                 more when I got home, to keep up that high feeling.  Not like I needed
                 the energy there- we never made love anymore.  How could we, when all I
                 felt was guilt for failing her and the hopelessness of making love?  Our
                 bodies would have willingly followed our more primal desires, but our
                 souls were estranged.  I started sleeping on the couch because I wasn't
                 actually sleeping- the refusal of my body to shut down at night kept her
                 up, my restless tossings and turnings deprived her of any rest she might
                 have managed to get.

                 I think Scully suspected early on that I was doing speed to push myself
                 into accomplishing incredible amounts of work, and she confronted me.  I
                 angrily told her exactly what I wanted her to hear- I was fine.  I was
                 just really crazy because I was working my job and the investigation on
                 the committee's dealings- wasn't that her concern too, goddammit?  I
                 couldn't believe that she would just passively fall to her knees and
                 watch the last six years of work crumble around us.  She made me
                 furious!  I thought she was my ally!  Was she really the spy I suspected
                 her to be in the beginning?  Was that why she just meekly taught her
                 classes and then came home and slept in the evenings, only to rise to
                 the same, unchanging and futile cycle in the mornings?  Well, screw
                 her!  Cold bitch.  I didn't need her- I would continue the work myself,
                 under my own terms.

                  She punished me for my heresy against her faith with icy silence.  That
                 was always her strength- building fortress walls around her innermost
                 self to protect the precious insides from attack.  Anything to guard her
                 whole being against the curse of my love for her.  Something akin to a
                 nuclear winter descended on our household, freezing us solid inside
                 ourselves.  She even began to spend more time at her mother's house to
                 escape my presence.

                 The only concession I made to her concern was to take barbituates and
                 the occasional sleeping pill to counteract the effects of the speed.  I
                 had to concentrate on our- my- mission.  The ends justify the means,
                 after all.

                 X X X

                  That- *bastard* had no idea, because he slept on that damn couch after
                 our screaming match, but I cried myself to sleep.  Every night.  I had
                 learned early on that crying was best done silently, so that no one
                 could hear the ripping sound of wounds opening or know that I was
                 vulnerable.  Our relationship was a sham.  We didn't make love, we
                 didn't have sex; we didn't even fuck each other.  It was like our first
                 cases where neither one of us made any move construed to be an advance.
                 But it was worse, because we were consciously protecting ourselves
                 against the temptation of the other- a touch signified weakness, the
                 smallest words exchanged would have been groveling apologies.

                  In spite of pride, I tried to reach out.  God knows I tried.  But his
                 way of coping with our problems was to shroud himself in guilt, like his
                 soul had already died and left his body.  The drive to find the truth
                 behind the committee held him in a stranglehold and refused to release
                 him to me.  The one he had loved.  I still loved him- but I took steps
                 to remedy that.  My mother started receiving more visits from me, almost
                 on a regular basis.  My guilt and shame over being unable to join him in
                 the insane quest for our past?  I was all to happy to shift the blame
                 onto his head, after I intuited that he thought it was his fault
                 anyways.  Why the hell did I have to carry all the emotional waste in
                 our relationship anyways?  Was that all he thought I could do, just
                 because I hardly showed my feelings?  Well, fuck him.

                  No, God, I didn't mean to hurt him.  I wanted sometimes, usually late
                 at night, to be able to erase memories and hurts, and just have my
                 Mulder hold me.  Like he and I swore to each other to do, without ever
                 having to say a word to seal the promise.  Arms folding me into their
                 protective haven, hearts intertwined and lips moving to make eternal
                 vows of love and devotion.  His lips no longer moved to utter words of
                 affection.  They made furtive, sly movements when he was on the phone
                 with shadow sources whose identities were never revealed to me.
                 Absently, they might play with the end of a pen as he sat hunched over a
                 desk, looking at phone records and information on the shady dealings of
                 the F.B.I. bought from men on the inside.

                 Or they would dreamily form words in his drug-induced slumber.  I
                 watched him sleep sometimes; I just sat across from the couch curled up
                 in a chair.  He was so innocent when he slept: a tousled, beautiful
                 dream child floating through the world of unconscious fantasies.  I
                 longed for that innocence to return and envelop us both in silvered

                  Alcohol helped me forget.  A glass of wine here or there, what harm?  A
                 beer after work, to relax me before bed.  A few shots to accompany my
                 oatmeal and tea at breakfast, a tiny single-serve bottle of the stronger
                 stuff at lunch; I was a trained doctor, and I promised myself that I
                 wouldn't let use turn into abuse.  I had it under control.  Besides,
                 once I worked up a tolerance, I needed more to keep out the pain.  And
                 without the pain, I could work better.  That was just how it was going
                 to have to be.

                 X X X

                  The one word burrowed into Mulder's head like a venomous worm, entering
                 his ear through the phone, carried on the husky voice straight to the
                 center of his brain.  It immediately started to devour him- starting
                 from the inside and releasing its poison wherever it squirmed.  The two
                 syllables split off and reproduced, creating exponentially huge echoes
                 in his head that knocked down walls of feeble sanity with each

                 His deadened hand dropped the phone in the cradle, cutting off the low
                 mumblings of the nameless informant.  His body turned on autopilot,
                 making preparations to leave his office while his mind spun crazily in
                 spirals, every neuron bloated and throbbing with righteous anger and the
                 diluted meth ingested half an hour before.

                  A very small amount of time later, Mulder was at the apartment he had
                 called home for a scant five months, changing his clothes and packing a
                 duffel bag of supplies with cold, exact precision.  His hands were
                 unshaking and steady as they packed his gun, a coil of strong cord, and
                 a hunting knife- he paused.  Sliding the blade from the sheath, he
                 tested the cool edge against his finger, watching the wound open
                 slowly.  Satisfied, he covered the knife again and placed it in the bag.

                  From the other end of the apartment, he heard a door quietly snick
                 shut.  Muttering obscenities to himself, he quickly snorted a handful of
                 his precious powder and counting quickly, grabbed a handful of red and
                 white capsules from a hidden bag.  He added the pills to the powder
                 carefully stored in a zippered pouch in the duffel bag.  Later, the
                 pills would have to bring him down so he could do the job.  He left the
                 bedroom, his face fixed in an emotionless mask, ready to face Scully.

                   Her shadow crept across the dimly lit kitchen.  Slowly, furtively, her
                 hand reached the refrigerator door, and pulled it open without making a
                 sound.  She grabbed a sixpack of beer and sat down heavily, popping two
                 of the tabs almost before her body hit the solid wood of the chair.  The
                 first one went down easily, the alcohol hitting her blood a familiar
                 feeling.  The second one was the kicker though, she needed that one to
                 make it happen.  And- there.  A lethargic feeling caught up to her
                 racing heart and overtook her in a net of warm honey.  She smiled
                 sleepily and slumped farther down into the chair.

                  Suddenly, she heard the door creak.  Cautiously, she got up and walked
                 toward the sound, lilting slightly in her gait.  Peeking around the
                 corner, her eyes widened, and she lunged forward to catch the door
                 before he slammed it on his way out.  She rushed out after him, fury
                 slowly building under the waves of alcohol bathing her brain.

                  "Where do you think you're goin?"

                  He turned, and his eyes pinned her with a haughty gaze.  "It's no
                 concern of yours.  Why don't you have another drink?  I'm sure you could
                 handle it- you seem to be building up a good tolerance for your size.
                 Don't wait up, *sweetheart*."  His last sarcastic words twisted his
                 mouth into a sneer, and he turned to the car.

                  Scully stood unmoving, the part of her brain still functioning stunned
                 and hurt.  What was wrong with him?  And what did he mean by that,
                 anyways?  There was nothing wrong with relaxing a little after a hard
                 day, or week, or monthÉ well, fuck him anyways.  Maybe another drink
                 *would* help.  Asshole.  She whirled around, a little unsteady in her
                 heels, and stalked back into the warm apartment.

                  Mulder watched her go from the driver's seat of the car.  Ruthlessly
                 cutting down the voices that were crying at him to go and stop her from
                 drinking any more, he started the ignition.  Nothing mattered now except
                 those two syllables, endlessly chanting at him the name, the traitor,
                 the one who had accepted his trust only to mock him.  'Fuck you! You
                 mother-fuckingÉ this is it, *Skinner*.  Judgment Day has come for you,
                 my friend.  Judas will have company after tonight, believe you meÉ' his
                 mind kept up its eternal, hyperactive rantings as he pulled out toward
                 his betrayer's apartment.  In his drugged and furious state, he took no
                 notice of the dark car parked behind him, nor of its vigilant occupant.

