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My Un-Original Aquarium Page!

Want to know all about my aquariums? Probably not, but to for those who do, this page will provide you with all you need to know and more. I suggest that if you think fish are dumb, my obsession will sicken you; so leave now. If not, keep reading!
Currently, I have 4 tanks set up. One 10 gallon tank, one 2.5 gallon tank, and two 35 gallon tanks. I'm getting a 50 gallon shortly. Here's how everything is set up:

This little tank is situated next to the couch in the living room. It conisits of pinkish colour gravel. The decorations are few; several small shells and a rock.

Inhabitant History

1 Ryukin Goldfish Purchased On - Oct.15, 1998. This goldfish is fat and colourful. He's very nervous and often hides behind the filter.
This tank is filtered by a corner sponge filter, with an Elite800 air pump. There is no hood for this tank, so no lighting. I do a 10% water change on this tank once.

This tank is on a book case thingy in my room. It's at the back, next to the tv, beside the closet. This was my first tropical tank I set up. It has a fake plant, a plastic boot for fish to hide in, and a dock with a frog fishing from it. The gravel is green.

Inhabitant History

1 Tiger Barb Purchased On - long ago. I actually originally had 6, but some have killed each other, and well, now I'm down to one. I have no intention of getting more so I'm just waiting for him to kick the bucket. They were cool when in a school, very active and they looked nice.
I have an AquaClear MINI filter on this tank. I have a sinlge bulb fluorescent hood, with a DayGlo bulb, I believe. I feed the tiger barbs a variety of food, including the standard tropical fish flakes, floating pellets, and freeze-dried bloodworms. I do a 10% water change once a week.

This tank is also in my room. It's against the wall across from my door. It's got dull beige-whitish coloured gravel. Decorations, hmm, umm,....a mug for the fish to hide in.

Inhabitant History

1 Kennyi Cichlid Purchased On - sometime in October, from previous owner. I call him Ross. He is very, very cool. He kills other fish you put in with him...he hates everybody. I'm going to sell him to the LFS because he's using up an entire 35 gallon tank!
I have an Emporer 170, without the bio-wheel. This filtration is somewhat inadequate, but the water is clear and the fish seems happy. This tank only has two incandescent bulbs on it, which I never use. I do a 10% water change once a week on this tank too...notice a running theme here?

This is the best tank. It's in the family room, in a corner next to the fireplace. It's a sorta-planted community tank, with lots of rocks and caves. This tank has the nicest looking, most interesting fish and is my favourite tank.

Inhabitant History

2 African Dwarf Frogs Purchased On - I forget. These frogs can be interesting, but they seem to spend most of their time hiding. I originally had 3, but one has since died.
3 Neon Tetras Purchased On - I forget. I like these fish a lot, but they tend to have a fast die-off rate. The numbers I've had has been as high as 7. I'm now at 3 and this population seems to have stablized. They look good in large numbers, and their irridescent stripes are pretty spiffy..
1 Cardinal Tetra Purchased On - I forget. I originallly had 8, but they kept getting sucked up the filter. There's now a sponge around the filter to stop this from happening. I did not use this sponge though until I was down to only 1 cardinal. After that I got neons instead of cardinals.
3 Black-Finned Tetras Purchased On - I forget. These fish are somewhat larger than the others (approx 2 inches.). They provide a nice contrast in size. Their darker colour also looks nice against the brighter decorations, background, and other fish.
2 Swordtails (M an F) Purchased On - I forget. These are nice looking, active fish. The male has a black swordtail, the female does not. I was gong to breed them, but later decided not to when the LFS told me they couldn't give me very much money for them.
1 Blood Gourami Purchased On - Oct. 8, 1998 This is a type of dwarf gourami, with blue, and reddish colours. It's an interesting fish to watch, as it often swims in and out of the plants at the back of the tank. It's very peacful, and does not like the other faster fish.
2 Khuli Loaches Purchased On - I forget. These are of the un-striped variety, the black khuli loach (wow! what a name!). They are very active, hyper fish. They zoom all around the glass and then fall down on the gravel. They often bump into the frogs. They are tight schooling fish, and I often find them laying twisted around each other.
1 Juli Cory (deceased) Purchased On - I forget. Great scavenger. Had this guy for quite some time, but had to transfer him from tanks a lot. I think he got too stressed out and died.
3 Live Plants Purchased On - Oct. 17, 1998. My first attempt at keeping live plants. I don't know how well they're going to do, I'll just have to wait and see. I have 3 different plants, but I forget the exact names. I believe they are swords.
I have an AquaClear 300 running on this tank. For lighting I built a do-it-yourself hood. It's got a single fluorescent cool-white bulb in it. I keep the water sligtly on the warm side, at 80 degrees F. I do 10% water changes.....take a guess...once a week.

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