Chapter 62

"Don't what ?" He asked in that whisper."Tell you that I love you. That I love our son. I want to make everything up to you. I'll make you so happy. I want us to be a family. Don't you want that too ?"
"It's not about what I want." She answered trying to get away from Sonny
"Then what is it about ?" He asked as he moved closer to Brenda
Brenda could barely breathe. He was too close. It took everything in her to resist him.
"About what our son needs and wants."
"I don't think he can answer that question yet but it's what every kid wants and needs. Something we never had. Two parents that love each other and him. A home.Love. Those are things we can give him."
"I'm giving him those things. I can take care of him."
"I know you can. You made this home for him." Sonny said as he glanced around the room. "You love him and its obvious the kid loves you too but you need me to love you, to take care of you. Its a two way street."
Brenda was falling for him all over.
"Stop it Sonny."
"Stop what ? Telling you the truth.?"
"That's not what you're doing. You're trying to paint a perfect picture of this life that we could have but it won't happen. You're trying to make me want something that'll never hppen. You're trying to seduce me into this life that you keep imagining."
"It's not just a dream I have. It can be real. "
 "Why ? Because you say so? " 
"No, not just because of that. Because of the way we feel. I love you."
"Stop saying that."
Brenda pushed herself away from him
"Why ? Isn't it what you want ? Because we always shared our dreams and hopes. Hell, we even shared some of the same ones."
"I never said I didn't want that. I want that for my son and me but it won't be with you."
Sonny moved even closer to her
"It will. Just wait and see. You want me. I don't habe to seduse you. You want me and I want you. We'll never stop wanting each other."
Sonny kept moving closer to Brenda and he cupped her face in his hands.
Their lips met in an explosive passionate kiss. They hadn't kised in years but it felt like yesterday that they had. Brenda forced herself to pull away. 
"Stop it. I...I just got caught up in the moment with you sweet talking me. I don't love you anymore. Okay ?" she stammered
"You're lying." Sonny looked at her disbelievingly
"No, i'm not ! I don't love you like that anymore. I'll always care about you but i'm not in love with you anymore. You were my first love and the father of my son but that's it."
"I don't believe you. Why can't you let yourself be with me ?"
"I told you why. I've been saying it over and over but you don't listen."
"The truth Brenda. I only listen to you when you're telling the truth."
"I am telling you the truth and stop saying that. Sweet talking me won't work anymore. I'm not that naive 18-year old anymore."
"I'm not all talk. I love you."
Sonny tried to kiss her again. Brenda couldn't help herself from wanting him. They were about to kiss again when the phone rang. Brenda pulled away immediately.
"Ignore it."
"I can't. We're through here. I meant what I said. It's over. I don't love you anymore." She repeated.
Brenda left the room and walked into her bedroom to answer the phone.
"Hello ?" She whispered into the phone while trying to compose herself from what just happened
"Bren ? You there ? I can barely hear you." a familiar voice asked
"Lois ? oh, hi. I was going to come by later with the papers but-"
"Forget about that girlfriend. We can take care of business later. We're going to have dinner. "
"We ?"
"Yeah, Ned and I with you. Half an hour. P.C Grille. We got some celebratin' to do."
Lois hung up. 
"Lo ? Hello ?"
That was strange, she thought to herself. Oh well, at least it stopped me from doing something stupid. She walked back into the nursery where Sonny was standing over the crib.
"Um, that was Lois. I have to go meet her and Ned. You should go now. "
"Yeah. Can I give you a ride ?"
"I don't think that would be a good idea. "
"Okay. Just let me say good-by to Stone. Can I call you tomorrow and we can work something out so I can see my son."
"I'll call you."
Sonny kissed his son good-by then went out the front door. He got in his car and sat there for a few minutes before driving off.