                 X X X

                  Ten minutes later, Scully was completely plastered.  She was swimming
                 in her own cranial fluid, the pain of Mulder's abandonment and scorn
                 long since drowned for the night.  A sharp knock at the door caused her
                 neck to swivel reflexively toward the noise: 'he's come back' was her
                 first relieved albeit drunken thought.  She advanced nonchalantly and
                 unsteadily to the dark rectangle in the wall, her vision a little
                 blurred.  'I won't be too hard on him- he's just doing what he thinks is
                 right, after all.'  She fumbled with the lock and hastily opened the
                 door.  Her eyes widened at the deceptively boyish face smirking at her
                 right before the swinging butt of a gun turned her whole world black.

                 X X X

                 END OF PART II

                 X X X

                 Title: Gethsemane III- The Price Of A Truth

                 Author: Lauryn Dominique

                 ALL DISCLAIMERS IN PART I, EXCEPT THIS ONE: Since we all love Krycek
                 sooo much, I gave him his arm back.

                 X X X

                  Skinner awoke to the feel of cold metal against his temple.  A growl
                 materialized from the darkness.  "Get up.  Now.  Don't fuck with me or
                 your brains will be all over the carpet."

                  "A-Agent Mulder?  What-"  A sharp blow to the underside of his throat
                 cut him off and he retched convulsively, falling out of the bed, legs
                 and torso tangled in the constricting sheets.

                  "I told you to fucking get up.  That's what happens when you don't
                 obey.  Now lay still, on your stomach, and if you fucking try to move, I
                 will break your goddamn neck."  Skinner did as told, passively rolling
                 over.  The haze of sleep had dissipated with the pain thumping in his
                 throat, and fear crawled into his stomach despite his efforts to keep it
                 at bay.  Had Mulder gone insane?  He listened to the low mutterings and
                 cursings emanating from the man above him- they were utter nonsense.
                 Mulder was obviously not himself; what had come over him?  And what
                 could he possibly want from his former boss?

                  Mulder's heart was pounding as he jerked the last knot into place.
                 Skinner was firmly tied up- his legs and arms separately joined, then
                 lashed to each other, rendering him absolutely helpless in the face of
                 Mulder's madness.  Sighing with satisfaction, Mulder placed two fingers
                 on the underside of his wrist, frowned, and reached into his bag for his
                 pills.  Smiling at the little red and white jewels, he swallowed three
                 with relish and sat back, admiring his work.  Skinner's breathing had
                 grown shallow and his eyes were still closed, his head turned away from
                 his captor.

                  "Don't look so upset, sir.  I just wanted to ask you a few questions,
                 'sall."  Mulder's voice was no longer cutting; the drugs had quickly
                 sanded his edged tone down to a smooth, honeyed curve.  He leaned in
                 close to the AD lying prone on the floor.  "Why was I removed from the
                 X-Files department?  Who was on that committee?  Was it youÉ you
                 *fucking* double-crosser?"  Anger flooded him suddenly and he gave
                 Skinner a vicious kick to the kidneys, eliciting a groan.  "Answer me!"

                  "A-" He had trouble speaking with the flashes of pain in his body.
                 "Agent Mulder- Mulder, you have been grievously mislead- someone has
                 misinformed you on that decision.  I cannot tell you who was on that
                 committee, but rest assured I fought for the reinstatement of you and
                 Agent Scully on the X-Files."  He felt a twinge of conscience, but
                 ignored it.  He had to lie- telling the truth would cost him his life.
                 If he told Mulder the truth, and Krycek saw a vengeful Mulder heading
                 his way, he'd flick that switch and those black demons in his blood
                 would make short work of him.  Skinner was sure that his apartment was
                 bugged anyways- he could be dead in seconds if the crucial words left
                 his lips.  "I tried- I knew you how much you- and Scully- wanted the
                 X-Files.  I didn't betray your trust!"  His last words came out sounding
                 a little too desperate in his own ears.

                  Mulder thoughtfully pondered these words, eyes darting from his
                 prisoner's face down to his hands unconsciously twisting in his lap.
                 His eyebrow twitched with irritation; his head was a little foggy.  He
                 reached for his bag and the saving dust inside.  Heedless of Skinner's
                 incredulous look, he snorted his precious powder and rocked back on his
                 heels, closing his eyes.  His head achieved a shaky equilibrium; he
                 sneezed twice and fixed his glittering eyes on his captive again.

                  "I don't believe you."  A heavy pause.  "But I *want* to believe."  He
                 smirked at the irony of his statement.  "Tell me one more time what
                 happened.  If you lie-"  Mulder brought his knife up to Skinner's neck
                 so that the cool metal of the sharpened blade stroked his sweat-slicked
                 skin.  "- it will be the last lie you ever tell me, asshole."

                  Skinner's mind raced.  Mulder would undoubtedly kill him if he repeated
                 what he'd said a moment ago- the man might be high, but he wasn't
                 stupid.  That knife would slash across his throat without remorse;
                 Mulder would be a murderer, and Skinner himself would be dead.  Was
                 Krycek's safety and blackmail protection worth that offering?  His eyes
                 slitted at the thought of that bastard laughing over his dead body and
                 Mulder's inevitable imprisonment in jail.  No, he had to inform Mulder
                 of the identity of his betrayer.  But the box wouldÉ *no*.  Screw him.
                 He couldn't think of himself now.  Mulder had trusted him, and look what
                 he'd become.  A senseless speed fiend whose only goal was to regain a
                 past full of pain, betrayed by everyone he trusted- including his boss.
                 Screw the consequences.  Mulder's life- and Scully's sanity- hinged on
                 this truth.  If it was a suicidal act to tell the truth, at least the
                 person who heard it would justify the sacrifice ten times over.  Truth
                 or no, Skinner knew he would end up dead.  At least the utterance of the
                 truth would give his death a purpose.

                 Suddenly, his mind snapped back to his present predicament- something
                 sharp had opened his throat.  Blood ran down his neckÉ

                 X X X

                  Something wet?  Tickling her lip.  Scully flicked her tongue out, and
                 tasted blood.  Confused, she moved to wipe it away with her hand, and
                 discovered herself bound.  Her head jerked up, eyes wide and taking in
                 her situation.  Spread-eagled and still dressed, she was tied to the
                 bedposts in her darkened bedroom.  She had no remembrance of how she got
                 there, but her knee was throbbing and her brain pounded against the back
                 of her eyes, berating her for drinking and putting her temple in the
                 path of a blunt object moving at high velocity.  Wait, whatÉ who had hit

                  A low laugh reached her ears, and her head whirled around face her
                 attacker, an indignant question on the tip of her tongue.  But no sound
                 came from her lips.  She tried to speak again, but her effort couldn't
                 even earn a whisper.  The muscles of her larynx stayed limp and
                 unresponsive to her demands.  Her brow furrowed, and then spread as her
                 eyes widened.  A figure was approaching her out of the shadows.

                  Krycek.  The light fell onto his sneering face, and she instinctively
                 spat.  He laughed again.  "A pleasure to see you, Agent Scully.  Cat got
                 your tongue?"  He sat beside her on the bed, and reached to stroke her
                 face.  "Can't have you screaming, now, can we?  Don't worry, the shot's
                 effect won't be permanent.  You will *eventually* regain your voice."

                  Fear snapped in her head like a coiled spring violently released.  The
                 pounding radiating through her brain was driving her insane, and being
                 tied up only exacerbated the rising feeling of despair.  Snarling like a
                 caged animal, she lunged out to bite his hand.

                  He jerked away, and surprise crossed his face before he carefully put
                 his cool mask of indifference back into place.  "Oh, I see.  You're
                 going the hard way.  It's a pity about AD Skinner and Agent Mulder,

                 That time, she was the surprised one.  Aloof demeanor forgotten, she
                 begged with her expression for an explanation.  Krycek didn't disappoint
                 her.  He continued with a sickening smile.

                 "I think, Agent Scully, that you have underestimated your Agent Mulder.
                 He may be hopelessly addicted to drugs, but he *is* persistent.  He is
                 currently, ah, *speaking* with AD Skinner about what he considers a
                 grave crime against the integrity of Mr. Skinner's work.  I hope he
                 doesn't get too upset over what Skinner did to him- after all, everyone
                 makes their choices."

                 Scully's stomach lurched.  Mulder had been insanely furious when he
                 left- was that anger directed at Skinner?  Surely Skinner had nothing to
                 do with the shady workings of that committee.  Mulder wasn't himself-
                 she could testify to his complete personality U-turn.  He still loved
                 her, but he had soured; the only way he could see in his twisted reality
                 to prove his love was to single-handedly rip apart the committee's veil
                 of secrecy and the conspiracy against the two of them.  No distance was
                 too far for him to travel, she realized.  What would he do in an attempt
                 to save them both?  Krycek's nauseating purr cut her off from her
                 disturbing thoughts.

