Chapter  6

The next day,

There was an ELQ Board meeting that Jason had to attend. Sonny went there that
night with him but saw Allysa sitting outside on the steps. Jason went on in.
Sonnu sat down beside her.
"Would you like some company ?"
Allysa looked up at him and smiled slightly.
"Hi Sonny."
"What are you thinking about ?"
"My mom. Do you think she's up there in the sky ? I heard that when you die
you become a star in the sky." Sonny looked up at the sky.
"You know that's probably true. Your mom was one of the brightest people I
knew. She was full of life."
Allysa watched him thoughtfully.
"Did you love her ?" 
Sonny looked thrown by the question. 
"You know you are just like your mom." He chuckled. "Yes, I did love her very
much but things didn't work out for us like we planned."
"How come ?"
Sonny looked at the little girl. 
"You know I really don't know. Things happened that pulled us apart. At least
she found your father and she got the happiness she deserved in the end."
"Yeah." She said quietly, looking away.
"Do you want to talk about it ?"
"Talk about what ? Everyone keeps asking me that like there is something. It
doesn't make me feel any better."
"I know what you mean."
Allysa turned her eyes back on him.
"He was gone a lot. On business trips. He was pretty cool though. He'd always
bring me something back."
Sonny narrowed is eyes in concentration.
"Is that why your Dad and Mom were on that plane ? They were coming home from
a business trip ?"
"I didn't know they were together. Mom took me to London and said that I had
to stay with Aunt Julia for a few days. She left and said that she had to do
something important and she couldn't take me with her. I didn't know they were
together again."
"What do you mean ? "
Allysa shook her head.
"I'm not supposed to say anything. I have to go."
Allysa picked up her doll and went back into the house.
Sonny stared off in space after he watched her leave. He had tons of questions
after trying to make sense of what Allysa had just said. It was all strange.
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his cell phone.
"Benny, it's Sonny. I need you to do something for me. Can you start looking
into Matthew Weiss and the plane crash ?... Yeah, that's Brenda's
husband....Just do it. Find out anything you can. Thanks."
He hung up. He sat there for awhile, trying to organize his thoughts. 
"Sonny ?"
He looked up and saw Jason standing there.
"The meeting over ?"
"Yeah, what are you doing sitting out here ?"
He shrugged.
"Talking to Allysa."
"Brenda's kid ?"
"Yeah, I just called Benny. Somethings off."
"About what ?"
"Not business. Brenda and the plane crash. Allysa just said some stuff that
doesn't sound right."
"Like what ?" Jason asked.
"I can't get into it right now. We'll know more in the morning. Listen, I'm
going to head on home now. Can you handle things here ?"
"You sure you don't want to stay with us tonight ?"
"No, I'm going to stay at the apartment. I need to be alone."
Jason nodded.
"Go ahead." Jason paused. "Sonny, wait."
Sonny stopped and turned around.
"I know that you miss Brenda and everything but aren't you taking this a
little too far. I mean maybe things are just as they seem. I mean she's just a
kid, she might be confused or making things up. She just lost her parents and
she has to live with Ned."
Sonny sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"Maybe you're right Jason but I just want to make sure. Even if Brenda is
deadthen I just want to be able to give her daughter some answers about why it
"And if it wasn't an accident ?"
"Then I find who did it and make them pay. Good night Jason. I'll see you
Jason silently watched Sonny leave.

Sonny's apartment.

He found a place in the city after moving back. When it was late and he was
still in the cit, he crashed there. It was someplace free of memories. Of Lily
and Brenda. He sighed as he picked up a picture of him, Stone, Robin and
Brenda. It was taken when he and Brenda still lived above Luke's. Life seemed
so simple then. Stone was with them and in love with Robin. He and Brenda were
in love and happy. He felt his heart ache as he ran his fingers over the
picture frame. He wished he could turn the clock back and change things. He
and Brenda would be together. They'd be happy, most likely married and maybe
they would have a bunch of children. Allysa was a great kid. Deep down he had
always wanted a family with Brenda. By how Allysa turned out and how much she
loved Brenda, she was probably a wonderful mother. He had never got a chance
to see them together but he probably would have been jealous because he and
Brenda hadn't had that child together but he didn't feel that way now. Allysa
was a beautiful innocent child. She brought out the protective side in him. He
figured it was because she was a part of Brenda. He put the pictutre back on
the table.
He sighed and got up to pour himself a scotch. He spent the night sitting on
the couch alone with his thoughts.

