
Owen Hart

Picture taken without permission from WWF.com

Owen Hart was born last out of the legendary Hart family in Calgary, Alberta Canada.  He wanted to be a wrestler and follow in his father's and brother's footsteps from a very young age.  He began in Stampede Wrestling as the Blue Blazer.  When Vincent McMahon Sr. bought the company in the late 80's, Owen stayed as the Blue Blazer so he wouldn't be over-shadowed by his big brother Bret "The Hitman" Hart, who was already a big star.  Owen was an impressive wrestler, very agile for his size.  He came in as the Blue Blazer and that's how he went out.

"I want them to remember me as a guy who was diverse in his talents, could fight anybody and have a good match, whether it was Undertaker, or Vador"

-Owen Hart, December 21, 1998 interview at
Slam Wrestling

We sure will Owen...

Make Owen a Canadian hero

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