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Fans Comment B&B

Here's a page for the ones who would like to speak out. Comments that I recieve through e-mail might end up here. And if you'd like to comment on something for everyone to see.
Go to the Brooke Logan Message Forum

NOTE: All the things on this page aren't necessarily the webhosts opinion!

Most of the Comments on this site are positive. But don't hesitate to write me if there is anything negative you want to say. There is an equal chance it'll end up here on the Fans Comments page... This page is getting rather extensive but I hope you find it interesting anyway. If you want to read the comments of the Sheila's Buddy. There's a separate page all written by this character on my page. Click here to check it out!

Added on September 5:th 1998

Phyllis is still upset about Brooke's pregnancy or no pregnancy, and brings up the fact that Brooke never saw a doctor.

Isn't it interesting how Brooke never went to a doctor's office to confirm she was pregnant or even after the so called miscarriage. How is it that no one ever points this BIG factor out?

Phyllis Scott

Added on September 5:th 1998 NEW

The following Email brings up an interesting point about B&B  Thanks to the Ellie for bringing up such good points!

Hi there wherever you are...
Everyone is constantley saying how sick and tired they are of the hole Brooke-Ridge-Taylor thing, the endless triangle that seems to go on and on and on and on.... But today I realized, B&B is a show about triangles, not just this one, but there has been many, many throughout the years. In fact, every single relationshio seems to end in a triangle. I mean, who can forget:
Brooke-Ridge-Caroline.... Stephanie-Eric-Brooke... Brooke-Eric-Beth..... Thorne-Caroline-Ridge.... Thorne-Macy-Jake McLaine.... Macy-Thorne-Karen Spencer..... Storm-Taylor-Ridge.... Eric-Brooke-Ridge.... Sally-Jack Hamilton-Stephanie.... James-Brooke-Ridge.... Kristen-Clarke-Margo..... Felicia-Jake McLaine-Donna Logan..... Maggie-James-Sheila.... Lauren-Eric-Stephanie.... Blake Hayes-Taylor-Ridge..... Maggie-Dylan-Jessica...... Jessica-Dylan-Michael....  Michael-Grant-Brooke.....   Jasmine-Sly-Jessica ......and now recently: Johnny-Lauren-Rush.....   Thorne-Macy-Grant
...... and the list continues......
I say, if there are no more triangles, there is no more B&B.


Added on April 27 1998

Hai, my name is hanizah and I am from Malaysia. Eventhough in Malaysia, the B&B show aired wasn't up to date (I think the when Ridge and Caroline are getting married) but I know the latest updates from the internet. (thanks to the people that bring the latest updates through the internet). Like you I am Brooke fans. I used to like Taylor (that was before she had a plane crash and married to prince omar). I'm not very happy with the storyline lately. I think this is the second time, Ridge choose Taylor over Brooke. I think Brooke deserves to be happy after all the things she has gone through.


Woah! - Another guy! Welcome!!! Added on February 1998

I agree and am happy that you have stepped forward to support our golden one. We need to band together and remember that no matter how they trash her, she is still the best!

James Miller

A letter from another fan - A GUY!! (Love that!! :-) ) Added February 5:th 1998

Loved your website. I have watched B&B since it began and love Brooke. She and Ridge belong together. I especially like your page on Taylor's mistakes that are always forgotten. I would love for Stephanie to know about Eric and Taylor two years ago, and for Ridge to know she slept with James at the cabin. Also, now she's a complete hypocrite. How many times did she complain about  Brooke using the children to get Ridge? She's doing the same thing, coming over the night they get back from Rome. I'd love to find out she's the one who sent the letter regarding Bridget's paternity and that she fixed the second set of tests, proving she is Ridge's daughter and that Taylor is just truly evil. Also, wasn't it just last month that she told Thorne she was giving up on Ridge and that she was giving Thorne a chance. She's a complete witch to him lately. You got to feel sorry for Thorne, and Taylor's stupid not take the younger Forrester brother. I am thankful that Ridge and Brooke are at least now married. It's tougher to get divorced that to get married on soaps. Thanks for the site.


