City Limits or Escape 2000?

Have you ever noticed that the movies City Limits and Escape 2000 are very similar? Because of this fact, I usually confuse the two.

I have constructed a quiz to test your knowledge of these two movies.

Answers are at the bottom of this page. (No Peeking...)

Considering some people new to the show will not be able to see these movies, someone please ask, maybe beg, Rhino to put these out.

Everybody ready...

Five point questions

  1. "Leave the Bronx"
  2. Comic Books play an intregal part in the plot. (What Plot?)
  3. Exploding model airplanes
  4. Toblerone
  5. Henry Silva
  6. Kim Cattral

    Ten point questions

  7. "Eating cat food" scene
  8. "Teetering ladder" scene
  9. An umbrella is opened to censor part of the movie
  10. Coughing is provoked to censor part of the movie
  11. Robby Benson behind a desk
  12. Trash

    Twenty point questions

  13. Timmy Bobby Rusty
  14. Bert and Ernie
  15. Guys jumping in slow motion

    Fifty point question

  16. CIBRO barge

Hope you enjoyed this quiz. Perhaps it allowed to remember the good times, when MST3K was shown 5 nights a week.

The answers...

  1. Escape 2000
  2. City Limits
  3. City Limits
  4. Escape 2000
  5. Escape 2000
  6. City Limits
  7. City Limits
  8. Escape 2000
  9. City Limits
  10. City Limits
  11. City Limits
  12. Escape 2000
  13. Escape 2000
  14. City Limits
  15. Escape 2000
  16. Escape 2000

Thanks for Playing

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