23. Sydney: Sometimes even the devil deserves a little privacy.
24. Sydney: You assume that he wants to help you.
      Miss Parker: Why wouldn't he?
      Sydney: Just let this quack handle it. Hmm?
25. Jarod: Hello Sydney.
      Sydney: G*d. How'd you get in?
      Jarod: The same way I got out.
26. Mr Raines: You will notify me if Jarod attempts to make contact with you.
      Sydney: What if he contacts you first?
27. Sydney: The Dragon House is located in a place called Delphi Shores, New Jersey.
28. Broots: Sydney!
      Sydney: Broots, I need you to do something for me.
      Broots: Sure. What?
      Sydney: Hack into Mr Raines computer.
29. Sydney: This is about Kyle isn't it?
      Jarod: Kyle is out there. Was he sent to kill my parents?
      Sydney: My G*d Jarod! I don't know. I swear it.
30. Sydney: If Raines knew we found those files we'd be dead.
31. Sydney: I want to find out the truth as much as you do. But at this point, caution is key.
32. Miss Parker: It's Raines.
      Sydney: He knows.
33. Sydney: SL-27. Sublevel 27.
34. Sydney: Jarod was stolen.
35. Sydney: Broots, it's best that nobody else must be involved in this.
      Miss Parker: Broots, anything on SL-27 yet?
36. Sydney: You mean Doctor William Raines?
      Tillie and Millie: Doctor Billy scared us to death.
37. Sydney: You can do what ever you like but we won't get any results until you get out of my way.
38. Sydney: I think I know why we're here.
39. Sydney: I cannot trust anyone of authority at the Centre!
40. Sydney: You can't save them all Jarod. You may be a Pretender, but you're human.
41. Sydney: Jarod will never be bored in the outside world. He's trying to save lifes.
42. Miss Parker: Why didn't you leave when…when things turned?
      Sydney: There were others whose welfare was of more concern to me than my own.
43. Sydney: You can't kill someone who's already dead.
44. Sydney: I never liked guns. I hope you'll stop carrying yours now.
45. Miss Parker: Afraid of the dark, Syd?
      Sydney: Only when I can't see what's in it.
46. Miss Parker: Maybe the little monster needs his teddy bear. Huh, Sydney?
      Sydney: Jarod is not a monster.
      Miss Parker: Call him what you want, Doctor Frankenstein. Just tell me where he is.
47. Sydney: You shot me!
48. Sydney: Don't trust anyone.