Interviews With The Great One


Pro-wrestler Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has the skills to pay the bills. His signature "RockBottom" takedow has helped him conquer the most savage of gladiators. But the youngest-ever, two-time Intercontinental an World Wrestling Federation Heavy Weight Champ wasn't always top dog. " I never thought he'd get this far" says Pro Wrestling Illustrated Editor Bill Apter, who's know The Rock since he was a pebble. "when wrestling changed to have a hardcore edge, I wasn't sure Rocky could change with it. But now he's one of the top guys leading the way." For The Rock 26, there was never any question he'd make it big. As the 270-pound bruiser puts it,"If god made anything better then The Rock, then he damned sure kept it for himself!" This month The Rock will be putting his money where his mouth is in front of millions of viewers when he goes to battle in WrestleMania XV, One of the biggest Pay-Per-View events of the year. If all goes according to his plan, The Rock will be defending his WWF title against arch nemisis Stone Cold Steve Austin, whom The Rock calls "the biggest piece of trailer trash walking God's green earth!" Weather it's against redneck rival or masked maniacs, the champ loves a good fight. But that ain't all that gets a rise out of The Rock.

Pro-wrestlers seem so macho, yet your always putting your crotches in each other's faces and grabbing each other between the legs, whats the deal?

The Rock has never brabbed balls. He punches and kicks ball. But only when the ref's not looking.
Are you ever worried that when you have your crotch in another wrestler's face, he maye be enjoying it a little too much?

Hell you can't blame him. It's The Rock.

The Rock seems like a very virile guy. Which leading lady would you most like to lay across the mat?

I've always had a thing for Angela Bassett. She's just very sexy. In Waiting To Exhale she played a very powerful woman, I like that.

Does that mean that The Rock knows his role in a relationship is to let the woman take control?

No, The Rock wears the pants in the family. She just tells him what colour.

You're such a big guy. Are you ever afraid of crushing a woman when your in bed with her?

Are you kidding me? I'm always smooth and controlled. And I distribute my weight evenly.

Speaking of distribution, those wrestling shorts of yours are very small.

Big things come in small packages.

Yum! And speaking of yum, if a woman asked you to put one of these three things in your trunks while you were wrestling, which one would it be: Hot Fudge, Peanut Butter or Vanilla Pudding?

I would have to say the fudge. The fudge seems more appealing then the peanut butter, because I've got a peanut butter complexion as it is.

interview soon to be finished...

An exclusive interview with the People's Champion

The fans userd to chant "Rocky sucks" and hold up posters that said "Die Rocky Die." That's harsh for a youngster with unlimited ability and the Intercontinental title around his waist during his first year in the World wrestling Federation. People hated him because they felt that he didn't "deserve it". Despite it all, The Rock worked his ass off and MADE you like him. Cocky, arrogant? Of coarse! From the gravity-defying eyebrow to the People's Elbow to the catch phrases, the entire arena is on their feet when he has the spotlight. you might still boo the guy, but you have to admit he's one of the best entertainers in the business. But he's not about to play the crowd because it's just to damn much fun pissing you all off!

Tell me about the transition from being hated by the fans to now being "over" with them. What was it like? Did you ever think it would happen? No, I didn't ever think it would happen. I never put too much thought into that. I knew a change needed to happen and I knew
No, I din;t think it would ever happen. I never put too much though into any of that. I knew a change needed to happen, and I knew it didn't need to be a big change. All I said to myself, and the office, was that all I needed to do was go out there and be myself. And that's really it. If someone says something to me, I can react. I can flip them the eyebrow. I can be an arrogant S.O.B. I can be at times. But of coarse in a exaggerated and dramatic way. And of coarse that just came over time. So as far as the transition from being "not over to "over"...It's one of those things I never put too much thought in and I would just go in there night in and night out and on television and pay-per-views and just do what i had to do. And it just happened that the character wound up devloping in a way that people disliked and hated. But then over a period of time they started saying, "you know what? he may be an asshole but he's pretty damn good."

Was there one moment in particular that stands out in your mind when you realized what you were doing was starting to get over?