Chapter 32

The two woman stand face to face in the doorway.  Brie looking shocked, frozen
on the spot, and Lois mildly curious.  The four men in the room remain where
they stood, Sonny looking back and forth from Brie to Lois, Gage sizing up the
newcomer, and Jake and Jason were doing what they did best - watching.

B - "Lois!" She repeats her shocked expression blossoming into a smile as she
took a welcoming step forward.
L - "Yeah, what’s it to you?" she replies watching the other woman curiously.
B - "Uhhh…" her smile drops and a brief look of hurt and sadness rippled over
her features before she once again assumed a neutral expression.
L - "Do I know you?" she asks genuinely puzzled but still trying to understand
what was going on.  Brie shakes her head and Lois gives her one more look
through narrowed eyes knowing that there is something familiar about her but
she just couldn’t place it right now, she shakes off the feeling before
turning slowly in Sonny’s direction.  "Corinthos where the hell have you been,
you were supposed to meet me an hour ago?" She walks rapidly towards him
stopping in front of him to put her hands on her hips and glare, meanwhile
Brie quietly closes the door and retreats to the table where she sits down and
clenches her hands in her lap.
S - "Well hello to you too Lois." He says with a friendly smile and steps
forward to brush a kiss across her cheek. 
L - "Yeah, yeah, don’t used that Corinthos charm on me you know I’m immune."
She tells him before giving him a quick hug.  "Anyway as I was saying, your
late Corinthos." she taps her foot on the floor "Your never late, you know I
don’t like waiting, so what gives?" she continues on not waiting for an answer
"We have a lot to do you know, everything has to be perfect for Eddie’s gig,
we still have to check all the levels, lighting, equipment….."
S - "Lois." He says attempting to interrupt but she just barrels on counting
off items on her fingers as she waives them around. "Lois!" he says again a
little louder.
L - "Hmmm." She answers as she passes a second.
S - "We do have until tomorrow and all those things have to be checked again,
so relax a little will ya."
L - "Relax!  You want me to relax?  This is Eddie’s first gig since we’ve
pried him and Edward apart so we need to make the most of it, we need to make
a splash!  We have a million things to do, book gigs, find new material, and
Eddie needs to spend a lot of time in the studio, AND we needed to set down
some new tracks yesterday, and now my partner - you - can’t even show up for
one simple meeting and you want me to RELAX!" she finishes in a near screech. 
S - "Okay, wrong word." She stares daggers at him and he raises his hands in
surrender "I’m sorry I was late but I HAVE been working on L&B for the last
L - "You have?" she eyes him suspiciously.
S - "Yes I have." He grins "I’m trying to set up some stuff in the city." She
still looks doubtful but Sonny laughs "Really you can ask Jake." He tells her
pointing to Jake who is still on the sofa, Jake nods and then Lois notices the
guy sitting next to him.
L - "Who are you?" she asks him rather bluntly.  Gage wasn’t ready for her to
address him so it took a full second for it to click that she was referring to
S - "Lois this is Andrew Gage, Gage this paragon of politeness is my friend
and business partner, Lois Cerullo." Gage rose from the couch during the
introductions and held out his hand in greeting.
G - "Please to meet you Ms. Cerullo." He tells her as they shake hands.
L - "Lois and likewise." She says returning his smile briefly before she
remembers the other woman across the room "And you are?" she asks rounding on
S - He heaves a sigh and shakes his head knowing that Lois would never change.
"Brianna, Lois.  Lois, Brianna."
L - She walks towards Brie and stops directly in front of her "Hey Jase." She
says not sparing him a glance but acknowledging his presence while her eyes
remained on Brie.  Brie gets up from the chair and she and Lois face each
other, Brie is squirming inside under Lois’s intense scrutiny but she forces
herself to remain still and calm.  After several seconds, minutes, she wasn’t
really sure how long and Lois thrust out her hand "Brianna?"
B - "Brie actually."
L - "Nice to meet ya." She says and with one last look she turns back to
Sonny.  As she walked away Brie shoulders visible sagged for a moment before
she remembered that she had an audience and then dropped back into her chair.
Two sets of eyes noticed her relief and wondered at it while she sat stiffly
and prayed that no one had.