Chapter 63

Brenda walked out of the nursery to go back into her room. She picked up the phone to call a babysitter when the doorbell rang. She hoped it wasn't Sonny again.
It was Emily and Lucky
"Hey guys. What are you doing here ?" Brenda asked as she ushered them in
"Lois said you needed a babysitter for Stone so I volunteered. Lucky was with me and he wanted to come too."
"Well, at least you have company."
"Its okay right Brenda ?"
"Of course. You and your friends are welcome here. Stone is upstairs in his room. You can go get him while I get dressed. His playpen is in the kitchen. Don't ask."
Brenda went into her closet and choose a long black dress that showed off her figure.
She fixed her hair and makeup, thanked Emily and Lucky then left.
She must have gotten there early because Lois and Ned weren't there yet. They must be running late, she thought to herself.
The maitre'd showed her to the table. A few minutes later a handsome man dressed in an expensive suit walked over to her.
"Excuse me, Ms. Barrett ?"
"Yes ?" she said as she looked up from the menu to see a pair of gorgeous blue eyes piercing into hers.
"You don't know me but i'm a friend of Ned's. I saw you at Luke's the other night. I'm Kyle Montgomery." He offered her his hand and she shook it
"Brenda Barrett but i'm sure you already know that. Nice to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine. I wanted to say hello the other night but you were preoccupied."
"You mean when Ned was pulling me out of there ? "
They both laughed
"He hasn't changed a bit. Neither have you."
Brenda looked at him questioningly
"Have we meet before ?"
"Not exactly. I've heard the infamous stories about you at Weissenheimer boarding school in Switzerland from my sister Christina Montgomery. "
"Christie's your sister ? We were roomates for a few months until they kicked me out. Not one of my better moves. She was one of the best friends a girl could ask for. How is she ?"
Kyle's face darkened for a second but Brenda didn't notice
"She's doing okay actually. She got married and everything."
"That's good. Why don't you sit down. I'm waiting for Ned and Lois but it appears as they're late.  
We can have a drink and catch up."
"I'd love to." Kyle signaled the waiter to come over and ordered a white wine and a scotch on the rocks.
Ned and Lois finally arrived to see the two of them enjoying each others company and laughing.
Lois was shocked and Ned looked like he cat that eat the canary.   

chapter  64

Kyle and Brenda were sitting at a table talking. They looked like they were
having a good time and Ned and Lois finally got there. 
"Hey Lois. Ned, you finally decided to show up huh ?"
Ned smiled at them
"We were tied up. Grandfather wouldn't let us leave. Kyle, nice to see you
again. You look nice and comfy."
"Uh, yeah Ned. You don't have to be so formal buddy. I was passing through and
decided to say hello." Kyle stood up. "I've got to get going anyway."
"Would you care to join us ?" Ned offered
"I wouldn't want to intrude..."
"Ned, I think Kyle has plans." 
"Actually Lois my business associate just called to cancel but I-"
"Good, then you'll join us. We were just going to celebrate."
Ned said as he pulled out a chair for Lois.
Brenda looked at Ned and Lois suspiciously
"Okay Lo, spill."
"Spill what Bren? " Lois responded innocently looking up from the menu
"Look Nedley, they have a special menu tonight. The chef must be real good."
"Yes, Monica said that they hired a world class chef. I hear he makes a
wonderful souffle."
Brenda smiled and then looked at Kyle
"This is the part where I usually threaten to strangle one of them if they
don't start talking in 5 seconds or less."
"I'll give you a hint on how to get Ned here to talk." He leaned over and
whispered in Brenda's ear.
Brenda laughed
"That actually works ?"
"Like you wouldn't believe."
"I'll have to try that sometime."
Ned is watching them
"Okay Kyle, I think you've told Brenda enough dirt on me. Can we talk about
something else ?"
"Only if you promise to tell me the big secret before dessert."
"We promise girlfriend."
"We Lois ? I don't think you'd be able to keep it a secret until the
appetizers get here."
"Uh Ned, if I were you i'd stop right there before you end up in the
"I'd have to agree with Kyle, Ned." Brenda laughed
"Kyle here knows a lot about the doghouse. 1979, Kristen Alberts,  Diane
Erickson and Amanda Carey. One weekend. Four different black eyes. "
"Four ?" Lois stated while raising an eyebrow
"One disgruntled big brother." Kyle pretended to wince at the memory
"Ouch, did you really think you could get away with that one ?" 
"Not really but it was fun trying."
"What were you, the big man on campus or somethin' ?" Lois asked
"Not exactly, I was just young and stupid. I partied too much. The typical
reckless teenager." Kyle said seriously.
"Most of us were all like that."

