Disclaimer: This page was really done by Meg, not V. (Please don't email me thinking I am V.) I just thought this would be a fun page to do.  

V. Ardanowski's Homepage

Words of Wisdom from Mr. Ardanowski

If you are a band or singer please email me: We are always looking for talented people (Especially right now!)


Hi.  Welcome to my page!  Did you know that the average internet user spends 1.2 hours a day looking at web pages?  Well I'm glad that you have found mine.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions for my page.

     First I'll tell you a little about myself.  My name is V. Ardanowski.  I'm not going to tell you what the V. stands for, because, frankly it's embarrassing.   In the past, my lifelong dream was to be a state trooper like my father, and I was one for awhile, but unfortunately I was let go from that position due to budgetary reasons. I then found myself in several other jobs  Click here to see my resume.  I did eventually go back to law enforcement, but was disillusioned by the hypocrisy I sometimes found in my job. I am still searching for my career niche, and am currently working at L&B records. You will see from my resume that I have quite a diverse list of talents. I'm not looking for another position right now,  though, but it never hurts to make new contacts, right?

      My childhood was kind of rough at times.  I was pretty much of a tomboy.  When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was climb trees and collect bugs and play cops and robber with the boy next door, which completely didn't fit my name.  That's why I don't use it now.  High school wasn't much different, but I'm not one to dwell on unpleasant times. Luckily, I did have a purpose in life, even then.   I got my love of the law from my father, who was a county sheriff.  Unfortunately, he was killed in a freak fishing accident but I've managed to go on and to just be glad that I had him in my life, even for a short time. You can't control destiny so you might as well enjoy what you do have is one of my philosophies (I have many). My mother was also quite an influence on me; her main contribution being, teaching me manners.  I was also lucky to have Grandma Ardanowski in my life.

As for the skills I do posess, I have some experience with automobile maintenance, although I am not an expert.  I am also somewhat of an artist, although don't tell many people.  Click here for a couple of examples of my artwork.  I used to draw murals all over my walls when I was younger. I used to drive my parents nuts drawing a different mural in my room every year. One year I drew a map of the world. Another year it was a horse galloping across the field, and one year it was a wedding with flowers everywhere, and people smiling, and the bride and groom in one of those kisses that just goes on for days. My Former Boss, Mr. Jasper Jacks, was kind enough to give me some art supplies in thanks for helping to save Miss Barrett (May she rest in peace) and Mr. Corinthos and in clearing him of the drug trafficking charges, so now I mostly draw on paper. The project has kind of stalled, but there was talk of Mr. Jax and I publishing a book together.  You will find some of my illustrations for this book in my art section.  I love to watch the stars, and knew nearly every constellation when I was younger, although I am a little rusty right now.  One of my main goals is to see a shooting star, although unfortunately, I keep falling asleep before I can see them.  I'm still as clumsy as the day is long but surprisingly am an excellent driver.  I almost never go into the wrong lane on the highway while driving.  Another interesting fact about me is that I can smell rain. I can fix almost anything if given the chance. I eat six-grain toast with yogurt for breakfast every morning. Well that's about it.  I hope you enjoy my page!

 My Favorite Links  My Resume  My Artwork

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"General Hospital" is a registered trademark of Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. This is a personal Web page posted solely for the fans of the ABC-TV show "General Hospital" and is not intended in any way to make a profit or infringe upon properties held by Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. or any publication mentioned on any page. This page is not affiliated with Capital Cities/ABC, Inc or "General Hospital" in any way.  The characters found here are the property of ABC/TV, Disney, and "General Hospital. No infringement is intended.


  This V. Ardanowski Webring site is owned by Meg .

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