New Beginnings Vicki

Disclaimer: Procter and Gamble owns Another World, the characters, Bay City, and the surrounding environs. I'm only borrowing a few of my favorite characters for a short time. I promise to put them back when I'm done playing.

Acknowledgements: A huge thanks to Mike, Sandy, John, and Nadine for bringing these characters to life. Without their superb performances I'd have no inspiration. This is for the girls on Mike's Unofficial Home Page who asked for 'more' story. Hope you enjoy it!

New Beginnings


Vicki L. Reid

Cameron felt a shiver race down his spine as Amanda's delicate fingertip traced the outline of his ear. His hands tightened on the wheel as he tried to concentrate on the road before him, but Amanda was proving to be a serious distraction. When her teeth gently tugged on the lobe of his ear, the wheel jerked in his hands momentarily. "You might want to stop that, Princess," he warned.

"What?" she asked, repeating her action. "This?"

Although ready for the erotic sensation which flooded his body, Cameron found himself hard pressed to maintain control of himself. He wanted to stop the car, wrap his hands in her long, golden hair, and make love to her. "Yes, that," he said, voice filled with passion and desire. "I need to concentrate on my driving, Amanda. This road is too treacherous and winding to take any unnecessary risks."

"Cameron . . .," she began, running her fingers along the line of his jaw.

He stiffened. "I'm serious, Amanda," he said. "If you don't stop right now, I'll pull the car over to the side of the road." With a sideways glance, he added, "And about the time things get interesting, some cop will come along and arrest us. Do you want to spend the night in jail?"

Sighing with regret, she answered, "Of course not. I hate it when you're right."

"I promise I'm worth the wait," he said suggestively.

"You'd better be, Sinclair," she muttered.

"Slide over to your side of the car," he ordered. "And fasten your seatbelt."

Raising her eyebrows at the tone of his voice, Amanda said, "My, but you're getting awfully bossy, Sinclair."

Cameron stole a glance at Amanda and was heartened to see her indulgent smile. "Just let me get us there in one piece, Amanda. Then I'm all yours."

"Now that sounds promising," she grinned, as she slid into the passenger's seat. Fastening the seatbelt, she added, "And you'll indulge my every whim?"

"Every one," he told her. "Whatever you want."

Amanda's hand touched the lever of her seat belt release mechanism. Noting her hand's movement, Cameron said, "Don't even think about it, Princess. I'm yours after we get to the cabin."

Resting her head against the seat as she twisted her body slightly so she could watch his every move, Amanda remarked, "Maybe the Cory cabin wasn't such a great idea after all. Your apartment was much closer."

He grinned. "Yeah. But no one knows we're going to the cabin so we won't get interrupted. Not this time."

Amanda's eyes glinted in the moonlight shining into the car. "No Josie. No Gary. No baby crisis."

"No park ranger," he grinned. On a more somber note, he added, "No Scott. No kidnaping."

At the mention of Scott's name, Amanda shivered with the memory of her time in Boca Lynda. Although many of her memories of Boca Lynda were filled with terror, one moment stood out in her mind. Cameron's voice, filled with regret and something more, telling her that he loved her. Smiling at the memory, she said, "We have had more than our share of interruptions, haven't we?"

"I'm glad in a way," Cameron admitted. "Now we have no secrets or lies between us, Amanda. You know everything about me--the good and the bad."

"Everything?" she grinned.

Nodding his head, he replied, "Everything that matters." He noticed her trying to stifle a yawn. "Why don't you get some sleep, Amanda?"

"You don't mind?" she asked, yawning again. "I'm sorry. I haven't been sleeping all that well lately."

Cameron risked a look at her. "You can sleep now. I won't let anything happen to you or us again."

Snuggling down in her seat, she said, "Wake me up when we get there."

Twenty minutes later, Cameron pulled into the drive and gazed at the cabin. In the moonlight, it looked dark and forbidding, but he knew that unimaginable delights awaited him inside. Carefully sliding out of the driver's seat, Cameron closed the door softly so as not to disturb his sleeping princess. The overhead dome light shone softly on Amanda's form, glinting on her hair which partially covered her face. With gentle fingers, Cameron smoothed the hair from her face, touching her cheek in wonder. She loved him. Even after everything that had happened with Josie and Boca Lynda, Amanda loved him. He only hoped he didn't screw it up this time.