Chapter 33

Jake and Gage have left and Lois and Sonny had retreated to his office while
Brie and Jason continued to go over the plans for the penthouse.  Brie seemed
to have lost most of her attitude and nothing Jason had said had succeeded in
irritating her, she had gone back to ignoring his presence once again.  

S - "Hey you two we’re going to the club for dinner, wanna come?" He asks when
he and Lois finally emerge from the office a couple of hours later.
B&J - "No.", "Yes." They answer at the same time.  Jason looks at Sonny and
rolls his eyes in Brie’s direction.
S - He squelches his grin "Come on Brie you live right upstairs, your going in
that direction anyway." he says trying to convince her.  "Plus you can take a
look at the set for tomorrow, you know a sort of behind the scenes tour." He
adds with a charming dimpled smile.
B - She hesitates for a minute and feels herself being drawn in before she
yanks herself back "No, no that’s okay I…"
L - "Wait a second, your living in the apartment above the club?" She asks
clearly shocked looking from Sonny to Brie and back.
B - "Yes." She says firmly "Is that a problem?"
L - She opens her mouth then shuts it still looking at the two of them.
"What’s going on here something I should know about?"
B - "No!" she answers quickly, too quickly.
S - "Cerullo chill out."
L - Her eyes are still suspicious but she relents for a moment and walks
towards Brie "Come on Brie you can ride with me."  She says hooking her arm
through Brie’s and nudging her towards the door.
B - "No that’s okay, really, I was going to walk." She tells her still trying
to gracefully get out of dinner.
L - "I insist." then she tugs her towards the front door again. "This is gonna
be great we can get to know each other on the way that way there is no awkward
dinner conversation."
B - "But…"
L - She waves off her objections as she opens the front door "Your not gonna
let me have these two gorgeous men all to myself are you?" she doesn’t pause
for an answer "Of course your not.  See you two in a while." She calls over
her shoulder as she punches the elevator button.
S - Sonny and Jason watch them go "What just happened here?"
J - He shrugs and smiles "I don’t know but I think I actually feel sorry for
Brie."  Sonny laughs "Why don’t you hurry and catch up with them, then if Lois
manages to pry anything outta her your right there."
S - "Aren’t you coming."
J - He laughs "Wouldn’t miss it for the world but I need to make a quick phone
call.  I’ll catch up in a few."
S - "Everything okay?"
J - He nods "Just a need to check on something."
S - "Sure you don’t need some help?"
J - "Positive.  Now hurry up or they will take off without you."
S - "I’m gone."  He rushes out the door while Jason leans over and punches out
an international telephone number then lifts the phone to his ear.

Chapter 34

Later at Luke’s

Sonny is sitting between Lois and Brie at a table near the fireplace.  He
gently rubs his temple with one hand feeling a headache coming on while Brie
sits silently next to him, both of them vaguely listening to Lois prattle
away.  The club is pretty slow for a Friday night and not many people had come
over to interrupt, most seem to be taking a break tonight in favor of a table
for tomorrow nights show.  They were relatively left alone and right now Sonny
was dying for an interruption. 

