Ch. 9

"Robin? How are you?"

Robin walked over and sat next to Brenda. She was silent. 

"Robin? I know that you're mad at me, but it was the only way we could 
be together."

"Brenda. I'm not mad. Not really.  I know how much you and Sonny love 
each other. I guess I just wish that you could have told me."

"I wanted to, but it was too dangerous. I've really missed you."

"Me too!" they hugged each other. 


Brenda looked up to see Katie running towards her screaming her name.

"Katie what is it! What's wrong?"

"Stone!! Mommy Stone's hurt!"

"Where is he?"  

Katie and Brenda ran over to the little boy who was lying on the ground 

Oh my god!! Stone!! Stone wake up it's mommy!!"

Stone wasn't moving. Brenda was trying not to panic. Robin came running 
behind her.

"I called Sonny. He was at Luke's. He'll meet us at the hospital."

"Thanks, Robin. Can you call an ambulance? I don't want to move him."

Brenda sat on the ground and waited for the ambulance. Praying that her 
little boy would be all right.


Sonny was pacing the hospital with Mike and Jason.  His son was hurt and 
he didn't know what had happened.  His children and Brenda were the most 
important things in his life.

Brenda came through the doors with Stone on a stretcher.

Alan rushed over. "What happened?"

"He has a head injury and is unconscious."

"OK. put him in trauma 1 and let's get an MRI."

 Brenda rushed over to Sonny.  

 "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I wasn't watching them."

"Brenda it's not your fault."

"Yes, yes it is. I should have been watching my children, instead I was 
talking to Robin."

Sonny held his wife trying to calm her down. Trying to calm himself 
down. Trying not to feel some sort of resentment towards her for not 
watching their son. It wasn't working.

Ch 10
> Sonny pace the floor of the OR waiting room while Brenda sat with her
> knees drawn up to her chest as she slowly rocked back and forth.  Robin
> watched them alternately, wishing that she could do something to help.
> Mike was leaning up against the wall, glad that Mary had taken the
> remaining three kids home and wishing that they could have convinced
> Brenda to go with her and get some sleep.  She needed rest more than any
> of them.  Luke and Jason kept going out for air.  Well Jason went for
> air Luke went to smoke his cigar.  Brenda looked over at Robin.
> "Robin, you know you and Jason don’t have to stay.  Go home and be with
> your son."
> "It’s okay Bren.  Robbie’s with Uncle Mac and Felicia and he loves it
> there."
> "You sure?"
> "Positive.  Why don’t we take a walk?  Get some food?"
> "I’m not hungry."
> "Well then how about the walk?  It’d do you some good."
> "I don’t think so Robin.   I wanna be here when they have some news
> about Stone."
> "Boy that sounds familiar."
> "Yeah I guess it does."  The tears were in Brenda’s voice and she put
> her hand over her mouth.  Robin saw her start to shake and went to her,
> putting her arms around her and hugging her.
> "Bren?"
> "Yeah?" her voice was small and faint.
> "Tell me about him."
> "Who?"
> "Your little boy."
> "Why?"
> "I missed the first eight years of his life and I’m his aunt Robin.  I’m
> supposed to know about him.  What he likes to eat.  His favorite game to
> play.  His first words.  What song or story will put him right to sleep.
> Besides I think it’ll make you feel better."
> "Maybe you’re right. What do you wanna know first?"
> "Umm… When was he born?"
> "June 19, 1999.  It was pouring rain and thundering.  The roads were
> washed out and Michael Stone Corinthos decided that, that was the day he
> wanted to be born."
> "Oh tell me about it."
> "Okay.  It was about nine at night and Sonny and I were in the living
> room on the couch looking out this big window that faced the ocean.  He
> was rubbing my back when all of a sudden I felt this gush of water.  I
> knew immediately what had  happened and I very calmly told Sonny that my
> water had broken.  Well when the news sunk in he went nuts.  He told me
> I couldn’t be in labor because there was no way to get to the hospital
> or get a doctor there and that was when the lights went out."
> "A power outage?"
> ‘Yup and then a thud.  Sonny, who had jumped up and started pacing
> around the room trying to think of a way to get me medical attention,
> had tripped over the coffee table and landed in a very ungraceful
> heap."  The women were both giggling, as Brenda continued to tell Robin the rest of the story.

