Because some people want to be lawyers...

This page is not affiliated with WCW, WWF or ECW.  We tried to get through the making of this webpage without swiping pictures from those websites.  However...

In making this page, we blantantly stole some pics...

WWF pictures are the pictures of Owen Hart and Rick Rude on the tribute pages.

I'd also like to thank
Scotty for the Brian Pillman pictures :)

However, on the Pictures portion of our page, these pictures belong to the accredited person.  Please ask their permission before using them.

The pictures soon to be scanned from the WCW Nitro belong to us.  If you would like to use these pictures, please ask permission also before using them.

If employees of the WCW, WWF, or ECW happen to come across this site (Yeah, right) and have a problem with our swiping of a few measley photos, or if we accidently pilfered a picture from your site e-mail us and we'll take them off immediately.

Don't sue us, because all you'll get is a bunch of wrestling magazines, tapes, and trading cards and a whole collection of The Monkees memoribilia from SpAZ...Thanks!