                 "Agent Scully- can I call you Dana?- how *are* you doing?  You and
                 Mulder don't seem to be as- *happy* as you were a few months ago.  You
                 can tell me- what happened?  Did the magic fade?"  He tapped her bedside
                 table, and gave her a mockingly sympathetic look.  Her gut turned with
                 the realization.  'He's got a bug in this roomÉ.'  A gleeful grin
                 appeared on his face as her complexion paled visibly.  "I can't convey
                 enough my sympathy over your loss- is that why you two have been so
                 moody lately?"  He easily avoided her attempt to strike out at him.
                 Nonchalantly, he glanced at his watch, and inclined his head.  Scully
                 caught sight of a small device in his ear.  "Sounds like it's getting a
                 little heated at Skinner's placeÉ"

                 X X X

                  He wasn't dead.  But if Mulder kept up this slashing business, he
                 wouldn't live much longer.  His mouth and throat were filled with a
                 sticky, metallic-tasting fluid, and he gagged and spit.  He had to say
                 something before Mulder went at it again.  "Mulder!"

                  Mulder was transfixed by the bloody edge of the knife slanted against
                 Skinner's heaving throat.  Fascinated by the crimson flow, the fingers
                 of his free hand traced the pattern of blood in the air around Skinner's
                 neck.  His breathing had sped up, and his pupils were large and deep,
                 staring at his handiwork.  He snapped out of his trance at the plea from
                 Skinner.  The contempt returned to his features.  "What is it?  Tell me
                 the truth."

                  "It's- it's Krycek.  That bastard blackmailed me.  My blood condition-
                 he has control of those tiny machines.  You have to stop him- ugghhm!"
                 Skinner's whole body levitated off the floor with pain.  Every muscle
                 stood out in his neck and chest.  The blood flowed faster from his
                 wound, now tinged with blue-black stains.  "Aaaghk-" he was choking; he
                 couldn't form the words.  Another spasm struck him full force, and
                 Mulder stared incredulously as his captive's skin turned from pale brown
                 to a rich, pulsating black.

                 X X X

                  Krycek's eyes had widened to dark saucers at the sound of his name
                 rasped from Skinner's throat over the tiny microphone.  "That
                 motherfucking-" he hadn't finished his oath before twisting the dial on
                 the box attached to his belt.  "I hope Skinner thought that was worth

                  Despite remains of the alcohol binge crusted over her mind, Scully's
                 thoughts had cleared enough to remember a hospital, and Skinner in it,
                 with a strange disease that turned his blood blackÉ she would have
                 gasped if her vocal cords hadn't been useless.  Krycek!  He had control
                 over those tiny carbonizing machines, and he was going to kill Skinner!
                 Mulder- Mulder was there- he'd be blamed.  Everything was going to
                 hell.  A sudden burst of fear flooded her with adrenaline, and she
                 almost launched herself off the bed.  Krycek startled at her violent
                 movement, yanking himself to his feet.  A thoughtful look creased his
                 brow as he sat back down, scheming.  He caught the quick flash of pain
                 that cut across her face.

                  "Oh, your knee.  Somehow I think it was twisted after you opened the
                 door to let me in.  Knees are tricky things- you fall on them the wrong
                 way, andÉ but I digress."  He inched closer, the heaviness of his
                 presence almost inducing a gag response in her.  "DanaÉ I think you know
                 what's happening.  And it's good that you've figured this out, because
                 that's what the F.B.I. *used* to pay you for.  Dana-"  his voice dropped
                 dangerously, "what are you willing to do to save Mulder's life?  Huh?"
                 To the confusion of his captive, he inched closer, dropping his voice to
                 a murmur and his hands to her body.  Watching his finger run almost
                 carelessly along the neckline of her blouse, he smoothly questioned
                 her.  "Is he worth it?  Would you do it if it would save his life?  You
                 might enjoy it-"  he leered at her openly.  "After all, I know it's been
                 awhile for youÉ."  His mouth hovered inches from her ear.  His tongue
                 flicked out and over her jawline as his other hand slid to her stomach.

                  Scully almost threw up.  She moaned deep in her throat, her stomach
                 violently churning at the thought of having to make this decision.  'I
                 have to save Mulder- he can't be wanted for murderÉ but oh God, please
                 just save us, me, him, pleaseÉ'  her head whipped back and forth on the
                 pillow, trying to rid herself of Krycek chasing her mouth with his.  He
                 had shifted his body to hover over her.

                  "C'mon, Dana, I'll be good to you- I don't mind that you're out of
                 practice, I bet you're still a good screwÉ ow!- You *whore*!"  He pulled
                 away suddenly from her mouth, cradling his bleeding lip.  She had
                 managed to fasten her teeth onto the pursuing mouth and rip the tender
                 flesh.  He growled, and backhanded her across the face.  Her whole body
                 shifted over, and shook with silent whimpers.  "That's it.  You're
                 taking it now- all bets are off."

                  Scully heard his zipper yanked down moments before her own was ripped
                 open, along with her belt.  His hot, grasping hand reached inside her
                 pants and tore away her panties.  Both her pants and underwear came down
                 to her knees at the same time he swung himself atop her tiny, shaking
                 body.  Brutally, he swung at her face with both fists, stunning her into
                 a frozen stillness within her restraints.  Satisfied with her momentary
                 submission, he reared over her and forced his way in.

                 X X X

                  Pain.  That's all my mind could register.  Close, stifling agony.  I
                 had squeezed my eyes shut after I first felt his fists on my face, and
                 they stayed shut to the horrible scene unfolding on top of me, until I
                 heard his voice and felt the gun to my head.  "Open your eyes, Dana."
                 The steel pressed to my temple had nothing on the coldness of his tone.
                 I opened my eyes.

                  His face was twisted, grimacing with the effort of slamming his body
                 into mine.  Every brutal thrust into my soft insides ripped me open,
                 exposing my raw emotions to the harsh light of an evil truth.  I had
                 been abandoned.  God was gone, Mulder was gone- all that remained was
                 the pain in this hell.  My body was viciously torn from my mind, the
                 sacrilege of rape destroying my frail grasp on myself.  His body hovered
                 right over me, his presence suffocating.  My mouth opened and closed in
                 silent screams- not a sound could I make.  Every scream, every cry,
                 every plea rebounded in my own head, only for my own ears to hear.  I
                 sobbed silently for mercy, but no one could hear me.  No one cared.

                 He was laughing the entire time.  My dry lips cracked with every effort
                 to make noise; the strain on my facial muscles almost paralyzed my jaw
                 but I didn't care.  Sadistically he rammed me over and over.  I could
                 feel my sensitized flesh ripping under his savage abuse.  Everything
                 throbbed and I couldn't make it stop, I couldn't shut him out, I was
                 frozen in excruciating agony like a deer with its throat slashed open.
                 His mouth came down on mine, foul and hot, stealing my breath away.
                 There was no way I could turn or twist to rid my body of him.  I could
                 tell he was near to a release by the way he sped up in his cruel torture
                 of my body, my soulÉ he came suddenly into me, bathing my insides with a
                 scalding shame.  My eyes shut again when I felt the gun drop from my
                 bloodied temple, and I grasped for a blissful oblivion, praying for a
                 blessing in the form of death.

                 X X X

                  Krycek caught his breath and stared contemptuously at the woman
                 silently weeping under him.  Casually swinging his leg over her
                 shuddering body, he reached onto his belt and flicked the box's knob.
                 "That's your reward, Dana.  You weren't half bad after all."  He sneered
                 and dug into his pocket while his eyes searched the room.  Satisfied at
                 the lack of any incriminating evidence, aside from the sobbing form on
                 the bed, he flipped the offering out of his pocket onto the sheet near
                 her face, damp with sweat and tears.  Scully's ears caught the rustle of
                 paper and she opened her eyes.  Krycek winked at her as he zipped his
                 fly.  "Keep the change."

                  He cut her bonds and walked out the door, his back to her incredulous
                 stare.  With a sudden vicious swipe, she knocked the five-dollar bill
                 that he'd left her to the floor, and collapsed into the fetal position,
                 drained of energy.  That last barb on top of the aftermath of her ordeal
                 had left her without enough energy even to cry.  The front door slammed
                 shut; Krycek had disappeared again, never to return.

                 X X X

                 END OF PART III

                 X X X

                 Title: Gethsemane IV- The Futile Crusade

                 Author: Lauryn Dominique

                 ALL DISCLAIMERS IN PART I

                 X X X

                  Mulder had watched, helpless, as Skinner had thrashed around on the
                 floor in obvious agony.  The tiny machines in his blood were ruthlessly
                 destroying him right before Mulder's eyes, and the experience of
                 watching a man slowly die in restraints tied by his own hands had
                 cleared his mind quickly.  There was nothing that he could do to
                 alleviate his friend's pain- any efforts he made to combat the black
                 enemy were futile.  In the throes of another fit of spasms, Skinner had
                 begun to gasp out prayers- to God, to his mother, even to the man by his
                 side.  Mulder was frozen with acute fear at witnessing the breakdown of
                 the man who had always stood like a rock over him, never showing a chink
                 in his armor or a crack in his fortress.  Terrified that Skinner would
                 die and leave him to be the assumed murderer, Mulder had struggled to
                 make his body get up and flee, but his remaining integrity and
                 conscience forced him to kneel at Skinner's side, waiting out each
                 terrible fit.  His friend was condemned to death for revealing the
                 truth, and Mulder's last dregs of honor refused to release him to
                 cowardly flight.