 "So Sonny delivered Stone?" Robin asked, totally amazed.

 "Yeah. He lit some candles and pulled out some towels and let me scream
at him for hours, during my labor. But when it was all over we had this
beautiful, perfect little person. And now, because of me, we might lose

She crumbled up and started to cry. Robin held her and tried to calm her

Sonny glanced over at his wife. He was so confused. Part of him really
wanted to go and hold her, try to comfort her, but then there was
another part of him that was angry. Angry at her for not watching him.
He had always known that Lily would have made a wonderful mother, but he
was never quite sure about Brenda. When she had told him that she was
pregnant with Stone, he was scared and happy.  As much as he love
Brenda, she hadn't been the most maternal person he had ever met, and
she had never had a mother of her own, he had worried about her
capabilities of raising a child, especially on the run. But she was a
better mother than he could have ever dreamed she would have been. He
had always felt guilty for ever doubting her, but now, he was
so confused. He knew that she would never intentionally do anything to
harm her children, but his son was fighting for his life, because of

"Sonny?" he felt her hand on his shoulder.

"Sonny, please don't do this. Not now. I need you so much." 

Sonny continued to stare at the wall.  

CH 11

Brenda bit her lip.  Sonny wouldn’t even look at her.  She knew he was 
angry but she didn’t think she could make it through this without him.

"He’s my son too ya know."  She said, her voice shaking, before she 
walked away.  Sonny watched her go and closed his eyes as tears started 
to fill them.  He opened them when he felt someone smack him upside the 
head.  He turned to see Robin glaring at him.

"What do you think you’re doing Sonny?  Don’t you know Brenda’s in just 
as much pain as you are right now?  More because she carried Stone for 
nine months.  He was inside of her and that is a bond that no one can 
break.  Now you go find her and tell her you’re sorry for being a 
schmuck and that you love her and you’re there for her, because if you 
don’t I’m gonna smack you upside the head again."  Robin stood there, 
arms folded, waiting for Sonny’s response.

"I can’t do that Robin."  SMACK!  Sonny rubbed the back of his head

"Why not?"

"Because I’m angry and scared."

"I know that some twisted part of you blames Brenda for this but it was 
not her fault and deep down you know that too and as for the scared 
part, Sonny she’s terrified and she feels guilty enough without you 
feeling like it’s her fault too.  Now go find her or do I have to smack 
you again?"

Sonny considered Robin’s words and shook his head.  "I can’t do it 
Robin.  My son is in there fighting for his life because Brenda wasn’t 
watching him."

"Sonny it could have happened while Brenda was watching him.  It was an 
accident, why can’t you get that?"

"Because it could of been avoided.  I always knew that Lily would have 
been a better mother than Brenda."

Robin’s eyes narrowed and she quietly asked  "So what you’re saying is 
that if Stone was Lily’s son instead of Brenda’s this wouldn’t have 

"Yeah that’s what I’m saying."  As soon as the words came out of his 
mouth Robin’s fist connected with his jaw and sent him sprawling on the 

"How dare you! Brenda loves Stone and she would never intentionally do 
or let anything to him that would hurt him and you know it.  Lily was a 
sanctimonious pain is the ass!  If she had had your child it probably 
would’ve ended up hating her and you would’ve resented it because it 
wasn’t yours and Brenda’s and don’t you dare try and deny it.  You know 
what I changed my mind.  Don’t go anywhere near Brenda until that head 
of yours gets screwed on straight and you realize that you are putting 
the blame on the wrong person."  Robin stalked away and Jason followed.

Sonny watched them go and then he got up.  He didn’t notice Brenda’s 
tear stained face as she watched him and he didn’t notice her walk away.  
Luke did however and went over to his friend.

"You got trouble partner."

"Robin coming back to finish me off?"

"Nope.  Your bride just heard every word you two exchanged.

Ch. 12

Brenda walked to the end of the hall and regained her composure. She knew
he was mad, but to call her a bad mother? No, she couldn't have heard
him say that. It must have been a mistake. She walked back towards Sonny
to clear this up and to wait for news on her son. 


"Sonny did you here me man? Your wife just took off in tears after
hearing you say she was a bad mother."

"I don't care Luke. She is. I should have never married her. She's done
nothing but bring me trouble since the day I met her."

