~^^~^~^~^~^^~^~^~^~Chapter  8

Sonny walked over to her and held her close. He kissed the top of her head. 
"Of course it is. You don't even have to ask. I"m sorry for not asking you
what you wanted but I thought it was the same thing that I wanted. I just
wanted us to be together."
Brenda lifted her head to look at him. She could tell just by looking at him
that he saw really sorry.
"No, I'm sorry. You don't have anything to apologize for. I want us to be
together too. I want that so much but things are happening so fast. I haven't
had a chance to think about any of it."
Sonny took her face in his hands and looked her in the eyes.
"Sometimes you shouldn't think about things and just do them Be spontaneous,
you know."
Brenda smiled.
"I've been spontaneous and done things without thinking lots of times before.
The only thing I've gotten for it was trouble. It's called being reckless."
Sonny smiled back.
"Baby, you can be as reckless as you want with me. I promise you won't get
into trouble with me around."
"I sincerely doubt that. I'm probably getting more than I bargained for. With
you flashing those dimples and giving me those looks all the time."
Sonny blushed.
"Aww, you're blushing."
"Am not."
"Yes you are. Its so cute too."
"Lets go back to bed. We shoiuld get a good nights sleep and discuss things in
the morning."
Brenda pulled out of his embrcae.
"I think I should probably sleep on the couch. I don't think I can think
staright with you next to me."
Sonny looked hurt.
"Are you sure ?"
Brenda nodded.
"I'm sorry. I just need some space."
"No, its okay."
"Really ?"
"I don't understand it but I accept it. Why don't you take the bed ? I'll
sleep on the couch."
"No, I can't."
"I insist."
Brenda reluctantly agreed and climbed into bed.
"Good night." Brenda called out to him.
"Good night baby...at least one of us should get some sleep." He muttered to
Brenda wiped away to tear that fell down her cheek. She hated doing that to
him. She wanted them to be together so much. More than anything but she wasn't
sure that they could be. God knows she didn't want to go back to London and
live with Harlan and Julia.
She hated living with them. They were so cruel to her. She would probably get
shipped off to another boarding school anyway. They wouldn't even miss her.
She neverr stayed in one place long enough to make many friends. Or even
someone like Sonny. She was so crazy anout him. She didn't want to disaapoint
him or do anything to hurt him. She was sure that she would if she went with
him. Maybe he would be better off without her.
Eventually she drifted off to sleep.
Sonny couldn't sleep at all. It wasn't even the uncomfortable couch. It was
the fact that Brenda wasn't sleeping next to him. He hated being apart from
'This isn't good man. You just met her and already you can't live without
her.' Sonny whispered to himself as he watched her sleep. She looked so
beautiful and peaceful.
He couldn't imagine going on with his life without her in it. Hell, she was
his life. Nothing would ever be the same. He, Sonny Corinthos, was head over
heels in love, with a gorgeous smart brunette girl...no... a beautiful young
sexy woman. He would never have thought it would happen. He had never been in
love beforre. He had met some special woman but none of them could hold a
candle to her.
She had to come back to Port Charles with him. She'd live with him and they
would be so happy together. If that's what took to get her to come with him
then she'd do it. He'd just have to be careful about what she knew about him.
He couldn't let her find out what he was into. He'd do everything he had to
protect her but he couldn't let her go.
He couldn't. Sonny sat on the edge of the bed and lightly ran his hand over
her beautiful face. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. She stirred but
didn't wake up.
He brushed her soft hair away from her face. The curtains were pulled back so
the moonlight drifted in and made Brenda look even more beautiful, like an
angel. His angel. 
Sonny couldn't help himself and lay on the bed next to Brenda, over the
covers, telling himself that he would get up before her.
The next morning,