                  Without warning, the holocaust in Skinner's body ended.  The last moan
                 floated from his exhausted body as he relaxed enough to lie flat on the
                 carpet.  His heart was pounding to an irregular rhythm, the blood moved
                 sluggishly if at all through his body, and his lungs struggled to get
                 enough air to keep him on the near side of consciousness.  But he was
                 still alive.  When he had mustered enough strength, Skinner opened his
                 bloodshot eyes and sought Mulder's tortured hazel ones.

                  "Krycek- he's let me live.  Unngh-" his body's aftershocks warned him
                 to rest before exerting himself any more, but the urgency of the
                 situation begged for a warning to Mulder.  "I don't know what he's
                 planning, but he must have heard me expose him."  A disturbing thought
                 nagged his spent mind, and he fought to convey this misgiving to
                 Mulder.  "He tried to ruin you and Scully by using me; he wouldn't leave
                 without knowing that he'd succeeded first."

                  Mulder's mind had raced ahead.  "I- I left her alone at her apartment.
                 She was drinking heavilyÉ"  His mouth narrowed into a razor-thin line,
                 and he began throwing his things back into the duffel bag.  Skinner
                 cleared his throat, and Mulder stopped momentarily to ask hesitantly,
                 "Are youÉ going to press charges?"

                  "ÉNo.  You weren't yourself.  But Agent Mulder-"  Mulder's jaw
                 clenched.  "Just take care of her, all right?  I know you're struggling,
                 but she must feel the same way."

                  Without another word, a stone-faced Mulder cut Skinner's bonds.  Before
                 Skinner had even gotten up off the floor, he was out the door.  A minute
                 later, Skinner heard a car start noisily and its tires squealed as it
                 peeled away from the curb.  He quickly thanked anyone who was listening
                 for saving his life twice over that night.

                 X X X

                  Mulder opened the bedroom door gently.  He had searched the rest of the
                 apartment, taking care to check every hiding place.  Krycek, if he'd
                 been there, had left.  His concern now was that Scully was okay.  Upon
                 seeing her apparently asleep on the bed, he relaxed visibly.  He'd just
                 check her over before going to sleep; he was exhausted from a day or
                 more without sleep, and the activity of the drugs in his system had
                 faded with time and stress.

                  As he crossed the room to her side of the bed, a bad feeling rose in
                 his stomach.  She was curled up in a fetal position- very unusual for
                 her sleeping pattern.  Her breathing wasn't as slow and regular as it
                 appeared from farther away- she would take a few quick gasps of air,
                 then not breathe at all for a few seconds.  Her hair was matted to her
                 forehead, and the area on the bed around her face was stained darker.
                 His foot stepped on something that made a crinkling noise.  Momentarily
                 distracted, he reached down and picked up the five-dollar bill.
                 Puzzled, his eyes rose back up to the bed- and caught the ruined pants
                 and underwear.  Her white panties were stained with blood, and each of
                 her limbs had a sheet tied to it.

                  Horror drained the color from his face, and his eyes traveled up her
                 shuddering body, until they reached her head.  Her face was bruised
                 black and blue from Krycek's vicious blows.  His mouth opened and
                 closed, without making any more sound than she had half an hour ago.  A
                 wave of self-revulsion hit him at the same time as the guilt.  'I left
                 her alone- he was able to get in andÉ'  his mind refused to acknowledge
                 the brutal truth.  Instead he moved his hand to touch her arm; was she
                 even conscious?

                  At his touch, her eyes sprang open.  Her bright blue eyes stared at
                 him, a stark contrast to the surrounding bruised skin.  A harsh guttural
                 noise broke from her throat, and her eyes glazed over with fear.  She
                 struggled away from his hand awkwardly, making a pitiful effort not to
                 jostle her lower body.  Her eyes were feral and scared as she watched

                 X X X

                  Oh my God.  No please not her, God no.  I was the one who- she was-
                 no!  Oh, not Scully, no.  My mind snapped like a rubber band.  I
                 couldn't grasp this.  That motherfucking *dog* had *raped* her.  He tied
                 her to the bed, and forced her- FUCK!  I was devastated.  I had rashly
                 hunted down an innocent man, and she had faced the consequences, bound
                 and helplessÉ and alone.  I'm going to kill that bastard.  I'm going to
                 cut off everything I can before I carve out his stomach andÉ but not
                 now.  She needs help now.

                 I moved closer, to untie the knotted sheets around her wrists, but she
                 jerked away again.  I remembered my last words to her, and how I'd been
                 acting, and my body froze in mid-reach.  I had pushed her to the edge,
                 and my last act of selfishness had allowed the catalyst to finish the
                 job.  She would never trust me again.  That was it.  A cold truth
                 slapped me across the face.  I had just ruined both of our lives.  This
                 was her lasting reward for having loved me- destruction of mind,
                 desecration of body.  I hated myself.  I had to get out of there- find
                 Krycek, small steps to make it close to all right.  My mind fixated on
                 that- yes, maybe if I found him, I could somehow atone for this.  For
                 what I had allowed to happen to her, my Scully.  The tears came, but I
                 wiped them angrily.  I had no right to cry- she couldn't even shed tears
                 right now.  I would find him, slaughter him, come back- and try to pick
                 up the pieces.  That was my best hope now.

                  Without venturing any closer to her, I grabbed a blanket off of the
                 chair in the corner, and gently tossed it over her.  She let me do that
                 before she tucked her head into her arms and stomach to hide herself.
                 The tears started down my cheeks again before I got out the door.

                 X X X

                  Scully lifted her heavy head after she heard the door slam.  She
                 coughed twice and shifted- her throat still throbbed from the muscle
                 relaxant shot, and every bone in her body ached from the physical abuse,
                 but her heart hurt more than anything else she could feel.  Mulder had
                 left her.  Again.

                  When something had first touched her, she had instinctively moved away
                 in self-defense.  It could have been her tormentor back to hurt her
                 again.  Even when the terrible haze cleared from her brain, she wasn't
                 sure that it was Mulder who was really there.  He hadn't been there when
                 she'd needed him- how did she know her ravaged mind wasn't playing
                 tricks on her?  Move toward him, and his features would fade and twist
                 until he became- Krycek, or Donnie Pfaster, or Duane BarryÉ no.  She
                 wasn't going to take any chances this time.

                  But then he had cried.  Mulder only cried when someone he loved was
                 dead or dying; with those tears, she knew it was him.  Her heart nearly
                 broke at the thought of what he was seeing when he looked at her.  She
                 could almost empathize with him- she knew how he would absorb the
                 remorse for Krycek's act, how he would make the crime his own.  His
                 sense of loyalty and profound guilt would torture him no end.  She
                 almost managed to reach out to him, to just take his hand and let him
                 know that she wasn't all gone.

                 But the look on his face stopped her.  His mouth had set, his eyes
                 slitted, and he threw a blanket over her and walked out.  He was
                 disgusted with her, at her.  She was a repulsive creature to him-
                 weakened, broken in spirit and body.  His reaction was the final
                 verdict: she had failed to be strong.  She had lost her head to alcohol
                 and self-pity, and this was her penance, her punishment.  She *deserved*
                 this.  Her common sense fought this, telling her that it was never the
                 victim's fault, but she ruthlessly cut down the opposition to her
                 convictions.  How could it be anyone else's fault?  She was drunk, and
                 had put herself in danger.  Now she had to survive on her own, without
                 Mulder's support.  He had made his decision to leave, and she had to
                 live with that.  Despite the knowledge that her own weaknesses had been
                 my downfall, she started to cry again.  Still in tears, she remembered
                 the scotch that she had hoarded under the bed.  Alcohol had always
                 numbed the pain before; she hoped that this time wouldn't be the first
                 exception to the rule.

                 X X X

                 END OF PART IV

                 X X X

                 Title: Gethsemane V- The Agony And Betrayal

                 Author: Lauryn Dominique

                 ALL DISCLAIMERS IN PART I

                 X X X

                 Mulder angrily pushed through the front door and headed straight for the
                 bedroom.  His heart thumped crazily against his ribs, feeding off the
                 recent dose of speed.  After an hour of fighting exhaustion to find that
                 rat bastard, he'd desperately craved more powder to fuel his mad quest.
                 Of course, he couldn't deny his spent body anything that would aid in
                 his search.  He barely noticed the clothes and bottles strewn all over
                 the floor around the entrance.  As soon as he stepped inside the room
                 though, he nearly tripped over a small lump on the carpet.