"I don't believe you. I'll be the first to admit that I never thought
that you two were a match made in heaven, but she loves you. She's stood
by you through a lot, Corinthos and in the process gave up her life, her
friends, her career. Not to mention that she gave you four beautiful
kids, and that little one on the way."

"Luke she's trouble, always has been. I can't trust her. Look what she's
done.  She wore a wire Luke, she went right from my bed to Miguel's. Not
to mention the fact that she chased after me, when I was married to Lily.
Because of her, I lost my wife and child."

Brenda stood there listening. She let the tears fall down her cheeks.
She had given up her life for this man and now he was telling his best
friend that he never even wanted her? That this whole time he was
wishing that she was Lily?  Brenda continued to listen to Sonny talk,
unaware that she was listening.

"Sonny, I know your upset, but this is getting out of control. It was an
accident. It could have happened to anyone. Remember when I accidentally
shot Lucky? Laura was really upset with me, but she didn't hold me
responsible.  She knew I would never hurt my son and neither would

"Brenda's not like you Luke. She's selfish and she doesn't care about
anyone but herself. She's still that selfish, spoiled brat she always

Out of nowhere Mike came up and belted Sonny. Sonny went flying. 

"You dare to stand there and say those things about Brenda?!! You have
no right to have someone as wonderful as her. You are worse than that
wife beating pig of a step father you had!"

Sonny sat on the floor of the hospital lobby for a moment, when Alan
came up to the small crowd.

That was when sonny saw her. Brenda came out of the shadows and wiped at
her tears. She looked dead, and numb.

Ch 13

Brenda didn’t even look at Sonny.  Instead she kept her attention on 

"Is he okay?"

"He has a concussion and a small gash but we stopped the bleeding and 
Tony says his MRI looks good.  We’re gonna keep him here tonight but I 
want you to  go home and get some rest.  Especially you Brenda.  All 
this stress isn’t good for the baby."  Brenda nodded  and turned to Mike 
as Alan walked away.

"Could you take me back to the house?"

"Sure.  Let’s go."

"Wait a minute.  Luke?"


"Are you staying here with Sonny?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Call me if something happens."

"You got it darlin’.  Now go home and get some rest.  I’ll see you 

"Bye Luke."  Brenda walked away, not even looking in Sonny’s direction.

"Brenda?"  Sonny called.  She kept walking, not even pausing in her 
steps.  She got on the elevator and the doors closed, blocking her from 

"Well I’d say you screwed up partner."

Sonny just leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, 
silently hating himself for the pain he had caused his wife.


Brenda walked in the front door of Mike’s house and sat down on the 

"Brenda?  Are you gonna go to sleep?"

"Not yet Mike.  But you go ahead."

"You sure you’ll be okay?"

"Sure."  She gave him a small smile and he went upstairs leaving Brenda 
to reflect on Sonny’s words.  She knew he was angry and upset and scared 
but she couldn’t believe he thought that she was a bad mother or that 
Lily would make a better mother than her.  She’d done the best job she 
could under the circumstances and still that wasn’t enough for him.  He 
actually said that he wished he’d never married her.  She’d given up her 
life for him and he thought he’d made a mistake.  Well if he didn’t want 
her that was fine.  She’d get the hell of out his life and she’d take 
Sam, Katie, and Maddie with her.

"Brenda?"  She looked up.  Sonny was standing in the doorway. She looked 
at him with ice in her eyes.

"I want a divorce."

Ch. 14

"A divorce?" Sonny said staring down at his tiny wife.

"I didn't stutter did I?" she said coldly.

"What the hell are you talking about Brenda?"

"How dare you come in here and act like I don't know what you said to
Luke and Robin. I heard everything. You might as well have said it to my
face. But then again, you are too much of a coward to do that!"

"Brenda, you don't know what you heard I..."

"Excuse me? Don't you dare try and get out of this one! Listen to me, I
am going to call Justus Ward tomorrow and file for divorce. I am also
going to get sole custody of all my children! And if you think for one
second that you are ever going to see this baby or any of MY children
then you are sadly mistaken! So you get out and go be with the woman you
really want to be with!! Go be with your dead wife!!!" 

"Brenda, stop it!" he said grabbing her wrists.

"Let go of me!!!" she said as she fought to get her wrists free.