Stirring in her half-sleep, Amanda opened her eyes and found Cameron staring down at her. "Are we there?"

He nodded.

"Good," she smiled, pulling him into the car and her arms.

Several minutes later, Cameron raised his head and gazed into her eyes. "Let's get inside."

"Must we?" Amanda asked, sliding her fingers along his jawline.

"Yeah," he answered. "Unless you want to be interrupted by someone calling on your cell phone."

"Good point."

Hand in hand, they walked to the front door, reveling in the feeling of being alone. After unlocking the front door and turning on the light, Amanda prepared to enter the cabin, but was stopped by Cameron's grip on her arm. "What is it, Cameron?"

Swinging her up into his arms, he said, "Just this."

Eyes widening at his use of an age-old symbol for commitment as he carried her across the threshold, Amanda whispered, "Cameron?"

He feared he had pushed her too far too fast, but he found he couldn't let her out of his arms. Trying to lessen the impact of his impulsive gesture, he dipped his head in embarrassment. "Sorry. I guess I watch too many old fashioned movies."

"Don't you dare stop, Cameron," Amanda told him. "I love being swept off my feet by you. I love you."

"Even when I do crazy, impulsive things?"

"Especially then."

Her lips were mere inches from his. Lowering his head to hers, his lips captured hers in a kiss both gentle and passionate. "I love you, Amanda," he vowed. "Now and forever."

She slid down his body until they were standing face to face. "I must have done something right in my life," she said. "I thought a man like you only existed in dreams or the pages of a gothic novel. But here you are, and you're mine."

"What are you talking about, Amanda?" Cameron asked, bewildered by her comment. "I'm nothing special. In fact, I'm considerably less than you deserve."

"You have no idea how incredible you are, do you?" she asked, tenderly caressing his face. "Brooding, mysterious, honest, courageous, and honorable. Need I go on?" At his blank stare, she continued with a smile, "You've slain all my dragons, Cameron."

Shaking his head, he replied, "I'm no knight in shining armor, Princess. I'm just a man. A man who has caused you pain again and again, even after I promised I would never hurt you." Tears welled up in his eyes, and he looked away. "I don't deserve you. I don't . . . I shouldn't even be here, Amanda."

"Oh, no you don't, Cameron Sinclair," Amanda said, forcing him to face her. "You are not pushing me away again. Not ever again. I love you and that's all that matters."

Cameron cupped her face in his hands, and stared down into her eyes. The smile sheloved so much crossed his face. "Yes, Miss Cory," he said obediently. "Whatever you want, Miss Cory."

A playful look entered her eyes. "Anything?"

"I seem to recall making that promise," he grinned.

"Why don't you start a fire then?" she suggested, running her fingertips up and down his arms.

Eyes sparkling, he said, "Gladly."

As his lips touched hers in a light, lingering kiss, she said, "In the fireplace."

His kiss deepened and for several long delightful moments, they remained locked together. "I'd rather play with this fire," he replied, lips moving to her neck.

Amanda sighed with delight at his touch. "The fireplace, Cameron," she said huskily. "I'm worth the wait."

Regretfully Cameron complied with her wishes--just as he'd promised. "Now where have I heard that before?" he laughed as his hands fell away from her body. "I won't be long."

"Neither will I," she whispered, voice husky with passion.

Cameron, eyes full of longing, watched her mount the stairs, her every step grace and poetry in motion. She was so beautiful and after tonight, she would finally be his. His to love. His to worship. His to adore.


Amanda, now clad in a long, silky gown, padded silently down the stairs. Half-way down, she hesitated for a moment, watching as Cameron carefully fluffed pillows he had found. Down comforters were spread on the floor before the fireplace, candles flickered softly on the mantle, and a bottle of champagne on ice was on the hearth, flanked by two fluted glasses. Tears of pure joy sprang into her eyes. Cameron had been busy, trying to make the setting as romantic as possible. "And he thinks he's not good with the 'stuff' of romance," she whispered.

He turned suddenly, as if becoming aware of her stare. Standing in stunned adoration, he said, "Amanda."

