When You Love Someone

....by Toukie


Sun is down, Amanda is in the park, watching at the stars and she recalls what Cameron told her about them.  Suddenly she hears a noise, like someone is running.  Her heart starts pounding, thinking it's Cameron, but when she turns around, she sees a man, with black hair, and green eyes.  She immediately thinks about Cameron, without knowing why.  The man comes to her and say
"sorry miss, do you know where I can find Bay city University Hospital"? 
She goes "yeah, keep walking that way, you can't miss it"
After the man is gone, she can't stop thinking about him, like she couldn't get Cameron out of her mind the first time she saw him.
thinking about Gary, because he is at this hospital, she decides to go see him.  She opens the door of his room, and there he is, the man in the park.  She decides to go, but too late, Gary saw her.
"Come in Amanda, there's someone I want you to meet."
She comes in, and can't stop looking at the mysterious man.
"Kyle, Gary goes, this is the woman who kept me awake in the tunnel.  Amanda, this is my older brother Kyle."
"He's your brother?"  She goes "hi"
They talked a little, and Amanda couldn't take her eyes off of him.  She could only think of how much Cameron resembled a lot like his older brother. 
For the first time, she could understand why Josie was so drowned to Cameron, cause he reminded her of Gary.  The same think happened to her when she was looking at Kyle.  She decided to go see him, she was ready to talk.
When she arrived at Cameron's apartment, nothing was there, only a note of the bed without sheets.  She opened up the letter and started to read.
        "Dear Amanda,
                            I know you can't forgive me for what I've done in Boca Lynda with Josie.  I want you to know that no matter where I am, I love you, always have, since the first time I saw you, in the park, and I always will, until the day I die.  I'm sorry if I leave like a burglar, but I can't bear the thoughts of seeing you with someone else, or to see the joy in your face when you'll know I'm never coming back.  You won't know where I went, no even Gary knows, and you'll never hear from me again.  I hope you'll be happy, but remember, wherever I will be, I will love you.
Amanda cried when she knew it was too late, but what could she do?  She went back to Gary's hospital room and showed him the letter
"Don't worry Amanda, he said, I get out of here tomorrow and I'll find him.  I went 10 years without him, no more"
Kyle replied "I'll go with you, Cameron is grieving, how knows what he can do".


A couple of days went by, Amanda still hadn't heard from Gary and Kyle, and she was starting to get desperate.  She was walking around the house always in a bad mood, and Rachel was starting to want her to see a psychiatrist.  Josie was always in her face, wanting to know if she had any news of Cameron.  The tension was building between the two woman, leaving them always in a fight.
After a month, Amanda heard from Gary.
"I found Cameron, but I don't have good news.  He is living with a woman, and I think it's his wife"  He said.
"How come?  asked Amanda in a spread"
"Well, he's in Bayview, living with a woman named Christine Sinclair.  I don't know any Christine Sinclair, and neither does Kyle.  We decided to go check it out tomorrow, and see what this is all about.  We'll call you afterwards, to tell you the story OK?"
"Hurry, he said he would always love me, and again he lied to me.  Didn't take long for him to find another woman did it?"
"Amanda, we don't know who she is, maybe just a woman he met before he went to prison!  Before you get mad, wait for our call"
When he hung up, Amanda sat down with tears going down her face.  Rachel walked in and asked her what was wrong.  Amanda didn't want to answer so Rachel told her that when something was not going the way SHE wanted, she took the matter in her own hands.  Then, the matriarch of the Cory left the room, leaving her only daughter with her thoughts.  Amanda, who had listen to all her mother said, got up, and called the airline company. 
Amanda arrived in Bayview couple of hours later.  She called the phone company to get Cameron's phone number.  Wasn't listed.  Christine Sinclair, listed.  With the address, Amanda went to the house and watched by the window. 
Cameron wasn't there but a woman was sitting there.  Amanda took a deep breath and rang the bell.  When the woman opened the door, Amanda was speechless.
"May I help you madam?  Asked "Christine"
"I'm looking for Cameron Sinclair.  Does he live here?"
"Does he know you?"
"Let's just say we go way back.  Is he there or not?"
Christine turned around and went away in the house, leaving Amanda standing on the porch.  After a couple of minutes, Cameron came to the door.  Amanda's heart was racing, and she started to regret her decision.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was looking for you.  Who is she?"
"Why you want to know?  Didn't you want me to get the hell out of your way?"
"Not like that Cameron!  I was mad, you betrayed my trust, how did you expect me to react?"
"How did you found me?"
"I didn't, Gary did!  He doesn't want to go on without you in his life.......Neither do I"
"You told me to leave, what made you change your mind?"
"Can I come in please?"
Cameron didn't say a word, but turned around to let her pass.  In the kitchen, Christine was sitting there.  Cameron sat next to her, showing a chair Amanda.  She sat down, looking at the woman in Cameron's house, trying to figure out who she was.
"I met Kyle Cameron.  That's when I figured out the connection Josie felt for you, you reminded her of her husband, the love of her life.  I came to say that to you, but you were gone."
"You saw Kyle?  How is he?  Asked Christine"
"You know him?  Asked Amanda, amazed cause even HER didn't know about the first Sinclair"
"Me and Kyle go way back, she answered"
"I think I will leave.  Said Amanda, you obviously don't want me here"
As she got up and left, Cameron chased after her saying "Amanda don't go", but she kept going.


