SAVEAW Rally Diary's

Well guys this is it y play by play account of the weekend of the SAVEAW Rally...everything you really didn't want to know but tuff..LOLHave fun reading it..:-)

Friday: I awoke after only having a hour sleep(thanks to my B/F,and by the way we were on the phone for thoses dirty minds out there..) I wasn't nervous yet..Even though I would soon be meeting the girls I had know in chat for close to a year and who had all been a big part of my life.(yes,so Im pathetic)This was the SAVEAW Committee of Fans and I was not nervous..yet... All I could think of was I was going to kill myself before getting to meet them( I am a clutz..Trip over air..LOL) I managed to escape the house with minor injuries... I gathered my sister-in-law and we headed the hour and half to Newark Airport. It was cloudy but not cold and I was over dressed as usual..(hey well first inpressions..what do they say about them anyway...Umm.)We had no trouble finding a parking space at the ten million a hour parking lot right infront to the terminal C doors where I was to meet the first girl of the day..By this time it was dirizzling(does wonders for you hair)I was till alright untill I hit the doors and I thought I was going to be SICK...Infact I was very much certain that I was going to hit the pavement...My siser-in-law saw the same thing and was laughing her butt off..(never liked her anyway:-))I was a bundel of nerves and I thought I was going to bawl right then and there it was really pathetic..(yes I am,no your not,yes I am,...well yeah maybe you are..)Carla, my ex-sister-in-law..(hehehe)Managed to calm me down enough so that I was able to contiune the walk to the front doors.longest walk I have ever taken... We finially fond the gate all the way at the end of the treminal (walked it in heels,yeah yeah I know)As we walked up I could see a gilr all in black standing at the gate and I turend who doesnt give a flying damn about what anyone says turned yellow...My sister in law was like ask her and I stood right by her and was hoping it was her ...welllllll it was..LOL Her name Keltic I had found NUT #1 and we had to find & more.... Keltic and I were left by my sister-in-law to fend for ourselves to find the rest or the crew..After gathering Kel's lauggage we made our way back to her gate and preceded to giggle uncontrolably if you know Kel then you know why.She flew in from Alabama. We have spoken before phone and been through quite a bit so it was extra special to finially to get to see her..DAMN I love that girl..LOL Well after eyeing pilots who were unfourtuet enough to cross our paths we were paged by Lucky to the baggage claims. So off we went to gather the next three.. We meet Lucky,JennLuvsJakeNVicky better know as JENN!!!,and Allen.Who had drove straight threw from Kalamozoo MI after picking up Jenn. Lucky and Allen live in Ohio.All looking like they were ready to sleep for a day or too..I would to..STRAIGHT threw damn....We all decided then to sit and wait for Sandl(judis(paulinas) cousin)to show up..After about what seemed like forever we were all sitting and relaxing we hear a page..I wasn't sure it was what I thought I heard I looked at Jenn and she was looking confused so I guessed she'd heard the same thing..It was a page for Luckys Chat and we knew it was proably Sandl who had to walk right by us to get to the gate.So off again through the decterors which was my 3rd time and Kels second and we went in search of our Sandl(by this time my feet and ankels were killing me(yes DUH heals..)We found Sandl and her crew(consisting of her three kids two boys and one girl cute bunch)at Bryns gate. We all awaited Bryns arival and it all seemed so natural like we ad know each other for years...