The Episode Guide For Degrassi Juniour And Senior High

Degrassi Junior High         Episodes:

Season #1

1. Kiss Me Steph-

The classic first episode ever! (not counting the kids of Degrassi street. Just
the fact that this is the first episode makes this an instant classic.. so everyone should know this
episode like the back of their hand. Stephanie Kaye.. the legend (and name sake of this episode)
returns from some trip.. gives Voula a nice present (a bracelet), and proceeds to strip and turn into
hooker-mode. Voula is shocked! (I guess that Steph was different the year before). Joey greets
Arthur (because he is the chairman of the welcoming committee) and instead of taking him to Miss
Avery's class decides to lock him in the janitor's room (Joey has help from some guy that will never
been seen in Degrassi again..). Stephanie and Voula decide that it would be good to run for school
president, Voula does all the work.. Stephanie does nothing. Check out Snake in the background of
this episode! He is wearing an Iron Maiden shirt.. coooool. Yick lets Arthur out of the janitor room,
and their friendship begins. This episode is also JAM PACKED with screwups. Just before Arthur
and Yick arrive late for Miss Avery's class, she takes rollcall.. first of all the room is for grade 7's,
and one of the twins is clearly visible. "Stacy Farrell"? who the hell is that? But Erica says "here"
so.. I guess back then her name was Stacy. Also during next class (Mr. Raditch) guess who is
sitting in front of Stephanie... why its LIZ! (she comes later on in the year as a "new" student..
weird"). Back to the episode, well during the campaign stuff.. Stephanie gives out kisses for votes,
Snake is in the background jamming on his guitar saying "Vote for me!" or something.. at first its a
guitar and bass, but later on drums and stuff come in (wow.. snake is talented, playing all those
instruments through his one guitar). Stephanie thanks Joey over Voula.. and this makes her upset.
Stephanie and Arthur make up at the end of this episode as they walk towards their seperate
homes (at the start she said she didnt want to talk to him)

2. The Big Dance-

Stephanie and Voula continue their feud from the past episode, and we see
that a big dance is being planned for Degrassi (the annual Degrassi fall dance). The school is
supporting a foster child and they all want to get some money to pay for the foster childs braces..
so the class decides that everyone will pay one dollar to get into the dance, then the cheque will be
presented at the dance (by Voula.. but she cant go to the dance! her dad wont let her). Lucy shares
her wisdom of "raising parents" and this gives Voula a little backbone.. Joey who was bragging to
Wheels about going to the dance with Stephanie, turns out that Stephanie actually wants to go out
with Wheels instead.. Steph asks Wheels out, and poor Joey gets all sad. The twins and Steph all
go over to Lucys before the dance, and get loaded (they drink all of the booze).. Stephanie gets
totally blitzed and ends up barfing at the dance.. strangely enough the twins encourage Steph to
drink! (wow bad seeds they are). Voula is about to present the cheque for the foster kids new Nike's
when her father comes in! OHHNOO! she gets in deep shit

3. The Experiment-

Raditch really sticks it to Yick in this episode.. I believe that he is a little too
cruel to Mr. Yu the disorganized (Yick thinks he gets picked on too much also). Arthur tries out for
the basketball team.. but he really really sucks ass (he cant even hit the hoop!).. Shane and the rest
of the cool kids call poor Arthur "Artie Smartie". Yick is really good at basketball, but not so hot at
school.. so they decide that Arthur will help Yick with school, if Yick helps Arthur with school.
Melanie and Kathleen are shown to be friends (the first episode really) and Melanie talks about how
she is sad that junior high doesnt have drugs and other such fun things.. she says that she wants to
try drugs (ooh). Arthur and Yick also decide to conduct an experiment.. using Arthur sister
(Stephanie) who got a good mark, Yick will take that paper and hand it in, seeing what kinda mark
Raditch will give him based on who he is alone. Joey overhears Melanie talking about drugs, so he
decides to sell the girls drugs that are really just "vitamins". The girls pretend to get high for some
retarded reason.. and cause a ruckus in the school. Soon after the 2 get "stoned" off the vitamins..
more kids want to get stoned, including the no named Wheelchair chick (no not Maya). All of the
druggie kids hear Joey bragging about how he sold them vitamins, and they get mad.. demanding
their money back. Yick gets in trouble for stealing Stephs paper (and making Mr. Raditch out to look
like a Narbo), but after a detention Yick gets a good mark on some project.

