Welcome to my Guestbook!

SoldierBlue - 12/13/99 11:09:30
My URL:http://users.iol.it/m.emmet
My Email:soldierblue@iol.it
Favorite DQ character: Sgt. McKay
Favorite DQ actor: David Beecroft

Hi Vicki/CCCook! After all this time I never signed your guestbook, and that's not good! Well, you know I love your site, and I wish all the best for you, that is, Brandon in the next DQMW movie... §:) See you in the Sat chat! - Paola/SoldierBlue

carlotta - 09/18/99 16:20:39
My Email:kizibo@libero.it
Favorite DQ character: Sully
Favorite DQ actor: Joe Lando

Hi to everybody!!!I'm completely fallen in love with DQ and her stories, expecially when the protagonist is Sully. But now I must admit that I'm in some way attracted also by that young guy called Andrew. He is quite tempting, don't you think? By to every ody Carlotta fron Italie

anothersoul - 09/11/99 00:44:57
Favorite DQ character: Hank Lawson
Favorite DQ actor: William Shockley

Great site and FanFic. Glad to see it continued.

MM - 08/23/99 05:27:41
My Email:MM@PAXemail.com
Favorite DQ character: All of them
Favorite DQ actor: All of them

Hi CCC! My first time here - I love what you've done, and I finally got to read all of the pass along fan fic! I really enjoyed the DQMW/Highlander crossover story too! I'm a Highlander fan from way back! I'll be back soon - TTYL MM

Wynne - 07/25/99 20:10:11
Favorite DQ character: All of 'em! :^)
Favorite DQ actor: All of 'em :^)

Very impressive Site! So charming and organized. It was a pleasure to visit, thanks for sharing some DQMW magic!! :o) *Fantastic Art Gallery*

Jeannie Crookshanks - 07/03/99 23:11:59
My Email:james@cwv.net
Favorite DQ character: Sully
Favorite DQ actor: Dr.Quinn

How can I get Dr.Quinn Med.Woman back on TV in Beckley,WVa.I really miss watching it. I really enjoyed it being on,so can you please tell me how I can get Dr.Quinn Med.Woman back on here in Beckley,WVa. Thanks Jeannie Crookshanks P.S.I am a big fan of Dr.Quinn Med.Woman here is my e-mail address:james@cwv.net

Jessna - 06/08/99 18:56:18
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/BryansWHITEPGAE/BryansWHITEPAGE.html
My Email:alanis32@hotmail.com
Favorite DQ character: Andrew Cook
Favorite DQ actor: Brandon Douglas

Hey, it was great talking to ya again. And great site. I saw you signed my guestbook, so I thought I'd better get my butt in gear and sign yours, but I thoroughly enjoyed your site. You did a great job. And I love the Bryan thing you put up for the Colomb ne school. I had it up for awhile, but needed room! LOL Talk at you later.

Kelly - 05/22/99 03:01:41
Favorite DQ character: Sully of course
Favorite DQ actor: Joe Lando

Hi CCook/Vicki You have put together a awesome Web-site!Love reading and seeing every-thing on your site. And man!! that Jean can write poems. Hope to talk to you at Chat in Pax!! Take Care.. K/Kelly

Jean(tulipcat50) - 04/26/99 23:55:22
My Email:jam-mail@canada.com
Favorite DQ character: Sully
Favorite DQ actor: Jane Seymour

Hi CCCook! its me, tulipcat50, but you can call me Jean. I love your site and I just wanted to say hi. It gets a little busy on the Sat. night chat. I really enjoy chatting with you. I have made so many friends on the DQ forum. a couple of the girls and I e-mail each other now all the time. I hope you realize that I love to tease you about Colleen and Andrew and its only in fun. you take it so well! you seem like a very special person and I wouldn't hurt your feelings for anything. I slo think you are the aster of symbols and I always look forward to seeing your happy face! Thanks for being a friend to us all! your DQ pal-Jean! p.s. see you Sat night!

Barb - 04/17/99 05:20:33
My Email:theck521@aol.com
Favorite DQ character: Sully
Favorite DQ actor: Joe Lando

I like Andrew too! Couldn't resist letting you know I was here again. I'm truly enjoying the running story. Keep up the good work everyone. Everytime I come to your site I find more and more things that interest me.

moniek - 03/25/99 17:05:38
My URL:http://westwood.fortunecity.com/giorgio/591/
My Email:hut@bart.nl
Favorite DQ character: michaela
Favorite DQ actor: jane

i love your art!! You have a really great style!Ever thought about doing a DR quinn comic book? moniek

moniek - 11/06/98 18:13:34
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/hollywood/bungalow/4966
My Email:hut@bart.nl
Favorite DQ character: Michaela
Favorite DQ actor: Jane

Nice homepage, i love your art! I have some nice sketches as well, a few from Jane as well. I'm just starting out, but you can expect loads of Jane stuff on my homepage!! Moniek

ralph c. rife - 10/27/98 20:40:47
Favorite DQ character: dr. q
Favorite DQ actor: jane seymore

i found it!!!

ralph c. rife - 10/27/98 20:38:07


scott foran bulldogkf - 10/20/98 05:01:09
My Email:bulldogkf@aol.com
Favorite DQ character: sully

nice page

Vicki - 10/19/98 23:08:37

Hey Leigh Anne! It's been awhile! There have been a couple more additions to the running story, but we could use your help! So if you still can't get in, email me like you talked about, I'll keep it as confidential as you like!