A letter from another fan who seems to be  a Brooke defender just like me :-). Added February 5:th 1998

I just have to say 'I couldn't agree more with everything you have written'!!!!!!! I totally feel the same way about every incident you have described, now if we could only get the Taylor Fans to see it this way!LOL!!!! Brooke will always be my favorite character and KKL is the best!!!! I know right now the writers are trying to change her but I will still believe in the Brooke that is sensitive, strong, sexy and vulnerable all at the same time!!! Let's just hope that soon Ridge will wakeup and realize what a great woman he has and hold on tight because someday Brooke just might decide she is much too good for him!!! Maybe you should post that part comparing Brooke and Taylor's love life on a comment board that attracts more Taylor Fans!!! I'd love to see their reaction to the 'facts' !!! Calling Brooke a tramp or a slut has always been one of Taylor's fans favorite past times!!!  Thanks for the great reading!!!


A letter from another Ashley who seems more of a Brooke fan than the one below... added January 6:th 1998


I am so glad that I found this page. I think it is absolutely terrific! I agree with everything you say about Saint Taylor and Queen Stephanie. It isn't anything against the actresses, but their characters. I am so tired of Taylor never getting in trouble for her lies. And what is even worse, is that Stephanie still wants Ridge to be with Taylor even though she knows that Taylor and James slept together and that Taylor is supposodely pregnant with Thorne's child. Stephanie is the absolute worst mom! I am also tired of Taylor preaching about Brooke being a user and a liar, when she is using Thorne and she is lying about her own baby! I feel so sorry for Thorne, he is always getting the bad end of the deal too. Stephanie and Taylor treat him bad too. I wish that Ridge would stop whining about Taylor, I mean does he still love her because he always thinks about her. I wish he would just pick one and stick with it. Thanks for this page, I absolutely love it and I loved reading about St. Taylor.

Thanks, Ashley

The following communication between Ashley and I, I have put here because I think alot of interesting points are being brought up by both of us during this discussion. They may be long, but I find the debate to be very interesting.

A letter from Ashley. Added on December 26:th 1997

Dear Troi,
I totally disagree with what you say about Taylor's misdoings. You make it saould like Taylor is a bad person and Brooke is a saint. Well maybe it slipped your mind about some of Brooke's misdoings: what about her sleeping with Eric then sleeping with Ridge, what about her keeping Bridget's paternity from Ridge, what about her schemeing with Ridge (dont tell me she is not scheming, if she wasn't, then why is she so insecure about Ridge's love that she is trying to get Thorne to keep Taylor in control and convince Taylor not to tell Rdige) Also why can she fake a pregancy and it be okay to you???

You say ;that Taylor never pays for he mistakes, oh but indeed she does, what do you think Ridge rejecting Taylor over and over again is not punishment enough. Do you not think that being proposed to on the rebould is punishment with her knowing he is still in love with Brooke. They both pay for thier mistakes. The only one who doesnt pay is Ridge.

Yours truly Ashely

My answer:

Hello Ashley,

Taylor is not the worst person on earth. And if you read all of the page you'll find that I in truth don't dislike Taylor. What I do dislike is the way she is sanctified and never pays for her mistakes. Nobody ever reveils her lies and deceptions. And she is always held behind the back by the Forresters. I dislike that.

It is totally your porogative to disagree. But the page on my site with Taylor's misdoings is a reaction to the fact that Taylor is portrayed as a saint on the show . Brooke is always getting what she deserves for behaving
badly. Taylor never does.

My intention is not at all to make Brooke sound like a saint because I truly don't think she is. And also I don't dislike Taylor. I only dislike the fact that her mistakes, lies and deceptions are never found out, and even if they are they are scooped under the rug - even by Stephanie.

I don't think it isn't okay for you to feel this way. But I am biased toward Brooke and I don't see any reason to hide that fact. I do however welcome discussions and disagreements. As long as they don't become ugly or
bad mouthing any of the actors or actresses.