Slowly she continued down the stairs, pausing only briefly to extinguish the overhead lights. The flickering light of the fire danced tantalizingly against her skin and gown, causing Cameron's breath to catch in his throat. When she stopped before him, his hands moved of their own volition to encircle her waist. Gently he pulled her even closer. "You are so beautiful," he said softly.

Amanda smiled at him as her fingers slowly moved up his arms to his shoulders. Her lips parted ever so slightly, inviting Cameron's kiss. As their lips met in a gentle, almost tentative, kiss, Amanda felt a strangely virginal shyness come over her. She had made love before, but never with someone she had loved as deeply as she loved Cameron. When she was in his arms, she felt an ofttimes bewildering mix of intense emotions so strong at times that she lost the ability to think clearly and could only feel the beat of his heart against hers. "I love you, Cameron," she whispered against his lips.

"Somehow the words I love you don't seem enough to express the way I feel about you, Amanda," he answered. "Maybe there are no words. But I can show you."

As Cameron's lips caressed the side of her neck, Amanda moaned softly with growing desire. One hand held his head close to hers, while the other slid under his shirt to stroke his back and shoulder with growing urgency. His lips continued their gentle assault on her senses, and Amanda began to tremble. "Love me, Cameron," she pleaded.

"Whatever you want, Miss Cory," he smiled, eyes hooded with passion. Lowering her gently to the down comforters, Cameron kissed her lips, her eyes, her hair. After pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside, he slid the strap of Amanda's gown down with slightly trembling fingers. His lips followed the trail blazed by his fingers. "Amanda," he groaned, covering her body with his.

"Amanda!" a voice shouted, followed by the pounding of fists on the solid wood door. "Amanda! Open up! It's me. Gary." His hands continued to pound on the door. "I know you're in there, Amanda. Let me in!"

Staring up into Cameron's eyes, Amanda saw frustration, irritation, and a hint of fear etched on his face. She knew hers held the same mix of emotions. "This cannot be happening," she muttered, as Cameron rolled away.

"He's not going away, Amanda," Cameron warned. "You'd better see what he wants."

"I don't care what he wants," she declared between tightly clenched teeth. "I want him to go away."

"You know that's not going to happen," he told her. "Not with Gary."

Noticing that Cameron was preparing to rise to answer the door himself, Amanda ordered, "Don't move, Sinclair. I want you in one piece. I'll get rid of him."

Stalking with long, angry strides across the room, Amanda flung open the door, and said tersely, "What?"

Gary almost fell inside the cabin when the door opened unexpectedly, but he caught himself in time. "Amanda! Thank goodness you're all right!"

"Why wouldn't I be?" she asked tartly.

"I was afraid you might . . ." his voice trailed away in an embarrassed silence.

Growing more irritated by the second, Amanda said, "I'm fine as you can see. Now go away."

Gary stared at her for several seconds, and Amanda could almost follow his thoughts as his expressions changed from concern to jealousy. His eyes coldly raked her slender body clad only in a silken gown, and she knew he was making note of her finger-tousled hair and slightly swollen lips. Her appearance clearly stated to Gary that she was not alone and he was jealous. Not for himself, but for his brother. A brother he had disowned only days before.

"I'm interrupting something," he grated.

Amanda smiled coldly, and the chilly expression in her eyes added to his discomfort. "Yes, you are. Now go away. Don't make me repeat myself again."

"Didn't take you long to forget Cameron, did it? He's been out of your life, what? One day? Two?"

"My love life is none of your concern, Gary."

"What about Cameron?" he asked. "I thought you loved him."

"She does," Cameron stated, moving to stand next to Amanda.

Fast as lightening, Gary's emotions shifted again. "Cameron," he grated between tightly clenched teeth. "You son of a . . ." He leapt toward his brother, but Amanda was quicker. He barely stopped his fist from connecting with her face.

"Enough!" she exclaimed. "Get the hell out of here, Gary! Now!"

Clearly puzzled by her actions, Gary asked, "How could you forget everything he's done, Amanda? How could you take him back?"

"I imagined my life without him," she said. "I went to the park where we first met and I sat on the same bench, feeling lost and betrayed and very alone. And then Cameron appeared, just as he had that very first night." She paused, her mind reliving the moment. "Something in the way he moved or looked told me that he was going to leave Bay City and that I would never see him again."