Jason was late, the minutes were tickling by; five, six, seven, where the hell
was he?   He better get here soon Sonny thought to himself, I need another
drink and some food maybe - that would put an end to his headache and
Cerullo’s enthusiasm (not to mention her mouth - he added though not
unkindly).  He looked over at Brie and noticed that she was sitting stiffly
and that she too wasn’t paying attention to a word Lois said.  He turned
towards Lois and tried to make a concerted effort to pay attention to her
excited chatter but all he could think about was of another time when another
equally excited voice would have joined hers.  He remembers those times with a
brief smile that caught Brie’s attention and held it, Sonny was oblivious and
continued to think about the past, he remembered how he used to complain that
their "constant yapping" drove him insane but now, now there wasn’t anything
he wouldn’t give to hear that sound.  He sighed and shook himself back to the
present his dark eyes moving towards Brie and instantly clashing with shining
green as Brie caught his eyes and held them.  Nothing else existed just dark,
glimmering, sad, knowing eyes - eyes you could happily drown in.
L - "Helllllooo," She snaps her fingers between the two of them "are you guys
listening to a word I’ve said or am I talking to myself?" Brie snaps quickly
back to the present ripping her eyes from his, Sonny is disappointed but
slowly turns to Lois with a guilty grin.
S - "Hey did you know that Brianna discovered Ry?" he says shooting for a
neutral subject.
L - "What do you mean *discovered*?"
S - "She heard him sing long before we ever did."
L - She turns to Brie "You did?  Where?" she asks watching her intently.
J - He rushes up to the table "Sorry I took so long." He apologizes flopping
down in the only chair left at the table.
L - "No problem." Lois answers before turning back to Brie "So you gonna tell
or what?"
J - "Tell what?" he asks curiously.
B - "Nothing."
L - "Nothing my Aunt Fanny, come on Brie tell us where you first hear our
Riley sing?"
B - "It’s actually no big deal, I heard him in Mexico a few years back."
L - "Really you don’t sound like your from Mexico." She says raising her
B - "I’m not." She says slowly "I - we - Gage and I were working there."
L - "Really?  How long ago?"
B - "About two years."
L - "Hum, you know what I think - no I KNOW, that’s where Ry sent us his demo
from, two years ago March.  Small world huh?"
B - "I guess." She shrugs.
L - "I wonder if he’ll remember you." She says tapping her finger against her
lips and thinking out loud.
B - "No, I doubt it," she shakes her head "I ahh looked quite a bit different
L - "We’ll just have to see.  He should be back in about ten days, right
Sonny?"  He nods yes.
J - "You said he sent you a demo just out of the blue?" he asks curiously.
L - She smiles fondly "Yea, he did.  Pure luck he says.  We were expanding at
the time and were looking for new talent, so we listened to his demo and the
rest in history."
J - "Lucky break is right, he’s a great singer."  Sonny and Lois both nod in
agreement then Jason clears his throat  "Um, Sonny can I speak to you a
S - "Sure.  Ladies we’ll be right back." He tells them then gets out of his
chair and follows Jason towards the back of the club.

Chapter  35

Jason and Sonny are in the office with the door closed when Luke knocks then

Luke - "Something going on that I should know about?" he asks curiously.
S - "I’m not sure,  Jason?"
J - "It’s about Brie." He says, Luke and Sonny look at each other and then
back to Jason.
S - "Let’s have it, what’s going on?" he asks in a resigned voice.

Lois and Brie are still sitting quietly at the table, Brie bending and
twisting her cocktail straw, Lois lost in her own thoughts.

L - "So you like music huh?"
B - "Yes." She answers warily.
L - "What else?"
B - "Pardon?" she asks tensely.
L - "Okay let’s drop the act, what’s going on?" she demands.

Jason, Sonny, and Luke.

J - "She’s lying?"
Luke - "She’s what?" he asks completely mystified.
S - He ignores Luke "About what?"
J - "A lot of things."  He says with a shrug.
Luke - "Could you be a little more specific."
J - "She isn’t being straight with us."
Luke - "Uh buddy?" he addresses Sonny "You know that I don’t always agree with
Jason, but in this case he may be right.  Something about her isn’t…" he waves
his hand absently trying to find the right word.
S - "Doesn’t fit?"
Luke - "Yeah, that’s it.  It’s like looking at a painting, something you’ve
seen before, everything is right, maybe perfect, but some of the details are
off, blurred, you know, something is missing, different."  He sighs "I guess
it’s hard to explain, maybe I’m losing it in my old age."
J - "No.  No your not."  Sonny remains silent mulling over what Luke had just
said and what Jason had been trying to tell him all along.  "Sonny do you have
Ry’s phone number?" he asks interrupting his thoughts.
S - "Yeah, at least I think so." He digs into his jacket pocket and withdraws
a small notebook which he flips open and hands to Jason.  Jason then picks up
the phone and punches in a number.