                  "What the fuck?É Is that you?  Get the hell off the floor!"  He was
                 furious at his failure to find his adversary, and still in an alternate
                 state of consciousness from the drugs tainting his blood.  Every memory
                 of her brutal rape had left his head during his frantic combing of city
                 streets for Krycek, leaving only the drug-induced rage and self-hate.
                 The little body on the floor didn't stir, and for a second he was
                 worried.  'She finally did itÉI knew her liver couldn't handle all that
                 alcoholÉ.'  He bent down, and the smell of her breath and clothes
                 assailed his heightened senses from more than a foot away.  His concern
                 turned to disgust.

                  "Are you drunk?  What the hell are you doing on the fucking floor?  Get
                 up and into bed if you can't stay fucking sober!  Jesus, you stupid- How
                 much did you fucking drink?  Bitch!  Can you hear me?"  His voice was
                 raw and hoarse with yelling.  'She smells like a fucking whorehouse,' he
                 thought.  He yanked her off the floor and started ripping her clothes
                 off.  When he was in college and one of his friends binge drank, the
                 other guys would throw him in the shower to take care of the smell and
                 the state of unconsciousness.  In case of the excessive alcohol causing
                 sickness the dorm wouldn't smell like puke, either.

                  He barged into the bathroom, stumbled around for the light, and managed
                 to relieve her of her last layer of clothing.  She was still cold to the
                 touch, but breathing now.  He was about to fling her into the shower
                 stall and turn on the cold water full blast when he remembered her
                 knee.  There was no way she could support herself.  'Shit, she'll
                 probably drown or somethingÉ.'

                 He set her down firmly and stripped naked, careful not to catch the
                 mirror's reflection of either of them.  He had hated mirrors for some
                 time now- the effortless way that they exposed all the truths he was
                 trying to hide cowed him.  The starkness of a mirror's image revealed
                 his emaciated body, his sunken and reddened eyes, his hunched posture.
                 He snorted cynically at the way both of them must look- an alcoholic and
                 a speed freak, bare and vulnerable to all the forces that ruined them.
                 In spite of his contempt, his eyes ran over her body.  Her skin was an
                 unhealthy pale white, almost translucent.  It used to be fair- a
                 complementing contrast to his now-yellowed golden brown complexion.  The
                 red fire of her hair had faded to a lackluster sandy brown; only shadows
                 of copper remained.  She had lost a lot of weightÉ he felt like shit
                 just looking at her.  Ghosts of her former image crept into his head.
                 He steeled himself against the weakness of memory and angrily stood up.
                 No regrets.  He started the shower and dragged her in with him.

                 Scully drifted into consciousness, wondering why the hell she was
                 getting wet.  'Maybe I fell asleep in the bath.  Am I drowning?'  Her
                 mind was calmly amused at the thought of dying.  She felt strong arms
                 lift her face and neck up to a spray of water, which promptly flooded
                 her nose.  She coughed and struggled, suddenly panicked, but her throes
                 were stilled by a harsh voice.

                  "Stop it!  I'm trying to clean you up, dammit.  You passed out again.
                 How much did you drink this time?  I can't leave you alone, can I?"  The
                 accusations were punctuated with a forceful shake.

                  Oh right.  Well, maybe she hadn't drowned.  Her pride shook off the
                 numbing effects of too much alcohol and answered him.  "Let me go, you
                 asshole.  I don't need your hel-"  she was cut off as he let go and she
                 collapsed painfully, landing on the floor of the shower.

                  "Yes, you do.  You can't even stand up on your own with that goddamn
                 crippled knee.  Just fucking let me wash you off, and then I promise
                 I'll never fucking touch you again.  Don't think I even want to be doing
                 this-"  he roughly yanked her to her feet, "I have plans of my own for
                 this evening.  So don't act like touching you is a privilege."

                  She stiffened in response, but still she passively let him manipulate
                 her body so that she was bathed all over in the hot spray.  If she
                 closed her eyes, she could imagine that she was floating of her own free
                 will; just relaxing and levitating in the shower.  Her muscles slowly
                 uncoiled and she let out a little sigh.

                  The delicate noise of her self-involved pleasure reached his ears,
                 seemingly louder and clearer than the sound of the water around both of
                 them.  He himself was not totally conscious- the last twenty-four hours
                 had brought no sleep; no matter what he snorted or swallowed, his body
                 wouldn't unwind from its tensely coiled state.  His head felt huge, and
                 his limbs a little heavy, like his blood wasn't circulating through his
                 extremities quite right.  He shook his head quickly, and reached for the
                 soap.  He began moving the scented bar over her skin, once every now and
                 then swiping over his body when he remembered that he probably needed a
                 good cleaning, too.

                  After a few minutes of scrubbing, she no longer smelled like a cheap
                 bar, and he was considerably less tense.  His muscles loosened their
                 steely grip under her arms, causing her to lean up against him for
                 continued support.  Without a conscious thought of resistance in his
                 head, he slumped against the side of the stall, their close physical
                 proximity bringing dusty memories to light.  His cock grew hard against
                 her back, and he murmured her name once.  It was strange, to form her
                 real name after so many times making it come out as an epithet or an
                 obscenity.  "ScullyÉ"

                  'Did he just call me Scully?' she wondered drowsily.  She hadn't heard
                 him call her anything but a bitch and a whore for the last few months,
                 it seemed like.  She wanted to cry.  Was this maybe a small step in the
                 long healing process?  Could they perhaps salvage something from the
                 wreckage of their relationship?

                  Her name came from his lips again, sealing her thoughts in place.  She
                 softened at the hesitancy in his tone and turned slowly around, lifting
                 her face up to see him.  His stern appearance, tempered by months of
                 hard work and suffering, persisted as a gleam in his eyes, but the edge
                 on his features had yielded to a look that was almost familiar.
                 "Mulder-"  Her tone was low but it gained strength.  "Mulder."  Her eyes
                 held his.

                  Oh God, those eyes!  He couldn't control himself any longer- the blood
                 pounded in his head faster, whipping into a frenzy his already
                 heightened senses.  Everything crashed down on him- how she'd felt under
                 him when they last made love months and months ago, how she smelled, the
                 shape of her lips when she said his name.  *His* name, not asshole or
                 bastard; just Mulder.  The ties binding his sanity snapped violently
                 under the barrage of reminiscence, unable to withstand the painful

                  He lunged at her mouth, catching her lips between his and forced his
                 tongue in, his body's long-denied frustration taking control of his
                 conscious mind.  She was so soft, so real, and he couldn't get the fix
                 fast enough.  His body pinned her to the wall of the shower, his cock
                 thrusting erratically against her small frame, sensation alone urging
                 him on.  So good...

                  Scully cried out into his mouth.  Her traumatized mind flashed painful
                 memories of her last forced sexual experience as she was crushed against
                 the wall of the shower, water running over her face and into her mouth.
                 Krycek's image flooded her brain, his laughter echoed in her ears, and
                 she tried to scream, but it was swallowed by Mulder's mouth on hers.  He
                 wasn't waiting for her, he hadn't let her open up to him; he'd become a
                 mindless slave to primal desire and dangerous frustration.  There was
                 nothing she could do to stop this onslaught and that staggering
                 realization only made her struggle harder against fate.

                  "Oh!"  She managed a small sobbing noise as he pushed himself inside of
                 her, his chin came down onto the crown of her head, his cheek crushed up
                 against the wall, and he began moving roughly and jerkily in and out.
                 She hadn't had hardly any time to heal from Krycek's abuse; neither her
                 body nor her mind was ready for another cruel attack.  She began to cry,
                 between sobs gulping enough breath to cry out to him, to try to talk-
                 "MulderÉ oh JesusÉ oh God, stop it!  Stop!  Oh God- oh God, stop,
                 pleaseÉ."  She dissolved into tears and tried to struggle away, but he
                 was so much bigger than she was.  Her eyes screwed shut and her body's
                 desperate roar of resistance filled her ears, pleading for the torture
                 to stop before she spilt in two.

                  Mulder's eyes closed tightly and his ears were deaf to her sobs and
                 tears as he pumped faster and harder, slamming himself into her, his
                 body intent only on release.  He lost all touch with his conscious mind,
                 the drugs commanding his body to just find releaseÉ. He came with a
                 grunt, great jerks provoking him to make the last few strokes, before he
                 pulled out abruptly and leaned back to fall against the opposite wall
                 for support.  Half consciously he watched his seed drip down her legs,
                 feeling himself go limp.  Finally satiated with the satisfaction of
                 release, he let his eyes wander up her body.  His eyes met her face and
                 froze in shock.