Amanda glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Cameron. He put his arms around her and held her firmly against his body. "I would never again feel his arms around me or the touch of his lips," she said. "And the pain I felt at the thought was so intense I almost doubled over it hurt so badly. For the first time, I finally understood what had happened on the beach in Boca Lynda. If our positions had been reversed, I would have done anything to stop the pain. Anything."

Holding her even tighter, Cameron bent his head to kiss her neck. "I never wanted to hurt you, Amanda."

Gary watched for a moment before shaking his head in disgust. "You're a fool, Amanda. He can't be trusted. Can't you see that?"

"You're the fool, Gary," Amanda told him. "Cameron is the only brother you have. Don't push him away."

"He's going to hurt you again," Gary said, temper rising. "He's just like Pop."

Feeling Cameron stiffen behind her, Amanda, every inch the princess Cameron purported her to be, said haughtily, "I suggest you leave now, Gary. And don't come back."

Without another word, Gary stormed from the cabin, slamming the door behind him. Amanda turned in Cameron's arms. "He'll come around, Cameron. You'll see."

"When hell freezes over," he grinned ruefully. Pulling her even closer, he said, "But enough about Gary. Where were we?"

"I forget," she purred seductively. "Refresh my memory."

His lips nuzzled the side of her neck, sending shivers of desire shooting down her body. "Cameron," she whispered.

"Does that help?" he asked, wrapping his hands in her hair and kissing her thoroughly.

"It's coming back to me," she admitted. "Maybe one more hint will be enough."

Just as Cameron's lips descended on hers, there was another knock on the door. "I'm going to kill him," Cameron said.

Flinging open the door, he said, "You want a piece of me, Gary? Is that what it's going to take to make you go away?"

Gary looked at his brother sheepishly. "My car won't start."

After staring at Gary for several seconds, Cameron burst into laughter. "You really need to do something about that car, Gar. Got jumper cables?"

"No," Gary admitted. "Can I use the phone to call for a tow?"

"I don't think so," Amanda said coldly. "I have no intention of being interrupted again by some loud, smelly tow truck. Find your own way home."

Cameron sighed. "I'll give you a ride, Gary. Let me find my shirt."

"You're not going anywhere, Sinclair," Amanda stated firmly. "This is my night. You promised. Besides, I don't trust Gary in a car alone with you."

"Amanda," he began.

"I mean it, Cameron," she said. "You are not leaving this cabin tonight. Gary's a big boy. He can find his own way home."

Cameron touched her face gently. "It won't take that long, Amanda."

Relenting just a bit, Amanda said, "There's a bedroom at the top of the stairs, Gary. You can stay there until morning. Then we'll call the tow truck."

"Amanda!" Cameron exclaimed.

"That's the only offer I'm making," she said. "Take it or leave it, Gary. I really don't care one way or the other. But Cameron is not leaving this cabin. Period."

Gary smiled at his brother with pure amusement. "You've picked a feisty one, Cam. Hope you can handle her." To Amanda he said, "I'll take it. Top of the stairs?"

Nodding once, she answered, "You should find everything you need." As he moved toward the stairs, she warned, "Don't leave the room until morning. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," Gary grinned as he climbed the stairs and disappeared from sight.

Cameron stared at her in disbelief. "Have you lost your mind?"

Grinning at him saucily, Amanda replied, "No. Now he can't interrupt us again. Very clever, don't you think?"

"I think you're insane," Cameron grinned. "But I love you anyway."

Taking him by the hand, Amanda led him back to the fireplace. Sinking down, she said, "How about some champagne while we wait for Gary to settle in for the night."

The firelight seemed to dance in her hair, once again taking Cameron's breath away. "Anything you want, Amanda." The champagne bottle opened with a loud pop, and Amanda giggled at Gary's muffled shout. But he kept his word, and stayed in the bedroom. "Seems like you've cast a spell over both of us, Princess," he grinned, handing her one of the glasses.

She shook her head. "He knows I'm safe with you," she answered. "No matter what he says, Cameron, he loves you. You're his brother. He's hurting right now, but he will come around."

"Maybe when I'm old and gray," he said, settling down beside her. "And on my deathbed. He might forgive me then."