4. The CoverUp-

Joey needs a jean jacket for the school pictures because his old one was
destroyed by his mommy. Rick overhears this and asks Joey if he wants to buy his old jean jacket
for 10 bucks. Sure! says Joey and they go over to Ricks house ("Great place man" Joey says..
what a liar!) Ricks dad likes to beat Rick up.. and when he arrives home that is exactly what he
does.. Joey runs out of the place all shocked. Rick shows up at school all bruised, and Joey tells his
best friend of all of 2 episodes Tim about knowing someone who gets beaten up by his dad. Joey
then tells Doris Bell that he knows someone getting beaten by his dad, and this makes Doris think
that the someone Joey knows is infact JOey! the horror! So Doris that crazy old bag calls the social
worker and tattletails on Joeys parents. Upon arriving at Joeys house with Rick (who has come to
collect his money for the jean jacket) the social worker who looks like an 80's Duran Duran reject
sees that the person he is really looking for is really Rick. Rick gets all tough, I guess he thinks he is
tough because of that "cool" bicycle he rides.. but anyways the social worker says he wants to help
Rick, and finally Rick agrees. The end

5. The Great Race-

This certainly is one of the most entertaining Degrassi episodes ever made.
Melanie who is facing a problem that every girl faces one time in her life (she has no boobs) is
checking herself out in the mirror to see how much cleavage she has. L.D tells her that she looks
fine (and even goes as far as saying that Melanie needs a bra!) so the 2 go shopping for bras and
are obviously high because they are laughing and having a great time shopping for bras (its so
much fun to shop for bras!). Meanwhile the girls swimteam with their race and get to the school
finals.. everyone is excited about the girls winning the championship.. except for all of the boys at
Degrassi Junior High. The girls are pissed that the sports rep for DJH Jason Cox (a guy who was in
a few episodes then was abducted) wont accept the fact that girls are good at sports too. The boys
and girls decide to have a swimming race to decide who is the best.. but the boys need some help!
they ask Snake to join the swim team (even though to qualify for the boys swim team you have to
be apart of the boys soccer team for some retarded reason). The boys all make fun of Melanie
because of her new and strangely stuffed wonderbra.. even resident bad seed Alex Yankou pulls on
the back of her bra strap. This is also the first episode that Melanie expresses her true feelings for
Snake (she says that she likes him..tee hee). The girls end up not having Melanie race for them
because she is upset about her breasts being small in a bathing suit.. but then she decides to
swim, and Joey makes fun of her.. L.D then throws Joey in the water for making fun. The girls win
the swim meet.. horray!.

6. Rumor Has It-

This has to be one of the first on screen references to lesbianism I had ever
seen in my life (not counting the magical videos I watched at my cousin Ben's house..)It starts out
with Caitlin having a very erotic dream about Miss Avery.. Caitlin sits on Avery's lap and soaks up
the compliments of writing a very good paper on aboriginal mating habits(or something), and then
she wakes up all hot and covered with sweat.. saying "NO" (but did she really mean yes?) Back at
Degrassi some girls (Kathleen, Melanie, Susie, and some no name chick who only appeared in this
episode) are talking about how Miss Avery is a lesbian, and how its bad. Caitlin defends Miss Avery,
but the girls evidence is overwhelming (Miss Avery holds hands on the street with another woman!
oooh). The dreams continue for Caitlin, the entire class calls her a dyke.. lezzie.. homosexual (you
name it.. ) and Caitlin begins to think that something is seriously wrong with her. Meanwhile Yick
looses 20 bucks that he needed to buy sneakers with (wow.. talk about el cheepie brand).. and
Arthur suddenly thinks that since he did a project on crime prevention that he can be a private
investigator (ahh to be young and retarded again..) Sherlock Arthur deduces that Rick the resident
bad seed stole the money.. due to his previous thefts. Turns out that Rick won the lottery (kids cant
gamble.. but this is Degrassi remember) and instead of buying something cool (like a decent bike or
hair cut) Rick spends all his money of Licorice! .. first of all, who the hell eats licorice, and second
of all why give out a piece to every kid at Degrassi!? Well hes a nice seed, but Arthur and Yick think
that buy throwing away the free Licorice its a sign of guilt. At the end Yick finds out that his 20 bucks
was buried all along under some old homework. Miss Avery talks to Caitlin and makes her feel
better.. she is no longer a lesbian (Caitlin that is..)