Lois and Brie.

B - "Lois?" she questions, her whole body tense after Lo’s last comment.
L - "Yeah, what’s the deal?  Who are you after?" she asks leaning across the
table pushing her face closer to Brie’s.
B - "After?" she asks thoroughly puzzled.
L - "Yeah after!  Sonny or Jason?"
B - The light clicks on and Brie realizes what Lois is insinuating "You think
I am after one of them?" she answers incredulously.
L - "Of course." She snaps and Brie begins to smile.
B - "You can just relax, the thought never even crossed my mind."
L - "Yeah right," she snorts in disbelief "well your outta luck."
B - "Just out of curiosity, why?" she asks still smiling.
L - "See!  I knew it, you want one of them!" she says triumphantly.
B - "Believe it or not I don’t.  They are quite safe from me."
L - She raises her eyebrows and stubbornly refuses to believe her.  "Well you
seem like a nice enough person so I’m gonna give you a little bit of advice."
Brie continues to watch and listen to her with a bemused smile on her lips.
"Jason and Sonny are both very much taken, in love with other women, not
available, hands off, etc., etc., etc.  Let me just be perfectly honest with
you okay?" Brie numbly nods her head, her smile completely gone.  "No one
stands a chance so give it up now." Brie sucks in a pained breath that Lois
fails to notice.  "You see Jason and Sonny are both one woman men - just like
my Eddie." She smiles "Well okay so he wasn’t at one time but now he’s
reformed, anyway as I was saying, Jason will always love Robin, no matter
which woman warms his bed, and believe me many have tried," She adds in a
lowered voice "and Sonny will always love his wife."
B - "Wife?" she gasps her face turning completely white.

Jason, Sonny, and Luke.

Jason slowly hangs up the phone then turns to face Sonny and Luke who have
been talking quietly near the door.

