Diana's Fanfic Page

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, fanfic refers to the stories written by fans of a particular show, movie or book series using characters from the series. At the moment, the only stories I feature on this page are examples of fanfic. Who knows? Maybe at some point I will actually have some stories with original characters on here...

When I created this page, it was exclusively a showcase for my Space Cases fanfic. For all you Space Cases fans out there, don't worry - the stories are still here, they've just moved.

And now, the reason that I did this massive remodel in the first place... to make a place for my new Rocky Horror Picture Show fanfic.

ATTENTION: Please do not transfer these stories to other web pages. I appreciate that people are only trying to get the stories out to a wider fan base, but I would much prefer that you put a link to my page, rather than transferring the stories to your own. Thank you for your cooperation.

On a lighter note: You cannot read these stories unless you sign a pledge promising that you'll give me feedback on them! J/K. You don't need to sign anything. But please do give me feedback - I'm dying to know what people think of my writing!
This page was last updated on September 13, 2000. It has been visited by rabid fanfic fans since it was created on September 9, 2000. If you have any problems, questions, or comments, feel free to e-mail me.