None of Brooke's misdoings have slipped my mind. it only seems to me she has already paid for what she has done multiple times whereas Taylor never pays for her lies. Read the introduction to the Taylor's misdoings page and you see what I mean.

> maybe it slipped your mind about some of Brooke's misdoings: what about her sleeping with Eric then sleeping with Ridge,

Brooke only slept with Ridge after thinking that Eric didn't love her any more. Remember the forged letter that Stephanie wrote? And the fact that she had been drinking and Eric took her to bed full well knowing she didn't
want to?

<<what about her keeping Bridget's paternity from Ridge,<<

This one I do not recall. She didn't know Bridget wasn't Ridge's. She got a blackmail letter from someone who knew. She didn't know. She thought Bridget was Ridge's all along. She didn't even remember having slept with Eric. He only told her after she told him she was pregnant with Ridge's baby. THEN Eric admitted to having slept with her when she was drunk. And boy must she have been drunk to not even remember?! Eric shouldn't have. That's all there is to it.

> about Ridge's love that she is trying to get Thorne to keep Taylor in control and convince Taylor not to tell Rdige)<<<

To me it seems the one who is insecure of Ridge's love for her is Taylor. If she weren't why does she always jump to conclusions every time she sees Ridge with Brooke? And don't tell me she doesn't.

<<<Also why can she fake a pregancy and it be okay to you???

How do you know the pregnancy is a fake? She isn't even pregnant yet as far as we know? And Taylor has been hiding her pregnancy to Ridge for far too long. I am not trying to make Taylor look any worse than Brooke. I am
merely pointing out she isn't flawless.

> You say ;that Taylor never pays for he mistakes, oh but indeed she does,
> what do you think Ridge rejecting Taylor over and over again is not
> punishment enough.

No, I don't think that is punishment. He is doing that over and over to both women. I am talking about other people finding out of her lies. Not how Ridge reacts. I don't see why everything has to evolve around Ridge. I mean Stephanie always standing behind Taylor no matter what she does. Sleeping with James. Lying to Ridge about the marriage to Omar. And now Stephanie believes Taylor has become pregnant with Thorne and she still wants her to be with Ridge.. where is the logic. Just think how you would have reacted if Brooke were to do something like this?!

> Do you not think that being proposed to on the
> rebould is punishment with her knowing he is still in love with Brooke.

Then why WHY did she accept? She shouldn't have and that is what I am saying. She keeps telling Brooke to leave Ridge alone to get over her or Caroline or whatever. Then she turns around and accepts a proposal from Ridge wearing Brooke's gown and ring. I find that very dumb from a very intelligent and beautiful lady who should be smarter than that.

> They both pay for thier mistakes. The only one who doesnt pay is Ridge.

I haven't seen Taylor pay. Not for anything. Not in any other person's eyes. She may be punished by having been upset over the way Ridge has treated her. But the Forrester's have never turned their back on her although the things she has done has been just as bad as anything Brooke has ever done. Except maybe for the Forrester Takeover. But I'd be pretty interested in seeing what Taylor would do if the Forresters ever doublecrossed her and went behind her back the way they did with Brooke and the BeLieF formula...

Best Wishes,


And Ashley again:

Dear Carola,

Well I have talked to a lot of other people about your page and they think it is insulting to us Taylor fans. Im sure if a Taylor fan had a page that was to totally insult and bash Brooke, you Brooke fans would have a cow. Besides if you are going to list everything Taylor has done wrong, why not list the little things Brooke has done. The Taylor fans can name a lot more than I can (I have only watched for a year) that Brooke has done downright. Plus I have talked to people who think the distributor and editor must have nothing better to do than complain about unfairness to a character on a soap opera. I am not trying to insult you, but I am being honest, straight forward, and telling waht people I have talked to have said. I mean your page is fine, but some of us, Taylor Fans, take it the wrong way.

