TITLE: Confessions of Love
                 AUTHOR: CB Files
                 RATING: PG
                 SPOILERS: None
                 TYPE: Major(!!!) Mulder-angst, MSR
                 SUMMARY: An expression of feelings finally occurs.
                 ARCHIVE: Anywhere but please keep my name attached and
                 send me the addy of where it'll be! THANKS!!
                 AUTHOR'S NOTE: Stephie, I am sending this to your
                 fanfic addy because I'd like you to add it to the
                 SEFAMSRN site PLEASE!!!! Thanks babe!
                 FEEDBACK: IS VERY APPRECIATED!!!! Send all comments to

                 CONFESSIONS OF LOVE

                 NOVEMBER 21, 2003

                 "Scully, there's something that I've wanted to tell
                 you for a long time. I should've told you sooner but I
                 was always afraid of exposing my heart. Guess you
                 could say I haven't had the greatest track record in
                 that department which is why this is so difficult. You
                 are so different from all the other women I've known
                 in my life. It would have been so easy to fall in love
                 with you--if I'd let myself. I tried to convince
                 myself that my 'quest' for the truth was a good enough
                 excuse not to let you in. I was so wrong...I am so
                 lucky to have had you by my side for all these years,
                 Dana. We both played our little mind games to push one
                 another away but they never actually worked, did they?
                 In actuality, all they did was make us that much more
                 dependent upon each other. My love for you was
                 inescapable. I realized it that day in my hallway, but
                 you were taken from me again. I should've told you
                 when I found out after that, but the situation was so
                 difficult and awkward. We both knew what was there,
                 and yet we remained silent. I knew you were jealous of
                 Diana, Scully. You tried to be civil and professional
                 when regarding her but I saw through it. My
                 stubborness kicked in and I foolishly defended her.
                 She won't bother us anymore though...I made sure of
                 that. I love you so much, Scully. I hope you can
                 forgive me for taking so long to let you inside. You
                 are my life. You've been my life for the past ten
                 years. I want you to always be there at my side. It
                 would kill me to have to go on without you."

                 As the tears flow freely down my cheeks I place a
                 soft, gentle kiss upon his lips.

                 "Please know that no matter what you're answer is to
                 this, I will never forget the love you allowed me to

                 Love Always,

                 "I love you too, Mulder. I'm sorry I wasn't ever able
                 to show you just how much I care for you." I look at
                 his beautiful face one last time wanting to keep the
                 peaceful picture of the man in front of me in my mind
                 forever. As I turn to go to the car, I hear the casket

                 THE END

                 PLEASE(!!!) tell me what you thought of this!!! Thanks
                 so much  cbf_1999@yahoo.com
                 "I will remember you,
                 Will you remember me?
                 Don't let your life pass you by,
                 Weep not for the memories."

                 -Sarah McLachlan


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