Chapter  106

The Gatehouse

Ned is spending a quiet day at home with Brooke. There is a knock at the door.
Ned gets up to answer it. 
"Hello Ned." Julia said as she just waltzed into the living room.
"Julia, what brings you here ?" Ned asked as he shut the door.
"Brenda. I'm worried about her. I call her and she tells me that she moved but not where. You are a good friend to both of us so I trust you to tell me the truth. What's going on with Brenda ?"
Brooke jumped up off the floor and ran over to Ned.
"Daddy, look. I drew a picture of Aunt Brenda and Uncle Sonny with Stone. See, you and mommy are next to them and that's me." Brooke smiled brightly as she held up a crayon drawing.
Julia looked from Brooke to Ned in shock.
"Sonny ? What is that man-"
Ned cleared his throat to interrupt her. 
"Brooke, why don't you run upstairs and show mommy. I have to talk to this lady here."
Brooke ran upstairs with her picture.
"Sonny moved back here a long time ago. He found out about Stone and he stuck around."
"Isn't that just great. Why would Brenda let that criminal near her son ?"
"Sonny has a right to know his child. I don't really care for him but Brenda and Lois do. The man does have rights."
"Are you defending him now ? He broke Brenda's heart and stomped all over it. How can she just let him back into her life ?"
"As much as I don't like it, it is Brenda's life. She can make her own choices. f Brenda wants to live with Sonny then so be it. I have-"
"She is living with him ?" Julia shouted incredulously. "Why didn't you do something ? How can you just stand back and watch my sister throw her life away. You said that you would look out for her. I don't call this looking out for her."
Ned sighed.
"Julia, I realized something a few weeks ago. I meddled in matters that I had no business and in and something happened. Something that only caused Brenda and everyone involved more pain."
"What ?"
"An old friend came to town and I practically welcomed him into Brenda's life. As a result Stone was kidnapped."
"What ? When did this happen ? "
"Last month. Don't worry, Stone is fine. He was returned safe and sound, not a hair was harmed."
"What happened ?"
"Kyle was doing a favor for some crime boss and inadvertedly helped them kidnap your nephew. Brenda told me this last week after I tried to convince her not to get involved with Sonny again."
Julia shrugged him off.
"Ned, stop. I don't need to hear you defend that mobster to me. I'll probably get enough of it from Brenda."
"You're going to see her ?"
 "Of course, you might be able to sit back and let Brenda destroy her life then you go right ahead. I am not going let it happen. I couldn't do anything the first time but I can now."
Ned rolled his eyes as he watched Julia stomp out of the gatehouse. She was just as stubborn as Brenda. It must be something in the Barrett genes. Ned walked over to the phone and dialed. At least Brenda could be prepared. There was no answer so Ned gave up.

A little while at the penthouse,

Sonny is there with Jason and Mike. As usual Mike and Sonny are arguing about something and Jason is watching them in amusement. You could tell that Mike and Sonny loved each other and only fought because they didn't want the other to know that. It wasn't like his relationship with Alan. They just fought because they didn't get along. Mike finally excused himself and went in the kitchen to start lunch. Sonny is about to follow when there is a knock at the door. Renaldo opens the door.
"Boss, there's a woman here to see Ms. Barrett."
Jason walked over to the door and saw Julia.
"She's not here right now."
Julia pushed her way in.
"I can see that Jason. Forgive me, Mr. Morgan. I remember you before the accident. I must say that you have lowered you standards considerably."
Julia said eying Sonny. "Mr. Corinthos."
"Do I know you ?" Sonny asked not entirely recognizing her but there was something familiar about her.
"No but I have heard all about you. None of it good."
Jason stepped forward, not wanting to let things get uglier.
"Brenda isn't here. When she gets in, I'll have her call you." Jason said.
Julia looked really annoyed.
"I assume you want me to leave. I won't be dismissed by the likes of you. I came here to say something and I am not going anywhere until I do." She turned to Sonny.
"You nearly get my sister killed countless times. You break her heart and cause her more pain than humanly possible and yet she still takes you back. Brenda made the horrible mistake of agreeing to marry you and then you humiliate her and break her heart all over again. She might have forgiven you again but I refuse to sit back and let her throw her life away with you-"
Sonny cut her ranting short.
"You know, I used to listen to Brenda's stories about how things were with you and your father. I thought that she was just exaggerating but I can see they are true. Maybe you should get off your high horse and look at yourself. I know that I've hurt Brenda. I'm sorry for it but that's the past. I have made my peace with it and so has Brenda. You on the other hand are still trying to run Brenda's life just like your father did."
"What do you know about my family ?"
"I know enough. You and your father ignored Brenda when she was growing up. You both treated her like dirt and she is still hurting from it." Sonny didn't mean to attack Brenda's sister on their first meeting but he didn't like when people belittled his relationship with Brenda.
"What do you know about my sister ?"
"A hell of a lot more than you apparently do. Brenda is a grown woman. She is also smart enough to make her own decisions. She doesn't need you running her life. Brenda has made her choice. She and my son are with me. Where they belong. "
"We'll see about that."
Sonny remained calm.
"Brenda has already made her choice. It's not up to you."
Julia tilted her head in disagreement. 
"Not for long. Enjoy it while it lasts Mr. Corinthos. If it's the last thing I do, I will get my sister and my nephew away from you."
Julia turned around and left the room. Mike who had just come back in saw her leave.
He glanced at Jason who shot him a 'don't ask' look.
Sonny rubbed his face.
"When is Brenda coming back ?"
Jason glanced at his watch.
"Soon. Robin said that they would be back in time for lunch. Why ?"
Sonny sighed.
"I just need to see Brenda and our son. I miss them when they aren't around."
"Sonny, what she said, it's not going to happen. You and Brenda are back together now."
"Yeah but for how long Jason ? Something always tears us apart."
Mike spoke up.
"Michael, I don't know what Julia said but I know this, you and Brenda belong together. Nothing will tear you apart unless you let it. You guys are bonded even more now because of my grandson. No matter what you three are a family. You have to remember that."