"Was she THE Amanda?  Asked Christine when Cameron came back in the house"
"Yeah she is.  The love of my life just ran away from me.....AGAIN"
He sat on the chair, with the hands around his head.  Tears started falling down his face.  Christine got up and went to him, took him in her arms.
"Cameron, you know I love you and I need you, but you need to go to her, I'll be fine.  I've been fine while you were in prison, I'll be fine now."
"I will not abandon you again, I love you too much.  Amanda is just a spoiled little princess anyway."
"don't talk like that, you know you love her"
"And I love him too"
Cameron turned around, to see that Amanda came back, with tears down her face too.  Christine left Cameron, and got out of the room.
Cameron got up, and slowly took Amanda in his arms.  Amanda replied to his hug by a kiss.  Suddenly, three knocks were knoked on the door.  Cameron left Amanda's arms, really unhappy about the interruption, and opened the door, just to become face-to-face with his older brothers.
"Kyle!  said Cameron before jumping in his brother's arms."
The two became swirling around, Cameron's feet above the floor.
'Hey Puke face, said Kyle, how are you?"
Gary came in, and was shocked to see Amanda there.  She was smiling to see the joy on Cameron's face as he talked with his brother.
"How are you?  asked Gary to her"
"Better now"
"So who's the chick?"
"I really don't know, but she is beautiful"
As she said that, Christine walked in the room, smiling at the new arrivant.
"Cassandra!  Said Kyle and Gary at the same time"
"Cassandra?  Said Amanda, I thought your name was Christine"
"It is now, replied Cassandra-Christine"
Kyle and Gary were looking at Cassandra-Christine, without knowing what to do.  Then Kyle left Cameron and took Cassandra-Christine into his arms, and made her turn around like he did a couple of minutes ago with Cameron.  Gary came to them, and took the girl from his brother's arms, just to take her in his.
"My God, said Gary, you,re so beautiful"
"She is isn't she?  Asked Cameron, with so much love in his eyes, Amanda was raging with Jealousy"


"Cameron, said Gary, don't you think it's about time to tell Amanda who Cassie is?  She's going nuts over there look"
"I'm ok Gary really, replied Amanda"
"No he's right, said Cameron, come outside with me ok?"
Cameron and Amanda left the three Sinclairs and sat on the porch.  Amanda was looking at him, waiting for him to say something.  Without looking, he took her hands and gently kissed it in the palm.
"Amanda, what I'm about to say, no one knows.  Not even Gary, or Kyle.  Cassie knows a little, but not the whole story."  He took a deep breath, and looked at her.  His eyes were full of tears, and his lips were trembling.  "Cassandra is my twin sister.  She changed her name shortly before my father was killed, cause she didn't want him to find her.  When he died, she took back the Sinclair name, but she Kept Christine so my brothers wouldn't find her.  She ran away three months before My father was killed.  I found her, and she told me everything.  How he abused her, beat her, even told her I was in on it, looking by a crack in the wall.  The worst part is, she was pregnant with his baby.  So I left her, went back, and killed him."
Amanda looked at him, shocked.  Somehow she always believed he was innocent.  He continued
"When the police came and arrest me, and they ask why, I wouldn't betray my sister, she swore me to secrecy.  So I let them believe it was for the money, that, By the way, I gave to her.  I did my time, and there is not one day that goes by and that I don't say to myself "If he wasn't dead, I'd do it again".
Cameron took a deep breath and looked at Amanda.
"So now you know everything about me.  You also know I'm a killer.  What are you going to do about it?"
Amanda got closer, took his face in her hands, and kissed gently on his tears.  He put his arms around her, and kissed her, like he never kissed her before.  When they separated, Amanda looked at him and say.
"Forgive me for asking, but what happened to your sister's baby?"
Cameron got up, and took her hand.  They went in the house, pass the kitchen, and then arrived in front of a door.  Cameron opened it, and Amanda saw the most beautiful child she ever laided eyes on.
"This is my nephew, and half-brother Brian.  He is now ten years old, but have the brains of a 4 year old.  He is the most gentle person you can get to know, and I love him so much."
Right behind them, they heard.
"Cassie, who is he?  Gary asked"
Cameron looked at his sister and say
"Maybe it's time they knew everything"

Cameron was sitting on the Cory porch, drinking iced tea, waiting for Amanda to come home. They were going to see Brian and Cassandra, and he couldn't wait to be with his sister and nephew again. It has been two months since he saw them, when Amanda came to get him. He still couldn't believe his luck. Amanda was the best thing to come into his life. Allright, with her temper it wasn't all flowers everyday, but he wouldn't trade one minute of it for a lifetime of peace.