Brenda tried to pull the covers over head to try and block the sunlight coming
in from the window which was disturbing her slumber. Something heavy was
stopping her as she kept tugging. She rubbed her eyes and saw Sonny there. She
bit her lip from giggling. He looked so cute. She covered him with the covers
and slwoly crawled out of bed as not to wake him. She opened the dresser
drawer and pulled out some of her things then went into the bathroom.
Sonny slept for a few more minutes before waking up. He recognized the sound
of running water and noticed that Brenda wasn't in the bed anymore. He
mentally kicked himself for joining Brenda in the bed. She probably thought he
was a jerk for not listening to her and giving her space. 
He decided to get up and face her.
He climbed out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom. He knocked. No
answer. Maybe she was mad and ignoring her.
He heard the water turn off.
"Brenda ?"
No answer. He turned the knob to the door. It wasn't locked. He saw Brenda in
front of the mirror, listening to a walkman. She couldn't hear him because of
the headphones. He was going to turn around and leave before she noticed him
but he couldn't make himself go. She looked so good in her towel, singing and
dancing to the music while drying her hair.
"You can hardly wait to...To tell all your friends...How his kisses taste
sweet like wine...And how he always makes your heart skip a beat...Whenever he
walks by..." 
Brenda kept singing until she saw Sonny standing there in the mirror. She
paled. She had no idea what to do. She was so embarassed. She turned off the
hair dryer and took off her headphones to face him.
"Um..I didn't know you were up."
Sonny was equally surprised.
"I just got up. I heard you in here and I wanted to see if you were all
"Why ? Did you hear an animal dying in here ? That was probably me."
Brenda laughed nervously.
"No, you sing good. You should probably get a record deal or something."
"No, I'm more interested in starting a record label or working behind the
scenes. Must be in the blood."
"Is your family into business too ? You know like wall street."
"You could say that. Listen, I'm almost done in here. Could you give me a few
more minutes ?" She said, changing the subject.
"Sure. Sorry."
Sonny left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. 

Chapter  9

Sonny went back into the main part of the room. The phone rang so he grabbed
"Hello ?"
"Sonny ? It's Stone."
"Hey man. What's up ?"
"Not much. You've been gone for a few days. Anything wrong ?"
"No, things are perfect. Any problems there ?"
"The usual. Some things came up with the club but I think that Luke's handling
"Like what ?"
"The liquor license, the cops are over here hassling everyone and the
construction is taking longer than they planned."
"What ? We won't be able to open in time if...Never mind. Is Harry around ?"
"No, he's been trying to get in touch with you though."
"Okay, I'll be back tomorrow and handle everything. I'll see you when I get
Brenda came out of the bathroom awhile later and saw Sonny on the phone
talking to someone. He hung up and stared off in space, deep in thought. She
silently walked over to him and sat beside him.
"Hey baby."
"What's wrong ?"
He kissed her on the forehead.
"Just some problems with the club. I have to get back and deal with them if we
want to open in time."
"Then we'll leave tomorrow."
Sonny looked at her in surprise.
"What did you say ?"
Brenda watched him playfully.
"I said we'll leave tomorrow unless you want to go tonight-"
Sonny scooped her up and twirled her around in circles.
"You mean it Brenda ?"
"Of course now put me down." She laughed.
Sonny put her back down on the couch.
"Sorry, I wasn't sure-"
Brenda put her fingers over his mouth.
"I'm sorry about before. I'd go anywhere with you. You don't even have to
"I'm going to make you so happy. I promise. Forever."
They both smiled happily.
"You already do."
"Okay, I'll make the plane reservations later. Right now we'll go out and
celebrate. It's going to be great Bren. When we get there we'll settle you
into the apartment and then we'll-"
She laughed.
"Whoa. Slow down. Let's just spend our last day here together and forget about
everything else. We'll just concentrate on each other."
"I like the way you think. Come on, there's a special place I want to show
The happy couple left the room.