Chapter 107

Sonny was pacing the floor of his penthouse that night. Brenda came home with their son after a morning of shopping with Robin. She was upstairs getting their son ready for bed.
Brenda put Stone down for the night and walked downstairs looking for Sonny. She watched him pacing. She recognized the look on his face.
"Sonny ?"
He looked up at the sound of her voice.
"What are you doing ?"
"You know if you keep pacing like that, you'll wear a whole in the carpet."
Sonny stopped pacing and Brenda walked over to him.
"Is this about what Julia said earlier ? Sonny, I'll talk to her tomorrow and get everything sorted out. She is just worried about me and there's no reason to be."
"Yeah ?"
"Yeah, I'm where I want to be. With you. Now and forever."
Sonny wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. She leaned in for a kiss.
He reluctantly pulled away, breathless.
"Do you have any idea how much I love you ?"
Brenda smiled seductively.
"I have a pretty good idea."
"Do you ?"
She nodded.
"Mmmhhh but you know you can always show me."
Sonny smiled and kissed her again.
"Do you want to go out for dinner ?"
"Is that all you can think about ? Food ?"
"No but I was thinking that we could go out and have dinner. You know and do some dancing."
Brenda pulled back to look at him.
"What ? I thought you hated to dance ?"
"I do not. I can take just about anything if I'm with you. What do you say ?"
Brenda thought for a minute.
"I thought that you were going to cook for me ?" Brenda said smiling.
"I did ?"
"Yeah, the other day."
Sonny scratched his chin.
"No, I said that I was going to cook Thanksgiving dinner."
"Oh, well. You can cook tonight too. I know how much you like to cook. Unless there's no food in the kitchen."
"Baby, I love you but don't ever insult my kitchen again. There is always food in there."
She laughed at how serious he looked.
"I'm sorry honey. I was just kidding. If you really want to go out then we can but I think that we should have a nice quiet evening at home We have the rest of our lives to go out."
"I know. I like your plan better. Gives us some time alone. Not only that but all I need is you and our son who is amazingly enough sleeping peacefully upstairs."
Sonny gave her a quick kiss.
"I'll go get dinner started. Why don't you put on some music ?"
Brenda turned on the radio while Sonny walked into the kitchen and went through the fridge. Sonny got dinner started and walked back into the living room to see Brenda lightly swaying to the music and mouthing the words. She hadn't heard Sonny come back into the room. She had her back to him.
Sonny walked up to her and put his arms around her waist. Brenda was startled and turned around to face him.
"Hey, you done already ?"
"No, I just started boiling the pasta. The sauce is almost done. May I have this dance ?"
Brenda smiled at him.
"Of course."
He smiled back.
        So alone
And this room feels so cold
No one to care and no one to hold
Yeah the lord knows
That I'm needing someone like you, just like you
Can you see 
The passion burning in my eyes
Do you sense 
The rush you give my heart
And if you knew
The secret way I feel for you
Would you come running
to me or would you run away

Together they moved as one to the music. Sonny looked deep into her beautiful eyes and saw love just as Brenda saw it in his eyes. Sonny's lips met hers as he kissed her with all the passion he felt.

