My Stories
Page Updated: July 27, 1999
Finally Home -
Back in the Alpha Quadrant for five years, Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay bump into each other at Star Fleet Headquarters. Rated PG-13.
After The Seduction -
This story was written before "In The Flesh" aired. My vision of what might have happened. Rated R.
Caught Pretending -
Chakotay can't work because Kathryn's music is too loud. What will he find when he asks her to turn it down? My first fanfic. Rated G.
Dreaming -
Someone is dreaming. But who is it? Rated PG-13
On the Receiving End -
What would have happened if Chakotay had seen Kathryn kissing Kashik? Written before "Counterpoint" aired. Rated R
One Moment In Time -
Kathryn and Chakotay share a special moment. Rated G
Good Night, Naomi -
An all dialog story. While tucking in Naomi, Kathryn learns something she didn't know.
My Best Friend -
A sequel to the NC-17 "One Day". What happens after two best friends sleep together? Kathryn's point of view. Rated PG-13
Kathryn, for the very last time
A 1001 stories challenge: Write a story with the title "Kathryn, for the very last time". Chakotay sees a chance and takes it. Rated PG-13
Giving up the Fight
July 27, 1999
Kathryn figures out how to have what she wants.
Rated R.
For NC-17 stories email me.
DISCLAIMER: We all know that the characters belong to paramount and no one is trying to steal anything. All the stories are mine, but if you're a VOYAGER writer, feel free to use the ideas. We'll all love you for it.