Back in Port Charles,

Stone just finished talking with Sonny. Robin is with him. They are already
dating albeit without Mac's approval.
"So, what did Sonny say ?"
"He's coming back tomorrow."
"That's good. I know you miss him."
Robin saw the look on his face.
"What is it ?"
"Sonny, he sounded different."
"Maybe it was the connection." Robin said.
"No, it was something in his voice. He sounded different."
"Sonny will be back tomorrow. You two can talk then."
Stone nodded.
"Yeah, so what do you want to do tonight ?"
Robin smiled.
"I thought you'd never ask. There's a really good movie on tonight. I thought
that we could watch it together. We could make popcorn and everything."
" Is it one of those mushy movies where you're going to cry like you did last
time ?"
She laughed.
"You have to cry during Titanic. It was a romantic movie. Jack and Rose were
one of those tragic couples you always read about in books. Like Romeo and
Juliet. Besides  we'll be watching Casablanca. It'll be fun."
"What did Mac say ?"
"I told Uncle Mac that we would be going out tonight. He's going to be at the
Outback all night. We'll have the house to ourselves."
"I don't know Robin. Mac doesn't like me...I don't think he'd appreciate
coming home and finding me with you."
"It's not his call and its my house too. I can have people over."
"I don't like sneaking around behind his back."
"Stone, we wouldn't have to if he'd accept that we were dating. Just give it
sometime. Mac doesn't know you."
"He knows what he needs to." He said quietly.
"No, he doesn't. I talked to him and he promised that he'd give you a chance.
Just wait it out. Please, for me."
She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.
"I'd do anything for you Robin. All you have to do is ask."
She smiled. Stone smiled back. She looked so beautiful. She was his angel. It
amazed him that she would be interested in someone like him. He really cared
about her. 
"Thank you. That means a lot to me. Come on. Let's go."
Robin and Stone leave together for Robin's house.

Chapter  10
Sonny and Brenda walked through old San Juan. She looked at all the people
there. There were groups of families there. She had always wished that she had
had a family, small or large as log as it was filled with love.
"Sonny, where are we going ?"
Sonny glanced at her and gave her a quick kiss. 
"Trust me baby, you'll love it. It's someplace special. Like you."
She smiled at him. She felt her heart quicken its pace at hearing him call her
"I'd go anywhere in the world with you but can I at least get a hint ?"
"That would ruin the surprise. Come on."
Brenda sighed and followed him

Sonny led a curious Brenda to a romantic spot on the beach. The waves hit the
nearby cliffs. The sun was beginning to go down by the time they got there.
They had the hotel make a picnic for them and they had brought a blanket.
Brenda opened her mouth to say something but shut it when she saw the
breathtaking view.
"Sonny, it's gorgeous."
"I know." He said looking at her. "I wanted us to have the afternoon alone and
for it to be special. I found this place a few days ago. I had to share it
with you. Before we start our life together."
"That sounds wonderful. Just to have you say it out loud."
"Better get used to it because I'm never letting you go."
He moved closer to her and slid his arm around her waist. She leaned back and
rested her head on his shoulder.