Leigh Anne - 10/16/98 23:47:10

Thanx Vicki!! I'm DESPERATE to get back to the running story!! If this little problem doesn't clear up soon, then I'll e-mail you, and then you can e-mail me back and tell me what's goin' on and I could e-mail you my additions and could you post them for e?? That would be one way to do things. Anyway, just keep your fingers crossed! I can't get on Jennifer's messageboard, I can't get on Natalies message board(which still hasn't been deleted, to my knowlegde) either the Colleen and Andrew Cook one, or the essica Bowman one, or ANYBODY's message boards!! I don't know what's happened. Anyway, I just didn't want anybody to think that I left mysteriously or, got mad or something. It's just this FREAKIN' darn computer!!

Vicki - 10/16/98 18:19:50
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/Studio/9615/
My Email:cosettepontmercy@yahoo.com
Favorite DQ character: Andrew!!!
Favorite DQ actor: Brandon Douglas!!!

Hey Leigh Anne! Sorry it took so long for me to respond! I hope you can find your way back to the message board soon...the Running Story needs you! (We're having a slow week, and I've written 2 parts in a row!) Thanks for letting me know! Let me know when you can come back!

Leigh Anne - 10/12/98 15:57:19

Vicki, I hope you read your guestbook!! My computer is not letting me in ANY message boards on the web,(GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!)))) so I thought I'd sign your guestbook to tell you. If you read the message, will you sign the gb and tell me so? Thanx!!

Leigh Anne - 10/07/98 16:24:24
Favorite DQ character: I still don't know!!
Favorite DQ actor: They're all great!!

hey Vicki!! how's it goin'? Thought I'd sign your guestbook again, since it's been awhile. your drawings are great!! Keep up the good work!!(we've gotta come up with an alternative saying!)

- 10/07/98 13:55:07


heartsong (Jackie) - 08/29/98 02:00:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/jmp4jesus/index.htm
My Email:jmp4jesus@aol.com
Favorite DQ character: Sully
Favorite DQ actor: Uh...Joe Lando

Cool! I like it. Thanks for sharing! Jackie

Mandy - 08/27/98 21:23:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/Studio/9936
My Email:MandaRe_2000@yahoo.com
Favorite DQ character: Andrew!!!
Favorite DQ actor: Brandon Douglas!!!

Hey Vicki! Great site! Thanx for doin' the message board! Keep up the good work!!!! SAVE DQMW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leigh Anne - 08/27/98 16:38:33
My URL:http://if I have one...then PLEASE tell me!
Favorite DQ character: I still don't know!
Favorite DQ actor: The answer is still the same..I like ALL of them!!

VICKI!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! OH!! and thanx..did I mention that I want to tell you THANX for putting up the mb? I don't think so(hehehe) btw, VERY cool site!!

Jennifer - 08/26/98 01:29:52

Hey Vicki Thanks for putting a message board on your page. Now we can keep the Running Story going!!! Thanks again.

Jennifer - 08/17/98 23:24:24
Favorite DQ character: I guess Colleen Cooper
Favorite DQ actor: Probably ALL of them!!!

This is still a cool place to come and visit. When are you going to add to your art galary? I think you did a great job on the pictures!!! You're quite an artist.

Meghan - 08/15/98 22:50:51
My Email:monkeymegs@yahoo.com
Favorite DQ character: Dr. Mike & Sully
Favorite DQ actor: Jane Seymour

This page is great. Make sure you write CBS! Join DQMW fans in boycotting CBS too. Check out other DQ pages via the web ring. There are some really good ones.

Sabra Amend - 08/13/98 03:28:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ns/nissaye/index.html
My Email:tumblergal@hotmail.com
Favorite DQ character: Don't watch it
Favorite DQ actor: Don't watch it

Hey MTiiu! I like your page even though I don't watch DQ...! hehehe (don't tell)

tricia-rennea - 08/12/98 02:55:10
My Email:rennea@hotmail.com
Favorite DQ character: Dr.Cook
Favorite DQ actor: Brandon Douglas

Nice site!! I love this color blue!

patty liem - 08/09/98 01:51:03
My Email:pattyliem@hotmail.com
Favorite DQ character: colleen cooper(cook) and andrew cook
Favorite DQ actor: jessica bowman and brandon douglas

great page keep up the great work e-mail me when there is an update on your page

Leigh Anne - 08/07/98 18:56:37
Favorite DQ character: I like EVERYBODY!!!
Favorite DQ actor: I don't know, everybody does a wonderful job!

Vicki, your site is sooooooooooo COOL!!! and you puppies are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! The fanfic is good too!!! Your brother did a VERY good job!! Not to mention you're quite the artist!!! Well, I've added your site to my bookmaks, so now I'm gonna lo k around some more!

Jennifer - 08/04/98 01:48:36
Favorite DQ character: Colleen Cooper
Favorite DQ actor: I like them all !!!

Keep up the good work on your page!!! Great pictures!!!

Kristine Moore (filly28) - 07/28/98 03:12:23
My Email:krism28@yahoo.com
Favorite DQ character: Dr. Mike
Favorite DQ actor: Jane Seymour


Vicki - 07/27/98 04:32:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/Studio/9615/
My Email:cosettepontmercy@yahoo.com
Favorite DQ character: Dr. Andrew Cook
Favorite DQ actor: Brandon Douglas

Hi everybody and welcome! I hope you enjoy the stuff I put on this page. Don't hesitate to send me pictures and fan fiction...Thanks for visiting! Vicki

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