"BRENDA SHUT UP!!!!!!" he screamed as he pushed her to the floor.

She hit the floor with a thud and felt a twinge of pain in her stomach.
She looked up into the horrified eyes of her husband. The tears on her
face were flowing freely now.

"Get out." she said in a low husky voice.


"GET OUT!!!!"

Mike came running downstairs.  He stopped as he saw his pregnant
daughter in-law on the floor and his son standing over her.

"Get the hell out of my house Sonny. And don't think about coming back!!
And if you try to see Brenda or the kids, you'll have to go through me

Sonny took one look and then left, slamming the door behind him.

"Brenda, sweetie are you ok? what happened?" Mike said as he helped her

"I'm divorcing him Mike. It's over. He never loved me. He always wanted
Lily." she sobbed into Mike's shoulder.

"Sweetie, no, that's not true. He's just upset."

"mike I want a restraining order against him."

Before Mike could reply the door bell rang. Mike answered. 

"Brenda what the hell happened?" Robin asked, Jason at her side.

Ch 15


"We just saw Sonny leave here.  He looked like someone had punched him 
in the gut."

"That’s something I didn’t try."  Brenda said sarcastically as Mike 
helped her off the ground.

"What happened?"

"Well I came here after what went down at the hospital and then Sonny 
came here and I asked him for a divorce and he went ballistic.  He was 
screaming at me and when I tried to leave he grabbed my wrists.  I tried 
to get free and he pushed me to the ground."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I’m fine.  I just had a little twinge of pain."

"What?" All three of them said.

"Brenda you’re pregnant."

"I know that Jason."

"So pain could mean something’s wrong, right?"

"I suppose."

"So we’re taking you to the hospital.  Mike get her coat."

"You guys I’m fine."  Mike wrapped her coat around her shoulders.

"I’m not taking chances with my family.  I’ve already got my grandson in 
the hospital I don’t need my daughter in there too."

"Okay."  She said quietly.  Robin wrapped an arm around her friend and 
they went to Mike’s car while Mike and Jason followed behind after Mike 
locked up the house.


Sonny sat on a bench down on the docks.  He was still shaking, still 
horrified at what he had done.  It was like the night of the wire, only 
worse.  This time there was more at risk.  A divorce.  She wanted a 
divorce.  After everything that had happened.  After all that they had 
gone through together.  After almost five children and ten years on the 
run this was what it all came down to.  She wanted a divorce.  She 
wanted to end their marriage and take away his children.  Their 


He looked up to see Lois standing there.

"What happened?

Ch. 16

Brenda sat in the waiting room with Jason, Mike and robin.  

"You guys I really am fine. Ya know this is silly. I should be home with
my kids, instead of sitting here." Brenda said trying to convince
everyone that she was fine. In fact she wasn't.  She had had 2 more
stabbing pains on the ride over here, but had managed to cover them up.
She was actually afraid that something was the matter with her baby, and
that was something she just couldn't handle. Not again.

"Mrs. Corinthos, the doctor will see you now."

"All right" she said as she stood up. "AHHHHHHHH!!" 

"Brenda? Oh my god! Nurse!" Robin screamed as she and Mike and Jason
held up Brenda. 


"Lois, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you. Luke told me what went down at the hospital tonight.
What the hell were you thinking Corinthos?"

"I was angry Lois. I still am!"

"So instead of being with your wife, you start saying that she is a bad
mother, and that you should have never married her? Sonny, people say
things they don't mean when their scared or angry all the time, but
that! No one ever says things like that unless they mean it! So do? Do
you wish you had never met Brenda?"


The doctor came in to Brenda's room with a somber face. They had taken
Brenda into the ER and tried to stabilize her, but it was too late.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Corinthos, we did everything we could."

"My baby? My baby's dead?" she could barely get the words out as the
tears flowed down her cheeks.


Lois waited for Sonny to answer, when her cell phone rang.

"Hello?...what??!!...Oh my god.. I'll be right there!"

"Well I hope your happy Sonny! Because of you Brenda's in the hospital!"


Lois started running towards her car as Sonny sat there unsure of what
to do next.

Ch 17

"No, no, no. Your baby isn't dead."

"Then what's wrong?"

"She's in distress.  We have to do a cesarean immediately if you want 
to save the baby."

