My name is Sue, I'm 33 years old and I live in England. Brett Climo is my favourite actor and I am totally crazy about him. I started this homepage on 4th August 1998.

I've been a fan of Brett for about 15 years and I have seen him in all the programmes I have mentioned on my homepage, except some of the films, and also have most of them on video. I watch the different things on video quite a lot, I don't think a week goes by without me watching something. I was hooked the first time I saw him, which I think was the mini-series Vietnam, although he isn't in that much. He has been my favourite actor ever since.

It hasn't been easy finding things out about him or what he is in as he is hardly ever mentioned in anything here. It's been a case of watching every Australian programme on TV hoping he will turn up in it.

I've had some pictures and articles sent to me by email and by post which I've added to the site, so thanks a lot to anyone who has sent me anything.

I couldn't find any other sites on the web about Brett so I decided to do my own with what I know. I am just a fan and when I know of anything new I will put it on the site.

Thanks to a couple of people who have copied things on video for me I've managed to see quite a few other things with Brett in that I haven't seen on TV here, they include the films Archer, and Body Melt, Tracks of Glory, Col'n Carpenter, 3 episodes of G.P, all the episodes of Blue Heelers with Brett in, and the episode of All Saints.

If anyone knows of anything more about Brett or anything else he is in please let me know. Or if you would just like to write to me it would be great to hear from other fans of Brett.

My email address is: Click on the letterbox to write to me.