Chapter 65

Its after dinner and all four of them have had a good time. Lois announced
that L&B had singed three new clients, Miguel has just finished another tour
to promote his new album which was selling like crazy and has had tons of
offers, and L&B was on its way to being even bigger.
Lois and Ned excuse themselves. Edward and Lila were watching Brooke since
Emily was baby-sitting Stone. They had to leave early.
"Kiss Brooke for me when you get home."
"Will do Bren although Ned here spoils our daughter enough."
"Good night Brenda, Kyle. I'll call you tomorrow. Maybe we can have lunch and
talk business."
"Sure thing buddy."
Ned and Lois leave.
"I think I'd better get going too. It's late and i've got things to do
"You sure you don't want to stay for dessert ? The German double-layer cake is
Brenda groaned
"Don't tempt me. I don't think my figure can take the calories." She said as
she put her hand on her stomach.
"I don't think you have to worry about that anytime soon. I mean...Did I
mention that you look gorgeous tonight ? The color of that dress brings that
light in your eyes."
Brenda laughed
"Nice save. Let me give you a tip though. You might want to try a little
something less rich. The mint cookies are really good."
"I'll have to remember that next time. I take it you come here a lot."
"I used to live here. I don't get out a lot anymore."
"That's a shame. A beautiful woman like you should have men throwing
themselves at you."
"I wouldn't know about that. "
"You should considering that you're a beautiful supermodel."
Brenda's smile left her face
"I don't do that anymore."
"I know. Listen, I didn't mean it in a bad way. My sister told me about you
and from what I hear, you're a smart classy lady who deserves the best. You've
just got a lot of tough brakes."
"I've also made a bunch of stupid mistakes to deserve what I get." Brenda said
"Don't ever think that way Brenda. Everyone makes mistakes. You grow and learn
from them. I have." 
Kyle reached over and put his hand over hers.
"Wow, I think we're getting a little heavy here for two people who have just
met. I really should be going."
Kyle gets up when she does
"Can I give you a lift ?"
"Thanks but I have my car. Besides, I don't think you know the streets well
enough to drive me home."
"That's why I have a limo. My driver could take you."
"Thanks for the offer but we should call it a night. I've really got to get
home and you probably have some big meeting in the morning."
"No, i'm just in town to close a deal with Ned. That's about it."
"That sounds...boring. If you need someone to show you around town then give
me a call. I guarantee that it'll be better than sitting upstairs in a suite
and watching tv."
"I was hoping you'd say that. I really enjoy your company. Would you like to
have dinner with me tomorrow night ?" Kyle asked
Brenda smiled at him
"We'll see. I'll call you in the morning."
"Are we waiting for a better offer ?" 
"No, i've got something to deal with and I might not be good company. I don't
play games anymore."
"Neither do I."
"Good. Well, good night. "
"Good night Brenda. I had a wonderful evening and I look forward to another
He takes her hand and kisses it lightly
Brenda blushes slightly
"Good night"
Chapter  66

