Highlander Clone Line

Blues Singing Joe
comes with guitar and
your choice of outfits (as pictured)

Blues Singing Joe can really sing the blues. Not surprising, considering his life watching Duncan MacLeod. If anyone is going to get kidnapped, have his life threatened by immortals, lose his girlfriend, or face a bullet at sunrise from a Watcher tribunal, odds are it's going to be Joe. To add to his blues, he keeps getting criticized by his friends, who want him to lend them money for swords (Richie), give them information (Richie and Mac), or have him set up meetings with potential foes (Mac with Cord). And some of them don't even ask first: Methos just helps himself to Joe's computer without even saying "hi" before he logs on. Plus there's daughter Amy who's having adjustment problems from learning that Joe's her dad. To top it all off, when Joe's brother-in-law refuses to stay dead like a good renegade Watcher, poor Joe gets the blame. All in all, it's worse than a country music song where the guy's wife leaves, his dog dies, and his pickup truck gets repossessed. More than country, definitely blues. Fortunately, Joe sings them really well.

To see an original song "Joe's Blues" click HERE

Dead Tribble on My Head Joe

This is one wino with a difference: if his music doesn't keep you entertained, the deceased menagerie of rotting round rodents on his head certainly will. Comes with an endless supply of tribble hair pieces and Jim Beam and just a few coins to toss in his hat (which is pretty filthy after being worn atop that hairpiece!) Note: hair piece is NOT made from real Tribble fur (it is just an amazing simulation).

Cultured Joe

This Joe clone knows his way around all the best libraries and duelling grounds in Europe. Comes with a good working knowledge of Latin, French, and German, the Oxford English Dictionary, and a full set of maps. He knows the way to Mont St. Michel and every other prime piece of Holy Ground real estate. If you're a very nice immortal, he'll tell you how to find them. If you're a nasty kimmi, he'll tell you where to go, too!

Western Joe

As down home as a Western omelet with his Western shirt, long duster, silver buckle, and "aw shucks, I'm the cute sidekick smile," this Joe knows all the lyrics from the "Harmony Cats" soundtrack and will be happy to sing them to you.

Wistful Joe

He'll look at you with those baby blues saying "please give me some loving". And of course you can't say no. Comes with a comb for his gorgeous silver hair.

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