7. The Best Laid Plans-

8. Nothing to Fear-

9. What A Night!-

10. Smokescreen-

This episode is about POLLUTION. As we all know, there is a massive
pollution making factory right down the road from Degrassi (no there isnt), but in the Degrassi world
its there. Basically the Degrassi enviornmental team meets after school all the time to discuss
amongst other things the Enviornment. Rick the bad seed decides to join the team because he
cares.. Kathleen gives him a real hard time, but Ricky doesnt mind. Caitlin and Rick get together to
work on a project to advertise the enviornment club to Degrassi.. but how will they get their
message across? Oh I know.. how about a really horrible 80's rap. How can we make this even
worse? Why not pass the mic to a teenage white girl named Caitlin. Sad. And finally what could
make this already sad plot sadder? The fact that when the rap is played over the school PA system
the students get into it.. they love it! Joey can be seen grooving to the pathetic beats. For shame.
The other story in this episode is that of Yick. All the kids have to do a presentation on something
they know.. Yick knows nothing, and no one would be interested in hearing about his family since
they are all boat people immigrints. So what does he do? Well he finds a Vase that looks like its
Chinese and really old.. he passes it off as just that, and Arthur buys it. When returning his school
pants (or something) Yick leaves his bag unattended with Arthur in a class room.. Artie knocks the
bag to the floor and the vase breaks. OH NO. Arthur spends the rest of the episode hiding it away
from Yick.. saying its being appraised for its value. Yick knows its worth nothing. Arthur thinks its
worth alot. Its ironic! Finally the truth comes out, because Arthur cant fix the busted vase. Yick tells
him its really not worth anything. "You broom head" curses Arthur. Yick tells him to watch his
mouth.. there are children around. Meanwhile, Caitlin and Rick get a petition together to end the
pollution , and take it to the nearby factory. ITs neat to see how they did this.. the shots i mean..
since there isnt a factory near Degrassi. Anyways, the guy inside the factory is less than helpful and
talks down at the children making Rick really mad. In the end nothing changes.. ahh to be young
again and think that a piece of paper with 50 badly signed names can do diddly squat.

11. It's Late!-

Whats late? Wheels pizza? Michelle's parents getting home from work? NO.
Spikes period! Anyone with a girlfriend knows the fun it is when you reach the end of the month and
she hasnt gotten her period yet... most guys anyway. One guy that didnt is Shane. Spikes giving
everyone attitude because of her missing monthly friend.. and Shane takes it personally. "I thought
we were going steady" says Shane. Spike tells him the truth and Shane actually gives an accurate
performance to a guys reaction to the comment "I think im going to have a baby", he backs away
slowly, making faces of disbelief. Heather and Erica lend their support to Spike... Erica tells Spike
that its impossible to get pregnant the first time, Heather tells her sister that she is an idiot..but idiot
or not, the sisters take Spike to get a pregnancy test from Shoppers Drug Mart (a very awesome
drug store). Previously, Spike overheard her mother and some friends talking about how silly it is to
get pregnant when you are young (or something), so Spike is obviously dead when she tells her
mother. Anyway, she comes home with the pregnancy test kit in a bag (why wouldnt you put it in
your backpack you dumbass if you didnt want to get caught?) Her mother demands to know what
she is carrying, and after some crying Spike finally shows her mother... "You didnt" her mother
wispers. Oh she did, and with Shane! I dont know what I would be more upset with. I guess Shane
didnt pull out in time. Meanwhile, Yick wants to ask Melanie out.. but how does will he do it? read a
book? watch a film? how about ask the stud with the plan: Arthur. Arthur gives Yick lots of ideas..
ask her out after a compliment: your eyes are as blue as swimming pools. Yick that crazy immigrint
messes up and says "pimming swools". Next give her flowers: she is alergic to them. Finally he just
asks her and they go have a great time ice skating. Spike is pregnant. Shane looks very knoble, but
he isnt. Man hes only what.. 13 years old? I was worried about my braces back then, but at least
Shane knows "his boys can swim"