Amanda took a sip of the champagne, looking over the rim at the man she loved. Cameron hadn't even noticed that the ice was beginning to melt in Gary's heart already, but she had. Gary had been very upset about her seeming infidelity to his brother, and the last encounter had almost been their normal bantering. "I think it will be long before then," she smiled.

A strange sound was heard in the proximity of Amanda's stomach. Looking slightly embarrassed, she said, "Sorry. I forgot to eat lunch today."

"Hungry, are you?" Cameron asked. "I suppose even princesses need to eat once in a while."

"Yes, we do," Amanda answered regally.

Rising to his feet, Cameron said, "Let me see what I can rustle up. I'll be right back."

As she watched him walk toward the kitchen, Amanda reflected on the strangeness of the day. When she had awakened in the morning, her life had seemed empty and lonely without Cameron in it. They had been through so much together and so many things had striven to keep them apart--Scott, Josie, the baby. But somehow their love had survived and become stronger. And now they were here, together, and her life was somehow complete.

"You have a very well-stocked larder, Princess," Cameron said, carrying two bowls in his hands. "I thought about bringing you a sandwich, but I thought you might enjoy these better."

One bowl was heaped to overflowing with large strawberries. "Mmmmm," she said, popping one in her mouth. "I love strawberries. How did you know?"

"Didn't I ever tell you I'm clairvoyant?" he teased. "Actually, it was the note from Claudia which told Miss Amanda to enjoy her strawberries."

Amanda reached for another one, saying, "Oh, I will."

"Not so fast there, Miss Amanda," he grinned, keeping the bowl just out of her reach. "I have another delicacy for you."

"You do?"

With a flourish, he set both bowls on the hearth. Taking one of the strawberries in his hand, he dipped it into the second bowl, this one full of chocolate. "If I may, Princess."

She bit down delicately on the chocolate covered strawberry, savoring both the taste of the delicacy and the sensuality of the gesture. When a bit of juice dribbled down her chin, she giggled. "I don't suppose you have a napkin there, Cameron?"

"Allow me," he said, moving closer as he gently licked the juice from her chin.

Amanda sighed at the sensation the caress produced. "Cameron," she said.

"Yes, Miss Cory?" he asked, smiling seductively. "Would you care for another strawberry?"

"No, thank you."

"Not hungry any more?"

Her eyes darkened with passion. "Not for strawberries."

"Why, Miss Cory," he said, "are you coming on to the help?"

"What if I am?" she asked coyly. "What are you going to do about it, Cameron?"

Slowly, ever so slowly, Cameron leaned closer to Amanda until she felt his breath, hot and sweet against her skin. His fingers gently slid the straps of her nightgown down, then trailed lightly down her arms. Trembling at his touch, Amanda closed her eyes and bent her head back to accommodate his lips. Teeth gently raked the side of her neck, and Amanda gasped with shocked delight as the fire between them roared into white hot flames of desire. "Please, Cameron. Don't make me wait any longer."

His lips, rough and demanding, claimed hers, and Amanda found herself pushing Cameron to the comforters. Now it was her turn to stoke the flame of his love. Fingers twining in the hair of his chest, she followed his lead, using lips, fingers, and even teeth to drive him wild. "Amanda," he groaned.

Stiffening suddenly, Amanda raised her head and listened intently. "Amanda?"

"Did you hear something?"

He pulled her back into his arms. "No," he replied. "It was probably just the wind."

Smiling down at him, she drew her finger along his jaw. "Now where was I?"

Cameron wrapped his hands in her hair, and gently pulled her toward his waiting lips. Hand to hand, heart to heart, they moved toward the place they had both longed to find since the moment they met.

He stiffened, trying to ignore the knocking on the door. Exchanging a look of frustration with Amanda, he said, "You didn't hear anything, did you?"

With a deep sigh, Amanda replied, "If we ignore her, do you think she'll go away?"


Amanda gazed at her erstwhile lover scathingly. "You know it's Josie. Who else would it be?"

Although both of them wanted nothing more than to ignore the intrusion, they could tell that the knocking was becoming more insistent. "Want me to get rid of her?" Cameron asked, preparing to rise.

Shaking her head vigorously, Amanda retorted, "I don't want her within ten yards of you, Cameron." She sighed. "I'll see what she wants this time."