"But I still have another four months before she's supposed to be born.  
What will happen to him if I do this now?"

"She'll have a chance at life.  She'll be in the hospital for a while.  
Two months at least.  I'll give you a little while to decide but don't 
take to long."

"I don't have to think about it.  Do it."

"You don't want to speak with your husband?"

"Do it.  Do whatever you have to, just don't let her die."

"We'll do our best."


Lois came flying into the ER waiting room and the first person she saw 
was Jason.

"Jason!  What's going on?"

"She was just taken in for surgery.  They have to do a c-section to save 
the baby.  Where's Sonny?"

"Last time I saw him he was on the docks, feeling sorry for himself.  I 
hear your wife's got a pretty mean left hook.  If I were you I'd stay on 
her good side."

"Always. Look I'm gonna go find Sonny.  I've got my cell phone.  Call me 
if anything happens."

"Will do."  Jason walked out of the ER and went in search of his best 


Sonny sat on the bench with his hands in his head.  God what had he 
done?  He'd turned into the one thing he feared more than anything. He 
turned into Deke.

"No way man you're nothing like that bastard you called a step-father." 
Sonny looked up to see Stone standing before him, looking serious.


"Hey man."  He sat down beside him.

"You're dead."

"That's right.  But like I said I'm always with you.  You, Robin, 
Brenda.  Speaking of Brenda, you have got some major groveling to do."

"Why should I grovel?"

"Because you were a jerk.  Stone's accident wasn't Brenda's fault. She 
was the best mother she knew how to be and I think she was pretty damn 
good at it.  Especially under the circumstances.  Now you better high 
tail it to the hospital because right now she's having a cesarean."


"The baby was in distress. Get going Sonny.  You're gonna need each 
other."  Then Stone vanished and Sonny heard someone else calling his 
name.  He looked in the direction of the voice and saw Jason standing a 
few feet away.

"What's going on?  Is she okay?"

"We don't know yet.  She was still in surgery when I left."  His cell 
phone rang and he answered. "Hello?.... Lois? What's going on?..... She 
is?  How is she?....Uh-huh.... Uh-huh.... Okay. We'll be right there. 
Thanks. Bye." Jason hung up and looked at Sonny.

"Well what happened?"

Ch. 18

Brenda slept in her bed, letting the dreams come.

~~~ They were running. The bullets were whizzing by.  She couldn't run
anymore, but she had no choice. They had found them. 

"C'mon baby, keep running."

"Sonny, I can't anymore! AHHHHHH!" ~~~~~

"AHHHHH!!!" She woke up sweating and crying.

"Brenda? Brenda are you ok??" Bobbie asked rushing into the room.

Brenda felt her stomach. Her baby was gone, like before.

"Where is my baby!!! Where's my little boy!!!!" she screamed. 

Bobbie stared at her. 

"Brenda, calm down. Your baby is fine."

"He's all right?"

"Brenda, you had a little girl."


"Well Jason? What happened?"

"Brenda's ok, but the doctor's said she won't be able to have any more
kids, but considering you already-"

"JASON!!!! Is the baby ok?"

"She's in an incubator. It doesn't look good. Her lungs and heart aren't
fully developed, so they don't think she's going to make it. I'm sorry

Sonny sat down on the bench. Jason sat next to him. He looked at his
best friend. He looked defeated, angry , vulnerable, but mostly he
looked alone.

"Sonny, maybe you should go to the hospital. Brenda probably needs you."

"she hates me Jason. She wants nothing to do with me."

"you were both angry and said a lot of things you don't mean. No go see
your wife."

"I can't Jason. I can't look at her and know that I am the cause of it.
I'm the one that put them in the hospital. I hurt my wife, Jason. She
can't go through it again."

"Sonny, I’m leaving to go to the hospital, now are you coming with me or


"A girl? right. I'm sorry, I must have gotten confused. thank you

"Of course. Now, get some sleep so you can see your baby."

Bobbie left and Brenda tried to go back to sleep, but she kept seeing
his face. His little fingers and toes, and his beautiful dark eyes. She
could feel him. He felt so soft against her, and then he was gone.


"Sonny are you coming?"

"I'll go to the hospital, but only to see my son. I can't see her right


Jason turned from Sonny disgusted. Sonny followed slowly.


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