12. Parents' Night-

Wheels might get molested. Thats what we are led to believe at the start of
this episode.. but its really just Mike, Wheels biological father who is back after 13 years of playing
in a local rock band "Mike and the Penile Acne Poppers" (or something). The conflict between
Shane and Spike gets critical and they break up (hey did you forget that she has your fetus Shane?)
Spike thinks about what she can do.. she could give it away.. she could get an abortion.. she could
have it. We find out that Shane is pro-life, even though he is dumping her and doenst have to give
birth he thinks he still has the right to an opinion. The Zit Remedy still in its infancy talks about
names for the band.. Snake and the charmers? Joey and the JoyBuzzers. Wheels is the middle
man.. he doesnt really care, he just wants to jam. Outside his school, Mike confronts Wheels about
who he really is. Wheels has just had his hand cut off, and is standing on the edge of a small
platform.. below him.. a dark pit. Mike says "Your parents never told you the truth.. I am your father"
Wheels: "No thats not true.. thats impossible.." Anyway, Wheels believes Mike and takes his phone
number, later they get together.. but Wheels gets pissed off at him for saying "hey this is my kid".
Well its true wheels, take a chill pill. The 2 agree to not talk to eachother for "a bit".

13. Revolution!-

Season 2


Spike takes some classes that teach her how to care for a baby, and what better way
to illustrate this point than to take care of an egg for a week. Spike lets Shane take care of the egg
for a while (so she can go to a party) and Shane decides that he wants to go to the party also and
brings the egg. At the party Shane whips the egg around and has a gay ole' time.. Spike gets pissed
off, and breaks the egg in anger (ooo).

15. A Helping Hand-

16.Great Expectations-

17.Dinner and a Show-

18.Stage Fright-

19. Fight-

20. Bottled Up-

21. Sealed with a Kiss-

22. Dog Days-

23. Censored-

24. Trust Me-

25. He's Back-

Who is back you say? The arm touching molester Mr. Colby!. Lucy starts having
nightmares of having her arm touched.. its very troubling you see, because when your arm is
touched.. it is worse that your private parts. I think if Degrassi wanted to REALLY get the point
across of girls being molested they should've actually did something a little more "normal" of
molesters.. but lets be frank, Mr. Colby only touched Lucy and Susies arms.. I agree that he is a
bastard, but they should've done a little more. Susie gets her necked touched also, and in the end
Lucy, Wheels (who does nothing in this episode) L.D, and Susie all band together and tell Mr.
Lawrence what happened. Colby however already skipped town.. perhaps knowing the shit was
about to hit the fan

26. Pass Tense-

Season 3

27.Can't Live With 'Em (Part 1)-

28. Can't Live With 'Em (Part 2)-

Part two of this sad episode. Wheels parents are dead, and
the episode begins with basically the entire class attending the funeral (Raditch said it was for close
personal friends only..). Joey tries to call Wheels over the weekend to apologize.. Wheels doesnt let
him. The Grandparents want Derek to move in with them, get a social worker, and allow them to
boss him around. Lucy begins her adventures with Paul (you know the nerdy black guy). Lucy
shafts L.D (they were supposed to go to the movies together). Wheels come back to school and
gets mad at Joey and beats him up (as well as breaking the Zit remedy demo tape). Kathleen shafts
Melanie due to Kathleens over zealous presidential campaign. Shane begins to pay Spike baby
money (or whatever its called).. ohh 5 bucks every now and then.. that should get Emma into

29. A Big Girl Now-

Lucy and L.D talk about what it would be like to have sex, and L.D reminds
Lucy not to forget her mystical soccer game. Lucys relationship with Paul the nerd black guy
hightens.. Joey and Wheels talk about his feelings, and Wheels quits the band. Snake is still having
problems saying a word to his "friend" Wheels. Kathleen loses the election against Nancy Kramer
(thus becoming vice president).. Alex yankou becomes the school treasurer, and I think Luke
becomes Sports guy. Lucy shafts all her friends by saying she has to go to her grandmas house to
mow the lawn.. when really she is having a party at her OWN house!. Snake finally says that he is
sorry to Wheels near the end of this episode,and they go to have some fries. At Lucys party Paul
puts the moves on Lucy, but she doesnt allow him to hump.. Paul lies to everyone saying he had
sex with Lucy, and we all know this is a fib. At Degrassi everyone "knows" that Lucy and Paul did it..
so the rumor spread evvverywhere.