An hour later,

They had finished their picnic and were laying in each others arms on the
beach. The waves came crashing at their feet. They were laughing and talking
about anything and everything.
"...then Joey and I started rumbling. The principal called my mom."
"What did she do ?"
"She didn't have to do anything. She gave me one of those looks. You know, she
didn't say a thing but you could see the disappointment and hurt in her eyes.
I got used to the look real fast when she married Deke."
"Your stepfather ?"
"It must have been awful for you to be around him."
"Yeah but I had my mom. That's why I stayed. To protect her. I only left
because she told me to."
Brenda looked up at him, surprised.
"Why ?"
"My mother loved me. Maybe too much but she wanted me safe and that meant away
from Deke. He was a cop and he could get me in trouble real easy. We got into
fights all the time. I acted up because I could take it. My mother couldn't. I
didn't want her to. It got real ugly in the end and she wanted me to leave
before things got worse. I only did for her. I didn't care about myself." 
Brenda gently placed her hand on his face.
"Where did you go ?"
"Nowhere in particular. I ended up in New York City. Things weren't that bad
after I managed to find a job. I hated it though. It was at this dump of a
club. It opened up a whole new world for me though."
"How ?" She asked softly.
"I met this guy named Joe. He took me in and everything. He was like a father
to me. He taught me the ropes and gave me a chance. Something no one has done
for me before."
"Sounds great. I wish I had someone like that. I only had my father and my
sister. They hate me."
"I can imagine anyone not loving you."
She let out a little laugh.
"Yeah. Right. She's my half sister. We had different mothers. He hated mine
and worshiped Julia's. My mother was a really beautiful woman and my father
just had to have her. She finally married him. He destroyed her life. She died
a few years after I was born. I don't remember her at all."
There were tears streaming down her face and Sonny tired to wipe them away. He
pulled her close to him and held her.
She pulled away slightly.
"You know, I don't even feel like I belong with them. They don't treat
me...I've been shipped off to boarding schools or to distant relatives most of
my life. I finally got too old to ship off so I got dragged along with my
father on business trips. I was his "burden" that he didn't want to inflict on
his precious Julia so he tolerated me for a few hours each day."
Sonny held her and stroked her back to comfort her as she cried in his
"Baby, I 'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
"No, I wanted to talk about this. I need to. I haven't had anyone to talk to
except hired servants. I haven't really told anyone any of this before."
He nodded. Touched she would share everything with him.
"You know, I just wanted his attention so I acted up and did some stupid
things to get it. I never did. He just wrote a big fat check and shipped off
someplce farther away while Julia got to be the good daughter and stay at the
"I wish I could take all the pain away Brenda."
"Can you just hold me ?"
Without another word he did as he was asked. As he lifted hr head to meet his
and kissed him softly on the lips. He gently pushed her back on the sandy
beach and lay on top of her. He kissed her with all the love and passion he
felt for her. The sun going down cast a dim glow around her and she looked
even more  beautiful. His voice was caught in his throat. He filled up with
want. For her. 
Their kisses exploded on a fireball of passion and desire between them. She
kkissed him deeply, not wanting to let go. She needed to feel his hands on
her. She needed to be surrpunded by his love just like he needed her. They
took each others pain away and healed their bruises. It was like nothing they
had ever felt before or would ever feel with another person as long as they
lived. They were way beyond being in love after a few days. They were
soulmates. A destined love. They would have met no matter what and fallen in
love no matter what or who stood in the way. 

Chapter  11

Sonny and Brenda had already packed their things and were getting ready to
head to the airport to go to Port Charles.
Sonny closed his last suitcase.
"Brenda, you got everything ?"
She came out of the bathroom carrying a bunch of her things.
She tossed her things in one of her bags.
"I think I got everything."
"You sure ?"
"Yeah. Wait, I think we're forgetting something."
"What ?"
Sonny asked, looking around the hotel room.
Brenda walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. 
She moved in to give him a kiss.
Minutes later, she pulled away.
"What was that for ?"
"No reason. I just wanted to give you one last kiss before we leave
paradise...You know I had a really good time these last few days."
"So did I baby."
"Really ?"
"Really." He responded, stroking her silky hair.
Brenda took his hand in hers and wrapped her frngers around his wrist to look
at his watch. The feeling sent shock waves up his arm. She seemed oblivious to
his reaction.
"We better get going or we'll miss our flight."
"You're right. Let's go...How come you don't wear a watch ?"
"You're kidding, right ? It's like a curse with me. I'm always late. The only
thing I have that tells time is my Grandfather's pocketwatch and I don't
exactly carry it everywhere I go. It's too valuable..."
He slid his arm around her waist and they chatted walked out of the hotel room
to the lobby where the bellboy was waiting with their things.
"Mr. Corinthos. There's a car outside to take you to the airport." 
The bellboy said in his native tongue while watching Brenda who was digging
through her purse to make sure she had her passport with her.
Sonny nodded, gave him a tip and followed Brenda into the car.
"What are you looking for ?" Sonny asked, watching her. He couldn't take his
eyes off her. He noticed that other men couldn't either like the bellboy.
"My passport. I found it though."
"You want me to hold it for you ?"
"That's okay. I don't think you'd want to look at it though."
"Why ?"
"I don't know. Driver's licenses and passport pictures always come out
horrible.You alwaya manage to look like you just rolled out of bed."
"You look like an angel in the mornings." He stated truthfully.
"Aww, you're sweet."
"I try."
"You're really cute too."
"If I didn't know better I'd swear you were trying to butter me up for
She smiled with a gleam in her eye.
"I'd never do that." She pulled her passport out of her bag and held it up
"You sure you don't want me to hold onto it ? Airports can be jammed and I
wouldn't want you to misplace it. We'd be stuck in Puerto Rico."
"That doesn't sound so bad. You, me and the beach."
"Sounds perfect but I have to get back to Port Charles."

