The Tortured Heart Clare

(the sequel to "Sometimes Goodbye is Not Forever")


Cameron and Amanda arrive at Gary and Josie's to meet their new nephew for the first time.

Scene 1: Fade In

Gary hears a knock at his door and goes to answer it. Upon opening it, he breaks into a big smile as he sees Cameron (holding a large stuffed animal under his arm) and Amanda on the other side. "Well I'm glad to see you guys finally got here", he tells them as they smile back 'hello'. Then looking at Amanda, Gary goes to her first and gives her a huge bear hug. "Amanda, I am so happy to see you on your feet again. You've been really missed around here, dear friend".

She smiles back. "Thank you Gary. You don't know how good it feels to be back home".

"Oh yes I do", he tells her, as he reflects on his own 'homecoming' of sorts. Turning to Cameron, Gary punches him on the shoulder. "Hey Bro, welcome home yourself. You've been missed too, you big lug". He then hugs Cameron for a few moments as both brothers' eyes begin to moisten.

After a few seconds, an awkward Cameron pulls away as he says, "Hey, enough with the hellos. Where's that nephew of mine?".

"Josie's changing him. Come in, and I'll go get them".

"Hey, Gary", Cameron calls to him. As Gary turns around towards him, Cameron hands his gift to him. "For the little guy".

"Thanks, I'm sure he's going to love it".

As he leaves, Amanda squeezes Cameron's hand as she can sense that he is a little nervous. Grateful, he smiles at her and says, "So far, so good".

"Don't worry Cameron. Everything is going to be all right".

Gary comes out of the bedroom and tells them that Josie and his son will be right out. "Can I get you guys anything to eat or drink?".

"No thanks", Amanda replies.

"Yeah, Gary, we're fine. Hey, did you finally get around to naming my nephew?".

"Of course, you jerk".

"Well, what is it?".

Before Gary can answer, Josie comes out from the bedroom carrying the baby. "Hi", she smiles as she hands Gary his son.

Cameron goes over to her and gives her a quick peck on the cheek. "Hi Josie. Congratulations", he smiles as their eyes convey relief, joy, and an understanding that they are finally free to be just brother and sister-in-law.

"Hi Cameron", she replies back. "Thanks". Then as Amanda approaches her, Josie smiles warmly at her. "Hello, Amanda. Welcome back. I'm glad to see you looking so well".

"Thank you, Josie", responds Amanda as the two women hug each other for the first time as past mistakes are starting to be forgiven. "Congratulations on your beautiful new son".

"Thank you,, Amanda".

With that, the proud papa announces, "Amanda, Cameron, I would like to introduce you to our extraordinary son, James Cameron Sinclair".

Moved by emotions he never experienced before, Cameron hesitates a moment. "Gary, I don't know what to say".

"Say hello to your nephew", Gary replies.

Cameron, ever so cautiously, gently touches his nephew's little hand as he lovingly says, "Hi, little James".

"James Cameron", Gary insists.

Cameron looks up at Gary for a moment, touched by his kindness. "Hi, James Cameron", he restates as he turns his eyes back to his nephew. "I'm your Uncle Cameron and I'm so happy to meet you". Then smiling at Gary, he remarks, "You named him after Uncle Jimmy".

"Yeah. I hope you don't mind second billing. Two Cameron Sinclairs running around Bay City may just be too much for any town to handle", Gary teasingly kids him.

"No", a sentimental Cameron replies. "I don't mind one bit. I'm glad you named him James. It's a good name….and Uncle Jimmy deserves top billing".

"Whose Uncle Jimmy?", a perplexed Amanda inquires.

"The best man we knew from our horrible childhood", Gary answers.

"Yeah, he was the best", a reflective Cameron adds.

"How come I never heard you mention him before?".

"I guess it just never came up. That's all", Cameron tells her. Sensing that he does not want to discuss this further at this time, Amanda lets the subject drop.

"Hey Bro, don't you want to hold your nephew?".

"Well, yeah, but…. you know….me and babies. I mean, I haven't had experience in the baby holding area, and… well…

"Well it's about time you get started getting the experience", Gary interjects as he places little Jimmy in Cameron's arms.

Nervous, but happy and excited, Cameron looks down at his namesake and smiles as he whispers, "Welcome to the world James Cameron Sinclair. I hope you have a great life. I'm going to do my best to make sure that happens little guy". Amanda puts her arms around Cameron as she is moved by the site of the man she loves gently cradling this new life. A tear comes to her eyes as she also remembers the child she lost who will never know this kind of happiness.