                  Her eyes, those beautiful blue eyes whose memory he had just been
                 fucking, were closed against him and his cruel violation of her body,
                 squeezed shut around the tears that were still falling and streaking her
                 face.  A red flush of shame covered her skin, and her whole body was
                 shaking uncontrollably.  Without any support for her knee, she was
                 slowly sliding down the shower wall, quivering with the quiet sobs she
                 refused to fully release.  She finally reached the ground, and hugged
                 her shaking legs to her chest, visibly gathering herself in for
                 protection against the destruction wreaked on her battered mind and

                  Horrified tears filled his eyes at the realization of what he had just
                 done.  At that moment he wanted to die.  "*Fuck*-"  the word left his
                 mind a scream and came out a tortured whisper.  Her head snapped up and
                 those eyes pinned him.  Vindictive and red-rimmed with fear, they blazed
                 with hatred.  A white-hot, all-engulfing hatred that made him catch his

                  "Scully-"  His body tried to shake the paralysis induced by the
                 confusion of the drugs in his system and the cutting glare she was
                 leveling at him.  His mind was shorting like a radio submerged in water,
                 random sounds hitting his ears and clashing with noise of their erratic
                 breathing echoing around the shower.

                  If anything, the hate intensified to supernatural proportions.  "Don'tÉ
                 fuckingÉ touchÉ me."  The words were strangled and her voice was twisted
                 with rage.  "Don't you everÉ everÉ ever.. fucking think of touching me
                 ever again, you motherÉ fuckingÉ BASTARD!"  She built up momentum until
                 she was screaming at him in a full-on hysterical fury.  All of her
                 aggression and frustration and fear had exploded in her chest and the
                 fallout was erupting from her mouth in curses and obscenities hurled at
                 the man now crouching before her.  "Cock-sucking, sonofabitch
                 cunt-licking dog!  You- FUCK!"  She flung herself out of the shower,
                 flooding the floor and managing to slide on her stomach to the hallway

                  Mulder sat stunned for a few moments where he'd sunk to the floor,
                 struggling to clear his mind of the revulsion at his act and the ensuing
                 self-hatred.  He needed to help her before he drowned helplessly in his
                 feelings.  Finally, he noticed her trying to rise up and stumble to her
                 bed.  He scrambled to his feet, slipping like an unsteady toddler, and
                 tried to help her; catching her under the arms, he lifted her toward the
                 bed gently.  He was rewarded with an elbow in his side and a string of
                 sobbed curses.

                  "Don't FUCKING touch me-"  she started to cry again and flung herself
                 on the bed, quickly scurrying to the side away from him.  "I HATE you!
                 I never, NEVER want to feel you near me, orÉ inÉ"  she couldn't choke
                 out the words, "m-me again!  I will fucking RIP you apart!  I will kill
                 myself before I EVER let you touch me again!"  She was almost incoherent
                 with rage and wild tears and her screams had reached the highest pitch
                 that she could sustain.  She collapsed, sobbing out her heart into the

                  Mulder crept out of the bedroom, his heart a cold, deadened lump in his
                 chest.  Each of her muffled cries into the pillow stabbed like a knife
                 in his stomach.  He slowly laid himself down on the couch, eyes wide
                 open and staring at nothing, feeling the blackness yawn open to swallow
                 him whole.

                 X X X

                 END OF PART V

                 X X X

                 Title: Gethsemane VI- Absolution Through A Sacrifice

                 Author: Lauryn Dominique


                 X X X

                  The air, stained black with deepest night, rested its weight on my
                 forehead, pushing thoughts out of the way.  Emotions and memories
                 drowned my mind in a collage of images.  Scully crying in my protecting
                 arms, bandaging my wounds, staring down the shaking gun in my hand while
                 backing toward the fire alarm, saving my life, sleeping in a hospital
                 curled around the only daughter she would ever know.  My hand softly
                 wiping away a spot of barbecue sauce, hair from her face, a near-death
                 in a gymnasium shower, visiting her in her hospital bed; the visions
                 drifted like stormclouds in front of my closed eyes with ever-quickening
                 speeds and furious intensity.  My racing heartbeat set the fevered
                 cadence for the ghastly procession.  One after the other they mocked me
                 silently, stirring old thoughts and remembrances into a hurricane that
                 threatened to swallow me whole.

                 The surrounding mosaic became my entire life, the illustration of a
                 lifetime of love and pain intertwined as lovers- and it slammed into me
                 with the force of a tidal wave, millions of ghosts maliciously provoking
                 my confusion and panic.  Every painful beat of my heart in my chest
                 became a physical blow, violently knocking me down with another instant
                 in time thrust into cognizance.  Scully in all her beauty, her radiance,
                 the truth laid before me as I had never seen it- love in her eyes, her
                 voice, her touches.  Then all I could see was her face- every day I had
                 known her was playing like a movie over my mind's eye.  The flashing
                 pictures began to show jagged cracks at the edges, one after the other
                 fragmenting.  Spiderweb fractures crept insidiously from all sides into
                 every frame, defiling my memories of her.  Each of my mind's photos in
                 the montage yellowed under my gaze, her face fading in a shapeless gray
                 mass, her eyes blackening into pitch and all humanity drained from her

                  My resolve snapped and I started to cry without opening my eyes,
                 paralyzed with horror but unable to let the scenes dissolve.  Her face
                 had become demonic, the monstrosity there reflecting what lay inside my
                 own soul.  What I saw was now a mirror image of myself, taunting me with
                 this newest truth until I could take no more.  My eyes swelled out of
                 their lids, opening to face the darkness that surrounded me and I gulped
                 in huge breaths of the cool black air, straining to relieve the pressure
                 in my lungs.  I lay there for endless minutes, picking up the scattered
                 pieces of my sanity strewn about my head.

                 I began to think; I forced my mind to face my heinous crimes.

                  I had let my quest for the truth become my entire life.  I had lied,
                 hurt my friends, almost killed another human being, and, above all other
                 evil deeds, I had raped Scully.  I had sunk to the lowest level possible
                 for a creature that called itself human.  I betrayed her body, her love,
                 her trust, her soul.  I violated everything sacred that we had ever
                 shared.  I hated myself for what I had become: an insane maniac, driven
                 by an insidious passion, misguided by the false promises of small
                 truths.  I had strayed from the divine path of love; the soul had fled
                 my body long before Scully was lying subjugated under me in that
                 shower.  For months now my love had been something twisted, depraved in
                 its own indignant illusion of benevolence.  My utter devotion to her
                 became a venom, spread by the bite of a snake, a loathsome serpent that
                 I myself had created and set loose on an innocent.

                  Through all this despair the answer came, borne by tiny filaments of
                 thought through the chaos of my mind.  Its calm simplicity stunned me
                 into momentary lifelessnessÉ.  If I loved her, why couldn't I give her
                 another chance?  Fate had yet to carry out its plans; perhaps the final
                 step was mine to execute.  Modell had failed, Puppet fell a foot short
                 of his goal, even the Smoking Man hadn't been able to claim my life.
                 But how could the essence of the blood running through my veins resist
                 the will of the body it sustained?  *I* wanted to die.  The gift of my
                 life had become a burden; not just to me, but also to her.  She was the
                 only one I lived for, and that fact had become an ironic paradox.  Why
                 in the name of God should I live, having wronged her so?  I had looked
                 into her eyes; her soul was as dead as mine, but perhaps my sacrifice
                 would call loudly enough to the heavens that her life would be
                 restored.  Absolved of the stain of my love, she would rise from the
                 ashes, a veritable phoenix to avenge the anger and suffering
                 contributing to her downfall.  The ending of my life to revive hers.

                 Renewed by my vow to rid the world of the hideous plague that I
                 personified mind, heart, and soul, I made my way into the bathroom and
                 locked the door.  The wraiths howled outside, but the promise of my
                 impending death cleansed the room and they remained shut out of the
                 inner sanctum.  My last moments, in deference to my sacrifice, would be
                 peaceful, unattended by the furies and vengeful ghosts clamoring

                 X X X

                  Scully lay numb on the bed, wet and bleeding.  Her flesh slowly turned
                 to stone, every muscle relaxed as in the first stage of death.  The life
                 drained drop by drop from her limbs, the salvaged streams ran in
                 rivulets to a deep basin contained in her chest.  Her mind flickered
                 out.  Free for the moment, her spirit wandered the fathoms of her own
                 tortured subconscious.

                 X X X

                  I could see a lot from there.  It was just me, all by my lonesome,
                 clothed in the last shreds of my sanity.  I'd come to the edge of a
                 reflecting pool, and as I peered into the endless depths, I came to the
                 startling realization that the still pond was me.  My flight from the
                 cruelties of reality had brought me to the hidden caverns in my mind,
                 the bottomless caves of my unconscious.  I was looking into my own
                 soul.  Everything I had managed to save drained into this lake.  I
                 cupped my hands and drew some of the black water up.  I wanted to see
                 what there was left of me; what I would be if I woke up.

