Welcome to my Guestbook! These brave people have signed it! Feel free to sign it yourself! ^_^

Dan - 12/17/99 19:30:23
My Email:Super_Saiyan_Daiwan@excite.com
Fav. Anime: gundam
How did you get here?: surf
City: La
Country: US
From: CA

Yeah, yeah, brother. But uh.. look. People get nervous when they think other people know what's on their mind. Well... that hasn't stopped me from living any. Sure I'm burying the knife a little bit deeper than it has to be, but heck, I might as well cover myself for the next time I get bored, right? You might say that this doesn't make any sense. I say it'll make enough sense the next time around. I may have not even met you anytime, I might, or I might not. Seeya

Georgia Parmelee - 11/10/99 02:59:39
My URL:http://ArcLea.com
My Email:SaveMoney@VLNow.com
Fav. Anime: ??
How did you get here?: thru Freeway101.com
City: Elkhart, IN
Country: USA
From: ??

Couple of your questions above are not clear as to meaning - not sure what you're looking for. Your banners are fascinating!!!!! Wish I could afford you, but I'm just starting & have no reserves to play with. Thanks for letting me look. Good luck to you.

Fred - 08/13/99 22:54:52
City: Edmonton
Country: Canada

Great site !!!

Kris - 08/12/99 06:19:57
My Email:krisr33@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: you told me


Myung (Miyuu-chan_DA) - 08/11/99 02:35:22
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Miyuuchan_DA/
My Email:darkserpent@hotmail.com
Fav. Anime: FUSHIGI YUUGI!!!! and almost anything else
How did you get here?: umm.... lets see.... I went there then there and somehow I ended up here!
City: Edmonton
Country: Canada
From: Shi Jen Ten Chi Sho

Aiyah! Now how did I get here?? Hmm.... Wai!!! I like your page! I like it! I like it! Well I'm just saying that cause being your friend I'm obligated to do so. ^_~ Anyway.... Cool page... I'm signing this again because you said I had to.. Anyway, Hi all you people who actually read this en ry!! Come visit my page!!! It has a whole bunch of anime in it.. It's not quite up yet though.. Ahem... Heeyy!! Siva's entry is just right below mine!! Pretty cool aint it? Hi Siva! I hope to hear from you soon! Well I'm going to go now... have to work on my page.... no da...

Siva - 08/07/99 17:00:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Spa/8448/
My Email:sivakami42@hotmail.com
Fav. Anime: Macross Plus
How did you get here?: from a friend
City: Edmonton
Country: Canada
From: uh...Alberta?

hey Brit, nice site you got here, *s*...I'd have to say, its, nice, *S*...I like the ENTER pic, very cute. And oh, I'll have those profiles done by the end of this summer, *lol*...ko? (I'm having troubles with the guys)...but hey! I'm sooo lookin' forwar to drawing Empress S Seagul! shes gonna be soooooooo uh....hmmm...you'll see, *eg* *s* ko, I've taken up enough space, *lol* and I have to get back to uh...XENOGEARS!!! YEAH! this is like, my 4th time going through the game, *l* and its still AWSOME!!! ( hem...) bye now, *s* Oh, P.S...my page is called Tifa's Territory and its NOT done, so none of the links work yet...check back there later, *l* now! *gone*

doe - 08/06/99 20:01:26
How did you get here?: i have connections
City: edmonton
Country: canada

I'll let you know after I see your site Firemaiden

The Glowing Shadow - 06/21/99 22:33:03
My Email:GlowingShadow@the-any-key.com
Fav. Anime: Ninja Scroll
How did you get here?: My parents had sex... err...someone told me on bolt (www.bolt.com)
City: Arlington
Country: United States of America
From: Texas?

Cool site....

Salior Rainbow - 05/27/99 17:36:12
My Email:jlb_html@hotmail.com
Fav. Anime: Salior Moon
How did you get here?: From an other guestbook

Very cool. I just love you pics! But how can I send FanFiction to you?

Queer - 05/12/99 01:32:27
My URL:http://www.queers.com
My Email:queer@hotmail.com
Fav. Anime: queer's life
How did you get here?: a queer told me
City: queer's ville
Country: Queertopia
From: Queers 'R us

I am queer, So are you, Queer is good, boohoohoo. p.s...queer is me!

Blacklady - 05/06/99 20:52:09
Fav. Anime: all
How did you get here?: I was invited
City: ?? Myziry??
Country: Nemisis
From: The Black Moon

Kirei Hommono(Pretty Genuine)

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 11:49:56

Je n'aime pas vraiment votre page. Elle ne pensent pas que c'est très intéressant. Vous devriez l'essayer encore. J'espère que ceci aide. Bonne Chance!

Brittney - 03/19/99 18:11:00
Fav. Anime: All of them!!
How did you get here?: you
City: Edmonton
Country: Canada
From: ?????????

LA LA la la la la la Hi firemaiden. Your page kicks. Why did Jon sign in as a member of the U.s. Congress? Oh well. Kick ASS Site!!

Jessica Powers - 03/09/99 20:43:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Jesa/Kitty.html
My Email:kitykat@alloymail.com
Fav. Anime: sailor Moon!!!!!!!!!
How did you get here?: guestbook of Janice's Sailor Moon Page
City: Independence
Country: U.S.A
From: Here on earth?? I dont get the question!

Sorry!! I'm a dumb blonde!! Visit my site sometime. It would look better if viewed in internet explorer a href="http://members.tripod.com/Jesa/Kitty.html" IMG src="//members.tripod.com/~Jesa/LINK_TO_ME_3.GIF"

Jonathan Gietz - 03/02/99 16:33:58
My Email:pipes007@hotmail.com
Fav. Anime: galaxy express
How did you get here?: no comment
City: Hicksville
Country: USA
From: Inner Sanctum of United States Congress

This is a funky page. I want one.

Darkserpent - 02/28/99 16:44:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Lair/1556/index2.html
My Email:darkserpent@hotmail.com
Fav. Anime: LOTS
How did you get here?: You gave the addr to me
City: Some City.... Edmonton
Country: some country.....Canada
From: Darkserpent aka Jami

Hi!!!!!! Cool page btw...... ITS SOOOOOO KAWII!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* anyway....... nice work on the page....... its pretty cool.... wait i said that already.. OK then... don't mind me. I'm just crazy. EVERYBODY! SING!!!! Darling just for me, can't i wait for you? In your heart Shampoo make you feel so brand new. Whew..... thats tiring.... Why don't YOU try?? OK stop.... I said stop!! STOP!! #$@!$#!@

Siva - 02/24/99 03:57:25
My Email:sivakami42@hotmail.com
Fav. Anime: Macross
How did you get here?: you forced me into it.
City: hahahahhaahahahha, as if!
Country: Canada
From: I'm from??? heh? I'm confused!

Wheres the site???...ACK?...hmmm???, *l* no no, i think it will be all in, that is in due time, *s*

Michael Sands - 02/23/99 22:55:39
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/RPGFanatic1
My Email:sands_michael@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: FireMaiden
City: ????
Country: Canada
From: ????

Great site "Fire Maiden". HAHA Checl out my site and sign my guestbook.

ALI :o) - 02/19/99 21:08:25
My Email:iluvbunnies@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: you
City: death
Country: hell
From: heaven


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