Scene 1: Fade Out

Scene 2: Fade In (a little later - still at Gary and Josie's)

Gary and Cameron are alone, sitting on the couch in the living room, having a couple of club sodas.

"That's some kid you got there, Gary".

"Yeah, he's something special all right".

"Rachel told me and Amanda what you all had to go through the night Jimmy was born. I'm sorry it was so hard on all of you".

"Thanks, Bro. But you know, it brought Josie and me closer in a way, so I guess it was all worth it. You know what I mean?".

"Yeah, Gar, I know", Cameron smiles in agreement. I'm happy for you and Josie. I'm glad you found your way back to each other".

"You too little brother. Seeing you with Amanda walking through that door…. well, I'm just grateful for all of us", Gary tells him, as he slaps his hand on Cameron's leg with unabashed joy.

"Yeah", a still guilt-ridden Cameron replies. After a slight hesitation, he continues. "Gary, listen…".

"Sure Cam, what's on your mind".

"I'm sorry, Gary…for everything…I mean… for what happened in Boca Lynda, and…".

Realizing this conversation has to take place, Gary interrupts him. "Listen Cameron, I finally understand what happened. And though it was hard to get past it, I think I finally have. Let's put that all behind us, Okay Cam?".

"Yeah Gary, okay", a relieved Cameron replies backs as he appreciates Gary's magnanimous gesture.

"Just don't go trying anything like that again, or I'll break your neck. Got that little brother?", Gary half grins.

Cameron chuckles, "Oh you don't have to ever worry about that. I just got the girl of my dreams back in my life. She's all I'm ever going to need again".

Scene 2: Fade Out

Scene 3: Fade In (occurring simultaneously with Scene 2)

Amanda and Josie are in the baby's room changing his diaper. Before they can get the diaper on him, the little guy decides to be the typical baby boy as he squirts 'it' towards his mother's face. The two women begin to laugh when Josie proclaims, "Just like a man, Amanda. You shower them with love and attention --- and look what they shower you back with". They laugh again as Amanda adds, looking down at James, "Yeah, but we're lucky. "We got some great men in our lives".

"Yes we do", Josie smiles in agreement. After little Jimmy is finally diapered, Amanda kisses her soon-to-be nephew goodnight as sadness enters her eyes. Josie, noticing this, kisses her son as she places him in his crib. " Sweet dreams my little man". Then, contemplating for a moment of whether or not she should speak her thoughts, Josie turns to Amanda and says, "Amanda, are you all right?".

"I'm fine Josie", a bewildered Amanda states.

"Amanda, I know this must be hard on you and I just wanted you to know I understand".

"I don't know what you're talking about", an edgy Amanda replies. "What's hard?"

Josie, feeling empathy as only a mother can, decides to broach the subject from a different position. "Being here with me. I know I haven't been your favorite person in the past year, and I know it must be difficult for you to share in my happiness when you probably just want to scratch my eyes out".

"Josie, that's not true. I am happy for you, and for Gary. Believe me, the past is in the past and that's were it should stay".

"Thank you Amanda, but I do want you to know how truly sorry I am for everything I did in the past. I owe you that much. I hope you can forgive me".

"Oh Josie, I do forgive you and I do understand. Lets put that all behind us and start over… as friends. Okay?".

"Okay", a smiling Josie agrees as they hug. After a moment, Josie says, "Amanda, that's what I needed to get off my chest. What I really wanted to tell you, is that I saw the sadness in your eyes when you were holding Jimmy and I knew in my heart you were thinking of Alli. I'm so sorry about Alli, Amanda. I never got a chance to tell you that".

Amanda can't hold back the tears, as she says, "Thank you, Josie. You're right, it was hard. When I saw Cameron holding Jimmy, I was sad to think that two of the most important people in my life will never have the chance to know each other. And then when I held Jimmy in my arms, I realized I will never hold Alli again, and I…. ". With that, the emotions have overcome Amanda as Josie embraces her new friend to comfort her.

"It's okay Amanda. Just let it out".

After a few moments, Amanda, eyes puffy with her tears, pulls herself together and says, "Thanks Josie - for understanding. I'm better now. Though I must look like an awful mess".