S - "Jason?" he says when he notices that he is off the phone.  "What did you
need to talk to Riley about?"
J - "I had a couple of questions for him."
S - "For Ry?  Why?"
J - "Because I don’t believe in coincidences."
Luke - "Spill it Jason, what are you talking about?"  Jason sits down on the
corner of the desk and Luke and Sonny lower themselves into chairs around him.
J - "Sonny tell me about when Ry sent the demo?"
S - "There is nothing to tell really, the demo showed up just like any other."
He pauses a minute "The only thing strange was that it was sent to the
gatehouse not the post office box, we just figured someone hadn’t updated
their address book yet." He shrugs.
J - "Two years ago?"  Sonny nods  "Before L&B was really known in the
business?" he probes further and again Sonny nods "Think about it, how did a
singer in a small Mexican town ever hear of L&B when you were far from a
household name, your biggest clients then were a local CEO turned singer and
some Puerto Rican wonder (sorry guys, I personally didn’t mind Miguel but I
just couldn’t think of something more descriptive than that)?  Why did he pick
L&B out of the hundreds of labels out there?"
S - "Good question?  Why didn’t I ask it before?"
Luke - "Because you didn’t care.  You wanted Brenda’s dream to become a
reality, and Ry was a big part of that." He answers softly.  They are all
quiet for a minute before Sonny turns once again to Jason.
S - "Tell me what you found."
J - "What if I told you that someone encouraged Ry to send the demo to L&B,
what if I told you that someone paid for his studio time?"
Luke - "What?  Who?"
S - "Brianna." He sighs  "Why?"  Jason shrugs his shoulders and shifts on the
J - "Ry said that he and a woman started talking in Mazatlan, she told him
that he had talent but needed to find someone to back and manage him, he had a
few doubts but she seemed to know what she was talking about.  She told him a
few things he needed to work on and that he should cut a demo, get a manager,
and get signed with a label." He paused and Luke and Sonny both waited for him
to continue  "A week later a messenger came by with a package, Ry opened it
and inside was a round trip ticket to Texas, two weeks of studio time, a suite
in Dallas, a name of a band who had been paid for their time," he paused again
before he told them the last item quietly "and L&B’s address."  Silence
reigned the room for a few moments before Luke abruptly broke it.
Luke - "What the hell?"
S - "So this is a set up?  Why wait two years?"
J - He shakes his head "I don’t think so Sonny, she really doesn’t want to be
here," He holds up a hand to stop Luke who is ready to interrupt him "and that
I KNOW is the truth.  But Sonny think about it, she is still doing the job we
paid her for.  You should have seen her this morning going over the penthouse
trying to make it a safer place to be, that is not the mind of a woman out to
get you."
Luke - "How do you know that she isn’t looking for cracks in the armor so to
speak."  He asks tensely.
J - "She isn’t, I know."  He says firmly.
S - He interrupts before their debate could become a full scale argument
"Jason what final checks are you doing on her?"
J - "I called in one more favor today, the results should be in Sunday, Monday
at the latest."
S - He’s silent for a minute "Okay, okay, let’s leave it at that until then,
but for now she is sticking close to home.  She can hang with Lois and I
tomorrow at the club and then on Sunday we’ll see." He takes a deep breath and
rises slowly from his chair "Let’s get back out there, maybe Cerullo has run
out of steam by now and we can have a nice peaceful dinner."  Jason looks
doubtful, Sonny tired but hopeful, and Luke just snorts in disbelief.

The three leave the office and walk toward the front of the club, toward Lois
and Brie.

S - "Great!" he mutters when he sees them "It doesn’t look like things are
going well." They approach the table, Brie is sitting gapping at Lois while
Lois is calmly tapping her nails against the table with a smug look on her
Luke - "Wonder what Lois said to her, she looks kinda shell shocked?" he
murmurs to Jason who shrugs and continues to follow Sonny.
S - "Brianna?" he asks gently resting his hand on her shoulder, she
immediately jerks away and stands up so fast her chair goes clattering to the
floor.  Sonny reaches out to steady her but she backs away until she bumps
into Luke who is now standing on her other side.
Luke - "Whoa beautiful, are you okay?" he asks looking a little concerned.  
B - She looks back at Luke briefly but doesn’t bother to answer, then she
carefully looks back to Sonny "I’m fine.  Please let me go."  Luke drops his
hand from her waist and moves away, she takes a small, but noticeable, step
towards the door.  "Umm, I’m not very hungry.  I, ahh, I’m going to go to bed
if you don’t mind." Then without waiting for an answer she rushes out of the
room towards the back.  Everyone is stunned for a moment until Sonny moves in
the same direction only to be stopped by Jason.
J - "I’ll go." He says hurrying after her while Lois, Luke, and Sonny watch.
S - "Lois what did you say?" he says wheeling on her but Lois looks just as
shocked as the rest of them.
L - "Nothing big, I swear!"  she claims seconds before Jason returns.
J - "She’s upstairs."  Sonny nods then turns his full attention to Lois once
S - "Define *BIG*."
L - "Um, well I sorta told her hands off, that you and Jason were taken."
S&J - "You what?" they practically shout together and Luke smothers a hoot of

Chapter 36

Luke’s mid morning the next day.

Brie has skipped her morning jog and is getting dressed when there was a knock
on the front door, Gage was still in bed after a late night on the town so she
went to open it.

