Welcome to the Madness

Or, Guess Who Got a Scanner?

Okay, I'm going to just offer up pictures on this site for anyone's consumption. They're all going to be the standard 'click on the thumbnail to see the larger picture' format, so hopefully this initial page won't take weeks and weeks to load. If you like anything, take a copy. If you want to put it on your site (please take a copy and don't link back here, I'm probably going to change things around a bit), go ahead. If you'd like to line your bathroom with it - hey, go crazy.

I don't know how good my picture quality is here, but I am trying. I just figured out how to use the darn thing, so bear with me. :D When I find something else good, I'll add it, too.

Once again, some of these are m/m or f/f related pictures and drawings. I don't think there's anything truly naughty, but if the sight of two people of the same sex in intimate situations might put you off, please go away now.

Go to Page Two added January 8, 1998

Go to Page Three - All Voyager! added February 24, 1998

Go to Page Four - Queer Edward II added April 3, 1998

Go to Page Five - "The Male Nude" - Page One added September 18, 1998

Go to Page Six - "The Male Nude" - Page Two added September 18, 1998

Arty-type Stuff posters, paintings, drawings, etc.

Movie-type Stuff anything with a movie tie-in (posters, stills, drawings)

TV-type Stuff anything with a TV tie-in, probably focussing on the pairings that I write about, but you never know

Arty-type Stuff:

This painting I first saw on the cover of a copy of "Quatrefoil", a beautiful novel. If you haven't read it, go find a copy, but be warned - they've since changed the cover illustration! (53K)

A David Morgan poster I found in a "Shocking Gray" catalogue - how I miss that business! (46K)

Another David Morgan poster, found in the same place. (48K)

Two covers from "Physique Pictorial" Magazine; these were the mags that gay men used to buy before porn was widely availabe. (108K)

Movie-type Stuff:

A shocking cinematic kiss from the film "Sunday Bloody Sunday". People actually left the theatre when they saw Murray Head plant one on Peter Finch - we've come a long way, haven't we? Sigh. Probably not. (24K)

Rupert Everett, a man I've been wildly in love with since I saw "Another Country" in the mid-80s. Good to know that everyone else is finally getting to know him, via "My Best Friend's Wedding". (14K)

A selection of cinematic kisses, including ones from "Total Eclipse" (Leonardo DiCaprio and David Thewliss), "Making Love" (Harry Hamlin and Michael Ontkean), "Basic Instinct" (Sharon Stone and the chick that bought it), etc. Sorry the quality isn't great, but it was that way in the mag. (75K)

Kevin Kline in "In and Out". I know a lot of people had problems with the movie, but I saw it twice and, as Patrick Stewart would put it, "laughed like a drain" both times. Different strokes, I guess. (17K)

A "Jeffrey" video box, from England, this one is quite different from the North American version, and quite lovely. (22K)

An "In and Out" still, basically showing the aftermath of Tom Selleck, um, giving Kevin Kline a very intimate dental inspection. I'm looking for a kiss photo, if anyone has one, let me know! (60K)

A "Beautiful Thing" video box, also from England. If anyone knows where I can get a copy of this movie (still haven't seen it anywhere), drop me an e-mail. I'm desperate. (55K)

A poster from "Alive and Kicking". Haven't seen this movie, either, but the poster caught my eye. (45K)

A drawing of the original conception of Tom Cruise as Lestat. Cool, eh? (24K)

"Uma Peel". (g) I know, I know - this has nothing to do with slash (well, not to *you*, anyway), but it's my page, and it wouldn't be right if I didn't have a gratuitous photo of my Uma, from the upcoming flick "The Avengers". I'm looking for a good Diana Rigg one, too. (39K)

Still from "Maurice". *This* is the reason that laserdiscs are better than video or dvd - it has nothing to do with picture or sound quality of the movie, it has to do with the size of the package the disc comes in. Bigger packages mean more cover art, and especially of this type - major sigh. (46K)

Another still from "Maurice". "three in one and one in three, ruler of the . . ." Oh, sorry. (g) Just bringing back fond memories of the movie - think I'll go watch it again. (40K)

TV-type Stuff:

My favorite Trek couple, the good Doctor and the Tailor. I have more Trekpics coming, they're just not quite ready yet. (15K)

Hawk from "Star Trek: First Contact". Put this one in just for Joanne - but he isn't bad on the eyes, now is he? (8K)

As I said before, there will be more, I promise. . .

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