Info aboot the survey-thingie

Alrighty. I thought this might be a fun thing to do. Anyway, this is your basic e-mail survey (Minus a wishy-thing that some have added in...God I hate those thing!) and a blank copy can be found here. Additional instructions are located on that page. just copy and paste it into an e-mail and send it to me. There are only a few rules:

1. Please, nothing extremly offensive in the survey. You can have normal stuff like "I hate ______ (insert name here)" But nothing like "I hate all blacks, gays, fags, Jews...etc, etc." I know, South Park is an offensive show to some, but I really don't want to be reveiceing hate-mail because of what someone's character wrote.

2. If you do include anything offencice in the survey, I'll delete that question. If there are more then one I'll simply not include yours.

3. I have yet to see a character like that, so this shouldn't be a problem.

4. No future children! Who knows, someone might do it. We really don't need an e-mail screwing with the space-time continuem (Oh, man, I have to lay of the Star Trek fics...)

5. For the "Are you a virgin" question, please, say yes. If your character is joking for the whole survey it's alright if they say something like "Oh, yeah, I've screwed 3 people today alone!" but, come on. If your doing a character who's 8 or 9, think resonably. How many 8 year olds that *you* know of have had sex?

6. Once you've sent it, give me a few days to put it up. i am known for being lazy and just plain forgetting to do things. Plus stuff does come up.

7. Have fun!

Ok, I know, some of them are kinda common sense things, but I figured I'd touch all the bases just to be safe.

(Hehe, touch all the bases...)

Dwah! The voices are back.

(And you're talking to yourself! You also stole Duckman's scream there, but I'll let that slide.)

You're so kind.

Ok, if you're done, leave, now, before the voices start talking to you too!