B - "Hey Jake."
Jake - "Brie." He greets her in a subdued voice.
B - "What’s wrong?" she asks him cautiously.
Jake - "That what I can to ask you, you look like hell."
B - "Thanks." She replies sarcastically,  "Come on in."  She opens the door
wider and he walks through "Want some coffee?"
Jake - "Please."  She goes into the kitchen to get him a cup and they both sit
down at the table.  Jake stares solemnly into his mug for a few minutes before
he lifts his head "What’s going on with you Brie?" she takes a breath to
reply, "Don’t even think of telling me nothing either." She closes her mouth
and is quiet, "Brie I want to help, you know that right?" she nods her head
and tears glisten in her eyes "Your not yourself, your edgy, distracted,
moody, temperamental, and I can see your not sleeping, now you look like your
about to cry.  Ever since you came to Port Charles you’ve been different and I
want to know why."
B - "Jake I have to leave, I can’t stay here." She says almost desperately.
Jake - "Has someone hurt you?" he asks alarmed.
B - She rapidly shakes her head "No!  At least not in the way you are
thinking.  It hurts to be here Jake, it hurts here." She tells him sadly
pointing to her heart.
Jake - "Tell me why." He asks her softly placing his hand over hers.
B - "I can’t."  A tear glides down her cheek and she pulls her hand away from
Jake - "Shhh, honey.  It’s okay." He says gently wiping away her tears and
then is quiet for a moment  "I’m gonna get you some water, you sit here all
B - "I’m fine, really." She says with a forced smile and an small sniff.
Jake - "No your not.  Now sit still, I’ll be right back." He walks into the
kitchen and slowly looks around before grabbing a dish towel from the counter
and a clean glass from the cupboard.  A few minutes later he walks back toward
Brie.  "Here drink this." He tells her extending the full glass towards her."
B - "I’m fine with my coffee."
Jake - "Brie, drink." He tells her sternly and thrusts the glass into her
hands, she takes it with both hands, lifts it to her lips and takes a small
B - "Satisfied?"
Jake - "Not by a long short, but it’s a start."
B - She forces a laugh then puts the glass down and looks up at him with
pleading eyes.  "Jake I mean it, I need to leave here.  Can you please talk to
Derek for me?"
Jake - He looked deep into her eyes "It means that much to you?" she nods
"Then I’ll do it, but no promises." he warns.
B - "Thank you Jake." She says giving him a quick hug.
Jake - "Sure.  Now you go and get dressed we need some help downstairs."
B - "We?"
Jake - "Well actually the band is setting up and I thought you might like to
take a look, they like to do as much as possible before Lois shows up, so they
will take all the help they can get."
B - "Okay.  Sounds like fun." She tells him and begins to gather the cups from
the table.
Jake - He stops her "I’ll get this you get ready and I’ll see you downstairs."
B - "Thanks Jake, your the best." She stands on her toes and gives him a brief
kiss before hurrying towards her bedroom.  A little while later when she stops
in the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, she notices the two dirty coffee
mugs and puts them in the sink but fails to notice that the water glass and a
towel were missing, nor does she question Jake’s absence when she finally
walks into the club.

Chapter 37

A few hours later Brie is standing at the side of the stage shouting out
orders, Luke glances up every now and then in amusement but says nothing, just
continues to set up for the night.