1. Another thing I want to clear up is that you said that Taylor is the only one who is insecure in Ridge's love. Well if you watch closely, why does Brooke always worry when she sees Taylor and Ridge together, why does she have to go over to Taylor's house and golat over her engagement with Ridge, why does she panic when Taylor threatens to tell Ridge about the baby if sees Ridge is not happy, why does she question Ridge when she does not get the answer she wants from Ridge abot the picture. IF she was not insecure, she would not worry about Taylor telling Ridge about the baby,. she would just know that thier love is strong enough to get past anything. She then gets hasty if she sees Taylor and Ridge together, like all I said of the above. Now the picture, that would make anyone worry, but the fact that she doesnt get the answer she wants shows she insecure when Ridge has
given the best possible explanation"Mother". Now you tell me if that is not insecurities on Brooke's part. Both Taylor nad Brooke are insecure about Ridge's love. You seemed to have the right idea to me about Brooke's
misdoings, maybe I am not fit to talk about all of her misdoings since I have not watched long though. Also Merry Christmas!!!!


And again, my answer....

Hello Ashley,

<<Well I have talked to a lot of other people about your page and they think it is insulting to us Taylor fans.<<<

That is not my intention. My intention with my site is to have Brooke fans come and talk about what we like and don't like about the things going on on B&B. I am sorry if you Taylor fans take such offense by the mere fact that I bring up the things I think (and some other Brooke fans too) that Taylor has done wrong. Am I lying on the page? Am I badmouthing Taylor?

No, I only point out the things she has done.

<<<Im sure if a Taylor fan had a page that was to totally insult and bash Brooke, you Brooke fans would have a cow.<<

I probably would, and I still don't think that is what I do on this it? That isn't my intention, and I am sorry you feel that way. I think you aren't really reading through the page. Maybe you are taking it too personally. On the other hand I am aware of how different Brooke fans and Taylor fans see this show. That is the reason I made the page. Don't take this so seriously, it is after all a television show. And I am not jumping on Hunter Tylo. Only her character of Taylor Hayes Forrester. And in fact. I am not telling lies.

<<you are going to list everything Taylor has done wrong, why not list the little things Brooke has done.<<

Because I feel that Brooke really has paid for what she has done. While Taylor never do. I explained this pretty well in my last email. But it is also the fact that it is a Brooke Logan fansite. Not a B&B site or a site where we indulge in pity of Taylor, or liking Taylor. It is a pre-Brooke site... sorry. I don't dislike Taylor, but I do favour Brooke and it is after all my site so why shouldn't I have the right to express my own point of view of the show? I am not stopping you from making a similar page on Brooke. But I try not to get ugly. I try not to Trash Taylor. I like her character. I stress that again. And the site isn't to trash Taylor, there is ONE section on this page that talks about Taylor's misdoings and the rest is a site which can be enjoyed by all B&B fans. Why get stuck on that
small section. It is just an opinionated part of my page which I feel I have a right to carry.

<<<The Taylor fans can name a lot more than I can (I have only watched for a year) that Brooke has done downright. <<

That isn't the issue here. I know Brooke has done some really bad things in her life. Like marrying Grant trying to force Ridge into marrying her. Hiding Caroline's letter. The takeover of Forrester. Sleeping with Eric and
Ridge at the same time etc etc and the list goes on and on. I realize that. I just think that Brooke has paid for it. While Taylor is being portrayed as a very morally and ethically strong person when I feel that she really isn't and it bugs me. I express this on the page.. And alot of Brooke fans agree.

But the point of the matter is, we will never agree. It is a fact. I will stick by Brooke for some strange reason no matter what she does, just the way you will stick by Taylor. Also I feel that you, who have only watched
the show for a year. You don't have the whole story, you never will. Because everything you see or read will be colored by the opinions of those who tell you. My page is colored by the devotion I feel to the Brooke character, just the way your friends are colored by the loyalty they feel to Taylor. Just let's drop it. It' is no use in discussing it. Because I have tried so many times to have a Taylor fan see it my way, just the way she has tried to make me see it her way. And it doesn't work. That's just the way it is. So, lets be realistic. You love Taylor and you should go on loving Taylor, I can understand why you feel the way you do. But I will never agree. And we will never agree on anything but the fact that we both really lilke B&B only for very different reasons.