30. Season's Greetings-

This has to be one of the cheapest Degrassi episodes ever made.
This is one of the episodes that I had never ever seen until I saw it on Showcase. Arthur and Yick
exchange gifts at lunch time.. and Yick says Arthur is rich, thus pissing Artie off and they begin the
episode long fight. Louella? the lesbian-esque janitor is having problems fixing the Degrassi
furnace.. everyone is boiling hot. Arthur cousin Dorothy tries to patch shit up between the 2 buds,
and in the end finally succeeds. Spike brings her newly hatched baby in to visit everyone in the
school, Shane doenst know what to feel.. Joey invites Wheels and his family (just the grandparents)
to Christmas dinner. The rest of the episode revolves around Arthur and Yick flashbacks of their old
adventures.. rehashing old material to cover up the fact that this is a losey episode.

31. Loves Me, Loves Me Not-

The Zit remedy attempt to sell their brand new album.. complete
with 1 song, and flash packaging. Caitlin attempts to win over Joeys heart by picking up a copy of
the tape. Joey and Caitlin have to work on a project together doing a film review, and they go to see
Teen Academy IV.. they both get A's on the project. Michelle and Alexa talk about wanting BLT's
pants or something.. and they decide that it would be cool if the four of them all went and had a
picnic together (Blt, Simon,alexa.. etc), but instead of helping Michelle out with her love for BLT she
goes for BLT and this makes Michelle see red. A dance happens and Joey says he will "see" Caitlin
at the she thinks its basically a date, but it isnt and Joey has no interest in the lovely
Caitlin. She leaves early crying (aww) and breaks the Zit remedy tape in anger.

32. He Ain't Heavy..-

This episode's title is really retarded, I dont understand what it supposed to
mean. Is Snakes brother fat? no.. are they talking about Nuclear water? No.. so whats the deal? No
idea!. Snake starts the episode in a class where Mr. Garcia (you know the fat black guy) is showing
the class how easy it is to get aids.. so Snake has aids in the class and everyone starts calling him
a homo. Snake would rather play basketball over doing the Zit Remedy thing (for shame). Joey
decides to take the tape to a radio station called C-RAZ (crazy.. how witty) in hopes of them playing
the album and making them famous.. it doesnt work, and Joey instead gets a job as a janitor at the
station. Snakes long lost brother Glenn stops by for a visit while the guys are playing basketball with
their shirts off (this will come into play later why he was smiling so much). Glenn has come to tell
the parents of Snake a big secret.. he is a homo (err gay), Snake is crushed; his cool brother! how
could he be "one of those guys"?. Since his brother is gay, Snake doesnt take the shit about having
aids/being gay at school very well.. so he starts fights, and gets angry with everyone. His brother
Glenn is no longer considered a son anymore, and leaves in a huff.. Snake feels bad and says
sorry. Lucy who had been the butt of rumors about having sex with Paul finally confronts him and
makes him say they didnt pork.. LD is thankful

33. The Whole Truth-

The poor monkey! Liz somehow becomes an expert in animal rights, and
knows all kinds of crap about protests. She enlists the talents of Caitlin to the cause of animal
rights, and specifically testing on monkeys. No one believes that Joey will get the tape played on
C-Raz radio, or that he works there (little do they know that he does work there.. cleaning the
toilets). Caitlin becomes really obsessed with the animal crap, and wants to write an article in the
digest telling everyone all about the horrors of monkey tests... after doing some research she finds
out that the whole truth behind animal rights isnt as simple as she thought it would be. Without
animal rights she would have problems with Epilepsy still.. so she decides not to go "ape" of the
money issue like Liz wanted her too.