The airport

S&B checked in at customs and boarded the plane. They waled along, hand in
hand. They were young and really loving towards each other. The other people
there thought they were newlyweds. 

The airplane
(S&B are in first class and there aren't many passengers on the plane.)

Sonny reached over and gently put one hand the side of her face. She put her
hand on his knee and he covered it with his free hand to reassure her.  
"What's wrong ?"
"Don't say nothing. I know something's up. Tell me. Maybe I can help. Are you
She smiled. They had just met and he already knew her so well. It was that
cosmic connection they had. It was like they were meant to be. Fate...
"Kind of. I'd be breaking out in hives if I didn't have you. I'm not scared
when I'm with you. I'm just nervous you know. Maybe your friends won't like me
"Brenda, you don't have to worry about that. My real friends will aceept you
and that's everyone. Besides, I'm not exactly one of the upstanding citizens
there. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. We're together."
"I know. I'm glad."
She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.
"You nervous about leaving your home and everything else in London ?"
Her eyes fluttered open and there was an odd look in them. He didn't recognize
"No, the one thing I'm not is that. I didn't like things there. My father was
always off somewhere except when Julia was there. It was like he couldn't bare
to be away from her. It's kind of funny since he couldn't wait to get away
from me. I got shipped off. Julia reminded him of her mother. Perfect, blonde,
well-mannered. A real model wife and hostess. He let Julia practically take
over the role of lady of the house. It was like I didn't even exist which I
"You had different mothers ?"
Brenda nodded. Sonny looked at her with sympathy, understanding and love.
"Yeah. Julia's mother was my father's first wife. He married my mother after.
I don't think he really loved her though."
"How come ? I thought you didn't remember her. "
"I don't really. I remember little things...He got rid of everything of my
mother's. Pictures, clothes. Any and everything that had to do with her. He
even got rid of me for awhile."
She said bitterly. "Maybe I'm living in a dream world but I would watch tv and
see these perfect families. I saw this movie once. I don't remember the name
of it. There was this married couple with a kid. One of them dies. The other
keeps their memory alive by telling stories, keeping pictures around the
house. Momentos. Taking a few minutes out of each day to remember something
small and silly but special to them to share with the kid. That's what I
thought it should be like. I was actually stupid enough to try and make it
like that."
Sonny knew he shouldn't pry. She would tell him more of she wanted to. Without
another word, he put a hand on her shoulder and held her hand with his other
"It's not your fault Brenda. You were just a kid and you wanted attention. I
know how it is. Only having one parent. A real one anyway. My step-father
didn't count. It's rough not being able to have that ideal family you see
everyone else has."
"What about you ? Who did you have ?"
"Besides my mom ?"
She nodded.
"The Cerullos. They lived down the street. They were like family to me. They
treated me like it. Us kids would always be rumbling somewhere. Louie and I
got into tons of trouble."
"The good old days huh ?"
"Yep. Brooklyn was a great place to grow up. We had this stoop where we would
hang out at. We didn't do much. Just sat around and talked. The girls would
pkay hopscotch
on the sidewalk...Brenda ?"
"Hhmm ?"
"I just don't want to be taking you away from your home. I'd understand if you
"No, Sonny. I...didn't have a real life there.  It wasn't realy home. I can
make a home with you in Port Charles. I can do that with you. Things are going
to be better. I can feel it."

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