Cameron put his hands behind his head, and gazed up at his princess. "I'll be waiting. Patiently."

Amanda chuckled. "There is nothing patient about you, Cameron Sinclair." As she moved toward the door, she muttered under her breath, "I cannot believe she still has her radar turned on."

Flinging open the door, she said, "What do you want, Josie?"

"How . . . ?"

Amanda looked at her coldly. "Who else would be bothering me this late? What is it you need from me this time?"

"Your help," Josie said, voice tired and upset. "You've got to stop Cameron from leaving town." When Amanda made no reply, Josie added, "You're the only one he'll listen to, Amanda. But you've got to hurry."

Raising one eyebrow, her expression frigid, Amanda said, "You've got nerve, Josie. I'll give you that. I don't know anyone else who would use me just to get to Cameron."

Josie's shoulders slumped even further as she looked at Amanda tearfully. "No. You don't understand. This isn't for me; it's for Cameron."

"For Cameron?"

"If he leaves Bay City now, he'll be alone. No family. No friends. Nothing. Cameron deserves more than that, don't you think?"

Against her will, Amanda found herself growing angry with Cameron again. Fighting desperately to keep her heart from hardening against him, Amanda said, "Cameron deserves a lot of things, Josie."

"But not this," Josie declared, clutching Amanda's arm tightly. "He wanted to tell you about the baby from the beginning, but I wouldn't let him. I used his fear of losing you against him, making him believe you'd be gone in a heartbeat if you found out he was the father of my baby."

Amanda shook Josie's hand off her arm with considerable effort. "That doesn't change anything, Josie. Cameron lied to me."

"Because of me," Josie cried, tears flowing freely down her face. "Because of me. It's my fault. Don't blame Cameron. He loves you, Amanda." Tugging on her arm with desperation, Josie pleaded, "Please, Amanda. Come with me now. Stop Cameron from leaving Bay City before it's too late. If he goes now, you'll never see him again."

"Josie, . . ." Amanda began.

"You forgave him for Boca Lynda," Josie said. "Can't you forgive him for this, too? You and Gary both need him, you know. You do, even if you can't admit it now. Please, Amanda. Help me. Help Cameron."

Becoming afraid that Josie's agitation might prove harmful to the baby, Amanda glanced in Cameron's direction, hoping for guidance. His expression was fearful--as scared as Josie's. Her heart made a funny sort of flip flop in her chest, and she smiled, knowing that her love for Cameron was still strong. She smiled at him, and was gratified by the slow grin which spread across his face. Putting her arm around Josie's shaking shoulders, Amanda said, "It's okay, Josie. Everything will be fine."

"No, it won't," Josie cried softly. "Not if Cameron runs away. You'll never see him again, and it's all my fault."

"I'm not going anywhere, Josie," Cameron said, moving to stand beside Amanda.

"Cameron?" she asked in disbelief. With a glad cry, she threw herself in Cameron's arms.

Once again Amanda's eyebrow rose. "Josie," she warned, jaw clenched tightly.

Stepping away from Cameron, Josie murmured, "Sorry. It won't happen again, Amanda." Her eyes widened as she appeared to take in their appearance for the first time. "I interrupted you again, didn't I? I'm so sorry. I'm leaving now."

But before she took more than one step toward the door, Amanda caught her arm. "You're not going anywhere in this condition, Josie," she told her. "You're much too upset to be driving on that treacherous road this late at night."

"But . . ." she began.

Cameron sighed deeply. "Let me get my shirt and I'll take her home."

Shaking her head vigorously, Josie said, "No. I'll be fine. You stay here with Amanda." She smiled weakly. "I'm so glad you've decided to stay. You and Amanda deserve to be happy."

Without relinquishing her hold on Josie's arm, Amanda said, "You're staying right here, Josie. Neither one of us would be comfortable with you driving off by yourself." Her gaze lingered hotly on Cameron for a moment, eliciting a sensual smile. "And Cameron is not going anywhere tonight."

"But . . ."

"There's a bedroom at the top of the stairs," Amanda said. "You can stay there for the night."

"Amanda, . ." Cameron began, but his voice was cut off sharply when she stomped on his foot. Hard.


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