Brenda arrives home safely a little while later. Emily has left already since
Robin came home.
"So how did you're night go ? You look happy."
"I am. You know Ned's friend ?"
"I haven't met him. Why ?"
"He had dinner with Lois, Ned and me. He's handsome, rich and incredibly
sweet. And that's not all. I used to go to this boarding school in Switzerland
for a few months before I got kicked out. My roommate is Kyle's younger
Robin looked surprised
"Wow, small world."
"Yeah, I never would have known unless Kyle told me which he did."
"So you like him ?"
"Of course, what's not to like ? Is Stone asleep ?"
"He's out like a light. Brenda, I talked with Sonny before..."
Brenda's ace darkened
"I don't feel like talking about it right now. I have to call him in the
morning about Stone. Sonny met his son today."
Robin watched her friend's facial expression change
"Is that all you're going to say ?"
"What else is there else to say ? What is there left to say for that matter ?
Sonny did this whole number on me about us being a family, how sorry he is
about everything, how much he loves me, its the same crap he's been saying
from day one and i'm sick of it. I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the
Brenda walked upstairs as Robin wrestled with her conscious. Her heart was
pounding as her head cried out to tell her how miserable Sonny was when she
saw him in Paris the week after the wedding that never happened. He did do it
to protect her. She believed that with all her heart but he just did it the
wrong way. A way that hurt Brenda more than words could say.
She hated seeing two of the people she loved most in so much pain because of
stupid circumstances and pride, useless pride that left you alone, without the
person you loved.
Suddenly thoughts of Jason filled her head. Their times in the boxcar, their
times in Montock, their times on the bridge, on the back of Jason's
motorcycle. Her arms wrapped around his strong waist.
Unwanted truths starting hitting her at once. She was doing the exact same
thing. She should be with Jason. Not alone and miserable. Who cares what he
does for a living. He could die one day for any reason and she'd hate herself
for not being with him when she had the chance. With Stone, she took all the
time they had left and enjoyed it to the fullest after they found out that he
had AIDS. It was sort of the same thing except Jason's deadly 'disease' was
the mob. It could kill you at any time but so could AIDS. There was no way of
preventing it but you could take precautions and medication. Her medication
was love. Jason's love.
She resolved to go see him in the morning and work things out, if that was
It had to be. She still loved him, even after all this time. She had gone out
with a few other guys but there had never been anyone special. Not like Jason.
Not even close.
She walked into her room, silently praying that it wasn't too late.

Chapter 67

It was early Sunday morning. The sun was streaming in the cottage. Brenda sat
up in bed staring at the phone on her nightstand. In the room down the hall
Robin was doing the exact same thing.
Finally Robin snapped herself out of it.
"Come on Robin. You're just calling Jason. How hard could it be ?"
She picked up the phone and dialed the familiar phone number. She didn't have
his cell phone number and she hoped that Sonny didn't answer.
"Morgan residence."
"Graciella. Is Jason in ?"
"Yes, hold on. I'll get him Ms. Scorpio."
The maid walked across the hall to Katherine Bell's old penthouse which Jason
bought. Jason thought that Sonny might need some space so he crashed their for
the night.
"Mr. Morgan ? There's a phone call for you."
"Who is it ?"
The maid smiled
"Someone I think you want to talk to."
Jason looked at her quizzically and silently followed her to the other
"Is Sonny up yet ?"
"Yes, he left awhile ago from the looks of his bed. I have to finish upstairs.
Excuse me."
Jason picked up the phone
"Hello ?"
"Jason, its me."  

Brenda sighed and reached over to pick up the phone. She heard Robin's voice
and hung up again immediately. She crawled out of bed and walked to Stone's
room to check on him. He was still sleeping. She smiled at the sight and went
to take a shower. 
She brushed her teeth and her hair. She was about to pick out an outfit to
wear when she heard Stone crying. She quickly walked to his room.
"What's wrong sweetie ? "
Brenda picked him up and sat down in the rocking chair with him. She saw his
favorite stuffed animal on the floor.
"Oh, you woke up without your Elmo huh ? Well its okay. Mommy will get it for
She handed it to him
"Here you go. There, now I have to get dressed so I can make us breakfast.
C'mon Stone, lets get you dressed first though. Your daddy's coming over later
and I want you to look nice."
Brenda finished bathing and changing him when the doorbell rang. 
"Robin, can you get that ? Robin ?"
No answer.
"Oh well, they're going to have to wait. Aunt Robin must've left."