34. Star-Crossed-After breaking up with Paul in the last episode, Lucy is still being persued him..
he doesnt get the point. Clutch tells him that "chicks are a dime a dozen". In a galaxy far far away
Erica and Heather read up on astrology and find out that they will get some loving because its a full
moon or something. Erica decides she wants to go out with Clutch because his car is so sparkly
and shiny. CLutch hears about this and thinks that Heather was the one who asked him out.. so
they decide to go bowling. Erica gets pissed off at her sister and even calls her a "witch!" The make
up a plan about how they can switch (Clutch isnt a dummy, he can see that one has bad teeth and
one doesnt). Erica has a dentist appointment! trouble? NO! Erica starts the date.. Heather takes
over in between.. then Erica comes back and finishes the date. Wheels and Snake are walking
through Borden high and someone says "why dont you go have tea with your mom" and this makes
Wheels pissed off because his mom is dead. He charges the guy and gets sent to the principals
office. At the date between Clutch and Erica, Clutch kinda falls for Lucy.. and the two hit it off big
time. No love for Erica

35. Food For Thought- Kathleen is such a fat ass isnt she? Well that is what she thinks, so she
goes on a crash diet: walking really fast to burn calories, eating no food, and barfing up all that
fattening bile!. Alexa thinks she is fat also, so she goes on a diet also. Erica and Heather are doing
a project at the science fair on "Anorexia", so they are the experts on food and not eating. While at
Kathleen's house (with the drunken freak mother) Melanie reads Kathleen's diary and sees all the
crap about "I must not eat, I must barf, I must do exercise!". Caitlin while walking with Melanie
mutters something about Kathleen "Shes the wicked witch of Degrassi" MEOW! cat fight!. At the
science fair Melanie and Kathleen's project on the ozone layer gets 4th place, and Kathleen is so
crushed that she passes out. Miss Avery gives her mouth to mouth and a faint smile can be seen
on Kathleen's face.. no just kidding, but she has a problem..Melanie was only trying to help her out,
but instead Kathleen "hates" Melanie (that lasts about one minute).

36. Twenty Bucks- Melanie gets her braces off and to celebrate this big occasion she throws a
pizza party blowing her 20 bucks on the food. BLT bets Joey that he cant get a date by Friday night,
Joey bets him.. and then finds out that he is supposed to wait in line for Gormet Scum with Snake
on Friday night. Snake wants to ask Melanie Brodie (noochie noochies) to go with him to the
Gormet Scum concert.. only she has to pay for her own ticket (trouble.. she is broke!). None of
Melanie's friends want to lend her the money because she never pays them back, so Melanie steals
20 bucks from her loving mother (what a bad apple). Joey spends the rest of the episode asking
every available mama at Degrassi if they want to go out with him (so he can win the bet), his last
mama is the greatest mama of all time.. Caitlin! (she accepts). Melanie feels bad about stealing the
20 bucks because her mom cant by tampons now (or something), so she comes clean and gets
grounded forever. She tells Snake that she cant go to the concert, and overhears that Spike wants
to go to the concert except that its sold out... Melanie sells Spike the ticket and everyone is happy..
oh what about Joey and Caitlin? Well Joey wins the bet, but Caitlin finds out that she was part of the
plan, and pours some coke on him. He says he is sorry and she accepts (aww).

37. Taking Off (Part 1)- I dont actually have this episode on tape yet (cause I forgot to tape it ok!)
but I do have part 2 on tape, and at the start of said episode it has a summary of part 1, so that is
what I will go on because my memory on it is a little fuzzy. Luke and Shane drop acid, and Shane
drops off a bridge. Wheels decides he is going to see his birth dad (rock and roll Mike) in Port
Hope.. the reason behind this? Mike sent Wheels a postcard saying that he was playing some
shows there.. and having alot of groupies, so many groupies that he needed some extra guys to
take advantage of the chicks.. so Wheels hitchhikes up north and is picked up by an official homo,
who "feels up" Wheels by touching his legs..Wheels jumps out and gets a rock ready to strike if the
homo tries anything more, he doesnt. Wheels arives in Port Hope. Luke is questioned by the cops
about the disappearance of Shane Mckay.