Finally, Amanda arrived and saw him sitting there. A smile came up to her face, and her eyes lighted up. Cameron put his glass down, got up, and took her in his arms. His heart was pounding so hard. They've been together two months, living together, making love, and yet, everytime he saw her was like the first time, and everytime she left for work, his heart was breaking, missing her like crazy.

"-Are we still on with your sister?" She asked
"Well, I know I am," he replied with a kiss in the neck
"Cameron, we will be late, come on"

He groaned and took his glass in. Sure he wanted to see is sister and nephew, but he wanted to make love to Amanda so bad, just like everytime he took her in his arms.

The week-end at his sister passed fast, but still too slow for Cameron. He was sleeping on the couch, while Amanda was sleeping with his sister. Cassandra offered them her bed, but Cameron was feeling guilty by accepting, so he took the couch.

When they came back at the Cory mansion, Amanda left him to go to an appointment she said, leaving him, yet again, in the waiting. While he did it, the phone rang. "Well, not right now Gare, Amanda's due back any minute."
"It's important, it's about my baby"
"Well come over."
"No you come over."

And he hung up. Cameron was mad, but he did what was asked and left for his brother's. When he arrived at Gary's house, his brother was waiting there, in the living room, anxious.

"-What's wrong bro?" asked Cameron
"How could you do this to me man? How could you sleep with my wife?"
"Who told you this?"
"She did."
"Let me explain what happened."
"I don't want an explanation. I want to know what will happen if you are the baby's father?"
"Well... She's your wife, and you want the baby so bad, so what if it's mine? I'll never say it, you can be his dad, but please, don't hate Josie, or me, you told us yourself that if it was Josie in the tunnel, you would have done crazy things. It was crazy so please, forgive us. If you can't, at least forgive HER."
"I trusted you Cameron."

Cameron started pacing the room, like always when he was nervous. He didn't want to loose his brother, but he knew this day would come, when he would find out. Gary was still sitting down, looking at his brother ruining the carpet by walking back and forth on it.

"-I forgive her Cameron. Yesterday night. I needed to know what you wanted for this baby before I could do it with you too. I forgive you Cameron. You're my brother, I love you, but don't ever touch my wife again you hear me?"

Cameron fell on his knees, praying to him like he was a God. Gary got up, helped his brother up, and took him in his arms. They were still hugging when Josie came in. Gary waved at her to join them and she did. The three of them were holding so hard, you couln't tell which tears belonged to whom.


The three "Sinclairs" were still hugging when they heard what a nice family picture. They turned around and saw Amanda in the doorway.

Cameron left his brother and sister-in-law’s arms, to take Amanda in his. He whispered in her ear that Gary now knows for him and Josie.

"-Can we go outside for a minute?" She simply asked

"-Sure, We’ll be back guys, he said to his brother"

Once outside, Amanda took Cameron by the hand and started walking

"-How do you feel about Josie’s baby?" She asked

"-Well, he or she will be my nephew or niece, not more!" He said on the defensive

"-No I mean, don’t you wish it was yours?"

"-No Why all these questions? I don’t want a baby with Josie!"

"-And what about with me? Wait don’t answer that one, it’s too late anyway" She said while blushing

Cameron stood there, speechless. He was looking at her and suddenly he took her in his arms and whisper

"-Are you saying you are pregnant?

"-Yes I am Cameron, with your baby." She whispered too


"-Yes, are you happy?"

"-AM I HAPPY???" He shouted

Instead of answering he started kissing her passionately while holding her closer than ever. Kissing him, Amanda saw in the doorway of the house Josie looking at them kissing, with rage and jealousy in her face. Seeing that Amanda backed away from Cameron.

"-what’s wrong?" Cameron asked

"-Well we should get in the house, Gary and Josie must be waiting for us now"

"-Let’s go tell them the good news OK?"

Later that night Cameron went away, leaving Amanda telling her mother about their baby. Since Boca Lynda Rachel found herself very fond of Cameron. She was really happy for them, holding her daughter a lot. Even Matt was happy. His little boy was now 6 months old. Named him Mackenzie. The house would be once again filled with baby laughter.

When Cameron came back, he looked at Amanda, telling her he had to talk to her. The rest of the family gathered around them like volptures, leaving Cameron to laugh.

"-Can I have a little privacy for talking one? He asked with a smile"

He was really in love with his "in-laws". Rachel and Matt got out for the living room, only to eavesdrop at the door

"-Amanda I love you, and I don’t know how to say this. I don’t want this baby the way we are now."

"-What? But you said you were happy about it? What am I suppose to do?"

"-Well, there is one thing."

"-What tell me"


It was Amanda’s turn to be speechless. She looked at him, shocked, but nodded her head yes. Cameron took her in his arms, making her swirling around the room. Rachel and Matt bursted in the room as soon as she said yes.

"-Talk about privacy! Cameron said laughing. Now, on to the second surprise."

Leaving them in the room, he got out of the house. When he came back, he looked at Amanda.

"-I think something is missing for our family to be complete

"-What? A dog? She asked

"-No, you can come in sweetie."

As soon as he said that, Alli started walking in the room. Amanda ran over to take her baby in her arms, crying. Alli looked at Cameron and lifted her thumb up.

By Toukie

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