The next morning, 

Sonny showered, dressed and then headed to Jason's. Benny opened the door for
him when he arrived. Sonny looked at him. He could tell that there was
something serious on his mind by the look on his face. He felt the pulse
quicken after he looked at Jason.
"What did you find ?" Sonny asked.
"You were right." Jason said evenly. "There is no record of Michael Weiss
until 1996.
We traced him back to California. He was a small businessman who imported and
exported. He made good money but not enough to rent a private plane to fly
halfway across the world. Get this, the guy who performed the autopsy and
signed the death certificates disappeared. I got ahold of Weiss's passport. He
made numerous trips to Puerto Rico."
Sonny walked into the middle of the room and started pacing.
"That's too much of a coincidence. What did he import and export ?"
"Word has it he smuggled contraband."
"Oh man, someone went after him ?"
Benny finally stepped forward and spoke.
"It's a big possibility he pissed off the wrong people. I haven't found that
much out yet. Everything was covered up nicely."
"What about Brenda ? She know what was going on ?" Sonny asked.
"I'm not sure. I assume he was lying to her."
"She wasn't supposed to with him. She went off someplace and left her daughter
with Julia. Alone. He took off a few weeks before that." Sonny said.
"Maybe they weren't interested in her. They were married for a little over a
"What ? Allysa is-"
"Maybe Brenda married him after she was born. It happens."
Sonny picked up some papers that were on the desk and scanned through them. 
His eyes fell on some photos. A flicker of recognition flashed in his eyes.
"So, she didn't know anything. Whoever was after her husband didn't think so."
"Maybe she accidently was caught in the crossfire." Jason said. 
"Why did the plane crash ? Mechanical failure ?" Sonny asked Benny, ognoring
"According to the Airline it was but the plane was so banged up it most likely
could have been a bomb."
Sonny paled.
"There were three bodies on that plane. One was the pilot. The other two could
have been anyone. Brenda could still be alive."
"No Jason, listen. You don't know what's going on. Brenda could still be out
there somewhere."
Jason turned to Benny.
"You can go now. Keep looking for information. Anything else as in who this
guy worked for, things like that."
"Sure thing." Benny grabbed his coat and left.
Sonny had picked the photos up and was staring at them.

Chapter  7

"Jason, how old do you think Allysa is ?"
Jason looked at him strangely.
"I don't know. She's younger than Michael, probably four. Almost.""
"Brenda left town immediately after I did ?"
"Yes, a few weks after. She just took off. Told everyone she needed a fresh
start somewhere."
"These papers say that Brenda didn't marry this guy until two years ago.
About..Matthew was not in California nine months before Allysa was born if she
is four. In fact nine months
before Brenda was still in Port Charles. With me..." His voice trailed off.
"Sonny, how do you know when the kid was born ? She might have been born early
or something. You don't-"
Sonny walked over to Jason and held up a photo.
"This is Allysa when she was a baby. Look at the date on the back. Brenda is
holding her
Look at this picture of her at a birthday party. Look, the cake has four
candles on it. Tell me that Allysa does not look like me."
"You and Brenda look alike."
"Jason, you aren't listening."
Jason sighed.
"Fine, lets say Allysa is your daughter. That doesn't prove that Brenda is
"I'm working on that." Sonny put the photos of Allysa in his pocket.
"I have to go."
"What are you going to do ?"
"I'm going to go talk to Allysa. Get her to tell me something. Tell me if
Benny digs anything else up. I'll talk to Lois and see if I can get her to let
Allysa stay with me at the farmhouse for the night."
Sonny opened the front door and left. Jason had to admit that he hadn't seen
Sonny like that in a long time. He was actually hopeful. He actually hoped
that Sonny was right. Brenda was alive and Allysa was his daughter.