<<<Plus I have talked to people who think the distributor and editor must have nothing better to do than complain about unfairness to a character on a soap opera. <<

Well, then I'll be truthful right back. Why do you care? If you feel this is what I am doing, why do you do the same thing? Because you on your hand are sitting and writing me looong emails telling me I don't have any better things to do while you do the same?! This time in defense of a daytime soap opera character??

I have put in maybe an hour or two on the Saint Taylor section, but I have put in days and days of work on the rest of the site... this is a small part of it. I do have better things to do. But for some reason this page has become popular. Maybe Brooke fans go there to feel they agree and feel good that someone else feels that way and Taylor fans go there and get ticked of because they feel I trash and bash Taylor.. Oh well.. I don't know.

<<<I am not trying to insult you, but I am being honest, straight forward, and telling waht people I have talked to have said. I mean your page is fine, but some of us, Taylor Fans, take it the wrong way.<<

I bet all you have talked to are Taylor fans. Many Brooke fans really enjoy the site. Your mail is the first negative one I have recieved in the last two months since I put this site up. But it's okay. I respect your opinion, and I say it again. I like Taylor as a character. I only think they whitewash her too much.

<<Now you tell me if that isnot insecurities on Brooke's part. Both Taylor nad Brooke are insecure about Ridge's love.<<

I am not. I think both women are insecure. And I cringe when Brooke do those things because I know she most often sets herself up for disappointment. Just the way I am sure you are cringing over some things that Taylor does. Like lying to Ridge about the baby. I bet you wish she had told Ridge a long time ago. And this only goes to show how we stand for just about anything from the character we prefer, and hate all the mistakes the other woman do. It is something far more basic than who did what. I think it is a matter of personality types. I like Brooke alot because she (KKL) reminds me of a very good friend of mine. And I stick by her because of that. And maybe if you think about it, Taylor may remind you of someone you really care about too?

<<<You seemed to have the right idea to me about Brooke's misdoings, maybe I am not fit to talk about all of her misdoings since I have not watched long though.<<<

Partly you are probably right. But the fact is it doesnt' really matter what Brooke has done or what Taylor has done. that isn't why we care I think. And I don't think you would really change your mind even if you HAD seen all of B&B. I think you would probably like Taylor best anyway. Because Brooke has been a bitch sometimes. I just prefer not to think about that because I like her. You see? Just the way you probably prefer not to think about Taylor's mistakes and lies because you like her. Right?

Merry Christmas to you too...


Added on December 25:th 1997

Since this is a Brooke fansite , I feel relatively secure to vent off some steam here :)
I am so frustrated at the way the Taylor/Ridge/Brooke storyline has gone.