                  Mulder's face was reflected in the water I held; he was staring back at
                 me.  His eyes shimmered, every color swirled deep in his irises.
                 Instantly the memory of hate bubbled up in my chest, and simultaneously
                 the black lake began to boil angrily.  His apparition showed the guilt
                 of the crime; he knew the sin he was charged with.  I experienced
                 nothing but a scalding burn in my heart- the hatred of this man was
                 eating me alive.  But I also felt a weak tugging on my mind; in some
                 darkened corner of my soul there was a huddled creature begging my
                 attention.  I whirled around in the direction of its whimpers, still
                 cradling his liquid face in my hands.

                 There was nothing there, but when I looked into the mirror of my palms,
                 he was smiling up at me.  The creature was love.  In some dark hole of
                 my mind, there still thrived a love that could never cease to live.  He
                 still loved me.  And I knew that in that deep recess, despite his
                 transgressions and misguided acts, I still possessed love for him, too.

                  No.  *No*.  I shook my head angrily to clear it, wanted to wipe what I
                 knew was a forgiving look off my face.  What was I doing?  Was that how
                 love changed me?  It made me weak, so starved for affection that even
                 the most base violation perpetrated by the only one I ever completely
                 trusted meant nothing?  I couldn't be weak.  I spent the last six years
                 of my life sacrificing my compassion, my tenderness, my human desires to
                 the faceless god that then gave in return materials to build a fortress
                 around myself.  The steep price I paid for that protection made me that
                 much stronger, fierce and bent on self-preservation in a world that
                 wanted to bring me to my knees.  In the last twenty-four hours, my whole
                 reality was shattered first by the power of hate, then by the blight of
                 love gone hideously wrong.  I was a survivor, and a survivor lives.  In
                 the weakest sense of the word, I was living.  Survival itself demands
                 that the body and soul of the one who survives take on any form to
                 simply live through what may come.  I may have been a crushed, broken
                 shell of my former self, but I was going to live.  My pride demanded
                 that I hate him as much as was humanly possible for a person to despise

                  In the midst of my all-consuming rage Mulder whispered to me, his voice
                 reaching through my haze of pain and anguish.  His pleas were coming
                 from the vision still flickering in my cupped hands.  I looked at him
                 again, and realization slowly dawned, its fresh light scattering the
                 grim clouds in my head.  His face told me what I desperately, truly
                 wanted to know: there was still a second chance for us.  The course of
                 nature would separate the cold, detached soul from the one that does
                 excruciating penance to its personal demons, but I knew better than to
                 just blindly accept a spoon-fed truth.  When we worked together, our
                 purpose was to uncover truths on our own.  All these things that had
                 befallen me had changed my surface, but could not alter the true
                 elemental being of the woman beneath.  I was not destroyed, and neither
                 was he; we had merely been stripped to our bare souls.

                 My lips dipped to ripple his forehead, his eyes, his mouth, and I drank
                 deeply from the elixir I held in the cup of my hands.  The spirit I
                 inhabited sank back into the lake, melting into oblivion.  My
                 consciousness broke into a million parts under the surface of the black
                 water, and life seeped back into my comatose human form from the
                 contents of the hidden pool.

                 X X X

                  The razor's silvery plane caught the light, reflecting most of it, but
                 still some of the energy was trapped within the sharp tool.  It sparkled
                 with a secret evil, coquettishly winking at him and drawing closer to
                 his wrist.  He was powerless to stop its descent, and could only watch
                 as it kissed deeply his pale skin.

                  How could any part of him appear so innocent?  The delicate veins were
                 inlaid like streams of lapis in this small patch of baby-smooth flesh,
                 barely pulsing but still vibrantly alive.  He watched entranced as blood
                 ran at a frightening pace out of his body, over his hand, onto his
                 knee.  Red, crimson, and vermilion, tinged with purple- every shade of a
                 rainbow's first color bathed him in his own life.  Giddy with wonder, he
                 marveled at the spirituality of suicide.  All of his life, he had been
                 dirty, covered with the filthy film of sin.  The letting of his blood
                 was finally cleaning away the layers of dirt on his soul.

                  His mind wandered back to the recipient of his offering.  Would she
                 receive the benefits of his sacrifice?  Remembering the hollow way her
                 eyes had stared from their sockets, her body's shrinking from his touch,
                 the curses she'd hurled at him after he'd raped her, he felt sure of his
                 choice.  Her life was worth more than his pitiful offering, but the
                 weight of his death as penance could tip the scales in her favor.  Like
                 the removal of a gangrenous limb, the complete erasure of him from her
                 spirit would be cleansing and healthy.

                  He slashed his other wrist with resolve, and a dreamy smile crept over
                 his face.  His blood dripped from his hands onto the tiled floor,
                 creating a patina around his curled form.

                 X X X

                  Scully made her way slowly to the bathroom, crawling down the hall.
                 She hadn't eaten anything for what felt like days, and every muscle
                 screamed in protest when she moved.  She felt filthy, used; she needed a
                 shower to clear her head and heart.  Grasping the handle of the door,
                 she tried to turn it.  It refused to give way.  She rattled it a few
                 times, confused.  A small noise, like a sigh, drifted out from under the
                 bathroom door.  "Mulder?"

                  He was surprised at the gentleness in her voice.  At the first jiggle
                 of the handle, he'd expected the fury of hell to descend on him again as
                 she discovered her tormentor lingering in her apartment.  Her forgiving
                 tone softened him to speak.  "I'm in here, Scully.  You can't come in
                 right now.  I don't really think you should come in."  Blood pooled
                 around his legs, under his hands clasped in his lap.  His head lay on
                 his knees, his back up against the space between the door and the side
                 of the tub.

                  "Mulder?  I- I don't want to take back what I said.  But we need to-
                 talk.  Mulder?  Are you listening?"  Something about the flatness of his
                 tone worried her.  He was doing something- wrong in there.  She knocked
                 on the door again, premonitions of fear making her movements precise and
                 brusque.  Her head dipped as she pressed her ear against the door, and a
                 dark stain on the hallway carpet caught her eye.  Blood?  From the
                 bathroom?  "Mulder!  There's blood on the carpet- what are you doing?"

                  "I'm doing- it for you, Scully.  You're religious, your religion knows
                 the meaning of a- sacrifice."  His voice was fading out, like he was
                 moving farther and farther away from the door.  "Let's think of it as aÉ
                 healing process- for you."  A small moan slipped out, and he ceased to

                  "Mulder?"  Panic rose and tightened the muscles in her throat.  She
                 banged on the door now, but there was no answer.  "Mulder!  Don't- do
                 anything!"  She gingerly shifted her weight to kneel against the
                 doorjamb.  What could she do?  "Let me in, Mulder!"  A soft click was
                 her only answer.  She anxiously pushed open the door and all but fell
                 into the bathroom, stumbling over his legs, which had stretched out when
                 he'd slumped down the wall.

                  Speechless, she stared at the blood surrounding him, her medically
                 detached mind coolly informing her that his wrists were the source.  Her
                 eyes met his, which were half-closed and sleepy.  He answered her
                 unspoken question.  "I'm going to die, Scully."  His voice belied the
                 pain he felt at seeing her face fall with his confession.  She noticed
                 that he was already wilting like a dying flower, limbs spread out, head
                 falling to the side.  Biting back a sob, she moved closer to cradle his
                 head, slipping an arm around his shoulder.

                  "NoÉ no you're not.  You won't.  Come hereÉ come here!"  She made a
                 pathetically futile effort to drag him into a sitting position, finally
                 giving up when she realized he wasn't trying to move.  She grabbed a
                 towel that had been sitting on the tub, and tried desperately to staunch
                 his wounds.  Words tumbled out of her mouth as she blotted up his blood,
                 refusing to acknowledge the uselessness of her actions.  "Why?  WhatÉ
                 what were you- why?  I didn't want- no, Mulder, please!  WhyÉ why?"  She
                 was babbling, speaking just to hear herself, convince herself that this
                 wasn't a silent, evil dream.  This wasn't supposed to happen.

                  He made a pleading noise in his throat, and she stopped her frantic
                 movements.  "Let me die, Scully."  A weak smile rested on his face, and
                 he lifted a reddened hand to wipe her tears.  His own face was streaked
                 with trails of salt, but he was done crying.  At his touch, she
                 shuddered violently and pulled him into the cradle of her spread legs,
                 his back against her chest.  She rocked him, humming and shaking her
                 head, eyes closed tight.  He tried again, knowing that she didn't want
                 to hear what he was saying, for once she didn't want the truth.  "I want
                 to die, Scully.  Just let me go.  This is for you; don't hurt yourself.
                 I'm doing this for you."