B - "No, No…left, move it left!" she yells across the bar "Okay now stop!" She
raises her hands.  "Good, good, now lets check the levels." One of the band
members walks toward the sound board at the side of the stage "No, that’s
okay, you guys get up there I’ll handle this." She tells him shooing him away,
he hesitates and several of the other guys look at her doubtfully trying to
decide who should protest first.  "Go, I know what I’m doing." She tells them
before turning her back and ignoring several worried mumbles  "Luke?" She
Luke - "Yea, Babe?"
B - "Stop whistling, and it’s Brie not ‘Babe’.  Got it?" She tells him not
even looking up from the switches she was moving, she hears several smothered
laughs come from the other side of the room but she pays them not mind.  "Okay
boys let’s run from the chorus." She calls over her shoulder.  They begin to
play all mindless of the trio standing in the doorway, Luke gives the three a
little wave which only one of them acknowledges and Brie continues to adjust
sound levels.  "Okay stop a second," she scribbles something quickly on a
clipboard then tucks the pencil behind her ear and returns to the switches and
dials "now take it from the top."
N - "Wouldn’t it be easier to do this with vocals?"
B - "Yeah but Ned’s not here, so lets try it again." She answers absently
searching for the pencil, finally she pulls one from her hair and scrawls
something else on the clipboard but still no music starts "Come on, come one,
this year please.  From the top."
N - "I hate to interrupt, cause you look like your having fun, but Ned’s
B - "Whaa…" she says whipping around so rapidly that she dropped the pencil
and the one shoved behind her ear also clattered to the floor between them.
N - "Wanna tell me what’s going on?" he asks her as he bends down to retrieve
B - "Ahh.."
L - "Back off Eddie, your talent so go warm up, Sonny and I will handle this."
She tells him firmly as she approached from behind, Ned hesitates for a second
before walking towards the band.  Sonny meanwhile has walked over to Luke.
S - "What’s up partner?" he asks leaning one arm on the top of the bar while
watching Brie and Lois.
Luke - "Little of this, lot of that." He answers vaguely.
S - "How long has she been at it?"
Luke - "She was helping set up when I got here before lunch."
S - He whistles "Long time."
Luke - "Don’t do that."  Sonny raises his eyebrows in question "Whistle, she
doesn’t like it, I got yelled at."
S - "Oh really." He grins
Luke _ "Yep." He grins back.  "And don’t call her ‘babe’ either."
S - "Hmmm, see ya later." He says before walking towards Lois and Brie trying
to determine if he was going to have a fight on his hands or not, he knows
Lois is very protective of the artists, but she is especially protective about
her precious equipment, and from the look of it Brie had her hands all over
both of them.  This might not be pretty.  He looked over at Ashton is was
talking with the band and he thought to himself that at least Ned had finally
learnt to let his wife handle her own business affairs, too bad they BOTH
couldn’t figure out how to handle their marriage, then everyone would be a
whole lot happier, but that was another subject entirely.  "Brianna." He
greeted her.
L - "What the hell is going on?" she asks angrily.
S - "It looked to me like the band was warming up Cerullo." He says trying to
defuse the situation.
L - "That’s not what I meant and you both know it." She glares at him and then
returns to Brie.
S - "Look Lois I’m sure that Brie was just trying to help out."
L - "Help out!  Do you know how much this thing cost?" She asks stabbing a
finger in the direction of the sound board and synthesizer.  "A fortune that’s
what!" she rants to a silent Sonny and Brie.  "You need to know what your
doing or you could blow out the entire system."
B - "Lo I’m really sorry, the guys had finished setting up and were bored so I
suggested they warm up, its my fault, I got carried away." She says softly.
L - "Your da…" 
S - "Apology accepted." He hastily adds.  Brie doesn’t wait around, she grabs
her diet soda off a nearby table and retreats to the bar.  Lois opens her
mouth again but Sonny holds up his hand to stop her. "Enough Lois, she said
she was sorry."
L - "Fine!" she snaps and turns around to yell to the band.  "Okay guys breaks
over, lets get going." The band picks up their instruments and Eddie takes the
stage, while Lois turned to the board and prepared to make some adjustments
only to stop with her hand hovering above it.
S - He notices her hesitation and walks up next to her "Hey Cerullo, what’s
L - "It’s perfect." She says slowly.
S - "What’s perfect?" he asks confused.
L - "The set up, its perfect, better than that it’s the best it’s been in
years." They look at each other and then quickly to the bar but the only
person there is Luke who is whistling once again as he preps lemons and limes.


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