Author's Note:
 I'm writing this story based on the Voyager episode "Before and After" but
it was inspired by statements made in the story Medical Assistant's Log by
J.A.Toner, but it can stand alone.  This is my first attempt at fan fiction,
although I have read a lot, so please forgive me if it sucks.  I would
however appreciate feed back of any kind.  I got a new e-mail adress so...You
can e-mail me
 This story takes place in the original time line where Janeway and B'Elanna
die and Tom and Kes are married(before she is put in the bio-tempral chamber
people).  It's Kes' ninth birthday party but Q shows up with the dead
officers and leaves them there to resume their lives, so who will Tom chose?
 This is for Eleni who is a P/T er in training.  HE CHOSE ME!! The only thing
to do is jump over the MOOOOOON.(If you don't understand that don't worry
about it.  It just means that you're not Eleni.)  This is also for Allison
with whom I discuss every thing P/T and then some(I hate peach tarts!! Why is
she comming back so soon?  She just left...It's official...god hates me).
 This story is also sort of by good bye to Kes. GO HOME 7 OF 9!!( no offense
to those of you who are looking forward to the borg. Kes isn't really my type
of character either, but I'd rather have her than a borg.  Have you seen the
pictures of her?  She could cause problems for Tommy and Bella.  Also a
question: how long is the Ocompan gestration rate?  Because did any one else
notice that B'Elanna died in the beginning of the YEAR of hell and that it
was still the YEAR of hell when Kes and Tom's daughter was born?  Does anyone
else think that if Tom wanted to die when Bella died he should have waited
just a little longer before fathering someone's child...even if it is Kes'?
...  but I'm rambling.).One more thing...everyone...go see RENT!! It is soo
Attention Paramount/Viacom:
 I have no don't sue...I know that all things Star Trek belong to
you...and I can never have them...sobbing...
Everyone else:
 This story however is all mine,  so don't steal it, sell it, mutilate it, or
perform any unspeakable acts on it.  Don't for get I NEED feed back!  It
sustains my life force! Just Kidding. But do write.

CHOICESby: Tricia Kimball
(Voy P/T, with some Kes, Harry and Linnis, and a minuscule amount of J/C)
PG/PG-13( I just don't know)
Part 2
 B'Elanna Torres didn't know where to go after she ran out of the Mess Hall.
 She knew that she couldn't go to her quarters, they weren't hers anymore; so
she found an empty  hall way , sat down and fro the first time in a long
time, cried.  "Are you O.K..?" Chakotay asked as he approached the sobbing
 "No." B'Elanna responded.
 "Is there anything I can do?"
 "Not unless you can make me dead again."
 "Well, I'm afraid that that's one of those things I can't do.  Besides I
don't want to; I kinda like you." Chakotay joked.  Torres let out a small
chuckle before breaking out into tears again.  "Let's get out of the hall
way." Chakotay suggested.
 They walked into Chakotay's quarters and B'Elanna sat down on the couch.
 "Now, let's talk about what happened."  Chakotay said calmly.
 "What's there to talk about?  Tom and Kes are married  and have a child !"
B'Elanna shouted.  "and I have nothing." She said mater of factly.
 "That's not true B'Elanna, you have me and the captain, and I'm sure Carey
will..." Chakotay paused, searching for the right word," graciously give up
 "But I have nothing with out Tom.  Chakotay, I love him so much.  What am I
going to do without him?  It's not even that he died, that might be easier.
 He's with Kes!  Everyday I'm going to hear about what a wonderful couple
they are and how happy they are together.  I wish Q had left me dead!"
B'Elanna cried.
 Soon after Torres ran out of the Mess Hall the party dispersed.  Harry,
Linnis and Andrew were just getting back to their quarters.  " Can you
believe the nerve of that woman?  Andrew, get ready for bed."  Linnis
exclaimed as they walked into their quaters.
 "Linnis, I think that you are being unreasonable."  Harry returned.  "
B'Elanna's been dead, how was she supposed to know about your parents?"
 "I don't care.  I don't like her.  She'll be bad for mom and dad I know it.
 Harry, I know that you and she were best friends and that she's a good
person, but I don't want her near my father.  I don't want him to..."  Linnis
began to cry and Harry put his arms around her.
 "Don't want him to what?" Harry asked lovingly.
 " I don't want him to leave her.  She's old Harry, I don't think that she's
be able to handle it if Father left."
 "Tom would never do that, Linnis.  I know it."  Harry said as reassuringly
as he could.  He wasn't as sure as he tried to sound, he knew that Tom cared
for Kes maybe he did love her, but he didn't think that it was a strong for
Kes as it was for B'Elanna.
 "I know that dad doesn't want to hurt mother, but if he's around that woman,
he might.   That's why we need to keep them apart."
 "Wait a second." Harry said, sounding a bit agitated. " First of all, her
name is B'Elanna, and If your father does leave your mother it's not her
fault!  She's hasn't done anything except apologize to your mother for what
happened at the party.  And Tom's an adult, he can make his own decisions.
 It's not your place to decide what happens!"
 "How Dare You Say It's Not My Place!" Linnis shouted.
 "Mommy, are you ok?" Andrew asked having gotten ready for bed.
 "Yes."  Linnis quited down.  "Please go to bed Andrew.  I'll be in a little
 "Yes Mommy." Linnis turned to look at her husband.
 "They are my parents.  I have to keep them together."
 "No you don't.  Linnis you have to let them lead thier own lives.  Please."
 Harry pleaded.
 "How can you not support me in this?  How can you side with my father and
that woman?" Linnis demanded.
 "B'Elanna!  Her name is B'Elanna!  And she is still my best friend.  I don't
want you ro your mother to be hurt, But I still want my two best friends, Tom
and B'Elanna, to be happy.  And if that means together, then you're doing to
have to deal with it." Harry shouted.  " I don't even know what you're all
upset about.  Nothing has happened yet!"
 "YET!"  Shouted Linnis spitefully, " But with that woman around, who knows
what will happen."
 "Don't say that.  I know B'Elanna, and she doesn't want anyone to be hurt."
 "You keep saying that.  But I don't believe you.  I think that you should
leave, Harry.  I don't want you here if youwant my father and that
 "Linnis, wait a se..." Harry started.
 "Harry.  I think it would be best."
 "FINE!" shouted Harry as he stormed out the door.
the end...JUST KIDDING...I have lots more to write...I just have to find the takes up soo
much of it...anyway...WRITE PLEASE!!!!

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