Robin has already finished getting dressed. She picked out a pretty dress to
wear and pulled her hair up. She wanted to look good when she went to meet
Jason. She was nervous and scared that maybe he didn't love her anymore.
She rushed out the door and ran right into Sonny.
"Hey Robin, where are you running off to ?"
"Oh, Sonny. Hi, I've just got some important thing to do and i'm late.
Brenda's upstairs with Stone. I've got to go."
Robin walked to her car and drove off with out word.    
Sonny shrugged it off and went inside. He shut the door behind him and walked
He went into Stone's nursery. Brenda was sitting down in the rocking chair
reading to him. He just stood in the doorway and watched. She was a natural.
Sonny had always known she would be a wonderful mother. Brenda had a big
"...the end. There, I read you a story, I got you all ready for today. Now I
have to get myself ready. Let's go and see if Robin is still downstairs."
Brenda carefully picked up Stone and stood up. Sonny noticed that she was only
wearing a short robe. As she got up he could see her beautiful legs stretch
Sonny finally spoke up
"Robin left already. I could take him for you."
Brenda's head snapped up at his voice
"Sonny, how long have you been standing there ?"
"Not long. I just got here. Robin let me in."
"I can see that. I told you I would call you. What are you doing here ?" She
tried to sound annoyed
"I couldn't wait. Besides, it looks like you could use some help."
Brenda eyed him coolly
"I can manage. I've done fine without you so far."
"That's not what I meant. Its almost 8:30 and you're not even dressed yet. Its
not like i'm complaining but-"
Brenda walked over to Sonny and put Stone in his arms. 
"Take him downstairs. His highchair is already in the kitchen. There's some
food in the cupboard. I have to get dressed."
"Yes ma'am"
Brenda wrapped the robe tighter around herself and walked into her room to get
something to wear. 

Chapter 68

Sonny went downstairs to the kitchen, found Stone's food and started feeding
him after he was settled in his chair with his bib around his neck.
Brenda walked into the kitchen expecting to find a mess. What she found was
Sonny sitting in front of his son, spoon feeding him. Sonny had his back to
Brenda when she walked in.
Sonny turned around and saw Brenda wearing a dark blue sundress with her hair
pulled back. She walked over to Stone and kissed his head.
"Mama's right here." She pulled up a chair at the dinner table.
"He can talk ?" Sonny asked surprised
Brenda looked up at him
"Sort of. The only thing he says really is momma but that's a pretty big
thing. He says it all the time though. Its cute."
Brenda smelled something real good coming from the stove.
"Are you cooking something ?"
Sonny got up and walked over to the stove again
"I'm making breakfast for you."
"I'm perfectly capable of making breakfast." Brenda stated as she continued to
feed Stone
"So am I. Just humor me for once Brenda. You can spend time with Stone while I
cook up a culinary creation. I haven't had much chances to do this these past
Brenda was going to say something but she decided to let it go. She didn't
feel like picking a fight with him now when he was trying to be nice and
because Stone was in the room.
A few minutes later Sonny put a plate in front of her. He waited until Brenda
took a bite.
"This is actually very good."
"Was there any doubt ?"
"Not really, you could always cook anything. I just didn't remember how good
it was."
She said not really referring to the food.
"I'd say we both forgot a lot of things." Sonny said without taking his eyes
off of her face. It got too intense for Brenda and she looked away.
"um, I need some juice."
"I'll get it." Sonny walked over to the refrigerator and got a glass out of
the cupboard
Brenda reached for the glass that Sonny was holding and their hands touched.
The long forgotten electricity between them shot through each other.

