BMP Mission #1
It'd been a while, and BBHQ was getting a little dusty.

Sage walked through the darkened halls into the main computer room and sighed,

"The memories. Oh the memories"

She thought back to memories of missions with Birkoff, Ducks, Hedda, Ann, Raine.... Gap and Adriana, CC and Majken.... where had all their dedication gone? When had the interest been lost? Why hadn't they kept intouch as they promised?

She ran her index finger over the top of a computer, once used by Gap to play computer games, run simms ... that's when a white envelope caught her eye. It was neatly placed in the middle of a vacent desk. In gold ink, it simply read "Babes". Curiousity filled her, as she ran her fingers over the writting. 'Where did this come from?' she thought, as she carefully picked up the piece of stiff paper, turning it over, a mission, thoughts ran through her head. 'Who would... where did this come from... where? why?'. She broke the seal on the back, and carefully pulled out the contents.

It contained a small piece of black paper with white writting. It was carefully written. It also included a delicate silver secklace, with a oval-ish pendant, also silver. Sage held the necklace in her hands, while she turned over the black letter.

"Babes, I know it's been a while, but we've been unable to reach any of you. We know that you have been inactive for months, but we have hoped we'd hear from you, as we need your help with a mission. We will leave this here in hopes of someone reading it until and apporiate date when we will find someone, although less suitable, to help us."

It was simply signed "Section 1"

Sage thought for a moment. The Babes were created to help Section One as techncal support, but because an agency capable of competing with Section one, even if they were on the same side. When they were getting to serious they parted, not wanting to drag anyone in for life, like Section. Sage, Ann and Raine returned every now and again to make sure things were okay with the HQ itself, incase of any emergency that would require the Babes to return.

Sage had been walking aimlessly as she thought, and before she realized it, she was back in her old office. Running her hand over her old grey phone, she picked it up and called  Ann. It took a few rings, but finally a woman answered the phone.

"Hello?" she asked, cheerfully.

"Ann... It's Sage."

"Wow! How are you?"

"Good" Sage replied, "But..."

"There's a problem?" she asked, concerned.

"We need to get the babes back into HQ".....


Section One sent a profile right away. They seemed happy to have the Babes back. They had a mission requiiring a few young women to enter a University and pose as students. They were to get to know a group of room mated, Sandy and Jessica especially. Sandy and Jess were Section One operatives engaged in a long-term mission. They need the necklace to complete a puzzle, one that would direct them to their next phase of the mission. But the girls had been envolved in the mission for years now, and Section didn't want to risk any contact. So they wanted the Babes to get involved.


Ann, Sage and Raine sat for hours, arranging flights, trains, boats and cars to bring the Babes back into BBHQ.  When they got there they would hold a briefing and get the Babes ready and settled away at their stations.

And now all they had to do was wait for the Babes to arrive.....


On to Raine! :)
Next Part!