Immortals Duncan has killed:

Immortal killed                            Episode

Slan Quince                          The Gathering
Sherriff Howard Crowley               Innocent Man
Caleb                                 Mountain Men
Alexei Voshin                        The Sea Witch
Reinhardt                         Revenge Is Sweet
Andrew Ballin                          Eye Witness
Grayson                           Band of Brothers
Kuyler                             For Evil's Sake
Sendaro*                              Saving Grace
Gabriel Piton                  Eye of the Beholder
Alfred Cahill                       Avenging Angel
Michael Moore                            Turnabout
Gallen                           Empathy for Tommy
Tommy Sullivan                         The Fighter
Xavier St. Cloud           Unholy Alliance Part II
Ward                                   The Vampire
Drakov aka Arthur Drake                  Warmonger
Nefertiri                       Pharaoh's Daughter
Luther                                      Legacy
Martin Hyde                           Prodigal Son
Michael Kent                           The Samurai
Kern                                  Line of Fire
Paul Karros                      The Revolutionary
Durgan aka Armand Trone   The Cross of St. Antoine
Alex Whittaker                     Rite of Passage
Brian Cullen                               Courage
Garrick                                    Shadows
Peter Martin                             Blackmail
Lynan Kurlow                             Blackmail
Michael Christian                  They Also Serve
Ernst Daimler                          Mortal Sins
Lucas Kagan                       Reasonable Doubt
Kalas                               Finale Part II
Kanwulf                                   Homeland
Andrew Cord                        Brother in Arms
Tyler King                            The Innocent
Kanis                           Leader of the Pack
Kincaid                                    Reunion
Killian                                The Colonel
Paul Kinman                       Reluctant Heroes
Kamir                            The Wrath of Kali
Coltec                            Something Wicked
Sean Burns                             Deliverance
Damon Case                     The Immortal Cimoli
Morgan D'Estaing                   Double Jeopardy
Jacob Halati*               One Minute to Midnight
Kantos                                    Prophecy
Haresh Clay                   The End of Innocence
Johnny Kelly                            Glory Days
Cory Raines                        Money No Object
Kragen                                     Haunted
Gavriel Larca                       Little Tin God
Ingrid Hennin                         The Valkyrie
Caspian                             Revelation 6:8
Kronos aka Koren                    Revelation 6:8
Otavio Consone                              Duende
Lord Byron                   The Modern Prometheus
Richie Ryan                              Archangel
Davon Marek                            Black Tower
Liam O'Rourke                            Not To Be

*Immortal not actually killed by Duncan but Duncan received the Quickening

If you see any errors or omissions, please email me at

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