Why oh why can not one single person see that Taylor is just no saint? ¨

Taylor is no saint #1:
Admittedly, she probably has higher moral standards than Brooke or shall I say used to but the fact that kills me is that she *ALWAYS* gets away with anything she does. I don't care how venial her sins are - she has to pay for it. It doesn't matter how small her punishment turn out but just to be even exposed is enough for me but alas it never will happen. The only thing that has made her look bad is her supposedly sleeping with Thorne and it's not true so that when the truth comes out she would look like she was misjudged and treated like crap for something she did not do. Hey, she's even being given understanding and consideration by Stephanie even with the fact that she does think that Taylor was unfaithful to Ridge (twice) and carrying Thorne's child. She still reaches out to Taylor and tries to convince her that she and Ridge belong together. Now that only means one thing. IT is not true that Stephanie thinks that Taylor is good for Ridge. Why? Because if she does love Ridge then why would she want him to marry a woman whom she knows has been unfaithful and supposedly carrying his brothers child. So the explanation is - Taylor is the only other woman Ridge has loved besides Brooke and Caroline so Taylor is the only one who can get Ridge away from Brooke.
Taylor is no saint #2:
Maybe the things she has done aren't as bad as Brooke's but she *always* gets aways with things. What started out as a BIG Taylor lie will end up being an act of sacrifice for Ridge's happiness which is in truth a showing of insecurity and selfishness. She will tell Ridge only when she is sure that he loves her. She HAS to know if he loves her before she would confess. Otherwise, she would just keep Ridge in the dark forever -- and she says she loves him. As if that's not enough, she will probably also be forced to tell him at a time when he is going to marry Brooke - in other words - a last ditch effort to keep him because she does in fact love him and now she realizes that she doesn't care if he slept with Brooke, she wants him anyways even if he hasn't yet declared that he loves her, she's changed her mind. Of course it's going to seem that she coming out because she can't lie to Ridge anymore. Well I sure hope it's too late for her. But knowing how the writers favor her character, she will come out a winner and Brooke a worm. The lie that she started will end with her smelling like a rose and Brooke at the corner crying.
Taylor is no saint #3:
Oh wait, let's not forget the fact that when Thorne chooses to move on, she tells him that she will try harder, that she needs him then the minute Ridge is back, she goes out and tries to make him say he loves her. She uses Thorne just to make sure that someone will be there for her if in case Ridge doesn't choose her. Can you say selfish. Thorne may be crap for trying to hold on to her but Taylor is even more so for using Thorne. So in the basis of being a liar, Taylor and Thorne do deserve each other. Of course I don't want that though.
Taylor is no saint #4:
Yes I do believe that Taylor at first lied because of feeling insecure about Ridge's love for her or maybe as some would say -- hormonal imbalance because of her pregnant state. Then she went on a tirade of trying to contact Ridge and detremined to tell him the truth. The minute she did have a chance to do so and copped out took away from her the last excusable reason for lying. She had the opportunity but kept the truth (without Brooke and Thorne's control). Now she will again give the truth a chance ONLY when Ridge declares that he loves her.

Admitedly, Brooke has done some pretty drastic things to keep Ridge but Taylor has also in her own way been clinging to Ridge as if he is the only man on earth. As a psychiatrist, she should know that like Brooke, she is obsessed too with Ridge.

Whoa! that was kinda long. Sorry. I'm just venting out. Thank you for letting me. For the record, i may have said some things that after some thought I would change my mind. These thoughts come from a frustrated Brooke fan.


Added on December 11:th 1997

I agree with you opinion that the writers white wash everything Taylor (and Stephanie) do and they never get caught. Brooke is more than "rightly punished" as you point out; she is villified and punished and judged far beyond her actions. There is alot of revisionist writing on this show where Brooke is nailed for things she hasn't done. And THAT is why I don't like Taylor. Because the writers paint Brooke much blacker than she ever was. Case in point: everyone (mostly Taylor fans) about how Brooke "stole" the company from the Forresters. They overlook the fact that she had been pounded by every member of that family, including her darling Ridge and ex Eric, and that they all conspired to cheat her of her BeLief formula. Had they confronted her, she would have signed the necessary releases but she stuck it to them AFTER they all tried to defraud her. I would call her actions completely justifiable and necessary.

Keep up the the great work.


Added on December 7:th 1997

You really brought up some good points in why the storylines are so flawed on B&B. Don't get me wrong I watch almost daily.......My question is what happened to Rocco? I think that was his name. Personally I would like to see a soap that starts much like B&B and stays with those 2 families through thick and thin and never strays off of the story line by dragging in tons of here today gone tomorrow characters that have nothing to do with the story. .......wasn't Storm supposed to be a lawyer? Let him be Brooke's lawyer.......Didn't Donna want to be a model? .....And doesn't her sister own a fashion house????........ didn't Eric and Beth love each other , they let alot of plots go by that would make interesting storylines but they just drop them and barely play them out. They could really do more with that show than what they do......even three sisters in the family could create better triangles with the Forrester brothers. Turn Stephanie into another Mrs. Chancelor and hire her a grounds keeper or a chauffer for crying out loud..... Just my oppinion.....I really do like your web site....Didn't mean to go on and on there but those writers make me so mad!!!!!!


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