38. Taking Off (Part 2)- "He doesnt do that stuff, I dont know anyone who does that stuff" -Luke.
What a bad liar that Luke is.. did you see the face he was making? What a horrible liar, and to lie to
a police man! biggg trouble Luke. Wheels's grandma is on the prowl in this episode.. what an
annoying old bag! She hassles the hell out of Snake (crying on the phone) pleading for him to tell
where Wheels has gone too, and she also does the same thing to Joey. Joey however cracks
under the pressure when the old battleax comes in to Degrassi and asks him where he is "Please
Joey.. he is my only grandchild..please" Damn! I wouldve told her to go massage the grandpa.
When Wheels arives at Port Hope, he dreams about how his dad will greet him "Wheels you still
play bass? maybe you can be in our band!". But when his dad greets him in real life it is less than
what he imagined. Turns out that Mike the biological dad has a girlfriend who is pregnant! but this
time he is going to keep the baby (this makes Wheels feel like crap), again Mike refers to Wheels
as "thats Derek.. my kid" Personally I hate when people refer to their children as "kids" it just sounds
wrong, but on with the episode summery. Luke is again hassled by the damn pigs (cops) and this
time he cant keep his bad lying face up.. he cracks and tells the cops that "maybe he did some
acid" when it was all Lukes fault (what a bad apple). Mike the rock and roll dad makes Wheels call
his grandparents to tell them he is alright, but Mike doesnt want Wheels around.. and Mikes
girlfriend doesn't want him around either. After Joey spills the beans about Wheels, the grandma
comes to Port hope and drags him away..Wheels comes back to school and thats all.

39. Making Whoopee-

40. Black & White- See this was another episode I had never seen until it came to Showcase.
Too bad for me, when this episode aired Showcase was having a bad day.. and the first 3 mins of
the version I saw got all eaten up by the Showcase VCR. From what I can gather BLT was walking
around in Borden high with his main squeeze Michelle when some bad seed calls BLT a "n-word" if
you know what I mean. BLT gets in a fight, and is then taken away by some teacher.. and gets a
warning "Next time I get suspended". BLT asks Michelle to the dance, but Michelle's racist parents
wont let her go.. sighting that she is too young or something. One of the strange things about this
episode is this: Who the hell is playing Michelle's dad? he looks like he is 80 years old! and whats
with calling BLT "colored" wasn't that term used back in the 20's? Well I guess this is when the guy
playing Michelle's father was young. In keeping with the discrimination theme of this show, Spike is
finally getting a job, and when she arrives at the place where her job is the guy makes fun of her hair
(what do you do to get that kinda hair.. stick your finger in an electrical socket?), then saying she is
too late and cannot have the job, Spike gets mad and storms out of the place. Liz the crazy punker
calls him a pig and then says "Im gonna come back here later tonight and throw a rock through his
window" This made me laugh.. way to go Liz!.

41. Pa-arty!- A party at Degrassi? you betcha! This time Alexa is having a big party and everyone
is going. The grade 8's (Melanie, Kathleen etc..) want to go, but they are not invited. Joey gets a
fake I.D for 5 bucks ("it looks fake" says Wheels) conceive a plan with Snake and Wheels to get
some beer for Alexa's big shindig, but then Alexas parents wreck everything by not allowing her to
party.. Lucy saves the day by inviting everyone over to her house (her parents are away again..), but
since she doesnt want to be around Clutch alone (because he gets wacky when he is drunk) she
tells him that a) there is no party and b) she wants to study instead of going with him. Snake is
enlisted to buy the beer because he looks older. Joey puts a hat on him, and an overcoat and tells
him to go get some brewskies, but he fails. The dudes then spend the next part of the episode
begging people off the street to buy them beer. Finally Joey asks Clutch who somehow can get
beer because his I.D is better, and for the "buying" fee, Clutch takes 6 or 12.. I forget. While walking
to the party the dudes get a little thirsty and kick back and drink some of the brew, just as things
cant get any better they get worse.. COPS FIND THEM! and they get in deep shit. CLutch gets
drunk, and hears about the new party at Lucys house. Meanwhile Lucys parents call and say they
are coming home early.. everyone has to go home, and Clutch shows up all drunk (its funny).

42. Bye-Bye Junior High-