Chapter  69

Sonny was looking down at Brenda, his eyes boring right into hers.  They were
shooting each other one of those intense looks. Brenda tried to look away but
she couldn't bring herself too. 
The phone rang and interrupted them.
Brenda quickly jumped up and grabbed it.
"Hello ?...oh, hey Lois.What's up ?...Yeah, I had a great time last night...I
was going to come over later and we could take care of that then... No, not
Brenda continues talking on the phone for another 5 minutes with her back to
Sonny who is watching her intently. Right before she hangs up, he turns around
and faces his son.
He is still sitting in his chair trying to feed himself. Sonny sits back down
and helps him.
Brenda walks back over to them.
"That was Lois."
"I heard. Listen Brenda, about what happenned-"
"Nothing happened. I told you before that its over. You can be a part of your
son's life but not mine okay ? Can't you just leave it at that."
Brenda was about to say something but Sonny stopped her.
"...but I will for now. For his sake. I don't want to fight with you about
"Neither do I. Um, I have to go over to the gatehouse to see Lois. You should
probably go now. I've got things to do."
"Fine but I want to see Stone again. Can I come by tomorrow ?"
"I'll call you tonight at the penthouse and let you know. I might have
something planned already." 
"Okay. Brenda ?"
"Yeah ?"
"I know that i've never taken care of a kid before and everything but I was
wondering if maybe I could take Stone for a few hours sometime. We don't have
to be alone, I could check with Robin and maybe she could help me with him if
youre busy."
Brenda could tell that he was trying but she wasn't sure if she wanted to
leave her son with him. Alone at his place with the guards and the bulletproof
glass. Someone might go after him and her son would be caught in the middle of
the crossfire.
"I'll think about it. That's the best I can do right now."
Sonny agreed. He picked his son and told him good-bye.
"I'll come and see you again real soon. I promise. I'm going to make up for
all our lost time."
Brenda watched their interaction and held in her tears. This wasn't how it was
supposed to be. They were supposed to be together forever. She wanted to be
with him but she couldn't bring herself to let go of all the pain and forgive
him. Maybe she could in time but not now.
She watched silently as Sonny left.  

Chapter 70

The Spencer Home

Luke is sitting on the porch smoking his infamous cigars. Laura and Lesley are
inside with Lulu finishing breakfast. Lucky has just stepped outside.
"Hey Dad. Bye Dad."
"Not so fast Cowboy. Where are you rushing off to ?"
Lucky stopped and jump back on the porch
"Nowhere. What did you want to talk about Dad ?"
"Nothin' in particular." Luke paused "You got in pretty late last night."
"Do I have a curfew now or somethin' ?"
"Or something. I was just making an observation."
"I went to pick up Emily. It was late and we grabbed a bite to eat
"Emily Quartermaine huh ?" Luke smiled wryly
Lucky hated it when his Dad teased him. He tried to change the subject.
"I saw Sonny leaving Brenda's house the other day. He looked pretty upset. Is
he okay ? I mean I haven't really talked to him since he got back."
"Neither have I. What happened ?"
"Me and Emily went over there the other night to babysit Stone. Robin was busy
and Brenda had a date I guess. I just saw Sonny drive off."
"I'll have to check with Sonny. I'll talk to you later Cowboy." 
Luke puts out his cigar and goes back inside.
Laura is sitting on the couch with Lulu. 
"Luke, I thought you had left already." She hands Lulu to Lesley and goes over
to her husband
"No, I was talking to Lucky. Have you talked to Brenda lately ?"
Laura looks at Luke curiously
"Not really. You know we don't talk much. Why ?"
"I saw her at the hospital before. She had Stone with her. I think Sonny
"Brenda told him ?"
"I don't know. I told her she should but you know how people never listen to
my advice darlin'."
"Let's go into the kitchen. Mother, we'll be right back."
There's a knock at the door. Lesley goes to answer it. It was Sonny.
"Hello Mrs. Webber. You might not remember me but-"
"Of course. You're Mr. Corinthos. Luke said that you helped him help me
before. Come in. Luke is in the kitchen. I'll call him for you."
"Thank you." 
Sonny sees Lulu and goes over to see her. He hasn't seen her in awhile. She is
older and can talk.
"Hey Lulu."
"Hello. Are you here to see my Daddy ?"
"Yes. I'm an old friend of your Dad's. I was there when you were born. You
probably don't remember me. I'm Sonny."
"Its nice to meet you. Are you friends with my moomy too ?"
Sonny paused. Laura was always polite to him because of Luke but she didn't
like the trouble that he had brought into their lives. He didn't blame her.
Luke and Laura had walked back into the room.
"Yes he is. Sonny's a dear family friend Lulu."
Laura walked across the room and hugged him
"I'm glad you're back safe and sound Sonny. Luke told me you were back but
I've been busy with the kids and I haven't had time to come see you. I'm
"Its okay. I understand. Thank you."
Sonny was surprised and grateful. Laura had always been a kind person. Luke
was a lucky man.  Luke was thinking the same thing.


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