The Gatehouse

Lois let him in after he knocked.
"Sonny, what are you doin' here ?"
"Is Allysa here ?" Sonny asked anxiously.
Lois looked at him and sat down on te couch.
"She and Brooke are upstairs. Sonny, you look funny. What's up ?"
Sonny thought for a minute. If anyone knew anything then it wuld have to be
Lois, Brenda told her everything.
"What do you know about Brenda's husband ?"
Lois looked at Sonny strangely.
"Not much except that he was a businessman. Brenda married him awhile after
they met."
"What about Allysa ?"
"I got a few letters from Brenda. She was born before they got married. What's
with all the questions ?"
Sonny knew he could trust her.
"I've been doing some digging because some things don't add up."
"What things ?"
"The plane crash, her husband and Allysa. More importantly I think that Brenda
may still be alive and Allysa is my daughter."
Lois's jaw nearly hit the floor. Sonny saw that she looked shocked.
"Sonny, where do you get that from ?"
"How old is she Lois ?"
"Three. She's big for her age."
He took the photos out of his pocket and handed them to Lois.
"Look at the backs. The dates. Brenda didn't say anything to you about
anything ?"
Lois glanced up from the photos to Sonny.
"No, she didn't. You know she really didn't keep in touch well. And you know
Bren, she's my best girlfriend. She said that her hubby was a nice guy and she
was happy with him. She sounded happy and all so I let it go. I guess she was
holding out on me."
"She didn't want me to know. That's why." Sonny said quietly.
Lois put her hand on his.
"Sonny, maybe Allysa is yours. As much as I want to believe that Brenda didn't
die in that plane wreck, doesn't prove that Brenda is still alive. Besdies,
why would she hide ?"
"I can't get into it now. It's better you not knowing yet. I was going to ask
you to let me take her for the night but I'd rather not risk it. When will she
be back ?"
"Soon....And here they are."
Brooke and Allysa walked dowstairs.
Lois took Brooke by the hand.
"Ally, Sonny wants to talk to you about something."
Allysa looked over at Sonny. She walked over to the couch and sat down.
"What is it Sonny ?"
Sonny started carefully. He wasn't sure how to broach the subject.
"Allysa honey, how much do you remember about the time you were born and how
do you know about your father ?"
"I know what my mom told me." Allysa said quietly, not looking at Sonny. "I
was just a baby."
"What about your father ?"
"Do we have to talk about this ? I'm not supposed to."
Sonny watched her.
"Did your mom tell you not talk about any of this ?"
"Why are you asking me these questions ? I don't want to talk about this."
Sonny backed off. He didn't want to push.
"That's fine. If you don't want to talk about it then we won't. Why don't you
go find Lois then and play with Brooke." Sonny said. "If you want to talk,
I'll be at my jouse in the country."
Allysa picked up her doll and then left.

That night,

Allysa quietly snuck out again and went back to her mother's grave. She sat
down and waited after making sure no one saw her. A short while later a figure
appeared behind her.
The little girl smiled and stood up.
"Hey baby."
"Momma, I knew you'd come for me."
Brenda kneeled down and hugged her daughter tight.
"I'll always come for you. You know that. Are you okay ? You look pale."
"I'm good mommy."
"I know." Brenda pulled away and picked up her daughter. "Come on sweetie. We
have to leave."
"Can't we stay ? Please mom ?"
Brenda looked at her daughter sadly. Port Charles had been her home and it had
been hard to leave it but they had to.
"No, you know we would if that was possible but its not. We have to go. It's
dangerous." Brenda started walking to her car that was parked nearby. She put
Allysa in the seat next to her and drove off.
"Sonny can help us."
Bredna nearly ran the car into a ditch.
"What did you say sweetie ?" Brenda silently prayed that she had heard her
"I met him momma."
She sighed.
"He can't help us baby. I wish he could but he can't."
"He loves you mommy. I've listened to him these last few days. He's been real
nice to me and he told me these stories about you. I could tell, he loves
"Ally, Sonny thinks that I'm not alive anymore so he was just being nice."
"No, he said that he loved you. He wished that you were still together and
that he could have made you happy."
Brenda felt tears sting her eyes and quickly wiped them away.
"Ally, we can't stay. Please just listen to me. We have to go away."
"But he knows..."
"Knows what sweetie ?"
"That you're alive and I'm his daughter."
Brenda glanced at her daughter. She was telling the truth. Sonny was always
stubborn. If he had gotten a whiff that something was wrong...he had gone
digging up things, she thought. She knew what she had to do. Sonny would stop
at nothing to find her if she left. It would put them all in danger. She
wouldn't do that to her daughter. She'd have to go talk to Sonny and convince
him that he was wrong and get him to back off. Easier said than done.
"Do you know where he is Ally ?"
Allysa smiled to herself.
"He said that he would be in the country."

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