At Night I Pray
With hope and faith
As I lay me down to sleep
I Pray together we will be
And there will come a time 
You'll be mine, all mine
And I'll be yours always
Be until that day comes At Night I'll Pray

Sonny ran his fingers through her hair as she ran her hands up and down his back. He kept kissing her, he couldn't get enough of her nor her of him. She moaned with pleasure as she leaned back and Sonny kissed her neck. 

Should I feel 
These emotions inside me
Should I reveal what's locked up in my soul
I'm so afraid
But it's something that you've got to know
How I want
To touch you every time you're near
I long to feel
Your body next to mine
And if you knew
The secret love I have for you
Would you running to me or would you turn away

They spent the next few minutes rediscovering each other. Dinner was all but forgotten as the two got lost the other. Their kisses came faster and demanded more.

If all my prayers were answered 
Our hearts would be enraptured
We would find our heaven
Inside each other's arms
This lonely room would finally see the sun shine through
But until that day every Night I'll Pray
I'll get down on my knees and Pray

"Sonny, make love to me." Brenda whispered out of breathe from his kisses.
Sonny stopped long enough to look at her.
"Are you sure ?"
"Yes, I can't wait any longer. I want you. " Brenda said before kissing him.
Without another word he carried her upstairs to his bedroom.
He gently lay her on the bed and began to undress her as Brenda unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands over his chest and arms. His muscles tightened and he covered her body with his. The rest of the night was spent making love over and over. 
Later that night Brenda finally fell asleep. Sonny lay beside her, watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. He couldn't bear to lose her again. He was scared that he would. He slowly got off the bed and pulled on his robe.
He walked down the hall to the nursery. Stone was sitting up in his crib, twirling his blanket around. 
"Hey buddy. What are you doing up ?"
The little boy smiled up at his father.
Sonny smiled and lifted his son out of his crib. He went over to the rocking chair in the room and sat down.
"Yeah, that's me. I'm your Daddy. You know I missed a lot of your life already but I won't miss anymore. I promise. Me and your mom are going to be together. I'm going to make her so happy. You are going to be happy too. Not like me when I was growing up.
You are already a pretty lucky kid you know. You've got a fantastic mother."

Brenda rolled over in bed and her arm hit the other side of the bed. She opened one eye 
and saw that Sonny was gone. She sat up in a panic then heard his voice. It was coming from Stone's monitor. She turned it up and smiled.

"...We both are pretty lucky to have her you know. I love her so much. I love you too. We'll be a happy family. You , me, your mom and maybe some brothers and sisters for you."
Brenda smiled to herself. Some, she thought. I bet he's thinking in the lines of ten or twenty, she thought to herself. She turned the monitor volume back down and went back to sleep with a smile on her face.
Sonny pulled out a small black jewelry box out of the pocket of his robe. He opened it with one hand. Inside was a sparkling diamond engagement ring. He intended to propose to Brenda, he was just waiting for the right time. He wanted everything to be perfect.  He was going to do things right this time but he didn't want to push. Maybe it was too soon. He didn't want her to say no and there was a chance she might. 
 Sonny looked down at his son.
"Well, what do you think ? Do you think your mom will marry me ?"
Stone just dropped his toy on the floor and didn't say anything.
Sonny stood up and put Stone back in his crib before picking up his toy.
"You know I appreciate you being good tonight and all but you should really go to bed tonight. Little kids need their sleep and your mom and I have a busy day tomorrow. I have to plan something special for your mom."
Sonny tucked his son in for the night and went back into his room to get some sleep. He crawled into the bed next to Brenda. She instinctively snuggled closer to him. Sonny slept through the entire night for the first time in a long time.