"Oh please! On my best day I'd be grateful to look as you do on your worst", she smirks as she is trying to put a smile back on Amanda's face. She is successful, as Amanda smiles and asks her not to mention this to the guys. "This is a wonderful day for all of us. Let's not spoil it by telling them what just happened. Okay?"

"Sure. This is just between us girlfriends. Now Girl, let's get out there and party!".

Scene 3: Fade Out

Scene 4: Fade In (a few seconds later)

As Cameron and Gary are laughing about something or other, Amanda and Josie join them in the living room.

"Hey, are you guys starting the party without us?", a jovial Josie inquires.

"Are you kidding?", Gary replies. We've been waiting for you ladies to get out here so we can start celebrating homecomings".

As Cameron puts his arm around Amanda, he announces, "Well there's something else we need to celebrate".

Being a typical man, Gary asks bewilderedly, "What's that?". Josie, being a typical woman, jumps in with her first assumption, as she looks down at Amanda's left hand. "Oh my god!. I can't believe I didn't notice the ring before". She quickly goes to Amanda and embraces her friend as Gary eventually gets it. "You finally got her to say 'yes', Bro?".

"Yeah, I guess miracles do happen", smiles Cameron. Gary goes to his brother and hugs him. Then Josie congratulates Cameron as Gary embraces Amanda and welcomes her warmly into the family.

"This calls for a toast", Gary gleefully proclaims.

"Oh no", Cameron says as he shakes his head, smiling. "Watch out Amanda, once Gary gets started with the toasting, there's no end in sight".

"Hey, don't listen to him Amanda", Gary defends back. "We've got a lot to celebrate here, so lets get started". Then, as he walks towards the kitchen, he adds, "All we've got here is sparkling cider so I hope that will do".

"That's just what I'm in the mood for, Gary", Amanda tells him.

"Yeah Gar, start pouring that cider", Cameron adds.

Gary returns with 4 champagne glasses of sparkling cider and hands one to each of them. "For the first toast", Gary begins (as Cameron whispers under his breath to Amanda, "The first of many")… I want to say here's to Amanda and Cameron. May the love that brought you together, carry you through the rest of your lives with a simple joy and a grateful heart. Just like Josie and I have found", Gary concludes as he puts his arm around Josie and kisses her. They all click glasses as a choir of their voices echo, "I'll drink to that".

"Okay, now for the second toast", Gary continues. Cameron throws up his hands as if he has been proven right. "Shut up, Cameron", Gary tells his brother. "This is for Amanda, my friend and tunnel mate. You have gone through so much this year and somehow through your courage and strength you found your way back home to the people that love you. Welcome home dear friend". As glasses are clicked once again, Cameron turns to Amanda and tenderly kisses her.

"Now for the third toast". All three of them shake their heads in disbelief at Gary. "Humor me", Gary tells them. "To my incredible wife who has given me the greatest gift of my life, our son James Cameron.

"Here, here", Amanda and Cameron salutes in agreement.

"And now….", Gary tries to get out, as Josie finally interjects, "I love you, Gary, but enough is enough already".

"I promise you all, this is the last one", Gary announces. "To the four of us. A lot as happen to us in the past year…some good, some bad. But somehow we have all found our way back together. I even want to acknowledge the mistakes and the pain".

"Gary", a worried Cameron interjects. "I don't think you should go there".

"No, Cameron. I think we have to", Gary responds as he continues. "To all that we've have gone through and all that we may have lost, I just want to say here's to the four of us and the four 'F' words that got us through our most difficult time".

"The 4 'F' words?", Cameron interrupts. They're ladies present, Gary".

"I knew that would get your attention, Bro". Then smiling, a heartfelt Gary continues. To "Family, Friendship, Faith, and, Forgiveness. We can get through anything if we remember these four gifts".

"And Love", Amanda adds. "And love", Gary adds in agreement, as glasses are clicked once again.

Scene 4: Fade Out

Scene 5: Fade In (***** Flashback to many months prior to the previous scenes *****)

Two young girls are standing on top of a snow covered mountain as they prepare to ski down it steep slopes. One is dressed in purple, the other in red. It will be a run where one life is lost and the other is transformed.

"Is that better, Sarah?".

"Yeah, thanks Alli.

"Good. Now lets ski the run of a lifetime"

With that, the two friends begin their run down the mountain…and into their fate.

Scene 5: Fade Out



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