- David Spade Love -

"How much do YOU love Davey Spade?"


This webpage is for you to show how much you love da man: David Spade!
To submit something about how much you love him, E-mail me.
If it's approved, I'll post it up here!

Submitted by: Susan (Me) - I love David SO much, that I've had several dreams about him! No, not dirty ones. I'm too young for him to be doing that dirty stuff. I'm only fifteen. Anyways, the most recent one was when David and I were in some little town and the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park were after us. Anyways, he saved my life by shooting one of those cool raptors. I kissed his cheek, and the dream ended with his arm around my shoulders. Oh yeah, and I had a pet puppy who also survived. Weird dream, huh?

I need more David Love things. Send them to me.

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