Chapter 108

Brenda woke before Sonny did that sunny morning. She smiled at his sleeping form. Gently, she traced his handsome face with her finger. She watched as he finally woke and opened his eyes to see the love of his life smiling back at me.
"Hey sleepy head. Decided to wake up huh ?" She teased playfully.
Sonny leaned over and kissed her.
"Well, I was tired. You wore me out last night."
"Me ?"
Sonny kept kissing her until she finally pulled away.
"You know I'd love to stay in bed with you all day and not face the world but we've got things to do." 
Sonny groaned and fell back onto the bed as he watched Brenda leave the bed and walk into the bathroom.
"What things ? "
"I have lots of things to do today. You should get up too. I have to get Stone ready and I have to help Robin get some things ready for Felicia's wedding. It's coming up in a few weeks. Not to mention that I have to meet Julia for a few drinks this afternoon." Brenda called out from the bathroom before emerging dressed with her hair pulled up.
"You called her ?" 
"I told her that I was busy today and that I'd meet her at the her hotel later."
"I don't mind if you know, you want to cancel dinner tonight. You should see your sister while she's still in town." Sonny offered
Brenda sat on the bed next to him and gave him a quick kiss before digging through her purse for her keys.
"That's sweet honey but I really can't sit through a whole meal with her if she's going to be all negative and everything."
Sonny sighed. He knew that Brenda didn't like fighting with her sister. Julia made it clear that she didn't like him.
"I'm sorry."
Brenda was digging through the dresser looking for something but stopped when she heard Sonny.
"For what ?"
"You wouldn't be fighting with Julia if she liked me."
"Sweetie, that's not true. We always fight. If it weren't about you then it would be something else. Besides, she doesn't know you. Not like I do. She just has to get to know you better."
"As well as you ?"
"Yeah." Brenda moved closer to him to kiss him goodbye. "We'll, maybe not as well as me. ..Listen, I'm already running late and Robin's probably waiting so I'm going to go grab her and go. Stone is in his nursery. Just get him dressed and feed him."
"I've got it covered. I was planning on spending the day with him."
Brenda smiled.
"That's good. Oh, Mike said that he would drop by later since he had the morning off. Maybe you know, you can do something together. All three of you."
Sonny looked at her skeptically.
"Sonny, please. Stone would like it. Mike really loves his grandson and I know he'd love to spend some time with you. You could go to a ballgame or something. It'll be fun."
Sonny got out of bed and walked over to Brenda who was putting her shoes on.
"Brenda, its not baseball season and I haven't-"
"You know what I meant. Go to the park or something."
Sonny saw how persistent she was. He reluctantly agreed to let Mike spend the day with him and Stone.
"Promise you'll be nice to him!"
"Promise !"
He sighed.
"Can I please get a word in ?"
"No, now promise." She ordered.
"I'll try."
"That's the best I'm going to get, isn't it ?"
"Yes now I will try to be on my best behavior around Mike no matter how much he gets on my nerves. At least for today."
Brenda smiled with content.
"That's good. I have to run. Have a good day. You won't regret it."
Brenda gave him a kiss on the cheek before rushing out of the room.
"Brenda, what about breakfast ?" Sonny yelled after her.
"I'll get something later." Brenda called over her shoulder as she walked down the hall to Stone's nursery. She smiled at him over the crib.
"Hey baby."
"Yeah, It's your momma. I have to go out but daddy and grandpa are going to take care of you."
Brenda carried him out of the room and into the bedroom where Sonny was still standing. She handed the little boy to Sonny.
"Here you go. He's awake and everything"
Sonny took him and held him close. Brenda smiled at the two most important men in her life.
"Okay, I'm really leaving now. I love you both. Bye."
"I love you too."
Brenda gave each other them a kiss before leaving the room again and rushing out the front door.
Sonny looked down at his son who was looking back at him.
"Yep, that was your mom. She isn't usually like that but you probably know that by now. I guess its just you and me today buddy."
"Granpaa" Stone mumbled
"Don't remind me."
Sonny did a double take and looked at him in surprise.
"What ?"
Sonny smiled at his son.
"I knew that's what you said before. Yeah buddy. I'm your Daddy. You are such h a smart kid."
Stone started yakking away in his baby talk when Sonny put him on the bed while he got dressed. He threw on a blue suit with white dress shirt. After finally getting Stone ready to go to the park and packing some of his things Mike finally arrived. Sonny was in the kitchen trying to get Stone to sit still in his high chair.
"Sonny, Renaldo let me in."
He looked up to see his father standing in the doorway.
"Where were you when I needed you an hour ago ?" Sonny grumbled 
Mike tried to stifle a laugh.
"He is a handful. Need some help ?"
"I just got him dressed and bathed. All I need to do now is feed him but he doesn't seem to want to."
Mike gestured to the food.
"Of course he doesn't. Look at what you're serving him."
"What do you suggest then ?"
"Prepare something better. I'm sure being the master chef that you are that you can throw something together. I may be able to help."
Mike walked over to the stove and saw the mess that was there. The pasta sauce that Sonny had tried to cook the previous night had spilled all over the pot. 
 "What is this ?"
Sonny looked embarrassed.
"I burned dinner." He said in a low voice.
"What ?"
"I tried to cook dinner for Brenda last night and I accidentally burned it. Are you happy now?" Sonny repeated
"You ? How ?" Mike asked 
"I got distracted."
"Oh. I take it things are going good with Brenda."
"Things are going great with Brenda. Anymore questions ?"
"No, I've got an idea. Why don't we scratch this and go out. We can go to Luke's and grab a bite. We can show my beautiful grandson off."
Sonny agreed remembering the promise he made to Brenda.
He picked Stone up and followed a laughing Mike out of the kitchen.


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