                 His gentle pleas for death crawled through the heavy air into her ears,
                 and spread a fire of helplessness over every nerve in her body.  She
                 knew, she knew his fate and hers, and she didn't want to know.  Her
                 throat burned with tears, and she began to weep, each tear dropping onto
                 his face.  She squeezed him tighter to her body as he slowly melted in
                 between her legs; his body melding into hers as she held him to her
                 chest, leaning against the door.  His blood still flowed like a river,
                 but now it covered both of them.

                 "Why?" she croaked into his neck.  Her breath ruffled his hair.  "I
                 don't hate you, Mulder.  I saw you inside of me, with me, and we both
                 knew I still loved you.  I never stopped, it was just, just- the fear,
                 the fear of being totally bared to another person, and the people that
                 we became, Mulder, those people- it wasn't real, it wasn't us."  She
                 hung on to him, lacing her fingers with his, willing him to believe, one
                 last time, in a hope that she knew could never rise to defy the
                 inevitable truth of death.  Maybe prolonging it would be enough.  "I
                 don't want you to go- I know you are, but I just can't..."  Her tears
                 came faster as she choked up, the tiny drops searing his face like fire
                 where they fell.  "Mulder..."

                 She stopped when she heard his breath catch, ragged against the tears
                 rising into his eyes.  He spoke, and her heart broke at the pain in his
                 voice, the shards rose to build a dam in her throat.

                  "I'm glad you know that, Scully.  I never, never wanted to hurt you-"
                 he coughed, remembering her cries in the shower, and the tears collected
                 into a river, mixing into the blood on his face.  "I want you to live.
                 If it was too much for you to love me, then that's all I have left to
                 hope for.  Your life, not mine.  It's- your life.  That's what you told
                 me.  I owe you everything, and it's time to pay off the debt."  He
                 tipped his head to drink in the sight of her face, and hoped that where
                 he was headed, there might be some divine being in her likeness. A red
                 haze clouded the space of his vision, leaving intact only the sight of
                 his weeping Scully, his soul incarnate.  The dizzying quicksand pulled
                 him under, dulling the pain- no more blood in his body to lose.  A
                 languor swept over his body.  "ScullyÉ.  I love you, Scully.  Always."

                 His eyes conveyed every last feeling his words failed to bare to her
                 before the warm hazel of their centers deepened to ebony with the color
                 of a passing soul, and a deep slumber descended to close his lids.  She
                 watched, unmoving, unable to breathe, as his head nodded against her
                 breast and his body bled its last drops away in her embrace.  Eyes
                 clamped suddenly shut in an attempt to block the pain, she fought the
                 internal struggle to pin herself down, to keep her own soul from tearing
                 itself apart just to follow him; the combat shattered her last tenuous
                 grasp.  "Mulder, noÉ"  The deepest black agony blossomed like a bomb in
                 her chest; she shook uncontrollably from the emotional equivalent of a
                 sun exploding in her heart.  "No, Mulder...."

                 X X X

                  My heart had stopped.  Shock numbed every cell in my body- all of me
                 stood motionless in sudden mourning of the broken man in my arms.  A
                 gulping sob caught in my throat, the harsh noise echoing off the
                 bathroom tiles.  I hesitantly moved my hand from his up to touch his
                 face, scared that he would wake up, frightened that he wouldn't.  He
                 didn't move the slightest bit when I stroked his cheek; there was no
                 response to the pressure I applied with both hands to the sides of his
                 face.  The only movement was the rustle of his hair where my breath
                 stirred it.  His brow had smoothed out its furrows, like a field blessed
                 with rain after a long drought.  His weight pressed into my body,
                 pinning me.... This couldn't be it, reality had turned itself inside
                 out, there was nothing real about this, the blood....

                  "Mulder?  MulderÉ MulllderrrÉ"  I howled once, the animal sound boucing
                 around the room and filling my ears before I could suppress my rising
                 insanity.  Denial gripped me in an iron fist.  Not him.  No.  Not here,
                 not this, not the blood, *no*!  After everything Mulder had seen, had
                 suffered, he wouldn't just slit his wrists- had I driven him to it?  My
                 mind struggled away from this blasphemy, knowing it would kill me to
                 think I had been the source of his fatal despair.  My insides wrenched
                 themselves into pieces; however I turned to escape, I knew the truth,
                 but no part of me wanted to share in the knowledge that I had driven him
                 to destroy himself.  I almost screamed, but I held back my frustrated
                 self-loathing and began to cry again, instead.  It was easier to just
                 release tears for his death than to face the truth.  I *had* been the
                 cause of his death.  Loving me had ruined him, this brilliant, beautiful
                 man.  My love itself was a deadly poison, destruction was its
                 brother-in-arms.  My MulderÉ  a low keening moan started deep in my
                 chest, building in power until it towered as screams, wails; anything to
                 relieve the terrible burden on my heart, breaking anew.

                 I only stopped to breathe; the world ceased its spinning once air was
                 squeezed into my lungs.  I willed the rising flood of devastation out of
                 my ears, my throat, my mouth, giving myself life in the pulling in of
                 air even as I wished for death... and the razor caught my eye.  It
                 flashed itself at me one time, showing hints of its power now
                 strengthened with the adornment of his dark life-fluids.  Wickedly, it
                 reflected an image of my face, streaked with tears for the man whose
                 blood nearly covered me.  It mocked me; it knew my sinsÉ but it also
                 offered help.  An end to suffering.  A way to follow him.  Just two
                 cuts, deep furrows like plows in a fertile field.  Less than a minute,
                 and then eternal rest.  I would only have toÉno!  I wouldn't- I
                 couldn't!  Didn't he say he was a sacrifice?  That I was to go on
                 because he loved me more than life itselfÉ that most recent memory was a
                 painful spear in my heart.  I couldn't hide from the truth any longer.
                 He *did* die for me.  I had killed him.  I had refused to let him into
                 my heart, fearing that I'd be vulnerable, and that lack of complete
                 trust drove him over the edge.  The cost of my pride was embodied in the
                 lifeless, bloody man I held to my heart.

                  My decision was made.  I swore my loyalty to him long ago, and as my
                 father's daughter, I would never renege on an oath.  Slowly, but with
                 sure hands, I unhooked the cross from my neck.  Slipping out from behind
                 him to kneel at his side, I laid it over his stilled throat, letting the
                 gold chain run in a shimmering caress over the gentle slope of his
                 collarbone before fastening it in place.  He was the only true spirit I
                 had believed in; now he would wear the proof of a truth that transcended
                 mortality for the rest of our eternity.  The tiny symbol of the deepest
                 love a human being could ever comprehend embedded itself in his neck,
                 nestled in the hollow where his heart used to pulse against the delicate

                  Tranquility slowed my breathing, soothed my heart, and gently grasped
                 my hand for guidance.  Mulder was waiting for me- the inevitable pull of
                 a soul linked to mine led the razor clutched in my hand up to my
                 throat.  A single, swift stroke, and the circle of the golden cross
                 around my neck was replaced with a gossamer red line.  The delicate
                 thread grew into a gaping gash, and I felt the blood gush over my
                 collarbone, bathing my neck and chest in a warm silk.  The strangely
                 soothing taste filled my throat and coated my tongue- odd to think that
                 it would be the last thing I experienced.  I calmly watched a crimson
                 haze descend over the image of Mulder, blurring my vision into a dream.
                 My world narrowed to just his face, eyes closed and mouth relaxed in
                 eternal peace.  When I could no longer hold myself upright, Mulder
                 cushioned my fall.  Here would I breathe my last, in my eternal home;
                 next to his heart, where I had truly existed when he had lived.

                 I smiled.  The promise of a respite from pain shed a soft light in front
                 of me.  Stretching up to kiss him goodbye, I burrowed around his body,
                 blending into him, still warm from life not long departed, and twined my
                 fingers with his to complete our eternal embrace.  I could almost feel
                 his soul, like a warm hand, caress my face in a loving welcome.  Ashes
                 to ashes, dust to dust, and one soul follows the other through the
                 inferno, only because it knows what lies on the other side.

                 X X X

                  Scully's strength waned, and her body slowly relaxed to mold into
                 Mulder's lifeless form, her chin nestling into the valley of his neck
                 and shoulder.  Her heart dully pounded its last beats against his still
                 chest.  The last of her life seeped out of her wound, baptizing both of
                 them where they lay on the cold tile.  Her breaths became weaker, until
                 they stopped with a sigh.  Last thoughts drifted away like wisps of
                 clouds in a wind headed for the sea.

                  The two lovers, partners, friends and soulmates lay entwined on the
                 floor.  Death had failed to separate them, and it could only watch as
                 the two souls, bathed in an ethereal light, encountered one another.
                 Rejoined at last, they headed together into the waking dawn of a final
                 rest and forgiveness for their earthly sins.

                 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)

                 1/5/99 to 3/20/99


                 "When I think of normal, I think of mediocrity, and mediocrity scares
                 the fuck out of me." - Gillian Anderson

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/station/3027

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